Walking on the street, Li Ruolan was holding the well-behaved Snow Rabbit King. At this moment it was called a confused.

Although Yang Yu was overbearing, she gave her a feeling she had never felt before.

The arrogant man, for his willingness to condescend to ask someone to save her.

“Your Majesty, why are you so good to me?”

Yang Yu smiled evilly, and the right hand grabbed the other’s lithe and graceful waist, which made Li Ruolan lean against him tightly.

“Because I, I like you!”


Li Ruolan wants to break free, but he doesn’t have half the strength and can only let the other party show.

“But what?”

Yang Yu approached the other with a smirk. Li Ruolan’s breathing began to become quicker, only to feel that the hot man’s breath was getting closer to her, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

“You can reject I, but you can’t have any reason!”

“I don’t need a reason, because someday you will love I.”

Li Ruolan pursed her lips, also suffering at this time.

Yang Yu indifferently smiled, “Where do you live, I personally send you back.”

“no need.”

She quickly waved her hand, because of Li Canghai, she currently resides temporarily in the Flowing Heart Sect.

As a Royal Capital Number one sect, the strength of Flowing Heart Sect is extremely scary, and there are many sect rules in it.

One of them is that no disciple shall bring any stranger into the sect.

The reason is very simple, what if we let others slip in and steal the sect secret?

“Why not? Do you hate I just like that?”

“There are regulations in sect, no outsiders can be brought in.”

Yang Yu suddenly became interested, said bad with a smile: “You would rather live in sect than go to I’s Imperial Palace? Do you think, in your eyes, sect is better than I’s Imperial Palace? No way? “

“Your Majesty ……”

“Haha, don’t tease you, let’s go, I just want to see how powerful this Royal Capital Number One Sect is.”

Seeing this, Li Ruolan had no choice but to sighed, and immediately followed him.

At this time, the Snow Rabbit King even appeared strangely with blood-stained rays of light. Looking at Yang Yu was even more strange.

However, because the movement was relatively small, neither of them noticed it.

“You drunk, hurry up!”

“Mad, you have cheated and drank here for so many years. You must kill you today!”

Before they left the city, they saw more than a dozen people surrounded an old man. At this moment, they fisted their fists wildly and all smashed on the old man.

The old man was so unkempt that he couldn’t see what it was all about.

However, his right hand clenched a bottle gourd tightly, and even if he was beaten hard by these people, he did not issue a groan.

“Haha, hit, hit well! Happy!”

“As long as you give me a jug of wine after you finish the fight.”

The old man’s voice was extremely loud, as if nothing had happened, and he was calmly drinking under the punch and kick.

“This old drunk is here again …”

“I remember being kicked out by Supreme Treasure Sect half a year ago. How come this time to fight again?”

“Who knows? It’s a mental disorder at all. Come here to cheat and drink. It’s just a fight!”


Yang Yu is completely aggressive, is this old man really crazy?

“Don’t watch, let’s go …”

Yang Yu waved his hand. This old man is also a cocoon, no wonder others.

Looking back at the building behind him, Yang Yu couldn’t help looking at it twice.

“Supreme Treasure Sect!”

Supreme Treasure Sect is relatively well-known among Royal Capital. They are some Talisman Masters who are proficient in artifact refining. They have refining the King Level Magical Treasure, which has caused a sensation in Royal Capital.

However, it was still looked down upon by the Talisman Master at Heavenly Talisman Palace.

Most of the Talisman Masters at Heavenly Talisman Palace are distinguished, so they will choose Pill Refining Master as their 2nd profession.

But unlike Supreme Treasure Sect, most of them are from poor backgrounds, and being able to become Talisman Masters has more or less luck in it.

Pill Refining Master Early Stage costs countless Spirit Stones, then purchases medicine ingredients, and constantly refining medicine pill to increase proficiency.

It is simply impossible for these people. In order to be able to mix food and clothing, most people can only choose to become an Artifact Refining Master.

Because the Artifact Refining Master Early Stage is just a striker, using the idea to refine the common weapon.

Even if it fails, not much is lost.


Yang Yu sighed, Supreme Treasure Sect Although weak, it is not something that ordinary people can deceive.

This old fogey dare to deceive these fierce Artifact Refining Master, isn’t that courting death?

“But he is so poor …”


Yang Yu really didn’t know what to say. He thought that Li Ruolan was an iceberg without feelings.

Even if you like bunnies, that’s just the instinct of women who like cute things.

But now seeing her so concerned about a strange old man, Yang Yu is really okay.

Who dares to say that Li Ruolan is an iceberg in the future, who is anxious with him!

