Flowing Heart Sect great hall, interior decoration gold and jade in glorious splendour.

Black spirits are placed one by one, and the name carved above explains the Sect Master before the Flowing Heart Sect, or someone who has contributed greatly to the sect.

After the spiritual seat, it is a lifelike statue of a man.

This person’s name is Emperor Chen, who created the Sect Master of Flowing Heart Sect 3000 years ago, but Martial Emperor cultivation base, but it disappeared long ago, presumably it was died.

Although the great hall is very wide, only dozens of inner sect disciple are standing in it this time, and the rest of the outer sect disciple are not eligible to enter.

When they saw Yang Yu and Li Ruolan returning, everyone held their breath.

“Ruolan, just stand aside. Is Your Majesty satisfied with the place to rest?”

“Well, it’s nice and the scenery is great.”

Chen Xin laughed, “Since Your Majesty is satisfied. Although Your Majesty only stays in the sect for ten days, there should be some of them, so please do not blame Your Majesty.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Chen Xin nodded, a horrific momentum broke out immediately.

“The ancestors are above, today Great Xia Country, today Your Majesty is in my sect, and I invite you to testify!”

“Your Majesty, if you want to join my Flowing Heart Sect, you need to go through an assessment.”

“The assessment time is ten minutes. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the point is up to you, just to see Your Majesty’s performance.”

With Yang Yu Martial Ancestor cultivation base, there is naturally no problem through the assessment, and it is easy to become an inner sect disciple directly.

Yang Yu nodded, his face calmed.

“That being the case, who of you would like to be Your Majesty’s opponent?”

“I come!”

Chen Feiyang didn’t even think about looking towards half a step forward, with a peaceful smile on his face.

“I heard that Your Majesty can beat Martial King powerhouse, so come here for some advice!”

Chen Xin nodded, and then whispered, “Your Majesty, he is my son, and now he is also a Martial Ancestor cultivation base. I think there will be no difference.”


“Both of you are good at using swords, then you can get two wooden swords.”

The younger brother who only saw the jealous eyebrow with a bad smile hurriedly brought the two wooden swords.

When she handed it to Chen Feiyang, she even had a bad smile.

“Not bad!”

Chen Feiyang chuckled, feeling the weight of the wooden sword, and his face was cold.

This was prepared by them before, in fact, the wooden sword in his hand was just the appearance, and inside was an iron sword!

“Your Majesty, the so-called sword has no eyes. If you accidentally hurt Your Majesty, please forgive me more.”

Yang Yu is not suspicious.After all, a wooden sword, even in the hands of Martial Ancestor powerhouse, as long as it is not intentional, what can be the lethality?

“Anyway, go all out.”

The remaining inner sect disciple all receded, and Chen Feiyang had a haze on his face.

At the last minute, he can go straight and hit Your Majesty!

In this way, he can also pretend to be unaware, and naturally no one will blame him.

I have to say that this scheme can be said to be very vicious, and ordinary people simply cannot think of it.


“Okay, now that you’re all ready, let’s get started. Remember what I said, point it out!”

Both were nodded and had a courtesy at the same time.

Yang Yu placed the wooden sword across his chest and did not rush.

He had long been used to the weight of Xuanyuan Sword and suddenly replaced it with a wooden sword. He was a bit uncomfortable.

“Your Majesty, can I get started?”

Chen Feiyang smiled indifferently, and then saw him holding a wooden sword and piercing Yang Yu’s chest.

The mouth of the latter was raised with no fear, and the action was extremely fast, and the wooden sword instantly blocked his chest.

But a weird thing happened.Yang Yu only felt a huge force coming, and the wooden sword deformed instantly. If it wasn’t for his spirit strength, he was afraid that he would be directly shaken out!

Yang Yu stepped back a few steps before he barely stabilized his body.

The corner of Chen Feiyang’s mouth immediately lifted, and he slightly waved the sword, “Why, Your Majesty doesn’t look down on me and is unwilling to go all out?”

These words are clearly despising Yang Yu, how can he bear this bad breath?

“Eldest Senior Brother is amazing!”

Under the guidance of that younger brother, all disciples were exclaimed, only Li Ruolan was slightly frowned.

Theoretically speaking, even if you cannot use Xuanyuan Divine Sword with Yang Yu’s higher-level combat capability, it should not be difficult to deal with those in the same level.

“Hehe, come again!”

Yang Yu re-raised the wooden sword, while Chen Feiyang kept laughing.

“Flowing Heart Berserk!”

Flowing Heart Sect are all expert with swords, among them the Flowing Heart Sword Technique is famous.

There are seven moves in total and 7 swords in one, which is enough to compare with Earth Level Divine Ability!


Only seeing the opponent’s wooden sword emerges a brilliant brilliance, “Flowing Heart Thrust!”

Two moves combined into one, formidable strength is even more terrifying!

Yang Yu brows tightly frowns, then shot.

Spirit strength works, sword qi overflowing heaven!

Immediately, the golden armor of pure spirit strength emerged, which was extremely dazzling.

Martial Ancestor powerhouse’s tricks, the spirit strength of the armor, and the defense strength are distinguished according to their own spirit strength.

