At night, the Water Crystal Palace is still brightly lit, as bright as day.

Xue Yue fell asleep early and rested. She has been running around these days, and coupled with what she sees and feels in the prefecture, it makes her deeply tired.

Standing on the previous crystal platform, Yang Yu looked at the swimming fish around him, and beside him stood Hai Lingyu.

The two remained silent for a long time, or he was the first to break the silence.

“Tomorrow, I will leave.”

“I know……”

Hai Lingyu used to call herself this emperor, but now she uses ‘me’ because she already sees Yang Yu as her own man.

Yang Yu turned around, looked at her blue eyes like jewels, and kissed affectionately.

For a time, Hai Lingyu never thought that he would be so bold, so he kissed him arrogantly …

However, this kiss was full of weird power, which made her sink into it, and the spirit strength of her whole body disappeared without a trace without a trace.

All of this has made her deeply trapped and difficult to extricate herself.

For a long time, the two separated reluctantly, and Yang Yu calmly looked at the beauty in front of her, calmly said with a smile: “From now on, I don’t allow you to approach any man, understand?”


Hai Lingyu turned her head proudly. Although she had been in charge of Sea Clan for tens of thousands of years, the temperament was like a girl.

Don’t look at her unwillingness, but she’s actually very happy.

Yang Yu said that there was no doubt that she cared.

“The next time I come back, I will let you be a Senior Concubine of I! Now, I don’t have enough strength, but in the future, I can definitely! I will let everyone in the world know that i will marry you!”

Hai Lingyu looked red and shy, looking at the overbearing man, shy nodded.

The East, West, North, and South Sea Domains, although all are Sea Clan, are all in the charge of Empress, but in fact there are many internal struggles.

It is calm on the surface but surging undercurrents.

In the end, Hai Lingyu snuggled up next to Yang Yu, and the two watched the fish swimming around constantly in such a calm way.

Although neither of them said anything, they didn’t say anything, they just wanted to enjoy the last time.


Great Xia Country Royal Capital, although nearly a month has passed since the last Demon Fiend Clan invasion, the interior is still very chaotic.

Countless people have already expressed their intention to leave. This time, Yang Yu left Royal Capital at the most critical moment. There is no doubt that all the people’s hearts are cold …

Moreover, the defensive forces within the Great Xia Country Royal Capital are now extremely weak.

Only Aolai Country sent reinforcements, but there were only XNUMX soldiers. How could it be enough?

The rest of the Small Country all held a wait-and-see attitude. After all, Yang Yu has not yet returned, and there have been rumors on the road that he suffered from Demon Fiend Clan’s nine Demon Sovereign encircles, and he has body dies and Dao disappears.

For a while, the Great Xia Country was filled with hearts, and many people were preparing to flee to other countries.

During the encirclement of more than a dozen Loose Immortal by Demon Fiend Clan, the terrifying gesture left too deep heroes for all the people.

Just like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, they are normally proud of the Chenguang Army and Guard Army, which is basically impossible to withstand a single blow.

Chenguang Army, all killed!

The Guards, including General Li Canghai, were all killed!

Even the Guardian God and Zhao Zilong, who always thought of Invincible, died in the hands of Demon Fiend Clan.

May I ask if they dare to stay here?

The main point is that rumors have also been raised in China.It is said that the reason why the Great Xia Country has suffered so much is that Yang Yu has angered Demon Fiend Clan, so they will attack them!

At the beginning, most people didn’t believe it. After all, the name of Yang Yu’s Lord of Kindness was not vain.

Moreover, the welfare is so good, many people have decided to stay and wait and see for a while.

But soon they were disappointed.

After waiting for another day, Yang Yu still didn’t return.

Coupled with continued rumors, Yang Yu has died in the hands of Demon Fiend Clan, how can they stay in this country?

People’s grievances have accumulated for a long time, and everyone finally broke out!

In the entire Royal Capital, most of the people packed up their luggage, moved outside the city gate, and prepared to leave directly.

When the guards at the gate of the city saw such a big battle, they would not easily let them go.

They closed the city gate directly, but it aroused the anger of the people even more.

8th Prince and Zhuge Ming rushed over in a hurry, seeing them look like this, and continued to discourage them.

“Everyone, you are all Great Xia Country people. Many people have lived here for so many years. Are you planning to leave like this?”

“Yes, Your Majesty is so good to you, just leave like this, isn’t it that chilling Your Majesty’s heart?”

“Roll up, little damn fooled us! What about Your Majesty? A month has passed and Your Majesty hasn’t returned yet! He has already died in the hands of Demon Fiend Clan. Now Demon Fiend Clan is staring at Great Xia, we still Do n’t go, are you waiting for death? ”

One stone stirred up the millennial waves, and almost everyone screamed in anger.

