“Young Master is truly beautiful today.”

Yang Yu had just returned to his room, and now he was sitting in his room.

“Well, brat, you came back early …”

As for the Fat Cat, it seems that it has already been bought, and it is a joy to eat the dried fish on the table.

Seeing this, Yang Yu was full of black lines.

Just buy a pack of dried fish and buy this guy!

“What are you doing here?”

“Congratulations to Mad Emperor for passing the quiz and becoming an impactful figure for Imperial Capital.”

Yang Yu suddenly smiled bitterly and waved his hand, “It’s just luck.”

“Being able to make Fu Huang so value, it’s not just luck. Seventeen Princess’s time has been detected, and you’ve completed the skill in the blink of an eye.”

“What about you? How long did it take?”

“Two-thirds of the incense.”

Yang Yu glanced at her, and at a sloppy level, it was impossible for so long.

“You deliberately?”

“The enemy is weak. It is not necessary to be so eye-catching. As long as it can pass the test, it is enough.”

Tong Yingying smiled. “Then Mad Emperor will not be disturbed, the little girl will leave.”

She walked to the door and turned around. “Tomorrow’s test, I won’t let the water go, I’m looking forward to the day when I compete with Mad Emperor.”

In the next round, 90% of the people will be eliminated, which is very cruel.

When Yang Yu saw her leave, she sat down and picked up a dried fish.

“Fuck, stop, this is Grandpa Meow’s dried fish.”

“Shut up, roll the calf!”

Yang Yu glanced at him angrily, “Hurry up, you will only make I trouble.”

If Fat Cat is found at this time, then 80% will guess his identity. By that time, it will naturally cause a lot of trouble.

“Motherfucker, the road goes halfway towards the sky, Grandpa Meow is blocking you?”

“Tomorrow, don’t follow I, it will be no trouble to be someone.”

“I see, Grandpa Meow will be here tomorrow.”

Yang Yu glanced at him suspiciously. If Fat Cat is so obedient, is it Fat Cat?


The official test day is coming, and this time is more lively than yesterday.

Not only the participating Talisman Master, but also countless people rushed to the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Capital of Circle Dawn Dynasty is very large, and the square has also been opened enough to accommodate the entire population of Imperial Capital.

In the middle of the square, there is a white jade stone platform built with a square foot of 1000 zhang, even if it is standing on the same time, it is not a problem.

Because there are too many participants, this is also a last resort.

This platform alone cost tens of millions of Spirit Stones, which shows the prosperity of the Circle Dawn Dynasty.

On the platform, countless Talisman Masters are neatly arranged, and they stand in a specific position according to the number plate.

Yang Yu stood in the middle, but nobody noticed him.

Many people know that there is such a figure as Yang Yu, but they have not met him at all.

“Approaching Heaven Emperor is here!”

All the people on the stage kneeled directly, while the Talisman Master on the stage all saluted.

As a Talisman Master, I have no place to kneel and worship.

“Meet Emperor! Emperor, through the ages, dominate the world!”

“Get up.”

Zhou Lingtian smiled, looked towards the ring, and wanted to find the silhouette of that person, but he couldn’t find it.

“Today this Emperor is just to see the excitement. Talisman Master, this Emperor knows nothing, Xiao Yan, I leave it to you.”

“Obey the Emperor’s Decree!”

Fu Huang took a yellow scroll in her hand, shook it straight away, turned around, and said loudly, “Today, it is the 100th and 70th Talisman Master Great Competition of the Circle Dawn Dynasty. Read the rules here.”

“No matter who you are or who you are, you dare to ignore the rules in the competition, kill without mercy!”

Unless it is an idiot, who dares to make trouble under the eyes of the Approaching Heaven Emperor?

Besides, the tens of thousands of Approaching Heaven troops are not to be trifled with.

“The rules are as follows. The test of this test is the real skills and methods of Talisman Master, and nothing else. Therefore, no one can use the Heaven and Earth Divine flame, only the most primitive flame. Everyone is ready, right in front of you. “

I only saw him as if he had urged some organs, and everyone only felt that the ground began to shake slightly, and a purple golden casserole slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The ding furnace has eight mouths and six ears, and the material is average. At most, it is only Grade 3 ding furnace. It does not greatly improve the talisman crafting pill refining.

However, this is actually done for the sake of fairness.

Of course, the main point is that this provision has never been before. The reason why it was established is that it focuses on Yang Yu.

Nine Black Cauldron and Sea Heart Ancestral Flame will undoubtedly greatly raise Yang Yu’s Talisman Master level.

Zhou Lingtian looked like an old deity, and looked coldly at the Talisman Masters on the stage.

“Mad Emperor, you are inside!”

His young brother died in the hands of Yang Yu. If he did not report this feud, he would only be laughed at.


