“This … what’s going on?”

The old woman gave a surprised look, but she did not expect such a thing to happen.

Wan’er hurriedly said, “It’s okay, grandma, please go in and rest …”

“Hehe, but you don’t owe money and don’t pay back, don’t you owe money?”

“Wan’er, what the hell is going on, tell me!”

Seeing that things were overwhelming, Wan’er’s eyes were lightly red, and he had to whisper, “Grandma, you were sick the other day, I have no spare money, I can only ask them to borrow money to buy medicine for you …”

In fact, Wan’er’s business is pretty good.

However, she is kind, just like giving Yang Yu a bottle of osmanthus brew, she often relieves the rest, so she makes little money.

This time grandma was ill, it can be said that she was anxious.

In desperation, they were only able to borrow money to catch medicine.

But where is this simple?

One day, the Spirit Stone will triple. I originally borrowed 30 high grade Spirit Stones, and it became 480 in a few days …

It would be nice if she could not lose a year. Where can there be so much money?

“You … why are you so stupid? My old fart can’t live long anymore. You did this, didn’t you put your lower body in?”

The muscles of the robust man headed by him are tattooed and fierce.

“Girl Wan’er, we are doing this in a disciplined way. Don’t talk nonsense with you. Today you bring out 480 high grade Spirit Stones, and we will clear them up.”

“But if you ca n’t get it out today, don’t blame the several brothers for doing something you don’t want to do. You also know in your heart that Azure Nether County County King Heir Apparent is very interested in you and sells you to him, I think he is sure Would be very happy. “

It seems that this group is not the first time to do such a thing, it is called a proficient.

Yang Yu listened beside, frowning.

“Can you … forgive me for a few more days? I will definitely find a way to collect it for you!”

“Haha, girl Wan’er, are you funny? We have been dragging on and on, and forgive for a few days, I’m afraid you will be even more unreliable then!”

This kind of thing is like this, it must not be touched, otherwise, it will only increase.

Originally, it was understandable, but when he heard what these guys said, Yang Yu didn’t think it was that simple.

Azure Nether County County King Heir Apparent?

This group of people really want to sell, why do they need to move people to such a far place?

80% they are colluding, they will pit Wan’er from the beginning!

Yang Yu reluctantly sighed, but did not expect that such a thing would happen.

“Girl Wan’er, don’t make it difficult for us. Azure Nether County Heir Apparent is popular and has the potential of out of the ordinary. It will definitely be Azure Nether County County King in the future.”

“By then, girl Wan’er, you are Mrs. County King, enjoy high position and great wealth, don’t be too happy!”

“This is the benefit that I don’t know how many people want. Don’t cherish it, Girl Wan’er!”


Fat Cat started cursing and said politely: “Is it awkward to worry about it, is it interesting to bully a little girl?”

I only saw others standing up, standing on the table, and holding a chopstick in his hand.

Yang Yu was so angry and funny to see this scene …

Although these robust men are said to be Martial Artists, they are not even Martial Spirit. If he shoots, he can straighten out in three or two shots.

But Fat Cat doesn’t work …

“Oh, how dare you, Dead Fat Cat?”

“Dare to pretend to be in front of us?”

“Brothers, hack him, eat cat hot pot tonight!”

These robust men can do everything, what is it to kill a Fat Cat?

“Motherfucker, a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist!”

“Fuck, you bully Grandpa Meow has no spirit strength, right? You guys, Smelly Brat, it’s your turn!”

“This is a great opportunity for hero saving the beauty, hurry up!”

“Save this beauty, maybe you can pā pā pā tomorrow, what are you waiting for?”

Fat Cat is afraid, he is not the opponent of these robust men.

Yang Yu really wanted to make a shot, after all, Wan’er was beautiful.

It would be unfair for such a beautiful woman to be sent to County King Mansion for this reason.

But after hearing Fat Cat say this, now Yang Yu also wants to stew this Fat Cat directly!

This guy is too cheap!

You can’t say anything.

“Oh, Smelly Brat, you want hero saving the beauty?”

“Look at this guy’s counsel, look like a dead man!”

If you follow Yang Yu’s previous temper, all these guys would have to head down!

However, here is after all the girl in Wan’er’s hotel, unwilling to open the killing ring, said with a smile: “So, aren’t you asking for money? 480 high grade Spirit Stones, I give them!”

“Young Master!”

Wan’er curled up on the corner of the corner, his eyes were lightly red, but Yang Yu didn’t expect to help her.

“Haha, girl, your sweet-scented osmanthus flavor is really good. I also want to take it back to taste, so this Spirit Stone is considered to be wine.”

Wine money?

With so many Spirit Stones, you can buy the entire hotel!

The corners of Yang Yu’s mouth were raised and his complexion was light.

