After the time Yang Tiance talked about in the hall, he went to find his partners and asked them to go out and do something for themselves. After listening to Yang Tiance's words, they went without any hesitation. At this juncture, no one wants to make any mistakes in this matter.

In the morning of the next day, all the people of Tianhuang college gathered. Both the tutors and the students set off. They gathered together and dressed up one by one. They were rich or expensive at first. They were the dragon and Phoenix among people. Last time they did this, but this time, it was more excessive than the last time. Yang Tiance didn't know how to describe it Yes.

Look like a super upstart.

Facing such a person, Yang Tiance's heart is filled with endless despair!

Really, he really suspected that the brain circuits of the people in Tianhuang college are abnormal. You are going to travel in full dress, but which normal person will not scold you secretly when he sees you!

All the people in Tianhuang college gathered together, and the team was huge. However, they seemed to dislike that the team was not large enough. They even assembled the peripheral personnel of Tianhuang college. Even the old women sweeping the floor came. The number of people in Tianhuang college was not too large. I really don't know where they got a large number of people. It seems dense and dense in a trance, afraid it is no less than ten thousand Others!

"Hey, who dares to challenge us for our style?" Yang Tiance's partners are all around him, and Gao Hu says this with pride.

"That is, the forces with small minds are scared to death when they see so many of us. How dare they compete with us?"

"There are so many of us, and the academy is so powerful that the royal family dare not be arrogant in front of us. They dare not to let Dongfang Hao become the emperor and flatten the imperial palace. We will be ministers, and the president will be the emperor."

"It's really magnificent. If we go out, the subjects of the whole empire will envy us!"

One by one, the students have been talking about, elated, as if they have reached the peak, very hi!

"Ha ha ha ha ha, the academy is going out to fight. We are invincible this time!" A student was laughing wildly. He wanted to brag about it. Suddenly, he let out a Scream: "look, the future emperor of the Empire and the master of shaking the sky are coming!"

Many students looked at the past for the first time, and then they were dumbfounded. Then they burst out a piercing scream, and the sound seemed to spread through the sky!

Eighteen mysterious beasts with ancient dragon blood appeared in the sky. Jiaolong, snake with long horns, and Xuan beast with claws and dragon head but snake body. A total of 18 Xuan beasts, most of them are different in appearance, but they all have four grades of Xuan beast, and they all have light dragon power.

These mysterious beasts, if not some of the ancient dragon's blood is so thin that it almost does not exist, or other mysterious animals that want to evolve towards the dragon.

Their bodies are huge, each body is several tens of meters long. These are 18 dragons with tens of meters in length. They are released from their bodies, and the sound of dragon chanting rings out at this moment, shaking the sky and earth!

And these dragons have shackles. Behind the shackles is a huge gold palace. Of course, it is not very huge, but it is made of gold. The palace is tens of meters round.

Eighteen dragons, eh It's not Jiaolong, or any other dragon is also dragon. Eighteen dragons drag the golden palace to fly above the sky, just like the ancient emperor of heaven on a patrol. The palace radiates dazzling light under the sun. Many students of Tianhuang college burst into tears when they saw this scene.

Their excited bodies are shaking!

There are three chairs in front of the palace, the middle of which is a dragon chair. The whole body is made of gold. On the Dragon chair at least 10 meters tall, there is a person sitting on it. This person is not other than Dongfang Hao.

At this time, Dongfang Hao was wearing clothes made of softened gold. On his body, whether it was the crown on his head or the jade pendant on his body, even the socks, shoes, belts and so on he was wearing, all of which were at least four grades of metaphysics!

But his position is not in the middle, but on the right. Besides him, there are two chairs! One of them is very familiar. It's nothing else. It's a chair that shakes the sky like an iron sword throne. At this time, one of the two chairs is rocking the sky, the other is Dongfang Hao!

In the middle, there is a seat that looks very luxurious. This is a chair that looks like a gem, but the person who sees this chair can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood at this moment!

It was a chair made by Xuantian Baoyu. What is Xuantian Baoyu? It is said that there was a world war on the ancient stars. After the death of ancient powers, a large part of their body strength would return to heaven and earth, but There are some more powerful powers. After their death, their own strength will not dissipate. They will float in the endless sky. When their power finally turns into precious jade, they will fall from the sky by chance.

