Supreme Mad Emperor System
Chapter 107
Yang Yu frowned, with a touch of wonder, this move is too familiar!
At first, Heavenly Venerable’s men would do this trick, and all of them could hide their body shape, although it said that it had no effect on Yang Yu, but after seeing this scene in front of them, they could be said to be extremely surprised.
“Hehe, can you see it?”
Sovereign Tian Tu sneered, “The Great Xia Emperor is really good. My Demon Fiend Clan’s men will be destroyed by you. Heaven Murdering Union is just one of the hottest chickens, hehe, there will be more in the future, Waiting for you! “
“Motherfucker, how did you know?”
Fat Cat’s doubt is actually Yang Yu’s doubt …
“Do you think that Xuanyuan Divine Sword this Sovereign can’t be sensed? The inheritance of the Great Xia Dynasty, really think this Sovereign knows nothing?”
Yang Yu brows tightly frowns, with a look of coldness in his eyes, he did not expect that this would happen.
Heaven Murdering Union, would it be Demon Fiend Clan’s men?
No wonder their strength will be so strong, I’m afraid it is for this reason.
“By the way, the spicy chicken of this Sovereign, Heavenly Venerable, did you kill it yourself?”
“How about it?”
“hehe ……”
Sovereign Tian Tu sneered, “At the time he was seriously injured and kneeled in front of this Sovereign, saying that he wanted strength. As long as this Sovereign gave him enough strength, he would be my Demon Fiend Clan’s dog from now on.”
“The dog has really done a lot of things over the years, solving a lot of the trouble of this Sovereign.”
“Your dog?”
Yang Yu clasped his hands tightly. Although Heavenly Venerable and him have the vengeance of Life and Death, the two still have a blood-to-water relationship.
”滈 毦 阆 扑 滈 毦 阆?”
Sovereign Tian Tu 鍐 风 瑧 璧 锋 潵, indifferently said: “滀 綘 鎯 滀 綘 鎯
 € ¢ Nightmare Vestige, this Sovereign is exaggerated! ‘
浠 overeign Tian Tu 镄 勫 姏 € 忚 █, 浠 栬 嫢 鏄 湡 镄 勫 嚭 Ga, Nightmare Ancestor 閮 ° €
 € 滀 綘 澶 彲 浠 ヨ 瘯 彲 浠 ヨ 瘯
鐪 hou 湅 镌 や や や や や 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 镄 勭 伀 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 鍙 惉 鍒 0 0 0 E E E E E E 鍝 嶈 鍝 嶈 鍝 嶈 鍝 嶈 鍝 嶈 鍙 ︻ 湅 鍒 鍙 ︻ 湅 鍒 鍙 ︻ 湅 鍒 Black Black Black XNUMX镫 傛 毚 镄 刣 emon strength
The thunderbolt specification is based on the tweezers, the key, and the key, Dui Feng.
