
In a flash, Yang Tiance and the northern wolf disappeared in the same place, asking for Qianniu's powerful attack, not to mention destroying one Yang Tiance. Even ten Yang Tiance had no problem, but they just disappeared. The powerful attack directly bombarded the ground and broke out the roar of earth shaking.

Xuanli storm swept out at this moment, making this place continue to rumble, very terrible.

But now it's embarrassing. Yang Tiance, like a mole ant in Qiu Qianniu's eyes, as well as that animal, disappeared. They even disappeared in front of him, a strong man in the five elements.

"Who are you?" Ask Qianniu to point to Yang Tiance, who has already run into the round array, with the intent of killing all over his face.

He really did not know who Yang Tiance was, because no one told him, but after meeting Yang Tiance, he found that this was a pure weak chicken, so he had no interest. Because Yang Tiance was really too weak. Even if ye linger asked Yang Tiance to be treated the same as her, he did not let Qiu Qianniu take a high look.

"Who? That's what you want to know? Do you think I'll tell you that I'm your father? " Yang Tiance into the round array, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, in the face of the question of asking Qianniu, he seriously answered.

When he entered the circle array, he relaxed a lot about his life safety. At least in the round array, there were several masters beside him. Before he died, the first ones to die were these masters. Of course, relatively speaking, he is also dangerous, because he is not really trapped outside, but this round array can trap the strong of the five elements. Whether it is worthwhile or not, we can only have different opinions.

"Well?" Beg Qianniu Leng for a moment, he actually did not understand what Yang Tiance was saying.

"Pooh Ye ling'er began to laugh at this moment, and two old men in gray also understood the meaning of Yang Tiance's words at this moment, so it is.

"You want to die, little beast, you die for me!" Please Qianniu was furious at this moment, and he looked at the other three people: "you all die, none of you can live, this time do not kill you, I beg Qianniu's name to write upside down."

Looking ferocious, he glanced at Yang Tiance again and said, "and you little beast, whether it's Chen Tianyu or other people who want to deal with you, you're dead this time. What's behind me has nothing to do with me, but because of what you said just now, you are really finished, and you will die miserably. "

"Come on Yang Tiance is so directly staring at the front of Qiu Qianniu. ,

"die!" In the face of such a situation, Qiu Qianniu hesitated again and took a direct shot. However, with his strength, he could not have killed them. Therefore, Yang Tiance did not have the slightest worry on his face.

However, when Qiu Qianniu really made a move, Yang Tiance's face changed at this moment, because he actually saw the magical side of qiuqianniu at this moment.


He is just a light hand, but such a plain hand, even at this moment burst out of the towering power, his whole tower that innumerable stars toward the body of thousands of cattle, convergence, and then the incomparably powerful power directly into a giant sword, cut over!

"Hum, you have some skills. You are not really weak. With the help of the array, you have the strength comparable to the five elements state. However, this is not the opponent of our group of old guys." Faced with such a situation, the thin and grey old man gave a cool smile.

That strong to the horror of the power straight to the old man in gray killed, but the old man in gray just in this moment hate indifferent raised his hand toward the front of a fierce grasp!

For a time, the five elements between heaven and earth were boiling up at this moment, and it directly turned into a lotus flower and smashed it towards the huge sword for thousands of cattle.

This lotus flower is incomparably beautiful. A leaf represents a kind of mysterious power. However, there is still a little golden light in the middle of these five elements.

The golden light of this point is so bright that the five elements' mysterious force keeps rotating, which adds a powerful power to the golden light in the middle!

The attack of Qiu Qianniu killed into the circle array, and the lotus flower of the old man in grey directly bumped into it at this moment.


The roaring sound appeared, the dazzling light broke out at this moment, and the powerful Xuanli storm completely exploded at this moment, sweeping the world.


When the powerful force swept to Yang Tiance and ye ling'er, another old man in gray waved his hand, and the furious power was destroyed.

No one cares about such a small matter, and they all put their eyes on the collision. The lotus flower and the giant sword collide together. At this moment, the lotus breaks out the tremendous power and directly smashes the sword. Then the lotus flower kills Qianniu!


However, the lotus flower stopped at the edge of the circle array. This beautiful lotus flower was directly blocked by the circle array. The roar appeared, the explosive force spread, and the lotus collapsed. The round array trembled for a while, without any problem.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, even if you are strong, so what? I can never stop attacking you, and your attack can't do any harm to me." The face of Qianniu is ugly.But he still laughed.

It's a strange thing.

"Hehe, do you think you can really kill us? Even if we two warriors of the five elements state stand still and let you attack continuously for three months, you can't break our defense. Can you be our opponent The old man in grey laughed, and he showed great disdain.

"Don't be too proud. I want to see if you are as good as you said." Qiu Qianniu said angrily, and then he continued to move at this moment. He attacked the old man in gray madly. It seemed that he would not give up until he killed the old man in grey.

And the old man in grey also fought back one after another. The roar appeared constantly, and his power was earth shaking.

Ask Qianniu to integrate with the array here. His momentum is growing and his rage is to the extreme. At this time, he stands like a god standing on the big river. If he raises his hand at will, he will be swept out of the sky!

And the old man in gray is a wave between the golden power burst out and countless waves hard to meet together. And every time the old man in grey hits out an attack, the golden power is surrounded by five elements!

What is the five element state?

The five elements state is to master the laws of heaven and earth of the other five attributes on the basis of breeding attributes. The five laws of heaven and earth are constantly changing, and then make up for their own attributes, so the attack is fierce to terrifying.


After hundreds of moves in a flash, the dazzling light broke out completely, and the violent mysterious power swept into shock, and the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth was boiling to the extreme.

I'm busy recently, but I'm almost finished. I'll start at five o'clock every day from tomorrow.

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