Anything that's just the size of the nail plate is worth a lot, and it's This NIMA is a chair!"It turns out that poverty limits my imagination There is a heaven in the sky, and there are people out of the people! " Some people burst into tears at this moment. It's true that they will die at the end of the morning!

"Is that the dean?" Another one screamed, then pointed to the man who suddenly appeared on the seat made by Xuantian Baoyu with shaking hands.

Yang Tiance looked, almost did not faint at this moment. As expected, what appeared on the chair was really Kuang 11, "forgive me for my lack of knowledge. Originally, they are all in the same line!"

Looking around, Yang Tiance found that he was an alien. As for the reason why he didn't find the Dean last time, it turns out that he didn't go out at the beginning, but now Who is fighting?

"Let's go to the imperial city. This time, it's very important, but we can't lose the face of our college!" Kuang said.

Boom, all the students below are completely exploded at this moment. One by one, they make a loud roar like the sky. It's so awesome and so powerful!

Eighteen dragons made the sound of dragon chanting, and then they took the golden palace and flew towards the imperial city. The sound of dragon chanting appeared in the sky and the earth, and the sound of dragon chanting was heard all over the world!

Eighteen dragons lead the way ahead, followed by the students of Tianhuang college. In the past, some of the students of Tianhuang college had a mount or something, but they were only a few, but now Basically, the old women who sweep the floor are riding a fierce and ferocious mysterious beast, and they are equipped with inhumane equipment. They are almost to the point that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha. It's terrible to the extreme!

"Where do you get so many mysterious beasts?" Yang Tiance couldn't help asking his partner. On his side of the partners are each a Xuan beast as a mount, Lin Lin and Yaru two women have a very beautiful look under the body.

"It's not you and shake the sky that caused the disaster. Last time you didn't say it. The last time the mount rocked the sky completely stimulated everyone. As a result, the students of Tianhuang college are embarrassed to go out if they don't have a mount." Gao Hu said, he is a huge lion!

Riding the northern wild wolf, Yang Tiance couldn't help thinking in his heart: "what the hell did I bring to the college?"

"The Xuan beast in the xuanshou mountain range has suffered a lot these days. You didn't go outside to see the world after you left the pass. You may not know that now the whole emperor has the ability. All of them have mounts. If you go out without a mount, others will not like you." Liu long said.

"But it's not right. Powerful people can tame their mounts naturally, but do everyone have the ability to tame their mounts? They are not afraid to be eaten back by these mysterious beasts?" Yang Tiance asked.

"That's nature. A tutor of Yuanwu college created a kind of Xuanqi, which can let people control Xuan beast. Do you think there is a circle around the neck of most Xuan beasts? It's not just us. Now the people in Yuanwu college and Xingchen college are all riding each other! The circle was created by the people of Yuanwu Academy. Hehe, but the secret was cracked later. Therefore, all the people in the imperial capital had the means to control the Xuan beast. " Gao Hu said.

Yang Tiance glanced at it and found that there was a circle of dark gold around the neck of many Xuan beasts, which sent out a strange wave, which made the Xuan beasts very obedient: "what happened in this period of time?"

Gao Hu said with a smile: "don't think too much. You will know what you should know."

Yang Tiance shook his head and didn't speak any more. The world is getting worse, and people are not old-fashioned! After he left the pass, Yang Tiance also wandered around the college. Last time he went to the imperial palace with Kuang 11, he mixed up with the two women in the later time, and then dealt with the people in Baiyang city. There were too many things he didn't really understand.

It seems that the Yuanwu empire is no longer the Yuanwu empire he knew before!

Today is the grand ceremony of the emperor's accession to the throne. When they came to the street, Kuang Xi and others were flying in the sky. They were majestic. Those who had flying mounts were flying. Most of the others were running on the ground.

The vast scene was appalling to the extreme.

"My God!" The people of the imperial capital are also excited today. This is a grand event, and they are all well prepared. However, seeing this huge team, they are scared and shaking. After a careful look, many people start to cry.

It's too fuckin 'striking. It's all human. Why is the gap so big?

"Tianhuang college is really awesome!" All the people in the capital all know the bad habit of Tianhuang college. Now, they can't give birth to any ironic heart. They can only praise from the bottom of their hearts. They are forced to do it!