Dui Feng 镄 勫 疄 锷 涚 殑 纭 槸 out of the ordinary
Big Black
“hehe ……”
 € 滀 綘 镄 勬 囩 湅 鏉 ヤ 笉 囩 湅 鏉 ヤ 笉 庝 箞 镙 庝 箞 镙 晩 鈥? ‘
Big Black 鍜 娈 ui Feng 镄 嗘 槸 椤 跺 drum 镄 勬 噀 噀 xpert, 嗘 槸 鎷 Big Black 鎷 ユ 鎷 女 女 栨 棤 鍙 岀 殑 Nightmare King bloodline 銆
Investigate Key Cases
鍏 跺 疄 Dui Feng 宸 粡 鍗 佸 垎 岖 岖 岖, ,, 佺 煡 阆 佺 煡 阆 佺 煡 阆 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 鍦 ㄩ 亣 鍒, ﹂Black Black, Black €曟 槸 镞 ╁ ammonia storage
闱 ㈠Yang Yu 镄 勫 喎 鍢 镄 勫 喎 鍢 Sovereign Tian Tu ㄧ 劧 鏄 崄 鍒 嗙 殑 镒 ゆ 鐪 鐪 鐪 槸 槸 槸 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 light cold light, 掑 掑 100,000 鍢 跺 惣 阆滀 綘 杩 欎 搴 熺 墿, cultivation 浜, XNUMX 骞 闅 骞 闅 杩 炰 竴 杩 炰 竴 杩 炰 竴 嚭 鐢 熸 嚭 鐢 熸 澶 澶 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘 箙 镄 勫 浼 欓 兘
Dui Feng 榧 诲 榧 诲
Nightmare Ancestor 鍦 ㄧ 湅 鍒 stir umbrella 骞 曚 箣 钖 庝 篃 鏄 毐 璧 bee 鐪 夊 ご, 鐪 shoulder 鐪 鐪 涔 嬩 腑 槸 槸 cold glow 銆
杩 椤 彲 鏄 勫 偛 镞 犳 瘮 镄 勬 勫 偛 镞 犳 瘮 镄 勬 勫 偛 镞 犳 瘮 镄 勬
姝 ゆ 椂 鍗 姝 ゆ 椂 鍗
Big Black 闾 妫 鍌 g 妫 鍌 殑 濮 殑 濮 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 佹 洿 鏄 竴 鏄 璁 ╀ 鎯 婂 徆 銆 鎯 婂 徆 銆
 € ¢ Try to rule, fear the pure 钖
“Everything is going on, it ’s going to be fine!”
Dui Feng (Shoulder Nirvana), (Simple emon Sovereign Tian Tu)
姝 ゆ 椂 镄 勪 粬, 戣, Han Juan Lou 笅 镄 嗘 槸 椴 滆 , 鐪 嬫 牱 瀛 愭 槸 镞 犳 瘮 镄 rerifying 銆
“Master’s Guide, Master’s Guide!”
鍙 ︻ 湅 鍒 版 棤 鏁 装 殑 鐑 堢 劙 鍐 入 ぉ KEY 岃 岃, 镫 傛 毚 镄 勫 镫 傛 毚 镄 勫
Fire of Life!
皝 閮 皝 閮 皝 閮 mustard disease chain 夋 兂 鍒 瘅 ui Feng 绔 熺 劧 浼 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 湪 杩 欎 阃 夋 嫨 镣 阃 夋 嫨 镣 阃 夋 嫨 镣 阃 夋 嫨 镣 嚜 宸 嚜 宸 嚜 宸 嚜 宸 Fire of Life!
Martial God powerhouse 渚 胯 兘 鎷 湁 € 杩 滆 € € € € € € € € € € € life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life life Lifespan镄 刲 tick ifespan 銆
褰 撹 揪 鍒 癕 artial God Peak cultivation base 镄 勬 椂 chain 渚 11,000 骞 inches 殑 lifespan!
涔 嫔 墠 Dui Feng 旋 剧 粡 鍌 姩 杩 囧 嚑 娆 涔 熸 秷 椾 椾 椾 嶅 皯 镄 勫 鍏 嶅 皯 镄 勫 鍏 嶅 皯 镄 勫 鍏 嶅 皯 镄 勫 鍏 嶅 皯 镄 勫 鍏 浠 栬 嚜 浠 栬 嚜 殑 殑 殑 lifespan 鍏 跺 疄 鍓 ╀ 笅 镄 勫 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 銆 銆
涔 熸 鏄 洜 Juan Hong umbrella ︻ 紭 鏁 镓 浠 Semon over Sovereign Tian Tu 镓 阃 夋 嫨 阃 夋 嫨 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 Dui Feng 鏉 ヨ Umbrella Reading 鎺 ュ恖 ifespan Gallium
 € ”, 搴 熺 墿 灏 槸 搴 熺 墿, 杩 樿 浠, 粭 杩 欐 牱 镄 刟 杩 樿 浠 粭 杩 欐 牱 镄 刟 粭 杩 欐 牱 镄 刟 嶈 兘 澶 熶 笌 涔 嬫 嶈 兘 澶 熶 笌 涔 嬫 琛 琛 琛 琛 鈥 鈥 !!
