Peach Garden is a small village with a female Wan’er.

Thoughtful, kind and gentle, like spirit.

The girl who spoke weakly, dodging her eyes, and shy, would never accompany herself anymore.

Wan’er, is unique.

Because I grew up in the village, I was kind and honest.

In the future, she will never eat her own sea bass, Mapo Tofu.

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, and that is Zhou Jiuyou!

Yang Yu’s eyes were red. At this moment, there was only a single thought in his heart.

That is killing!

Kill everyone here and kill Zhou Jiuyou yourself!

“I will you everyone in Imperial Capital, will be buried for Wan’er!”

Hearing the yelling of Yang Yu, even Zhou Jiuyou outside several dozen li, can feel the terrible momentum, and hurried out in panic, “Kill him, kill him! Hurry!”

No one has ever seen Emperor in the world, and he even showed such a fearful voice.


Resounding !

Twelve Divine General had no choice but to shoot. The sword passed through the body. Yang Yu still stood proudly.

汩汩 Blood bleeds, Yang Yu’s cold and bitter eyes glanced at them, “All those who block I will die!”


The endless demon qi soared into the sky, screaming endlessly, and Divine General, who was leaning around, was beheaded and killed instantly. Only Ming Luo was not injured because of the distance.

Looking at Yang Yu, who looked like Asura in front of him, Ming Luo held his breath, but felt terrified.

“I don’t kill you, just because you have good intentions.”

After speaking, Yang Yu expressionless, continue to move forward.

“Ding dong, ding dong:

“The player is seriously injured, rest as soon as possible, otherwise there will be danger to life.”

Hearing the prompt of system, Yang Yu was totally indifferent, one step at a time.

At the wound, crickets bleed.

But he didn’t feel the slightest pain, because the heart hurts at this moment

He thinks that with system, he can be fearless.

But at this moment, I found that I was wrong, and it was ridiculous.

Because he couldn’t protect even his beloved woman, what kind of Invincible, what kind of Mad Emperor?

“Protect Your Majesty, kill the thieves!”

I only saw countless soldiers on the city wall, and madly pulled out the millions of Spirit Stone’s destroy arrow and moved continuously towards Yang Yu.

Yu Jian is like a torrential rain, but it is difficult to damage Yang Yu.

Divine Feather Group is formed by Inextinguishable Imperial Capital’s top powerhouse.

The number is not large, there are only more than 300 people, but at least everyone is a Martial God cultivation base, and they are all top archers.

Within a hundred miles, take the first person.

Adding the Divine arrow which is enough to shoot Martial God, can be described as inadvertent.

But at this moment, all the feather arrows were not near Yang Yu, they were all shattered instantly.

“Block me to die!”

A fancy palm blasted out, the indestructible city wall that resisted the attack of countless powerhouses was broken by forcibly!

And the Divine Feather Group on the high platform was instantly blasted into slag, and the prompt of system sounded again.

“The player successfully killed the Martial God expert and got an EXP 100,000,000 Talisman Stone bonus of 400,000,000. The pet Mermaid Princess got an EXP 200,000,000 EXP. The Nightmare King got an EXP 200,000,000.”

The reason for this is because Yang Yu set the EXP effect.

Mermaid Princess and Nightmare King are both top Divine Beasts. The upgrade requires twice as much EXP than him, so they simply give them two 40%, while he himself only has 20%.

However, at this time, he would never listen to what system said.

He now has a single thought in his heart!


Vengeance for Wan’er!

Kill everyone at Imperial Capital and bury him for Wan’er!

“Do not”

“Don’t kill my lady, she is innocent!”

On the street, as if the end was coming, everyone fled in a panic.

Yang Yu grabbed a woman with one hand, her face cold.

“She is innocent?”

“Do you like her?”

This man is just a common people, not a Martial Artist at all.

“She is my loved one, or my child’s mother, please, please forgive her!”

“I gave you a hoe!”

The man knelt down and scratched his head to beg for mercy, but Yang Yu split the woman directly into a corpse in the next second and cut off the man’s head with a sword.

“She is innocent, why isn’t Wan’er innocent?”

With cold light in Yang Yu’s eyes, he can be said to be extremely angry at this time. There is no human sense at all.

If it is in front of him, Yang Yu will definitely not attack these common people.

After all, it is not as bloody and hatred as Dongying Country, but unfortunately, the current Yang Yu was completely ignited by Zhou Jiuyou.

Just like a humanoid machine that doesn’t know the pain, his eyes have been completely red with blood.

However, if this battle spreads, Yang Yu’s reputation and prestige will surely fall to the extreme.

The image of the tyrant who killed innocent people will inevitably make countless people shameless.

Great Xia slaughtered the city of Dongying Country because the hatred between the two countries is soaring to the sky, which is a well-known thing in the world.

