5th Chapter XNUMX Treasure of Dragon Island, Sneak Attack

On Dragon Island, there was a smell of decay.

Looking at the magnificent dragon corpse, Yang Yu was stuck in place.

He knew it was the body of Bone Dragon!

The former Bone Dragon lay in front of him like this …

Yang Yu clenched his hands tightly, taking the cultivation base of Bone Dragon, even if 9 Star Heavenly Immortal came, he would not have anything, why would he die now?

Moreover, there were no scars on his body.

However, Soul Fire has gone out.

Normally Fat Cat, although hehe haha’s, is now speechless.

He and Bone Dragon are inextricably linked. Because of Dragon Cat, it is considered to be born out of Dragon Race.

And Bone Dragon is the former Dragon Sovereign body.

However, now Bone Dragon has died in his eyes like this.

Resounding !

Xuanyuan Divine Sword came out of the sheath automatically, and Yang Yu frowned, with Murderous aura in his eyes, roaring upward.

“What the hell is going on, why, why did he die!”

“Who the hell is it, who killed him?”

On Dragon Island, there was no one, some just endless death.

Fat Cat walked slowly, with a little stun in his face.

“He should not have been killed.”


Yang Yu was puzzled, “What’s going on?”

“Don’t you understand yet? With Bone Dragon’s cultivation base, he wants to live, even if it’s hundreds of 9 Star Heavenly Immortal, he can’t do anything about it.”

“Also, the Earthshaking war is bound to implicate Sea Clan.”

“But do you see any movement in Sea Clan now?”

Yang Yu also fell into silence, Fat Cat was right.

“You mean, he died here by himself?”


Fat Cat nodded, continued: “And, you know what you think. But how he died, I don’t know …”


With countless sword qi bursting out, Yang Yu raised his hand violently, and a sudden burst of horrible spirit strength erupted around him.

His current cultivation base can be described as powerful to an outrageous degree.

But now, he didn’t expect it to happen.

Bone Dragon didn’t kill someone, but died by himself.

9 Star Heavenly Immortal, how do you die?


Fat Cat lay on the ground as if he had found something, “His death seems to be related to you!”

“what did you say?”

“He is surrounded by spirit strength, and rune-bound within the skeleton. It should be, some sort of seal or curse.”

Fat Cat pondered for a long time and looked carefully, but did not know what was going on.

“This rune, 80% is the seal that restricts him from leaving Dragon Island. The reason he was able to resurrect and regenerate and produce Spiritual Consciousness is because of the rune here.”

“I know!”

Fat Cat stood up suddenly, sucked in a cold breath, “If he didn’t guess wrong, he died on this seal. Because he can’t leave Dragon Island, but that time he chose to leave Dragon Island to save you. … to help you resolve the crisis, but he was cursed by this backlash! “

“So, his Divine Consciousness is completely broken!”

Yang Yu also suddenly remembered. Not long ago, Sea Clan Empress was about to get married and married the Crown Prince Ao Rui, but the wedding was cancelled because of him.

But Bone Dragon was baptized for Aorui to help him become a real Divine Dragon, so they refused.

“You mean, Bone Dragon knew he was going to die, but came to help I?”


Fat Cat nodded, looking at the bright rune, word by word: “He died because of you!”

The six words, like a lightning strike, slammed heavily on Yang Yu’s chest.

Yang Yu never thought that it was because of his own reason that Bone Dragon would die …

“However, this is also his life. As long as he leaves Dragon Island, the curse will work, and he will die as a result. However, such a powerful curse cannot be achieved by even a hundred 9 Star Heavenly Immortal, what is it? Did they do it? “

I don’t know why, but Yang Yu thought of a name in his heart.

Three-eyed green fox!

In the past world, Yang Yu has seen the power of three-eyed green foxes with his own eyes.

Even if the Shangxian in Immortal World didn’t dare to shoot, how powerful would his strength be?

Moreover, the three-eyed green fox Eternal Undying has witnessed the opening of the Dragon Sovereign era, and it is natural to see the destruction of the Dragon Sovereign era.

Maybe he’s in a space at Heavenly Martial Continent right now.

Yang Yu frowned and looked at Bone Dragon’s body, but felt extremely guilty.

“It turned out to be…”

“It is you who will die in order to save I …”

Fat Cat waved his hand and whispered: “It’s not time to think about these things, let’s take a look at this Dragon Island first. His death is not as simple as I said. Moreover, Dragon Island keeps suppressing something .He is so dead, this thing must never be taken away. “


Fat Cat watched Yang Yu slowly, and said slowly, “When Dragon Island dropping from the sky, there was an Ancient God device, which was the Supreme Divine Object handed down from God World.”

“Kunlun Mirror!”

“Kunlun Mirror?”

Yang Yu stung. He came from Earth. How could the Great Desolate Ten Great God soldiers not know?

