Holding the woman, Yang Yu’s speed slowed down later.

Among the 100,000 mountains, it may not be easier for the opponent to find him than to find a needle in a haystack.

As long as he doesn’t make too much noise, there is absolutely no danger.

When Yang Yu saw a stream appear at his feet, he slowly fell down and happened to see a cave.

I walked in while feeling my luck.

But who knows, the next scene stunned him.

The black bear with a height of several ten zhang rushed out of it directly, wheezing and panting, with big black eyes and bloodshot eyes, staring at Yang Yu.

“cough cough ……”

Yang Yu scolded, just now I was thinking about my luck, where did I think it was a bear’s nest?

The black bear was called fierce, and Yang Yu was in front of him, like a three-year-old child.

On the cultivation base, this black bear is rarely said to be another powerhouse of Wu Saint Level.

With a little bit of wisdom, I can even speak human’s words.

The two sides looked at each other like this without saying a word.

Yang Yu was so embarrassed that she glanced at the woman in her arms and didn’t know what to do.

If you do, Yang Yu is sure to be able to kill him within ten moves, but the problem has come out.This will definitely cause a lot of movement.If the people of Black Fox Mercenary Corpse are aware of it, what should I do ?

But this place is very good, Yang Yu is reluctant to give up.

“This black bear old brother, why not lend me this place for a few days?”


Although the black bear is a Monster Beast, it has many of the same habits as the wild beast, and has a very strong sense of its territory.

Without thinking, he growled and bloodshot, and the terrifying impact almost lifted Yang Yu out.

Yang Yu was also anxious. He talked with this black bear, and it was enough to save face.

If it weren’t for the scruples that would provoke the Black Fox Mercenary Corpse, Yang Yu would kill the beast with a sword.

“You don’t have to go in a inch, it’s not easy to read your cultivation base, I will be so kind to you! Do you think I dare not do it?”

The Sea Heart Ancestral Flame burst out suddenly. Although the black bear is powerful, after all, it has something to do with wild beast. It is born with a fear of flames.

In addition, this is the Heaven and Earth Divine flame, and the suppression of Monster Beast is stronger!

Although the Black Bear has the level of Holy Beast, it can face the Sea Heart Ancestral Flame, but it also keeps retreating.

“You can rest assured that I won’t rob you of this bear’s nest with you. I will leave for up to three days.”

The black bear was smart, and hurried in.

Smelling the stench, Yang Yu shook the head with a bitter smile.

Normally, he could fall asleep on the treetop, but this woman couldn’t.

It wasn’t that he had a Holy Mother heart, or he was intrigued, but it was to disintegrate Poison Evil Sect’s plan.

Looking at the woman in her arms, Yang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the environment is a bit worse, it’s safer.

With nothing to do, Yang Yu looked at the beauty in front of him.

The face is good, the skin is like white snow, the facial features are exquisite, and she is also a beauty of bringing calamity to the country and the people!

On appearance, it is definitely not worse than Wan’er.

On temperament, it is even above Li Ruolan.

There was a burst of fragrant fragrance on the body, because the run was too hurry, the long skirt slipped a little, revealing the perfect fragrant shoulder.

Looking at this woman, Yang Yu also had some dementia for a while.

Such a beautiful woman would be used as a sacrifice, which is simply a riot of heaven!

Uncontrollably, Yang Yu also extended the hand to touch the beauty, but who knows the other side opened his eyes violently.

Purple eyes sparkled with a jewel-like luster, just staring at Yang Yu.

“cough cough ……”

Yang Yu embarrassedly put his hands behind his back and quickly said, “Cough Cough, this girl, you have gray on your face, I’m going to help you wipe it off.”

But who knows that this beautiful girl has a very big temper and doesn’t say a word of gratitude to his life-saving benefactor. She flung her hair directly, stood up, and looked around.

With a little puzzlement, Yang Yu quickly said, “This girl, I don’t know your name, where you live, why was you captured by that Poison Evil Sect?”

The main thing is that those people kept screaming at some Supreme deities, the name he had never heard of before.

I have also learned something about Poisonous Insect from Hu Tieniu before, of course, it’s just fur.

Gu Sect was born out of Poison Evil Sect, but it was just a puppet of the latter.

Of the ten Poisonous Insects they are proud of, only Yin-Yang Disillusionment is seen by Poison Evil Sect.

This Poisonous Insect has only existed in legends, and it was born to attach to women.It grew up slowly over time, and its formidable strength is extremely strong!

Of course, there are many Poisonous Insects in Poison Evil Sect that are comparable to Yin-Yang’s disillusionment. Even Hu Tieniu knows a lot.

But this Supreme deity, Yang Yu has never heard of it until now.Can it be a powerful Poisonous Insect that has suddenly appeared in these years?

The woman turned around, purple eyes sparkled, and looked at Yang Yu so quietly without a word.


