There should be no trace of God's control in this world. However, there are so many strange things happening here, which really puzzles Yang Tiance.

"Well, don't talk about it. Let's go straight to the city." Ye ling'er said.

Hearing this, of course, people don't want to go on. They run to the whole city in a flash. When they are near, they take up the warship and go straight to the city. It's not that they don't want to fly directly, but when they come to the city, they feel a pressure, so that they can't fly. It's OK What's the need.

Not only that, because there are people patrolling around the city, when they fly by, the people above will point their weapons at them.

There are eight huge gates in the whole city, which are the stairs formed by the spread of trees and branches. Yang Tiance and his party went up the stairs. When they came to the gate of the city, the guards also charged them with the cost of entering the city, which was not cheap.

At present, these little things are nothing to Yang Tiance. Therefore, they don't care much about them. After entering the whole city, Yang Tiance found that the buildings here are of great style, green and air is very good.

The whole building is like a labyrinth, disorderly, but it has its own rules. The roads of the city are covered with planks everywhere. These planks were originally dead objects, but after they were put here, they came alive, and branches and leaves were growing.

The buildings, roads and other things here are all based on the direction of the branches and branches of this giant tree.

"I don't know which smart man built this city. I thought of building a city on trees. Hey, it's really smart." Yang Tiance looked around and said.

There are a lot of people coming and going in and out of the city. Some of them are like Yang Tiance and they are also surrounded by Xuan animals. However, as you can see from the past, many people are not from South Asia, just like them, they are all foreigners.

Most of the original residents here are dressed in green clothes and have a very comfortable smell.

"I don't know. Anyway, these are too long ago. With this tree, there will be this city." Ye linger said.

"Let's have a look. There are all kinds of wine cultivated by Shanghao Baoyao. Today's price is favorable. Don't miss it if you pass by. "

" Dan Yao, you sell pills. "

"A bottle of life water refined by mother tree treasure liquid can increase one year's life span."

"Baoyao, which is cultivated by his family, is of great value."

The city is relatively lively, and there are hawking voices on the street. However, even the sound of Hawking is very quiet, not so grandiose.

"This place, how to say it!" After Yang Tiance glanced at the people here, he shook his head. These people are too weak. If they were in other places, they would be eaten by others, even bones and dregs would not be left!

On the whole, the strength of the people here is not too strong. Most of the people have mysterious power fluctuation, but the level is not very high. After Yang Tiance swept most areas, he found that the strongest was just the martial arts in the extremely mysterious realm. Of course, it was much stronger than Nanyang City, no matter in terms of quality or quantity Not enough to see!

"Isn't this place suitable for the cultivation of strong people with wood properties? How can there be no strong one with such a strong wood attribute? " Yang Tiance asked Ye linger. .

"the nature of wood is abundant, but Zhongzhou is not bad. Moreover, this place is not suitable for practice. Once upon a time, a strong man was about to break through and came here to close down. After decades, people were shocked to find that his cultivation had not progressed, but regressed. " Ye linger said speechless: "he is a strong man of wood property. Besides, compared with Zhongmu, this place is not strong. In the later stage, it is not only the promotion of metaphysical power, but also the understanding of rules. And Zhongzhou is the center of the world. In Zhongzhou, naturally, it is better than here. "

"It makes sense, but it doesn't make sense either!" Yang Tiance secretly nodded and said in his heart. However, as far as the atmosphere of cultivation in the whole of Antarctica is not very high, it is very difficult to enhance cultivation. This is true.

As for the understanding of the rules, this mainly depends on the individual's understanding and chance. Some people will be able to practice for thousands of years as soon as they have an epiphany!

"I've been here before. The most famous thing in the whole city is not other things, but wine. Follow me. I promise you'll never forget it!" Ye linger said.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the saliva of big mouth almost flowed out, the three guys of the white family also nodded repeatedly, as if there was really something good here!

Ye ling'er is leading the way ahead. Yang Tiance and they quickly catch up. They are a group of people in the whole city, which is really nothing. Because this place is too famous, people come here constantly and people leave. Yang Tiance and they don't expose their accomplishments. Naturally, no one comes to them for trouble!Ye ling'er leads the way in front of them. Yang Tiance is basically walking upward. Soon, they come to a large building above the big tree. This is a pub!

It's very busy inside. It seems that there are many talents. Yang Tiance and they went in. It's really a very good place. The environment is elegant and full of green. Moreover, it is divided into one small room after another. With a wide view, you can see most of the beautiful scenery of the whole city!

"Come on, give me a thousand eight hundred jars of your famous wine!" Yang Tiance found a place to sit down, and ye linger called out.

"Ah?" When the tavern boy heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. Eight hundred jars?

"Yes, yes, eight hundred jars, and some meat with us. Don't overdo it. We can eat it." Big mouth way.

"Objectively, we don't have so much wine in our shop, and we don't provide meat in our hotel. We have all kinds of delicious dishes and snacks. Would you like to have a try?" The boy's face was not very natural, but he forced to say this. ...

"OK, OK, you can watch and help me prepare something to eat!" Yang Tiance waved and said, the boy heard this, and then he retreated!


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