Donghuang Bell, Pangu Axe, Xuanyuan Sword, Fuxi Qin, Clear Sky Tower, Monster Refining Pot, Kongtong Seal, Kunlun Mirror, Shennong Cauldron, Nuwa Stone,

When Yang Yu got the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, he thought about it. Will the top ten Ancient God devices appear all?

It seems that this is indeed possible!

“Yes, Kunlun Mirror is a God World treasure. With the power of free shuttle Space-Time, God World gave it to Dragon Race in order to suppress Dragon Race destiny. But later, with the demise of Dragon Race, Kunlun Mirror also Nowhere to be found. “

Hearing Fat Cat’s words, Yang Yu already had some ideas in his heart.

Like the legend, they have the power to freely shuttle Space-Time.

Yang Yu frowned, his eyes a little cold.

“It would be nice to go and see. It must not be stolen.”

Playing Ancient God is extremely important, and it is related to Dragon Race. Yang Yu cannot ignore it.

Dragon Island is very large, although it has completely died, but there are countless stumps and broken arms on it.

Yang Yu frowned, and Fat Cat searched quickly on it.

Divine Consciousness is all unfolded, and the entire Dragon Island is under control.

But at this time, a strong wind assaults the senses.


Xuanyuan Divine Sword automatically unsheathed, blocking the attack of this mysterious person, but Yang Yu was suddenly flew out.

This horrible shock is simply not something ordinary people can resist.

The black clothed person did not continue to shoot, but turned around and wanted to leave directly.

Fat Cat called out immediately, “brat, Kunlun Mirror is in his hand, take it down!”


Yang Yu jumped up suddenly, Xuanyuan Divine Sword burst out with a dazzling sword glow, but the black clothed person was very strange, and dazzling rays of light hovered around him, directly dissolving it.

“who are you?”

But who knows that the man just ignored him and left again.

“Want to leave? Put Kunlun Mirror down!”

Yang Yu right hand waved violently, three thousand dream flames roared out, and immediately blocked them inside.

However, it was shattered in an instant.

Yang Yu frowned suddenly, standing directly in front of the black clothed person, “Drop Kunlun Mirror!”

“hehe ……”

The black clothed person just sneered at it, and didn’t care, he moved away towards Yang Yu with a slam in his palm.

Yang Yu raised his hand directly, and the two directly confronted Boom.


The explosion sounded suddenly, and the entire Dragon Island shook violently.

The two backed at the same time, and Yang Yu was even more surprised.

This person’s cultivation base is really terrifying.

The other party had already gone all out, but the other party’s casually resolved it directly.

“Who are you?”

The black clothed person always said nothing, and a stronger spirit strength suddenly appeared behind him. The horrible demon light shrouded the entire ground directly.

Peng peng peng ……

Demon Mark exploded. This terrifying shock almost made Yang Yu spit out blood.

At this time, a tunnel appeared in the space instantly, and the black clothed man directly drilled into it and disappeared instantly.


Yang Yu frowned, what he should have noticed, and it is not good news for him to let the black clothed man leave with Kunlun Mirror.

This person cannot be the person of Heavenly Martial Continent.

In other words, it is most likely an expert from another world.

“His cultivation base is not easy!”

Fat Cat came over without any surprise, and Yang Yu frowned. “You know, who is he?”

“I don’t know exactly, but I guessed a bit.”

Fat Cat hehe laughed strangely, “Do you still need to ask? Looking around the world, anyone who can have the cultivation base just now, no one can do it except Demon Venerable.”

“Is he a Demon Venerable?”

“It’s just Grandpa Meow’s guess. No one knows if it’s true.”

Fat Cat breathed a sigh of relief, “However, Kunlun Mirror was taken away by him, which is ultimately unfavorable. If he uses it to travel through time, it will likely cause Space-Time disorder and Heavenly Martial Continent to die.”

“I can only hope he doesn’t do anything …”

Yang Yu nodded, looked back at Bone Dragon’s body, and arched his hands immediately.

“Senior, you died because of I. In the future, I will definitely help you find this Kunlun Mirror!”

Since Kunlun Mirror is the Dragon Race to suppress destiny, it’s going to be taken back!

Even though Dragon Race is over, it is absolutely impossible for others to get involved.

And, according to Fat Cat, 80% of the black clothed people are Demon Venerable, and the consequences will only be even worse!

He remembered that the owner of Penglai Immortal Island should have suppressed Demon Venerable, but why did he appear here?

That said, this black clothed person is not Demon Venerable?

But except Demon Venerable can have such terrifying cultivation base, Heavenly Martial Continent, who can do it?

Yang Yu is puzzled, but now there is not enough time, and now he can only give up.

Yang Yu and Fat Cat flew directly into the air, preparing to leave the place.

Perhaps, will not come here from now on.

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