Chapter XNUMX Refining medicine pill

all around, only the grass everywhere, and the sky and one tree after another lush and green.

“The Senior Medical Doctor is extremely resilient, and he won’t breathe until he finds that medicine ingredient!”

Yang Yu clasped his hands and knew Hu Tieniu’s temperament.

He has read the medicine recipe left by Hu Tieniu. It is indeed a medicine ingredient developed for the plague. Each of them is, but after blending together, it is a bit of a delicacy.

It can be concluded that there must also be one of the most important medicines!

Although Yang Yu is now Grade 8 Talisman Stone, he can’t think of it after thinking about it.

Busy for a whole day and still found nothing …

Yang Yu was about to turn over the whole jungle, but still couldn’t find any trace.

Chu Liuxiang left early because he was still worried about the people in the city.

“I said, brat, you can’t find it this way.”

Fat Cat squatted on top of the tree, cuddling and wondering where to pick the fire red fruit, slowly leisurely said: “Your mount is not the King of the Holy Ghost, can you go back in time?”


Yang Yu shook the head, he also thought about it.

But Big Black can’t do this right now, and it is likely to ruin the entire forest.

When Big Black just evolved, the spirit strength overflowed, so it caused time backflow.

Right now, Big Black can’t do it on its own.

“Fuck, let’s find it slowly, Grandpa Meow is too lazy to wait.”

Fat Cat was about to leave with a pout of fruit, but was caught by Yang Yu.

The fruit of fire red also fell to the ground …

“Fuck Me, what are you doing?”

Yang Yu frowned, walked along the fruit to the foot of that tree.

According to Chu Liuxiang, this is where Hu Tieniu died.

Yang Yu picked up the fruit, the tree all around didn’t have any medicine ingredients, and some were just a little grass.

“Where does this fruit come from?”

“It fell from the sky.”

Fat Cat was too lazy to talk to Yang Yu and wanted to snatch, but was pressed by Yang Yu directly.

“Come on, or your dried cod will be in ruins.”

“Fuck, you still owe Laozi half a catty!”

Fat Cat was unhappy at the moment, but in the end, for the sake of dried cod, he had to succumb to Yang Yu’s obscene power.

“Just in front, it is a blood-red flower, the fruit that blooms.”

“Blood red flower?”

Yang Yu frowned suddenly, and Jinmu County was thousands of miles away, and a very strange flower would bloom. The name was Jinmuhua.

This flower has no medicinal value, but the fruit it produces is large and sweet, and many common people will collect and sell it.

This kind of golden wood flower can be seen everywhere in Kumaki-gun.

However, why didn’t I see one beside Yixian?

The only explanation is that it was artificially destroyed!

At that time, he had discussed medicine with Hu Tieniu, and he said something that made him remember so far.

“Everything is in harmony with another, and so is medicine. If it is in a mountain forest, if you encounter a poisonous snake and you are attacked, you can search for it within a mile, and you should find the fruit of red. The name is called snake blood. Fruit, has the wonderful effect of temporary detoxification. “

[This paragraph is purely fictitious, don’t take it seriously! 】

The source of the plague this time is from Kimki-gun, of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is caused by human poisoning.

But it is certain that it is the detoxifying medicine ingredients, which must be here!

Doctor Xian died in this jungle, which proves that he must have found the medicine ingredients before he died, so he will take a last breath!

“Brat, what do you do?”

I only saw Yang Yu right hand waved violently, and flew this big tree directly, overwhelming countless trees.

At the same time, the soil was completely turned out.


Yang Yu looked at the bloody red rhizome inside, and immediately thought about it.

“I know, the last smell of medicine ingredients that the medical fairy said is this Jin Muhua!”

“Brat, are you stupid? This thing is home-made fruit, without any medicinal use, how could it be?”

Yang Yu, however, took the head seriously, saying, “You don’t understand!”

“Although Jinmuhua is just a common fruit and has no medicinal properties, what is missing from the medicine recipe is such a thing for reconciliation! Jinmuhua has a sweet flavor and sufficient water, which is a famous fruit. But after the golden wood flower matures, it can still stay bright because of its ingredients! “

“What ingredients?”

“Jinmuhua has extremely active properties, so even though it has no medicinal properties, it can be incorporated into all medicine ingredients. This Pill Recipe lacks such a strain of medicine ingredients. Because the remaining medicine ingredients are sufficient to eliminate the plague, what is missing is just The most crucial medicine is just that! “

“Forget it, I said you don’t understand it. But, do you always recognize this stem?”

“Is it the rhizome of Goldenflower?”

Yang Yu nodded, slowly said: “If I didn’t guess wrong, all the golden wood flowers around this should have been pulled out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Before he died, he must have found a way, but it was discovered by the master messenger behind this incident. After his death, all the golden wood flowers around him were eradicated!”