These Spirit Stones were nothing more than drizzle for him, they could not be considered at all.

This led the robust man to stun, but he did not expect Yang Yu to be willing to help repay the debt.

But thinking of the task Heir Apparent had given him before leaving, he had to grit his teeth and say, “Who told you 480?”

“The Dead Fat Cat just dared to provoke me just now. I want to anger Laozi’s anger. Without XNUMX high grade Spirit Stone, don’t want to leave!”

Ten thousand!

This is sky-high …

The entire Peach Origin Village adds up to one year old and young, and there is no XNUMX high grade Spirit Stone!

This guy asked so much in one breath, it was simply daylight robbery.

“Well, OK, I will.”

Yang Yu smiled again, and then saw a large number of Spirit Stones directly in front of them.

Looking at the dazzling Spirit Stone, these people were all stunned.

This amount is really too much.

Countless specific, but also almost the same as XNUMX Spirit Stone …

“Gu du …”

Robust man swallowed, he was so big, but he had never seen so many high grade Spirit Stones!

“How are you satisfied now?”

Yang Yu laughed. The problems that can be solved with Spirit Stone are not problems.

“I Cao!”

“Boss, we’re rich!”

“There are so many Spirit Stones, and heirs to Heir Apparent!”

“So many Spirit Stones, I have married my daughter-in-law!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the robust man understood it completely.

The person in front of you is definitely a rich man!

People are always greedy …

Especially after learning that Yang Yu has so many Spirit Stones, this robust man once again became wicked.

“Ten thousand? I was wrong just now. What I want is 100,000!”

The smile on Yang Yu’s face also gradually disappeared, his eyes flashed over cold light.

He was really reluctant to make things big, but seeing these guys, Yang Yu is really angry now.

These guys are simply courting death!

“What’s wrong, unwilling to give?”

The corner of Yang Yu’s mouth was a weird arc, indifferently said: “Come out, how?”

“Haha, okay, we will be out today, but we need to see what you guys have!”

Step out of the hotel and onto the street.

At this point, Wan’er was worried, his hands clenched, and he looked worried.

“Young Master, don’t worry about anything.”

Fat Cat was proud, differly said: “You don’t have to worry about him now, worry about this group?”


“Because this group may never get up again.”

Wan’er was a little surprised, and quickly said, “Is this Young Master so powerful?”

“That’s for sure, after all, it’s one of my disciplines. Can it be great?”

“My eldest apprentice is Heavenly Talisman Emperor, and he is the most useless.”

At first Wan’er still believed what Fat Cat said, but after hearing it later, she felt that Fat Cat was absolutely bragging!

Heavenly Talisman Emperor is the most continent existence. Three Great Emperors must respectfully respect the Country Lord.

One word of him is enough to destroy a country.

How could such a person be a disciple of a Fat Cat?

A lot of village names were on the sidelines, and many people were extremely worried.

“Well, this time is over, Wang Ba is going to do it again.”

“This outsider doesn’t understand rules, hey!”

Wang Ba?

This robust man’s name is pretty good …

The corner of Yang Yu’s mouth was a weird arc, standing indifferently, “Hurry up, not much time.”

“Osmanthus Flower Wine is getting cold …”

“Haha, Smelly Brat, how dare you pretend? Laozi will kill you with a punch and give you King of Hell!”

“The first time I saw someone so anxious to die!”

“Yes, after you die, drink Osmanthus Flower Wine!”

Yang Yu was helplessly sighed. Looking at these guys, he didn’t know what to say at this time.

a frog in well …

Wang Ba growled, waving his machete, and moved directly towards Yang Yu.

These dozens of people rushed over with a brain, and the momentum was not simple.

However, Yang Yu was not afraid. In the eyes of everyone, Yang Yu seemed to be frightened, but he did not move …

Immediately afterwards, he saw that he shook his body slightly, and all these guys stopped.

Peng peng peng ……

With the sound of these sounds, all these guys collapsed to the ground, and everyone’s face was in pain.

“I depend, is there a ghost in this brat?”

“How did he do that?”

“My goodness……”

Wan’er suddenly did not see this scene, exclaimed excitedly.

Yang Yu looked indifferent, and walked in front of Wang Ba, who was doing this, and said indifferently: “How about, should we continue?”

“Motherfucker, you brat!”

“Laozi is not afraid to tell you that there is someone on Laozi! The girl Wan’er is what Heir Apparent looks after. If you dare stop us, you are against Heir Apparent!”

Yang Yu thoughtfully nodded, said with a smile: “Azure Nether County Heir Apparent, right? I’m waiting for him here, you can let him bring someone over.”

“Yes, bring more people, it’s better to bring some experts.”

“Now, get out!”

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