Fat Cat this time, the world ’s most ill-conceived, “otherfucker”, “Dui Feng”, “Dui Feng”, “Performance Key,”嵈 鎶 Lou 粬 褰 揿 仛 镫 楁 潵 鐪
 渉 aha, this is the Sovereign, this is the Sovereign flaw, and the Sovereign is the Fat Cat. Umbrella reading
“hehe ……”
”滃 ソ 镄 勫 緢 鍟”
Yang Yu 鐪 肩 涔 嬩 腑 涔 嬩 腑 宁 ︾ 潃 cold light, 鍙 屾 落 槸 绱 存 槸 绱 х 槸 绱 ′ 綇, 姝 ゆ 椂 鍙 相 璇 存 槸 镒 ゆ
this person, 褰 撶 湡 shameless!
Nightmare Ancestor 镞 犲 镄 剆 ighed, 闱 ㈠ 闱 ㈠didn ‘檛 know whether to cry or laugh 銆
璋 佽 兘 鏂 椤 埌 浼 Argon, Umbrella, Wind, Forging
褰 揿 垵 镄 凬 ightmare Clan 槸 鎶 曢 潬 Demon Fiend Clan, 鍙 洜 篘 ightmare King よ よ 呬 箣 闂 呬 箣 闂 殑 鍏 殑 鍏 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 郴 鍙 鍏卞 , 钖 堜 綔 铻 嶆 lip 銆
100,000 years of stubbornness ”
Demon Fiend Clan 鍙 楀 埌 镄 勬 崯 澶 卞 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 嶆 槸 ぇ, m Nightmare Clan 汉 汉 嶅 噵 姝 嶅 噵 嶅 噵 姝 姝 镞 犳 暟 镞 犳 暟, 镞 犳 暟 灏 灏 Nightmare King 濡 濡Read more
佷 笉 鐒 佷 笉 鐒 佷 笉 鐒 殑 Sovereign Tian Tu 鏁 ㈠ 湪 杩 欓 噷 濡 傛 impudent?
“Stop it!”
EmonDemon Colt 鍐 嶆 浜 ら 攱, 镣 镣 ire of Life 钖 庣 殑 Dui Feng, 瀹 炲 姏 褰 撶 湡 鏄 痶 errifying 镞 犳 瘮, 涓 棿镄 勬 ラ 嘾 ivine technique
Big Black 鐪 闂 ︼ 闂 ︼ 闂 ︼ 闂 ︼ 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶 鍏 鍏 鍏 褰 揿 嵆 撮 撮 撮 褰 揿 嵆 褰 揿 嵆: 褰 揿 嵆 褰 揿 嵆 槸 缁 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑, 瀵 鍑 綘 鍙 鍙 鍙 変 chain of disease ! ”
“Where the ire of Life stubbornness is, the worms and forges are simple and simple.”
Dui Feng 妫 鏆 g 妫 鏆 闾 闾 鍑 荤 垎 鍙 戝 紑 鏉 鍑 荤 垎 鍙 戝 紑 鏉 鍑 荤 垎 鍙 戝 紑 鏉 鍑 荤 垎 鍙 戝 紑 鏉 娴 娴 娴 儊 镄 勭 儫 墿 鏁 墿 鏁 墿 鏁 墿 鏁 墿 鏁 紑 鏉 紑 鏉 鍙 ︻ 湅 鍙 ︻ 湅 Big Black 铡 熷 湴 嶅 姩 嶅 姩 娈 娈 ui Feng Tao笂 镄 勭 伀 鐒 篃 鏄 灛 闂
“how can that be?”
Big Black, shoulder light, cold light, 褰 揿 嵆 鍐 板 喎 镞 犳 瘮 镄 勮 阆, 滀 綘 滀 綘, 嶆 槸 鎴 戠 殑 瀵 Nightmare King, 犱 笉鈥 ‘
At the end of the test, the statue of the incomparable gigantic seemed to be alive at this moment, and a flash of light flashed in the pupils, shining on Big Black.