Yang Yu clenched his hands, “Did you not say that? This plague has something to do with Demon Fiend Clan! So it is likely that the Demon Fiend Clan did it!”

“It turned out to be…”

Fat Cat thoughtfully nodded, “brat, I think you have a good mind, and you are a chicken Emperor. It is better to switch to being a detective. The cliff is worse than Conan and Kebei!”

“piss off!”


Inside City Lord’s house, Yang Yu locked himself in the door.

Nowadays, with a radius of 10,000 li, the people are not talking about life. If he can refining medicine pill earlier, he can save more people.

Before the retreat, he had drafted a trick to get the surrounding Small Country to transfer all the medicine ingredients.

And, any Pill Refining Master can come and prepare for refining medicine pill.

Hidden Clouds Sect and Poison Evil Sect have tens of thousands of disciplines, plus the Talisman Master of Holy Talisman Palace, at least 100,000 Talisman Master has been gathered!


With the strange sound, Yang Yu looked at the medicine pill, which had been turned into fly ash, and couldn’t help but grow sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

Yang Yu thought hard, but he didn’t know what he meant, and didn’t understand what went wrong.

“Why does it fail every time you place a golden flower?”

On pill refining accomplishments, he is not inferior to any Talisman Master of Heavenly Martial Continent. Only those top powers may be better than him.

You know, in the Circle Dawn Dynasty’s pill refining test, Yang Yu personally refining the Yin-Yang Dragon Soul Dan. This medicine pill is even more rare than Grade 9 medicine pill!

But now, this Pill Recipe has silenced him.

Pill Recipe not only records the required medicine ingredients, but also the refining technique. This is the complete Pill Recipe.

But Hu Tieniu obviously didn’t know how to refining because he didn’t get medicine ingredients, but he had a general idea in his heart.

This was a pain for Yang Yu. For three hours, he tried 300 72 refining methods, but all ended in failure.

“Damn, what is wrong with it?”

In a hurry, Yang Yu didn’t care anymore, he just threw in dozens of golden wood flowers at one time, and then poured all the other medicine ingredients into the brain.

Try the ingredients of medicine ingredients, the method of refining, and the order of placing medicine ingredients. These are the places where pill refining needs attention.

If any step is done wrong, it will inevitably fail.

But now, Yang Yu can’t do anything about it, he can only choose to gamble all of this and focus on his most commonly used methods.

Sea of ​​Consciousness pill refining method!

The divine technique that surprised Master Qian Lou at first!

On the Heavenly Martial Continent, only XNUMX Martial Artists will have a Talisman Master.

And only XNUMX Talisman Masters will have a Destiny Talisman Master!

Throughout the ages, only he and Heavenly Talisman Emperor mastered the Sea of ​​Consciousness pill refining method.


Medicine ingredients raised white smoke, while system’s alert sounded.

“Ding dong, congratulations to the player refining to an unnamed medicine pill, please name the player!”

Yang Yu stunned, did it really succeed?

Write down the ingredients just used, Yang Yu thought for a moment, and whispered: “Butterfly Valley Doctor Immortal Pill!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the successful naming of players, and medicine pill is Grade 4.”

This medicine pill was obtained by Hu Tieniu with his own life!

And he is just refining it. Compared with Hu Tieniu, it is not worth mentioning at all.

This credit is Hu Tieniu. Hu Tieniu used his life to get this medicine pill.

He wants all remembered people in the world to remember this!

Hu Tieniu!

It is the Butterfly Valley Medical Fairy, who died for them!

Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, pushed open the closed door, and walked out slowly.

Thousands of Talisman Masters outside the door all raised their heads instantly, staring at Yang Yu with a burning gaze.

“This Pill Recipe, I have perfected it. The medicine ingredients above are all on the City Lord House. I give you three days to refining a medicine pill that will save everyone!”

“Can you do it?”


And Yang Yu is nodded, watching Chu Liuxiang, “Chu City Lord, medicine pill once refining, immediately issued, and give priority to the old and weak women and children, the longer the plague time, then give priority. At the same time, contact Fangyuan all city, let them arrange fast people, come here and wait to get medicine pill. “

“Obey the Emperor’s Decree!”

Yang Yu sighed with relief, and moved towards bowed deeply.

“You, the life and death of the Great Xia people, it depends on you!”

“Your Majesty is serious!”

Yang Yu waved his hand and said earnestly: “I alone can’t refining so many medicine pills. Every second is wasted, the people will be killed or injured tens of thousands!”

“I hope you can refining medicine pill soon!”

“As you bid!”


Yang Yu right hand suddenly shone, these Pill Refining Masters started to ignite the furnace at the same time, and the heat wave rolled up instantly.

100,000 Talisman Master refining medicine pill at the same time, you can imagine how spectacular it is.

But now, nobody cares about these things at all, everyone is fighting time.

Whether more people can be saved depends on theirs.

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