The people are ignorant and innocent.

Many people have a herd mentality. When they see so many people leaving, they want to hurry to leave.

This has always been the case and cannot be explained.

“Just, don’t treat us like monkeys! Stay here and be eaten by Demon Fiend Clan sooner or later!”

“Your Majesty is annoying Demon Fiend Clan today, shall we stay here and bury him?”

“To die, you die, anyway, Laozi is unaccompanied!”

When Yang Yu Enze was exempted from taxes, he encouraged him and said good things.

This is the higher the standing in the legend, the harder it falls.

Once Yang Yu did something wrong, he would be magnified infinitely until he lost his reputation.

In fact, this matter should be handled by another Country Lord. I am afraid that it will be suppressed by force.

But now 8th Prince and Zhuge Ming dare not, nor can they!

Today, there are only three thousand elite soldiers available. What can be done?

8th Prince’s old face turned red, and Douda’s tears fell even more. After thinking for a long time, he knelt directly in front of these angry people in front of everyone.

Everyone, all quiet down …

dignified Prince, and now Imperial Uncle of Your Majesty, kneeled down to these common people …

“Prince, are you?”

Zhuge Ming was also surprised, and did not expect that 8th Prince would be so determined.

“Everyone, can you listen to the old man?”

People’s hearts are long, and 8th Prince’s reputation in folk is pretty good. The angry people are quiet.

“Your Majesty is not dead! He is definitely alive!”

“Then why hasn’t he returned yet? Now that Royal Capital has changed so much, he hasn’t returned yet ?!”

Facing the sound of doubt, 8th Prince was also tearful, gritted his teeth and said, “Your Majesty …… Your Majesty must have his own business to do. When Your Majesty came to power, we also had nothing, but for a year, Your Majesty Let’s make Great Xia a first-class country! Even Two Great Dynasties dare not impudent! “

“The snow disaster is coming, Your Majesty is thinking that the world is born, and the treasury is rescued, and countless people are rescued in the fire and water. Do you remember these?

For a while, many people bowed their heads.

Seeing the opportunity, 8th Prince continued, “You guys, compare your heart to your heart. If Your Majesty sees his people, because of this matter, all leave, how will Your Majesty feel?”

“You know, the 8,000 Chenguang Army, and the Guard Army, why are you fighting Guardian to death?”

Do not talk about the Guard army, just say Chenguang army, it is not difficult to escape with their strength.

Although the Loose Immortal of Demon Fiend Clan is powerful, but the number is here, it is destined to not be able to kill them all.

But they regarded death as home and did not retreat in one step.

The reason, just for them!

In this battle, the number of dead people within Royal Capital did not exceed XNUMX.

But the Chenguang Army and Guard Army combined have more than XNUMX dead and injured!

All of this is due to these dead soldiers.

“You, if you leave like this, how can the grievances of those soldiers be calmed down?”

Many people realized that they were wrong, and the idea of ​​going back was born, but at this time, a strange voice came from the crowd.

“Less here to talk to us about Great Dao Li! Dog Emperor is dead, it is inevitable that we leave! If not dead, he hasn’t returned in such a long time, 80% is also fleeing, dare not come back! We have to leave!”

“Don’t listen to this old fellow’s fool, hurry up, wait for the Demon Fiend Clan to come later, too late to escape!”

After hearing this, many people were nodded, and felt that this person was right, and they should charge ahead while sipping.

All the efforts made by 8th Prince have just been disappeared.

Most of these people are ignorant.

Listening to the wind is the rain.As to whether it is true or false, where can I control so much?

You may die if you stay here, but you will never die if you leave!

Who would bet on their lives?

The main point is Yang Yu’s own fault.

So far, he has not appeared.

country cannot live a day without monarch, not to mention the great chaos of the Great Xia Country now, it is natural to rebel.

“You, you…”

These people don’t care about the life and death of 8th Prince at all, each and everyone is madly moved towards the city gate.

Zhuge Ming also knew that there was no way to stop these people.

“Come back, please come back!”


The sour voice sounded, the city gate slowly opened, and only a tall silhouette was seen, standing at the gate of the city gate.

For a time, all the people were stunned.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty is back ?!”

8th Prince’s eyes were red. Looking at this scene, his heart had a thousand words.

As long as Yang Yu returns, there is still room for redemption.

Because, in Yang Yu’s hands, there have been too many miracles.

“Do you want to leave Royal Capital? Now the city gate is open, and those who want to leave can go now, I will never stay!”

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