“Well, the rules for this round of testing are also very simple. Each of you has a copy of the same material, and in the shortest time, it is enough to refining a Grade 6 Talisman Stone.

“Tell you in advance that there will be a total of 1000 people in this round of testing, and we will eliminate XNUMX people. That is to say, only XNUMX people will be left. Whoever is faster will be promoted!

“Also, each of you has only one copy of the material, and if it fails, it will be eliminated directly.”

There was a burst of cheering from the audience. So many Talisman Masters smelted talisman crafting stones at the same time. Such spectacular scenery is rare.

“Okay, the test begins!”

With the fall of Xiao Yan’s voice, countless flames rose into the sky instantly, the hot air swept out, and many common people hurried back.

Yang Yu is no exception.

In warming the tripod furnace, Yang Yu set his sights on the materials placed in front of him.

“Celite, tungsten, phoenix jasper …”

Yang Yu brows frowned, these ore groups can be refining into many Grade 6 Talisman Stone, but the best Talisman Stone among them should be the Talisman Stone.

After putting it down, you can increase your cultivation for one day.

In the rest, the effect is different, but the value is naturally the highest ascending Talisman Stone.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu kept throwing in ore in order, and the flames were accompanied by strong and weak movements.

“It’s really spectacular!”

/> “So many Talisman Masters are working at the same time. Looking at the world, only Heavenly Talisman Palace and me Circle Dawn Dynasty can do it.”

The audience was talking, and Zhou Lingtian was talking to Fu Huang.

“Emperor, two people are worth noting this time.”

“One is Hidden Clouds Sect, a thousand-year-old genius, a girl, and her pill refining level is at least Grade 7 Talisman Master, and even higher!”

“What about the other?”

Xiao Yan looked towards Yang Yu’s location, “Yuyang, his level is not inferior to that of Little Princess, and his pill refining level, humble servant can not detect clearly.”


Zhou Lingtian frowned instantly and said immediately: “Take a closer look at him, it is likely to be Mad Emperor.”

“Mad Emperor?”

“This Emperor asks you, what’s Mad Emperor’s name?”

“Yang Yu?”

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that “Yuyang is Yang Yu!”

“It is possible, watch carefully, if it is him, kill without mercy!”

“Obey the Emperor’s Decree!”


On the stage at this time, the competition was in full swing. Seventeen Princess stood out, and the purple flame was dazzling.

The white smoke rises from the tripod furnace. Even if a burst of colorful rays of light flashes out, a blue Talisman Stone flew out instantly.

“Done! Jade Seal Talisman Stone!”

There was an instant uproar in the audience, and everyone in the audience appreciated it.

“Seventeen Princess really has innate talent. It is really amazing. It stands out from the others.”

“Of course. Your Majesty the Princess is already a Grade 7 Talisman Stone. It is not easy to refining a Grade 6 Talisman Stone?”

“Yes, she was taught by Fu Huang Sir herself, so it’s okay.”

Xiao Yan walked over and looked into his eyes, nodded, “There is no problem with the Talisman Stone refining by Seventeen Princess, and you are promoted!”


After all, Zhou Yiner was still a small child temperament, and she jumped up in excitement without the slightest Princess’s shelf.

The corners of Yang Yu’s mouth are raised. In fact, he can finish it long ago, but his enlightenment was enlightened yesterday.

Anyway, as long as it passes before 1000 people, there is no need to worry so much.

follow closely from behind, more and more Talisman Masters passed the test.

Of course, there are some people who lead the fryer directly because they are too anxious, and they are naturally eliminated.

Others are even more bad luck. They will succeed when they see it, but they will fail because they are disturbed.

It’s a little difference, a thousand miles away.

This test is so cruel, it is so for everyone, there is only one chance.

Counting time, Yang Yu took advantage of the dozens of places left and slammed the tripod.

The originally steady flame boiled instantly, the white smoke rose, and all the lights were drawn for a while, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Done. Soar Talisman Stone!”

“What, this is the Ascension Talisman Stone?”

“How can this be?”

“This is the hardest Talisman Stone to refining. How can he refining it in such a short period of time?”

Everyone was uproar. I didn’t expect Yang Yu to surprise them so much.

There are more than a dozen Grade 6 Talisman Stones that can be refining this time, but no one who has successfully refined is the Ascension Talisman Stone.

Although the soaring Talisman Stone is also a Grade 6 Talisman Stone, the difficulty of refining is more tedious than some Grade 7 Talisman Stones.

So no one would choose to refining this Talisman Stone. After all, this round is about degree.

Moreover, there is interference next to it. Even some Grade 8 Talisman Stones dare not say that they can be refining in such a short time.

But now Yang Yu has succeeded!

Xiao Yan hurried over. As the manager, he would not allow anyone to fish in troubled waters.

After careful observation for a long time, he smiled bitterly nodded.

“No. XNUMX, Yuyang was successfully promoted!”

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