“poor person must have something mean.”

The discussions around people can show that this old man is clearly a recidivist, who has come here to eat and drink more than once.

Such a person, instead of him, will only make this old man even more miserable!

“Then can’t fight like that? If he continues like this, he will die!”


Yang Yu is completely speechless!

Doesn’t she see the old man under the punches and kicks of these people, but smiles instead?

This old man is either really crazy and has a tendency to masochistic.


Yang Yu didn’t know if the old man was what the hell. Do this for drinking?

Is it impossible to touch the porcelain in the legend?

“Hehe, have you hit enough? Have you gotten angry?”

These Artifact Refining Master look at each other in shock are also okay.

Old drunks are like dogskin plasters. Every time after they beat him up, old drunks stay at the door and don’t leave.


He will leave unless money is given.

“If you have enough, come, give me 30 high grade Spirit Stones as medicine, and I will leave.”

“You old dog is simply shameless, what can we do without you?”

One of the Artifact Refining Masters seems to be an intolerable attitude, after all, this is not the first time this happened.

One or two times then forget it, after all, they are also deflated, giving a dozens of high grade Spirit Stone can’t be considered anything.

But the old drunkard relied on them like a dogskin plaster, saying nothing left!

I ’ll be here for a fight every XNUMX minutes. I have to give Spirit Stone after the fight, otherwise …

The old alcoholic hehe smiled, and his dirty face was indifferent. “Then I’ll sit at this mouth and see if you can hold on for a long time or old fogey. I’m more powerful.”

“Muller, I’m not going to kill today, Laozi is not an Artifact Refining Master!”

This person seems to be really angry, after all, whoever is bullied in this way, afraid that he will lose his mind?

I feel very difficult to deal with, but this old man is like he won’t die, every time he comes over lively dragon and animated tiger.

Yang Yu frowned, seeing Li Ruolan’s unbearable look, he finally had to stand up.


“Need 30 Spirit Stones, right? I give you 300, go back, don’t continue to be ashamed!”

The appearance of Yang Yu surprised everyone, and they knelt down on the ground.

“Meet Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty!”

This alcoholic old man didn’t know if it was really stupid or fake stupid. Hehe laughed strangely here, it was the appearance that Yang Yu was not in his eyes.

“Oh, isn’t this Your Majesty today? It’s so good to me, Messy Old Man?”

Most of the Artifact Refining Masters are those who have a straight temper, and when they see the old man’s arrogant look, they hurriedly groaned.

“Your Majesty, it’s not that I waited for cruelty, but that this old dog just made us intolerable!”

“All the folks around me can testify. After this old dog entered my Supreme Treasure Sect one year ago, I ate and drank all day long. Then I was stunned by our Sect Master and it turned out to us.”

“No matter how we fight, this old man will not matter, it’s just a dog skin plaster that is driving us crazy!”

Yang Yu’s face turned black. Is this old man too pit?

“How did he deceive you?”

“He came to our Supreme Treasure Sect a year ago. At that time, the Sect Master personally evaluated and proved that he could refining King Level Magical Treasure! So, the Sect Master would be happy to entertain him.”

“But half a year has passed. He was a Magical Treasure without refining it. Instead, he was drunk and drunk. Everyday is unconscious.”

“Most of our Artifact Refining Masters are rough people, and they also like drinking, but no one has ever been like him!”

This person is also a robust man. When he said that, the tears of his grievance were about to fall.

Li Ruolan was also stunned at this time. He originally thought that the other party was really a poor man, but he did not expect to be an old liar …

“That’s all, that’s all. Don’t say it, this old Mr., can you explain why you do it?”

“Well, poor …”

“No money to drink, and too lazy to move, I came here to fight. Anyway, after each fight, they will give Spirit Stone, and don’t worry about the money for a month.


Everyone was speechless, and Yang Yu smiled bitterly. He was the first time to see such a candid liar.

“Are you okay?”

“I have no other ability for this person, that is, thick skin. After the fight, it’s okay to drink a couple of drinks immediately!”


Yang Yu also swears. This old liar is mental disorder, right?

He never thought that there would be such a lunatic in his Imperial Capital …

For drinking, almost anything can be done.

“Your Majesty, aren’t you giving me 300 Spirit Stone?”

“Well, but you have to promise I, and you are not allowed to come here to harass them after you ask.

The old man was also very polite and refused directly, “That’s not OK, they are my long-term meal tickets, just 300 Spirit Stone, how is that enough?”

“How much do you want?”

“At least 3,000,000?”

3,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone!

This person is absolutely crazy!

How dare to threaten Emperor today?

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