Xue Yue’s lovable body was trembling, showing how panic she was at this time.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu couldn’t help turning around and looking back, but now a few horrible silhouettes appeared in all around.

These guys can’t see the specific looks, but they are terrifying like a legendary ghost.

Yang Yu brows tightly frowns, with cold light in his eyes, he didn’t expect such a thing at this time, but for now, he can be said to have no slight fear, because the strength he has can be said to be Extremely violent, far beyond anyone’s imagination.

“You stand behind I!”

Wanting to come here is the test mentioned before, but it can be seen that these ghosts have no intention of doing something.

Instead, they all stood in place, constantly exuding a cold gloom.

“Blessing is not a curse, it is a curse! Let’s go!”

Xuanyuan Divine Sword came out of the sheath instantly, Yang Yu without the slightest hesitation, and the stride meteor went forward.

Until now, he has seen a lot of terrifying existence, but this ghost has been encountered for the first time.

As he walked past one of the ghosts, Yang Yu only felt the muscles in his body tighten tightly, and the sweat behind him continued to drop.

Seeing these guys, his heart was called uncomfortable.

I always feel that my spirit strength is as if they were extracted by them. In contrast, Xue Yue is the same.

Sure enough, there are weird!

Yang Yu brows tightly frowns, cautiously walked forward.

The strange thing is that these ghosts seem to feel nothing like that, and they are standing still.

Just when he thought he could pass smoothly, he was surprised that all these ghosts were scrambling around.

Yang Yu suddenly startedled, suddenly wondering what was going on.

Immediately afterwards, a momentum of terrifying burst out instantly, and a monster of Ox-Head Human Body appeared behind him. He also held a chain in his hand, letting you have one’s hair stand on end.

I haven’t responded yet, and a monster has appeared again on the other side, but it’s a horse head and a chain made of cold iron in his hand.

As soon as these two guys appeared, these souls began to flee in tears.


“Give your grandma a bear! If you die, you can’t be resurrected. Hurry through the Bridge of Helplessness, drink Meng Po Tang, and you will be born again.”

Yang Yu looked at this scene, and in his heart set off an overflowing heaven wave.

This … this turned out to be the legendary land government?

There are legends both in the original Earth and today’s Heavenly Martial Continent.

That’s the legend about being old, sick, and dying. Those who die will enter the land and be reborn.

Do bad things in life, and countless slaughter will be tortured by the 18th-layer hell, only to be born after torture.

Moreover, it is likely to enter the beast road or the Asura road.

If you do a lot of good things in your life, then there will be nothing, and you can find a good family when you are reincarnated.

The existence of the land government has always been a legend throughout the Heavenly Martial Continent.

No one has ever gone in, after all, the people who go in will only be dead!

Yang Yu swallowed. Could it be said that the test that the owner of Penglai Island gave them was the local government?


Yang Yu was speechless for a while, how could this be passed?

No wonder that no one has been able to pass the third level test so far.

These two monsters, Yang Yu, can also be recognized.

Among the prefectures are Black and White Impermanence, Ten Temple Yan Luo, Menpo on the Bridge of Helplessness, and a bull’s head and horse noodles that escorted the dead soul.

According to legend, there is also the horrific Jizo King Bodhisattva. These people have never seen it, and no one wants to see it.

Because when you see it, it means that your birthday has been exhausted …

“Strange, how are these two humans? Can they just die?”

The bull’s head came slowly and flung the chain in his hands. When he saw Yang Yu and Xue Yue, he was frightened to take a few steps back.

“Is this a living person?”

The horse face behind was suddenly startled. You must know that the local government always only allowed the dead to come in. What happened?

This time is good, the rest of the ghosts are gone, and they can’t be seen.

“Fuck, this time is over. It’s going to be scolded by the boss!”

“Motherfucker’s are all harmed by these two people!”

Niutou and Ma Nian glanced at each other, and the foul-mouthed one moved towards Yang Yu.

“Brat, don’t blame us. If you blame it, blame you for breaking in. All of our undead souls are gone. There is no way to make a difference to the boss.”

Looking at these two guys, Yang Yu was so depressed.

Without saying a word, these two people shirk responsibility from themselves?

Seeing this bull head and horse face moved towards himself, Yang Yu was not afraid, Xuanyuan Divine Sword instantly emerged from the sheath and turned into bursts of sword light, stopping them instantly.

“I Cao!”

“This brat turned out to be Martial Sovereign cultivation base?”

“Motherfucker’s, we can only deal with the soul, asshole! These two living people, we can’t fight …”

Seeing what the two men looked like, Yang Yu was completely speechless.

