Xuanyuan 鍑 € 鍑 璋 佷 笌 浜 夐 攱?

Xuanyuan Divine Sword, Heavenly Martial Continent

杩 欐 妸 Divine Sword, 铏 铏 劧 鏁 竾 骞, 劧 鏁, 棿 娌, 湁 鍑, 幇 杩 囦, 幇 杩 囦, 嗘 槸 浠 栫 殑 浼 犺  浠 庢 湭, 嗘 槸 浠 栫 殑 浼 犺  浠 庢 湭!

“Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!”

Ter € 栫 殑 姘 斿 娍 褰 揿 嵆 鐖 嗗 彂 寮 € 鏉 terrifying 镄 刣 ivine light

“Our Majesty is really strong!”

Long Zhan 嗗 憜 镄 勭 湅 镌 嗗 憜 镄 勭 湅 镌 杩 椤 箷, 褰 揿 嵆 sucked in a cold breath 銆

钖 屾 牱 鏄 疢 artial Ancestor powerhouse, 鍙  槸 鐜 板 湪 Yang Yu

Keys, terrifying, overeign, keying, and on-site registration are all concise.

Li Ruolan brows tightly knit, chain 涚 潃 Yang Yu 濡 傛  铡 夊 , 蹇 冮 噷

Heavenly Martial Continent, took martial arts as honor 銆

寮 Coach ぇ 镄 凪 artial Artist

Black Snake Sovereign (cold light), (瀹 冩 瘯 绔 熸 槸 瀛 樻 ld 浜 嗘 暟 鍗 冨 monster), key (Martial Emperor powerhouse) , 涔 熻 兘 NO 涔 熻 兘 佽 瘑 鍒 佽 瘑 鍒 笉 灏 戝 笉 灏 戝 殑 瀛 澶 殑 瀛

Yang Yu 闾 f 亹 亹, 亹, 曟 槸 瀹 冮 兘 镒 熷 埌 浜 嗘 棤 姣, 曟 槸 瀹 冮 兘 镒 熷 埌 浜 嗘 棤 姣, 殑, 囩 劧, 湁 鎯, 湁 鎯, 埌 浼, 嚭 鐜, r Errifying 镄 勫瓨 鍦 ㄣ €

 € ¢ Jade and stone burns together 钖

Black Snake Sovereign 褰 揿 嵆 嶆 柇 镄 勫 钖 钖 钖 钖 拞 鍝  拞 鍝  瀹 冨 湪 瀹 冨 湪 瀹 冨 湪 瀹 冨 湪 瀹 冨 湪 Yang Yu Yu

“Ehe,, 犳 兂 乯 ade and stone burns together? I, 鍙  笉 浼 氱 粰 犺 犺 umbrella 満 浼


Heaven Level Divine Ability 鐖 嗗 彂, 娑 岀 幇 鍑, 潵 镄, ormidable strength 绠 € 鐩 村 鏄  亹 鏄  亹

镞 犳 暟 golden 鍏 取 棬 宁  嵎 KEY 屽 嚭, 姹镄 勮 瘽, 鍙  € 曡 Umbrella Black Snake Sovereign

嗘 槸 嗘 槸, Black Snake Sovereign 镄 勫 疄 锷 涘 彲 嶅, 鍙 ︻ 湅 鍒粰 鎸 ′ 简 嬫 潵 銆 嬫 潵 銆


How to save nitrogen and nitrogen

The terrifying air burst out, and the guy’s scales were lifted out.

A puddle of filthy black blood sprayed out. The power of terrifying made people feel horrified. I didn’t expect it would be so powerful.

“Your Majesty, how could he be so powerful?”

Long Zhan was a bit unbelievable. When he entered the back room, he once thought that he must be dead this time, but what he didn’t expect was that Yang Yu’s strength would be so scary!

Black Snake Sovereign is in Yang Yu’s hands without any temper. Although it is Sovereign Level Demon Beast, it has no effect.

The domineering gesture left a deep impression on Long Zhan’s heart.

“Long Zhan, you listen to I!”

“Real man, live like a person.”

“Yes, you owe the great kindness of Flowing Heart Sect, but it is not Chen Feiyang.”

“A real man, do something, do you understand?”

Yang Yu’s voice fell, and every sentence hit his chest like a boulder.

Long Zhan was firm nodded at this time, “many thanks Your Majesty!”


Yang Yu wouldn’t say this to Long Zhan for no reason, mainly because this person’s temperament can be said to be very appetite for Yang Yu.

The main thing is that he is very loyal to this person, which can be seen from his attitude towards Chen Feiyang.

Of course, Yang Yu now understands it.

In fact, Long Zhan reminded him from the beginning, just like Long Zhan accidentally stepped on the organ.

All of this was secretly reminded by him.

It was just that he was skeptical and didn’t care.

It is for this reason that Yang Yu wants to take Long Zhan as his Majesty.

“Ao! I fight with you!”

Black Snake Sovereign seems to be harmed by the sword qi of Xuanyuan Divine Sword, all the scales on the whole body will fall off.

If it is an ordinary weapon, it is naturally difficult to hurt him. This is like the scales of an armor.

However, Xuanyuan Sword is Divine Artifact!

Although it is said that Yang Yu’s own strength is insufficient now, there is no way to give full play to the formidable strength of Xuanyuan Sword, but it is actually enough.

Xuanyuan Divine Sword, cutting iron like mud is no joke!

Yang Yu’s face was indifferent, with cold light in his eyes, feeling the horror of the surrounding forces becoming more and more frowned.

