The seed released a green light. The seed swept across the past to Tang Qingzhu. Tang Qingzhu let out a roar, and raised his sword to chop the seed again!

He Xuanyu, Xuanling, are emitting a strong light, seems to be about to kill Yang Tiance!


The seed and the sword collided together, sending out a huge roar like the sky split, a group of dazzling light directly burst out at this moment, rolling Xuanli shock out!

Yang Tiance stands in the same place, his body is constantly shaking.

Tang Qingzhu seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. The blow directly sent him out tens of thousands of meters. His mouth was full of blood, and his bones were broken at this moment.

"Ah, Yang Tiance, you forced me!" Tang Qingzhu's fierce blood spurted on his sword, and then he also learned from the overlord to make a cut in his hand. He held the sword as a whole, and his spirit was infused into the sword with his blood!

He cut a sword at Yang Tiance in the air. A bloody sword light rushed to Yang Tiance from afar. The next moment, the sword light killed him!


Yang Tiance blocked the seed in front of his body, taking the seed as the center to form a shield. The sword light hit hard on the shield, and suddenly the sword light collapsed. But Yang Tiance was beaten to fly out thousands of meters at this moment, and then his face became pale and his body was shaking!

"It's impossible, you die for me!" Tang Qingzhu's body was withered, like a skeleton, but he attacked Yang Tiance again!

He Xuanyu, Xuanling, the whole person burst out a burst of piercing light, into the long sword, and then, the bloody sword ran to Yang Tiance at this moment!

"Break it for me!" Yang Tiance instilled his mysterious power into the seed without reservation. Then the seed hit the sword like a meteorite!


The roar appeared, the towering light annihilated everything, and everyone's ears were buzzing. The violent Xuanli directly made a huge hole of nearly 10000 meters in place, and the Xuanli storm swept out was a severe impact on all people. All the people's bodies were constantly retreating, and their faces were pale!

But the seed and the long sword collided with each other fiercely. Tang Qingzhu's body was knocked out, and his body and the long sword were fiercely beaten away!

On the other side, the seeds fall from the air to the ground. Yang Tiance, who controls the seeds, falls to the ground directly. His face is extremely pale, and there is no fluctuation of mysterious power on his body!

This blow, he exhausted all his strength!

"Ha ha ha ha, Yang Tiance, it seems that I won. Even if we are both ordinary people, I have an iron sword, and you also have an iron sword. However, I am stronger than you. How can you be my opponent?"

Yang Tiance fell to the ground, and Tang Qingzhu's body appeared in the sky. After he was beaten to fly out, he flew back. At the moment, his body was atrophied to the extreme, his skin withered, which was comparable to the old bark. His breath was also extremely weak. Many places on his body were completely exploded, and many bones were completely broken!

He took out a pill and swallowed it in his mouth. He was still floating in the sky with a long sword and looked at Yang Tiance.

"It seems that you are a little better than me!" Yang Tiance replied feebly.

"Nonsense, you have exhausted all your mysterious power now, and I still have some. I can kill your dog with one stroke." Tang Qingzhu said.

"Is it? But you forget that Lao Tzu is not alone. Kill him for me Yang Tiance scolds directly!


Hearing this, Gao Hu, Liu long, Lin Lin, Dongfang Hao, Dongfang Ling, Ling Yaru, and the blue water from behind all made their moves at this moment. Led by Ling Yaru, a fire phoenix was gathered and killed to the opposite side. Other attacks were also fought in succession. The powerful force directly hit Tang Qingzhu's body!

Tang Qingzhu's body was hit and fell from the sky to the ground, smashing out a huge hole. He was lying in the hole, constantly wriggling. There was not much blood in his body coming out of his mouth, with the remains of his internal organs!

He used his sword to block the attack at the critical moment, but he was running out of oil and the lamp was dry. Where could he resist it?

"You, um..." Tang Qingzhu, lying in a hole on the ground, wanted to talk, but his throat was blocked by something, and he couldn't say a word!

"What to do with him?" Gao Hu, they look at Tang Qingzhu!

"Let's leave it alone and leave him to Yaru." Yang Tiance took out the pill and swallowed it into his stomach. Then he came here and looked at the situation below.

"There's a thousand vine poison in that box, isn't it?" Ling Yaru asked Yang Tiance, pointing to the box he had taken out before.

Yang Tiance nodded, Ling Ya Ru reached out and grabbed the box, which flew to Ling Ya Ru's hand."Cough!" Tang Qingzhu kept wriggling. He coughed, and then a piece of visceral thing was vomited out of his mouth. He looked at the group of people in front of him and laughed in despair: "I didn't expect that I would die here. Yang Tiance, what kind of monster are you? Why do you have so many inexplicable things? You shouldn't, shouldn't, I should It should be the real winner. I have paid so much, so much... "

His voice has become weak to the extreme, however, he is still looking at Yang Tiance and their resentment.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you right away, because..." Ling Yaru spoke, full of endless hatred. Her eyes looked at Tang Qingzhu, and the meaning of senhan in her eyes seemed to freeze the whole world!

"I'm going to die, I know, but I'm not willing to die. If you want to die, you will die with me!" Tang Qingzhu suddenly became full of vitality. He laughed wildly and looked at Yang Tiance. There was a strong pleasure in their eyes.

"What the hell did you do?" Gao Hu's face changed!

There is a light in front of Tang Qingzhu's body, and then a strange wave spreads out at this moment. The scattered light is the compass that appeared before!

"Damn it!" Ling Yaru's face changed and poisoned Tang Qingzhu with the thousand vines in the box. Tang Qingzhu screamed madly. Because his body was too weak, he couldn't stand it, and he was about to die. Ling Yaru dropped his hand and Tang Qingzhu was beaten to pieces of mud.

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