After the sound, the stone platform fell to the ground, raising countless dust.

The magnificent spirit strength spread instantly, and the surrounding stones were crushed into a powder almost instantly.

All Monster Beasts in the entire 100,000 mountains were now on the ground, as if returning from the worship of their emperor.

Legend has it that the Fengtian dog is a god and has even received the blessing of Heavenly Dog.

Heavenly Dog is the top Sovereign of the Monster Beast Race. The formidable strength is comparable to the Dragon Sovereign of the past. When these Monster Beasts see the arrival of their Sovereign, they naturally want to kneel and bow down.

The wind wrinkled, and Yang Yu’s hands kept holding the heavy mysterious hand seal.

According to Bone Dragon, if you want Fat Cat to come back to life, you need two important things: Jiuyin Elvis and Heaven and Earth reincarnation.

At the same time, you need a few things to bless it, otherwise you won’t succeed at all.

Able to rise from the dead, preserve Divine Soul, the nine-life soul protector Dan, the priceless Supreme Treasure!

There are also large Arrays that can gather Heaven and Earth spirit strength, and even more Spirit Stones are needed.

Fortunately, Yang Yu has already been prepared these days, and Nine-Life Soul Guardian Dan has entrusted Nangong Wentian to deliver it.

Although Nangong Wentian is now a wasteful person and lost his legs, it does not affect his business.

And more dedicated to the business, now the Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, plus Yang Yu sends a bunch of Magical Treasure from time to time, the business has gradually become the first Chamber of Commerce in Heavenly Martial Continent trend.

Of course, a lot of Array assists are needed, and Yang Yu has already been prepared.

With the formation of French and Indian, the great array rose up instantly, enveloping the entire Heaven and Earth reincarnation platform in the middle.


With the loud roar, only the entire Heaven and Earth reincarnation station was lit up.

“Ding dong, is the player urging the Heaven and Earth reincarnation station now? System reminds that the Heaven and Earth reincarnation station is the Supreme Immortal Artifact. The player cultivation base could not be urged, but because the reincarnation eye was found for the Heaven and Earth reincarnation station, So it can be urged once. “

He knew about it in the pagoda of the floating slaughter, so he chose no yes, no worries.

For him, the only role of the Heaven and Earth reincarnation platform is to resurrect Fat Cat, and the rest is useless.


With his consent, the entire Heaven and Earth reincarnation station burst into extremely violent dazzling rays of light, so the rune of the entire stone platform gathered together and went straight to the sky.

“ao ……”

A terrible shock shocked Heaven and Earth, and everyone could see a dazzling golden rays of light soaring directly into the sky, and the phantom, a greedy wolf, would disappear instantly.

Everyone thinks that Heavenly Dog ’s swallowing of the sun will cause irreparable losses, but no one expected that such a sudden change would happen.

Everyone thought that the sky would be restored, but this was not the case, but it became darker.

The horrible purple thunderbolt became more violent in the dark clouds, and a thunder snake was as thick as a bucket. The burst of strength of Thunder, even the Martial God powerhouse, should not be underestimated.

After a powerhouse look at each other in shock, no one knew what was going on, but had to look towards Sword God Gu Sanchi.

“Senior, what is going on here?”

Gu Sanchi looked at the sky and kept calculating in his heart. After a long time, his eyes widened. “This … how is this possible? Damn, someone wants to use Heavenly Dog Demon Soul, reverse reincarnation, heaven defying and change his life!”

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