With the end of the test, Big Black is also destined to be the real Nightmare King, which can be recognized and inherited!
Countless brilliances are lingering beside, at this time Big Black’s eyes are slightly closed, and the injuries on his body are recovered instantly at this moment.
“Ding dong, congratulations to the player who successfully obtained the inheritance of the Big Black mount and successfully completed the Upgrading Mission: King Attitude!”
“Big Black’s strength is improved. As the player’s level has not been improved, the mount’s strength has been temporarily suppressed. When the player’s strength is sufficient, it will automatically increase!
“Ding dong, congratulations to the player for completing the task, and the reward is being settled!”
“Player gets a reward of Invincible Value +100, and at the same time gets an unknown cultivation technique remnant!”
cultivation technique?
Yang Yu swallowed saliva. It is unknown until now that he has not learned the cultivation technique because the reason is not suitable.
He didn’t like the usual cultivation technique, but he never saw the precious cultivation technique, so he never studied.
On Heavenly Martial Continent, no matter what Martial Artist, you can only learn one cultivation technique!
If you want to change the cultivation technique, let alone the dangers, your strength will be greatly impacted.
Because Yang Yu has a system, even if he does not learn the cultivation technique, his cultivation base can climb rapidly, so he has never learned.
This task reward is really cool, it is all needed by Yang Yu. If this cultivation technique or some Divine Level cultivation technique, it is even better.
Unknown cultivation technique Remnant: unknown name, unknown order.
It is a very powerful remnant of the cultivation technique, which can be acquired at present, and the cultivation technique system can be started at the same time.
Does the player learn?
Extremely powerful!
Yang Yu frowned.Although it was only a cultivation technique remnant, but the cultivation technique that the system could not see, would it be a simple cultivation technique?
A flash of light flashed, Yang Yu only felt countless weird scenes in his mind.
mountains bursting and ground splitting, sea wave overflowing heaven.
The million-meter-long Divine Dragon roaming the horizon, countless Great Desolate rare beasts continue to emerge, and disappear after a long time.
“Ding dong, congratulations to the players who successfully learned the unknown cultivation technique and successfully opened the cultivation technique system, which has tripled their strength!”
Unknown cultivation technique: Learned from the system unknown cultivation technique remnants, there are currently three layers!
[Consumption 1,000,000,000 EXP to enter the next level!]
[Unknown cultivation technique, EXP required for player upgrade is reduced by half!]
Seeing the last one, Yang Yu was completely stunned.What is Niubi?
This is called Niubi!
Now he all needs tens of millions of EXP to upgrade. In the absence of a copy, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to upgrade.
This directly reduced by half, which is simply great news for him!
At the same time, Big Black’s inheritance is finally over.
Although there are no changes now, when Yang Yu’s strength reaches Martial King, Big Black will also be promoted directly!
“Waste! Spicy chicken stuff, what bird nightmare?”
“Following this Sovereign for more than 100,000 years, even a newborn Nightmare King can’t beat, what’s the use for you?”
“Master ……”
Dui Feng bowed his head, and even though he was still injured, he walked down with his head down.
“Get out, waste stuff, this Sovereign doesn’t need you anymore!”
After seeing this scene, Yang Yu couldn’t bear it anymore.
This Sovereign Tian Tu is simply a beast!
No, it should be said that animals are not as good!
“Hehe, are you very difficult to deal with, aren’t you?” Yang Yu sneered, Xuanyuan Divine Sword pulled out without hesitation.
Fat Cat hurriedly beside him, “motherfucker, life is light, do not accept it! Brat, this time Grandpa Meow supports you mentally, strangle this Sabby Demon Sovereign!”
“You want to play against this Sovereign? Hahaha ha!”
Demon Sovereign Tian Tu laughed at Yang Tian, but he didn’t pay attention to Yang Yu.
“Well, not a fight, but a lesson!”
“A mount is not your dog, but a comrade you can trust, brother!”
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