Yang Yu has a strange face. Could it be that this woman can’t hear it, or is it dumb?

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to gesture, “Can you hear me?”

The woman was still indifferent, turning around, “I just can’t see …”

“cough cough ……”

Yang Yu didn’t mention it at a stretch, almost strangled.

The woman’s voice sounds very good, just like the empty valley cicadas make people linger.

If you become a singer, you will surely be able to survive.

But is she really blind?

Yang Yu looked at each other strangely. Her eyes were so clear and so inspiring, how could she be invisible?

“You really can’t see?”

Yang Yu danced in front of each other, but the woman did not react at all.

“Although I can’t see it, I can feel the stupid move away from you.”

When women talk, they can make people collapse. Yang Yu, who is angry, almost pulls his sword and cuts people.

Anyway, he is also the salvation benefactor of this person, how can he speak like that?

“Say, you haven’t answered my question yet. Do you treat your life-saving beloved like this?”

“hehe ……”

The woman just sneered at it, and went out without saying a word, looking around, as if she was thinking about something.

“No, what about the spiritual strength of my within the body? Why can’t I sense it?”

The woman turned sharply, with a look of anger, “Did you ruin my dantian ?!”

Hearing this questioning voice, Yang Yu was completely outraged, learning Fat Cat’s accent, and yelled directly, “He meows, Laozi is fortunate to work hard to save you, what did you do to ruin your Dantian? I wouldn’t have saved you if I had known it, and I have been rejected for doing good things. “

He had a stomachache at first, but he did n’t really get angry. After all, it ’s possible that people might be just like this, cold, and not good.

But now?

The woman suddenly stunned, as if she wanted to understand it, and said immediately: “I know! You destroyed the altar, the Array operation stopped, and my cultivation base was temporarily sealed!”

“Oh, what’s the matter with me?”

Yang Yu glanced at each other angrily, and then went out with a sway, came to the side of the stream, and prepared to catch a few fish and grill them.

You know, he hasn’t eaten for a day!

Although it is okay to use his cultivation base, his purpose is to make the people take food as a god!

Seeing that he jumped into the stream, the woman always looked blank, so she leaned against the wall of the cave.

Although the surface didn’t care, Yang Yu still glanced secretly.

The reason is also very simple.After all, the woman is a blind, and when she hears that her cultivation base is gone, she will definitely lose it, and her ability to endure is almost, it is estimated that she can commit suicide …

Thinking of this, Yang Yu is also a bit unbearable. What kind of anger is he with a blind?

After catching three fishes randomly, Yang Yu took Xuanyuan Divine Sword and stabbed them all together, sitting outside and urging the Sea Heart Ancestral Flame to start grilling the fish.

If you let others know that he grilled fish with Xuanyuan Divine Sword, it is estimated that he can spit blood and die …

This is the Ancient God instrument that countless people have coveted, and put it in the hands of others, not to offer it every day?

But now, it’s purely a Fire Burning Stick …

But don’t say, the fish copied with Sea Heart Ancestral Flame doesn’t know the taste. It is very fragrant. Although it is not salted, it has the taste of the sea.

Like some kind of nori, taking a bite, the fat fish’s juice splashed.

Normally, there are so many delicious and delicious foods. It’s rare to eat the fish you grilled, but don’t have a taste.

gu du ……

At this time, only the sound of the drool was heard, the huge bear of the black bear, cautiously got out, and looked greedily at the grilled fish in Yang Yu’s hand.

“That’s all, just as if it were your money.”

Yang Yu laughed heartily and threw it directly to the black bear. The latter did not chew at all and swallowed it directly. He could see that he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The woman closed her eyes tightly and said nothing, but from her slightly trembling right hand, Yang Yu guessed that this little girl also wanted to eat.

“Why, want to eat?”

“Do not!”

The woman held back her desire and turned away. Yang Yu smiled suddenly. “Take it. The grilled fish is my best job, and most people don’t have this blessing.”

Yang Yu slowly put it in the woman’s hands, and then walked out slowly. The black bear had a look of greed, and looked at Yang Yu endlessly.

“Want to eat? Then grab two more and let me bake it for you.”

Big Black Xiong Xi’s throat jumped straight down and splashed out numerous water splashes.

However, the woman seemed a little dazed. I didn’t expect Yang Yu to be so good to him. After taking a sip, I found that the taste was much better than I thought.

After feeling a bit, after discovering that Yang Yu didn’t pay attention to herself, the woman swallowed it in a panic.

Where does the fish look like?

Yang Yu looked at it in the distance, and it was felt naturally, but he didn’t care too much.

However, at this time, only the explosion of Earthshaking was heard, and the entire mountain range was shaking violently. The prisoner Dragon Peak kept rolling down countless stones.

“Not good, did they start?”

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