Boom, a group of dazzling light burst between them, the sky and the earth are rumbling, can only see two shadows crazy movement and then attack, no one can do anything about each other!

Yang Tiance looks at the opposite mirror image, and he has infinite embarrassment in his heart. Yes, embarrassment. He feels very embarrassed now. He seems to be launching his own attack on a mirror crazily, but he has been unable to do anything about the other party!

After hitting the back, Yang Tiance's heart also appeared anger. With a roar, the dark air between heaven and earth was devoured by him madly. A powerful momentum on his whole body rolled up the clouds and clouds in the sky, and then, his fierce fist smashed out at this moment!

At the same time, a huge figure appeared behind him, which was illusory, as if it did not exist at all, but everyone seemed to be able to feel the shadow. It was as high as the sky and full of dignity. Under it, everything was mole ants, which could easily destroy everything between heaven and earth!

Yang Tiance blows out a fist, and Xu Ying also blows out at this moment. This is one of the strongest means he can play at present. Bahuang fist, which suppresses heaven and earth and eight wasteland, is unmatched!

However, what made him more angry and more embarrassed was that he acted like this, and the opposite was also like this, and the two fists collided with each other.

With a bang, Yang Tiance felt an unmatched and violent force breaking out at this moment. Then his body was beaten and flew out. At the same time, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth. At this moment, his whole person flew backward for nearly kilometers.

When he stabilized his body, his face turned white continuously, as if he had been hurt very seriously. He was like this, but the amazing thing happened. The mirror image on the opposite side didn't fly out like before!

"What the hell is going on here?" People who don't know why exclaimed. They seemed to see that something had changed in front of them.

"Mirror heart is not just a mirror, it is a more magical existence!" Kuang Xi said, his face became ferocious, and there was a strong resentment. Looking at the rear mirror, he seemed to have an impulse to break it!

The incident happened again at this moment. Because Yang Tiance flies backwards, who is the mirror image? Everyone knows clearly. At this moment, he actually moves his body, and then looks at his body in a daze. Then he looks at his body with a strange smile on his face!!

"Hoo!" His body vibrated at this moment, and then he opened his arms to embrace the whole sky. The mysterious air between heaven and earth directly boils at this moment. Then, the countless mysterious air of heaven and earth all surged towards him madly at this moment. Soon, his whole person gave out a long cry!

Boom, powerful momentum from his body spread out, the whole person at this moment like a God King general, extremely powerful!

"I'm afraid you're going to lose here. You can't beat me!" He even spoke to Yang Tiance at this moment.

"He spoke." There was an uproar in the same place. This level was really amazing. Except for a few people in the whole college, they knew little about it. At this time, they were really shocked to the extreme! At the same time, they also know one thing, that is, the mirror image in front of them seems to be more powerful than Yang Tiance, and the momentum on his body is more terrifying!

"Mirror heart is not only fighting in this mirror all the time, it can still move, it can even be more powerful than you." The Dean gnashing his teeth said, he has endless resentment, also do not know how much torture he suffered here!

"This is not to say that Yang Tiance is equal to a stronger fight against himself in the future?" Chen Dong hit the nail on the head.

The president did not speak, but nodded calmly!

"How can we get through this Gao Hu asked.

"You need to understand it by yourself. Sometimes you don't understand it when I tell it to you. I can only say that the road of the strong is the same as before, but it is more powerful and more magical here." Kuang eleven.

"I will not lose, because you are not me, I am me, no one can perfectly copy me!" Yang Tiance looks at the opposite mirror image. He smiles at this moment. The whole body moves for a moment. It seems that he is very angry!

"If you have to say that, what can I do? It seems that only a good education and education for you Mirror looking at Yang Tiance said, his face flashed a strange smile, the next moment, his body suddenly appeared in front of Yang Tiance!

Where he disappeared, there was a lotus flower, and there was also a lotus flower where he appeared. Yang Tiance's secret skill is to grow lotus step by step.

When this guy appeared, he directly hit Yang Tiance with a fist in the air, and the golden light on his mirror image was constantly flashing. A greater force than Yang Tiance had suddenly burst out at this moment, beating his body out!

"Not bad!" Yang Tiance's mouth crack out a smile, he looked at his arm, the surface can not see too many things, but he found that his bones have appeared cracks, the other party will crack his bones!"Is it?" A smile appeared in the corner of the mirror mouth. It seemed that he had perfectly copied everything Yang Tiance could do. At this time, he stepped out of the fierce finger towards the front, and suddenly there was an infinite sword spirit between heaven and earth. A long lost martial skill, the eight wind and rain sword, that countless sword spirit madly cut Yang Tiance's body!

At the same time, huahongbu was fully displayed by him. There were more lotus flowers in the air, one after another. There was a figure on each lotus flower. What connected these lotus flowers seemed to be a rainbow!

And these figures on the lotus will be a door Yang Tiance will be able to fight at this moment.

Shenghuo Jue, baquan, ninghuo palm, and a lot of Bahuang boxing, the countless attacks completely envelop Yang Tiance at the moment!

"Hiss!" Countless attacks appeared, and people who saw this scene were sucking in the air. They seemed to see something very incredible and terrible. Many tutors' faces had changed. If there were so many attacks, they might not be able to bear it!

Yang Tiance's own strength has not been fully seen by them. However, the strength shown by the mirror image at this moment can not guarantee that they must be Yang Tiance's opponent even if they don't use Xuanyu!

In particular, after Yang Tiance's strength has been improved, baquan has become invincible, and its mirror image strength is stronger. It can meet with Xuanyu!

Yang Tiance saw a lot of attacks on him, and his mouth cocked slightly: "you are not me after all!"

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