I still have an Aggressive look in front of me, but I just admit that he just tentatively attacked it?

It’s not that the cultivation base is not enough, even if it is the soul of Heavenly Immortal powerhouse, they must bow to the court in front of them!

Don’t look at the chains in their hands like common things. They can be used as a weapon against the existence of souls and can greatly restrain their cultivation base.

But now…

I met two living people. How can I fight this?

The corners of Yang Yu’s mouth were raised by an arc. From the reaction of these two guys, he can see that there must be no way to take them, or they would have already started.

“Why, stop playing?”

“Uncle, forgive me! We have two brothers, old and young, look at this, forgive me …”

Speaking of which, this bull’s head and horse noodle is quite straightforward, kneeling down without a word.

Xue Yue beside him couldn’t help laughing out loud, how could he never have imagined that these two legends were so hooked, that the ox-headed horse-faced horses that would kill their lives would be so provocative.

Yang Yu laughed bitterly, but at this time, he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Can’t help but be sad with a smile: “I never wanted to kill you, you two get up and talk again. Is this really a land government?”

Niutou Mamen called a cautiously, for fear of angering Yang Yu, he looked at each other and whispered: “It is indeed a prefecture, but it is only one of the ten prefectures. We have been here for more than XNUMX years and have never seen it Come in to the living. “

“Is it? What is Shidao Difu?”

Yang Yu asked puzzledly, this was the first time he had heard this term.

“Although the space of the land government is infinite, but too many injustices are together, it is easy to cause accidents. It is divided into ten land governments and is controlled by the ten hall Yan Luo.”

This is slightly different from the legend, and it seems to be misunderstood.

“Do you know how to get out?”

“Go out?”

Niutou and Ma Nian glanced at each other, all puzzled, “We have always been able to come in, we have never heard of going out.”

“By the way, you can go out, but it can only be reincarnation.”


Yang Yu is completely speechless. Is there no way to go back?

“No!” Just seeing a stream of light flashing in his eyes, he immediately asked: “I heard that Black and White Impermanence can go to Yang Sector to hook people, why can’t I go out?”


The ox’s head was about to cry, and he had to whisper: “The two big brothers have a great presence in the prefecture, and they have a good relationship with our big brother, King Yama. They can come back to the prefecture Yang Sector freely, but we can No such ability. “

To put it bluntly, Niutou Horse Noodles are just for the hard work of others, and they only do the job of servitude.

Seeing hopeful departure, Yang Yu said immediately, “Did you just say that if you see King Yama, you will have a chance to go back?”


Seeing that they were so determined, Yang Yu was also a little weird, and immediately said: “Then you lead the way, if you did good, go back, I will burn you more paper money.”

“Get it!”

Seeing the paper money, Niutou Ma was so excited that he hummed and went to the bridge.

Through the heavy fog, Yang Yu can see that there are many injustices under the bridge, all soaked in the cold tide.

“What is this?”

Niutou Mamen hurriedly explained, “These are all wrongdoings during my lifetime, such as the innocent souls who committed suicide. In order to punish them for not cherishing their lives, they have soaked in them for 1000 years!”


Yang Yu also felt a little have one’s hair stand on end. At this time, he came to the middle of the bridge, only to see an old woman with a bowl of yellow soup in his hand, came over with an evil smile.

“Come, drink this bowl of Mengpo soup, everything in the past life is turned into a cloud of smoke in the past!”

Yang Yu stared at the bull’s head and horse face. The two guys were also funny and hurriedly said, “Motherfucker, the old lady hurry up, don’t sell your Mengpo soup here. These two are big brothers’ big picks!”

oh? ”

No need to ask, this old woman is the Meng Po staying on the Bridge of Helplessness.

When you reach the Netherworld prefecture, you have to drink this Mengpo soup, and then reborn.

Speaking of which, in fact, Yang Yu was also thinking about coming to this Heavenly Martial Continent, if he was going through the soul directly, and happened to run into Crown Prince when he crashed, and then directly attached.

These are also very strange in his heart.

“What are you doing, hurry up!”

The ox’s head and horse’s face were frowning, for fear of being seen by Meng Po.

Originally, the two of them were anxious to let Meng Po appear, and then notified Ghost Messenger to sanction Yang Yu.

But now I ca n’t wait for Yang Yu to go back and burn them more paper money.

Although the inside of the prefecture is small, it is equivalent to half the world, and it also has its own currency and rules.

The rich are the uncles!

Some people are in the prefecture, because of the money to buy and sell, even the ten hall Yan Luo has to give a little face, countless grievances under his hand.

That’s why Niutou Mamen was so polite to Mo Fan and even helped cover him.

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