"What's the matter?" Yang Tiance quickly asked, ye linger's expression at the moment is not so right, even she exclaimed, who knows what happened? The main reason why Yang CE came to the sea area was that he didn't know who was still in the sea.

He doesn't know how much distance Dongzhou city is from the sea area, but I'm afraid it's no less than billions of miles away. That's all. But don't send it all at once. You don't even know where you are. It's bad. It's too far away. He has to fight Chen Tianyu for three months. Don't put all these time on the road.

"We are in the South China Sea Ye ling'er said with an ugly face: "moreover, it is still in the sea area hundreds of millions of miles away from the South China Sea."

"What? This... " Yang Tiance was speechless all of a sudden. In four directions, Southeast and northwest, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, they went to the South China Sea at once. Time and space are the most mysterious places in the world. They can't be measured by normal people's thinking. However, it's too far away!

Such a long distance, an ordinary person in his life, he also can not complete this part of the journey. Even if you are a warrior, you have to depend on the strength of your accomplishments.

"If we go to Antarctica, how long will it take?" Yang Tiance asked Ye linger. If you can get to Nanzhou from the South China Sea, you can use the transmission array of Nanzhou to Zhongzhou.

"At our own speed, I'm afraid it won't work. Even if we are fast, it will take at least six months to get to Antarctica!" Ye ling'er said.

"Six months?" Yang Tiance heard this, his face became ugly, ugly to the extreme, he needs at least six months, he is here, so lingyaru how to do?

"Are you worried about Ling Yaru's safety?" Ye linger looked at Yang Tiance and said: "in fact, you don't have to worry about this. Even if it's my divine order that may cause any huge consequences, but as long as my divine order starts, Ling Yaru will be OK."

"Well, no more!" Yang Tiance stopped ye ling'er with his hand. He was so ugly that he couldn't wait for a moment. He wanted to fly to Zhongzhou and cut Chen Tianyu into seventeen pieces.

He thought to himself, how can he go to Zhongzhou and transmit? But where is the teleportation array in the wilderness, and there is no space crystal stone. Is it true that he wants to fly all the way to Nanzhou?

"Now you really don't have to worry about the safety of lingyaru. In fact, I think now that you are worried about the safety of lingyaru, you might as well worry about us?" Ye linger said.

"Well?" Yang Tiance eyebrows stirred, he forced the palpitation in the heart pressed down.

"The sea area is not too terrible, because some of the sea areas have been explored by people, but our location, you see!" Ye linger said to Yang Tiance.

"Well?" Yang Tiance listened to her words and looked at her hand. At this time, you can see that there is a gray area on the disc except for the pattern in the middle. It is impossible to see clearly anything, only a faint red dot can be seen in which position.

"The clear area is what people have explored. Even if it is desolate and rare, there are still environments where human beings have lived, but here it is!" Ye ling'er pointed to the gray area and said: "here, it has not been explored, it belongs to an unknown area. Here, everything is too unknown. I am really afraid that something terrible will appear. At that time, it will be really bad."

Yang Tiance closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed down his mood: "it doesn't matter. No matter what unknown area or unknown area it is, can you cross Zhongzhou dangerously?"

When ye ling'er hears the speech, he shows a smile unconsciously. It's a strange thing. I don't know why. Yang Tiance always has a force to make people feel at ease. He is here as if everything is unimportant.

"Well, now that we know where we are, let's get ready. We're going. Anyway, we have to find a way to get to Zhongzhou." Yang Tiance said to Ye linger.

"Well, good!" Ye linger nodded.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, that is, to plan the next route. However, when we come to an area that has not been explored, I am afraid there will be some danger. Therefore, we must be prepared.

Yang Tiance released the northern wild wolf at this moment.

"Ouch!" After the appearance of the northern wild wolf, Yang Tiance saw that his eyes were straight at this moment. He didn't know when the northern wild wolf became big, at least bigger than when he put it into the space of dominoes.

All over the body emerged a strong wave, it actually broke through?

"It, it, it has nothing to say, and now it has broken through?" Ye ling'er also saw the northern wild wolf, and she said in surprise.

Before that, Beihuang wolf was weaker than Yang Tiance. Anyway, it was much weaker. However, after it crossed a great realm, its strength continued to soar. At this time, the wave burst out of his body was even stronger than that of Yang Tiance.There is a wave of law in my body.

That is to say, it's just a little bit short of the five grade Xuan beast.

"I'll go. How can you grow so fast?" Yang Tiance was completely surprised. The beast was extraordinary, and it was not a challenge. Now, it has been upgraded to the present level.

"Oh, I, I, I don't know!" After the North wild wolf's mouth issued a wolf howl, it actually spewed human words at this moment.

Its voice is very young, just like a few years old children, the articulation is not particularly clear.

"You, have you refined the Adam's apple?" Yang Tiance looks at the wolf. Animals can speak up to a certain extent. This was the case with the king of beasts in Baiyang mountains. However, the supernatural beast is different from the ordinary Xuan beast. Yang Tiance also does not know when the northern wolf can refine the laryngeal knot, because each Xuan beast is different.

There are even some mysterious beasts. The supernatural beasts will not refine their own laryngeal knots in their life. They are too arrogant. The northern wild wolf is obviously different!

To a certain extent, Xuan beast refined the throat knot, then forged its own body, and then transformed into human form.

"Well!" The brain bag of the northern wild wolf has been ordered.

"When will you be able to train yourself?" Yang Tiance asked it.

"I, I, I don't know. The Adam's knots are all refined by ourselves. I guess I need to wait until I have the strength to break this void! " Said the northern wolf, whose voice was mellow.

Seeing its huge body like a room, it always gives people a very discordant feeling when they talk like this!

"You, you, what is your mysterious beast?" When ye ling'er heard this conversation, he almost screamed.

Yang Tiance laughs. He doesn't pay attention to Ye linger. At this moment, he has countless words to say to the northern wolf.

It's a surprise. Although he could communicate with the wolf before, it always makes people feel so surprised at the moment.

Moreover, the northern wild wolf's strength growth speed is too fast, only one step short, it can become the five grade Xuan beast, which is equivalent to that Yang Tiance has an extra warrior in the extremely mysterious realm. Obviously, the northern wild wolf is not comparable to the ordinary extremely mysterious realm. If it becomes a Wupin Xuanwu beast, it can completely wrestle with the Wuxing realm!


Yang Tiance is talking to the northern wolf, but suddenly, an earth shaking roar appears at this moment. The sound is like the sky splitting at this moment. It is deafening and makes people's ears hum!

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