What’s more, the incident that killed 100,000 people in Azure Nether County happened again, but Yang Yu’s move was profound.

But today is different. Does Inextinguishable Dynasty do something to others?

Even if he told the world that it was Zhou Jiuyou who killed his woman, who would listen to his family?

That being the case, kill yourself!

Killing a hundred people will be ignored by the world.

But killing 100,000 people, XNUMX people, is a generation of formidable person, who dares to provoke?

It doesn’t take many people to understand him, just a few.

“Zhou Jiuyou, get out of I!”

The roar rang through the sky, and Zhou Jiuyou was really scared of the course entirely to break at this moment.

Yang Yu is just like the returning Purgatory Asura. He is stained with blood, even Holy Sword has been broken. With his hands completely, he has opened a bloody path!

At this moment, Yang Yu’s strength showed enough to make everyone sensation.

“How did this happen?”

There is sadness everywhere, Zhou Jiuyou is in the Imperial Palace, and his face is full of remorse.

Actually, he gave Yang Yu the antidote earlier, so there would not be so many things.

He was so arrogant that over the years he had been in charge of such a big dynasty.

“Ancestors, what should they do now? How can we stop them?”

Zhou Jiuyou only thought of his ancestors, but it was too late.

“Previously, old man has advised you not to take action against this person, but you just don’t listen! Now it is a disaster, and old man can do nothing.”

Zhuo Fengliu’s eyes were helpless, “The antidote, was you really ruined?”

“Yes, it is!”

“You! This is just pushing yourself towards the dead end!”

Zhuo Fengliu shook his head again and again, never thinking he would do such a thing.

“Listen to the fate of the fate, if he really breaks in, you go quickly, even if the old man is doing his best, he will save you!”


Zhou Jiuyou now really regrets it, but unfortunately he broke up the antidote and made it impossible to resolve the matter.

“Haha, good job!”

At this time, beyond Capital Capital, a thousand miles outside Imperial Capital, only Zhou Lingtian laughed and his face filled with smiles.

“Your Majesty, it seems that Inextinguishable Imperial Capital will inevitably be hit hard this time! That man is completely caught in a mania state. It can be described as If the Gods block, then kill the Gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas!”

“Anyway, our experts have all evacuated safely. This brat is completely angry, wait and see. This Emperor is not only removing the nails from the eyes, but also attacking the power of the Inextinguishable Dynasty, which is simply one. move, two gains. “

Would Circle Dawn Dynasty be so kind with Inextinguishable Dynasty?

The purpose is to let Zhou Jiuyou take the blame, thoroughly anger Yang Yu, and then the two sides fight!

The real benefit is Zhou Lingtian, which does nothing!

“Burying God Scroll is Seven Great World Destroying Scrolls, with enough power to destroy the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Does Zhou Jiuyou think Extinguishing Soul Executing Immortal Great Array can stop him? It’s just a joke, hahaha!”

“Your Majesty wise!”

Everyone bowed down and flattered.

Emperor conspiracy, unfathomable!

Before he knew it, Yang Yu was actually involved in the duel of Two Great Dynasties.

Yang Yu lost all his senses at this time. Both the old and the weak women and children were brutally killed.

Imperial Capital, who has been peaceful for thousands of years, was completely red with blood at this moment.

Strong and bloody taste.

Countless injustices are all lingering on the city, looking extremely terrifying.

“Ding dong, the player caused too many unreasonable slaughters, the power disappeared after an hour, and at the same time fell into the weak state of Burying God Scroll. And, in order to restore power, you must complete the merit mission!

Yang Yu expressionless, continue to move forward, all the people you see, whether they are men, women or children, are killed!

There are millions of people at Imperial Capital, but at this moment, there are more than a million injured!

Since the establishment of Imperial Capital, Inextinguishable Dynasty has been the first to suffer such a blow.

It is often said that the Inextinguishable Dynasty is like a tiger, unyielding, and Commander In Chief everything.

But under Yang Yu’s attack, even the Tigers lowered that noble head.

“This Emperor, this Emperor give up! Don’t kill again!”

Zhou Jiuyou clenched his hands, and for the first time since he came to power, he said two words.

However, this is no longer useful.

Seeing Yang Yu’s bloodied body standing in front of him, Zhou Jiuyou was extremely frightened inside.

He did this only as a deterrent, hoping to delay the disappearance of Yang Yu Burying God Scroll.

Unfortunately, it is useless.

Yang Yu’s face looked at each other with blood, calmly, and a husky voice sounded, “But Wan’er of I can never come back”

“Go down and be buried!”

He didn’t mean to keep his hand at all. The demon light skyrocketed instantly, and at this time, there was a violent yelling in the sky.


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