"Hehe, do you think they will be beaten if they are so arrogant?" In a heartfelt exclamation, suddenly appeared such a sentence, it seems a little bit dazzling.

The other side did not cover up, and the people of Tianhuang college didn't listen on purpose. However, they stood close and their ears were good. As a result, they heard this.

Yang Tiance and the people around him looked at the place where the voice came from. This look, others do not know, Yang Tiance pupil fierce in this moment a burst of contraction.Beside them, there was a man and a woman. One of them was riding a pony which was not much bigger than a donkey. The other woman, looking fifteen or six years old, was wearing a bright yellow Ru skirt. She looked very beautiful. Her eyes were very big, her skin was very white, and she had a spirit. She always gave people a strange feeling of spirit That's what the girl said.

The man next to him is the Wuxing state warrior that Yang Tiance and Kuang Xi met before!

"If you want to hit them, then hit them. What do you say to me?" The corner of the young man's mouth twitched for a moment, and subconsciously took two steps towards the side. It seemed that some of them did not dare to stand with the girl.

"Cousin, I'm your cousin. Don't forget that I have brain disease. If you dare to do this again, I can't control myself if I commit brain disease." Said the girl.

The young man's body trembled and his face turned white. It seemed that the two words of brain disease made him extremely afraid.

"Be careful, we went out this time, but we had better not make trouble. Besides, these people are too weak. If something happens, it will be really bad. How can we explain it to the Lord?" There are two people in grey behind the girl.

They looked old and their voice was sharp. They looked like ordinary old men. But the breath of these two people was as powerful as prison. Yang Tiance only felt it for a moment, and then there was a big wave in his heart!

Like the young man, they are all strong in the five element realm, but this girl is a little weak. However, she has pushed her accomplishments to Xuanyu realm!

"Where are so many strong men?" After feeling for a while, Yang Tiance quietly glanced at these people with the star eyes, and he had endless doubts in his heart.

In fact, when it comes to genius, Daye Zun has seen so many geniuses. In the divine world, many babies just come out, and there are rules in their bodies. There is a small world in their bodies. They are extremely powerful. They can become the strong among the strong without training.

But it also depends on where it is?

They can't come out of the martial arts empire for several years. They are not talented people in this area!

"How can there be a familiar smell in this girl?" Yang Tiance's eyes turned to the girl again.

Just a cursory look at their cultivation, but in the end, Yang Tiance had a different feeling, especially on this girl, which gave him a feeling of closeness!

Just want to continue to launch star eyes to see her, as a result, the students of Tianhuang college beside Yang Tiance can't stand it.

"Where do you all come from? Know who we are no, what are we going to do? Now, how dare you say that? Who are you going to hit? And the old man, who do you think is weak? Who is weak? We are all the genius of the Empire. " One of the young students said this.

A man and a woman two old men can't help laughing at this moment, genius?

The girl, in particular, couldn't help laughing. Her voice was very clear, just like the lark, it was so pleasant to hear and felt very happy.

"You..." This student wants to teach these people a lesson when he moves.

"Stop it. Come back to me. Don't make trouble." Yang Tiance raised his hand fiercely, and Tianxuan Zhenjue started. Suddenly, a force of strength suddenly broke into a volume at this moment. He immediately caught the man: "gentlemen, the young students are not sensible, have not offended you. We have something to deal with here, so we won't greet you for the moment. How about having a drink with you after today's event?"

"Well?" As soon as Yang Tiance made a move, all four of them put their eyes on Yang Tiance at the same time. There was an infinite look of horror and doubt in their eyes. Especially the little girl, she gave a cry, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked at Yang Tiance in a daze. Her head was crooked and she thought about what to think of.

"What's the situation?" Yang Tiance is also a little unclear, so, he and the people next to him said hello, let them go quickly.

Although Yang Tiance has always been arrogant and does not put anyone in the eye, but in the face of absolute gap, he will not be hot headed!

This group of people did not leave Yang Tiance for a moment. Even if Yang Tiance left, their eyes were still fixed on Yang Tiance.

Yang Tiance's doubts have not disappeared, but he is not in the mood to think more, because they soon came to the imperial city.

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