Even if the other two moves are combined, there is still no way to hurt Yang Yu.

However, the opponent’s strength was also very good, and it suddenly jumped up.

“Flowing Heart Jump!”

“Flowing Heart Fall!”

It is another two-in-one combination. By taking down the downward formidable strength, this move can only be described by terrifying.

There was a lot of discussion in the group next to them, and everyone’s face was envious.

“Eldest Senior Brother is really strong! Flowing Heart Sword Technique is so proficient!”

“Yes, it’s really amazing!”

“I can only do three moves until now. I heard that Eldest Senior Brother has mastered the sixth move!”

Listening to their marvel, Chen Feiyang was happy in his heart.

“Hehe, what’s wrong with Your Majesty? Is that how it ended?”

With a wave of Chen Feiyang right hand, he is extremely chic.

In contrast, Yang Yu, at this time, there are many holes in the spirit strength armor.

Looking at the wooden sword in the opponent’s hand, Yang Yu’s eyes suddenly burst into cold light.

This wooden sword is absolutely weird!

Yang Yu glanced at the wooden sword in his hand. At this time, there were gaps one after another, which was obviously caused by the impact of the other party.

“Do you think you are strong?”

Yang Yu’s voice was extremely cold, and if the other side’s sincere discussions were stronger than him, he would not be so.

But the other party made it clear that he came to humiliate him. As the Monarch of the entire Country, he could not bear such humiliation.

Everyone froze, and Chen Feiyang hurriedly made a panic.

“How does Your Majesty say this? I’m just lucky, Your Majesty is great.”


Chen Feiyang smiled, and the wooden sword in his hand flashed sharp cold light.

“Flowing Heart Slash!”

The Flowing Heart Sword Technique 5th trick is also a very powerful formidable strength, which is enough to compare with Earth Level low grade Divine Ability!


I only saw Yang Yu right hand waved violently, and at this instant the skill blocked the terrifying blow!

“It’s me!”


Heaven Level high grade Divine Ability, such power is not comparable to Flowing Heart Sword Technique.

Chen Feiyang only felt that his Divine Consciousness had been severely impacted, and his mind was even more painful!

Although it didn’t trigger the spike effect, it was enough for Yang Yu.

“Flowing Heart Berserk!”

“Flowing Heart Thrust!”

Seeing Yang Yu punching through Chen Feiyang’s left shoulder, spitting out countless blood, everyone was stunned.

“how can that be?”

“This is clearly the secret of my Flowing Heart Sect. How did Your Majesty learn it?”

Even Chen Xin was sucked in a cold breath, no matter what his own son was beaten into this picture.

Yang Yu didn’t care about them either, the right hand waved again, “Flowing Heart Jump!”

“Flowing Heart Fall!”


The ground was sunken in, and Chen Feiyang sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and looked miserable.

“Flowing Heart Slash!”

The violent sword qi swept out, and Chen Feiyang quickly lifted up the wooden sword in his hand.

Ka-cha ……

There is no doubt that the wood wrapped outside broke apart instantly, exposing the silver long sword inside!

“this is?”

“Everyone looked at it, and it was only then that they understood it.

Why is Chen Feiyang so powerful?

To put it bluntly, this guy is actually cheating!

“Well, time is over!”

Yang Yu right hand waved directly, and the wooden sword was immediately inserted into the ground!

Chen Xin took a deep breath and whispered, “Your Majesty, how dare you do that? Why master the Flowing Heart Sword Technique?”

“After seeing him perform it once, he naturally met.”


This is simply Martial Dao genius!

Everyone is inconceivable, there is indeed such a genius character on the continuous.

The opponent’s tricks can be learned in a blink of an eye.

What they didn’t expect was that Yang Yu had this ability.

With a wave of Chen Xin, several people hurried away Chen Feiyang, who was full of pain.

“Now, can you explain to I why the sword in your son’s hands is hidden?”


Chen Xin is also embarrassed. How could he know?

The corner of my eyes slightly swept, and finally fixed on the disciple who held the sword before.

“You show me!”

The disciple with his eyebrows and eyes blinked on the ground and begged for mercy: “Your Majesty forgive me, Sect Master forgive me!”

“I don’t know this will happen in this sword. It never happened before when we practiced the sword.”

“Don’t you know?” Yang Yu’s eyes lighted with cold light, and he ducked his head, seeing him dodging, and said coldly, “Do you know what the crime of bullying should be?”

“I, I really don’t know …”

If he dare to tell the truth of the matter, there will be no place for him in Flowing Heart Sect.

“The so-called unknowing person is not guilty, but this matter is ultimately about you.”

“Just punish you to copy the sect rule 300 times, go back!”

Chen Xin’s eyes carried cold light. He naturally knew that this matter was not so simple, but it was impossible to watch Yang Yu execute his own discipline like this.

“Your Majesty’s performance this time was so amazing that it became an inner sect disciple. There must be no objection from anyone.”

“it is good!”

Everyone cheered, and Yang Yu didn’t show the slightest expression.

He knew that this matter would not be so simple, Chen Feiyang must be targeting him.

However, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t provoke him in the future, but if he dares to continue to die, he promises to make the other party regret coming to this world!

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