“this is?”

Immediately afterwards, a horrific force broke out, and countless demon qi was distributed.

“Demon Heaven Great Transformation!”

Secret Technique!

Black Snake Sovereign’s Secret Technique, which relies on this move, relies on this move, but Martial Sovereign died in his hands more than ten!

This formidable strength is very terrifying, it can erode the body of Martial Artist, and then extract the spiritual strength of Martial Artist to it within the body.

No doubt, this move can be said to be a dead end trick, but all this is just a futility for Yang Yu!

The current Black Snake Sovereign has lost the protection of the scale armor, and in his eyes, it looks like a piece of meat on a cutting board.

“go to hell!”


Xuanyuan Divine Sword rays of light skyrocketed, just like Divine Dragon, which brought extremely terrifying impact!

might of a single sword, golden light skyrocketed!

All the black poison qi disappeared instantly, and his original creator, Black Snake Sovereign, was cut off by Yang Yu’s sword, now it’s gone!

This is the overbearing Yang Yu, with almost Invincible power.

“Ding dong, congratulations to the player for killing Black Snake Sovereign, get EXP 20,000,000, Heavenly Burial Destiny Stone bonus 20,000,000!”


“Ding dong, player level upgrade, currently Martial Ancestor Level 1!”

“Ding dong, player level upgrade, currently Martial Ancestor Level 2!”


“Ding dong, player level upgrade, currently Martial Ancestor Level 4!”

Rising Level 4!


This is simply the best news for Yang Yu. You know, he wants refining medicine pill and so on, but he needs EXP …

“Ding dong, players get a card Martial Emperor Mo Chengfeng!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining mysterious keys!”



What is this?

Yang Yu turned to look at the flashing white card in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was also somewhat absent-minded.

Martial Emperor Mo Chengfeng: white card!

Summon Martial Emperor Mo Chengfeng fights, can defend the country, cannot upgrade, and disappears immediately if it dies!

Martial Emperor powerhouse?

Yang Yu was immediately sucked in a cold breath, does this mean that he is protected by a Martial Emperor powerhouse for free?

Moreover, it is still the kind of obedience to yourself, which is simply great!

“Ding dong, congratulations to players for opening Card System!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining rewards, a random card, please lottery!”

Card System?

Yang Yu scratched his head. There was too much breath in this tone. He didn’t respond.

However, after a brief inspection, he was quite clear.

The Card System is divided into five types: white, blue, purple, red, and orange, which correspond to common, elite, rare, legendary, and diversity card levels.

The higher the level, the greater the effect.

Like the Martial Emperor Mo Chengfeng card he got this time, although it looks very difficult to deal with, it is actually just a common white card.

Therefore, Mo Chengfeng has no way to upgrade or resurrect.

However, Card System has another benefit.

That is, you can carry it personally. When you do n’t need it, just swipe the card at the character and you can seal it inside.

Of course, this requires Spirit Stone …

Each seal costs XNUMX high grade Spirit Stone, which is not a small number.

It was good to open the Card System, but it gave him a chance to free lottery, which can not be wasted.

“Ding dong, is the player lottery? Do not answer after 30 seconds, give up automatically …”

“Fuck, smoke!”

Hong long long ……

A huge wheel appeared in Divine Consciousness, which was engraved with each and everyone cards, it was amazing.

“This is the divine card? Pangu!”

“Divine card Heavenspan Cult Lord?”

“Divine card Fuxi?”


Looking at the card above, Yang Yu’s saliva was almost dripping …

fuck, this is too awesome

There are so many characters in ancient legends?

If he was so angry that he got Pangu, wouldn’t it be crooked?

“Suck him!”

Yang Yu turned the roulette abruptly, and then saw countless cards lit up.

“Divine card, divine card, divine card …”

Finally, under Yang Yu’s prayer, the turntable stopped gradually, but in the end it was fixed on a purple card.

“Ding dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining purple card, Martial God Zhao Zilong!”

Zhao Zilong?

Isn’t that a white robe teenager in the Three Kingdoms period?

Walking thousands of miles and riding alone, one person and one shot dare to face the army of Cao Zei!

The name of Martial God, name is not in vain!

Martial God Zhao Zilong: purple card.

Summon Martial God Zhao Zilong can’t continue to upgrade. He can be resurrected after death, but it needs to consume Spirit Stone.

[Martial God Zhao Zilong is a special card, which cannot be used outside, it will only be displayed in the city. 】

I Fuck …

Even if Yang Yu is so good-tempered, he can’t bear his inner anger at this time!

Martial God Zhao Zilong This is the Martial God cultivation base. With Martial God’s help, who else would you be afraid of?

However, the last sentence of system plunged him into a deep valley.

It must not be used outside. It can only be used inside the city.

In other words, it can only be used in Royal Capital, such as now in this place, it cannot be used!

Isn’t this cheating?

Li Ruolan and Long Zhan are both confused, Your Majesty.

Yang Yu laughed at Yang Tian for a while, and then busted her breasts, which made them feel strange.

“cough cough ……”

Seeing both of them looking at themselves, Yang Yu coughed twice and said in a low voice: “Well, let’s quickly find out, is there any other stone door here. I found a key from its body, should Can help us leave. “


Long Zhan scratched his head, but didn’t think too much, and quickly squatted down to find the door.

“Come and see, isn’t this!”

Just then, Li Ruolan exclaimed suddenly, and then saw a stone door pressed under the body of the Black Snake Sovereign.

“Do you want to continue?”

Long Zhan is also puzzled, after all, he has never been to this place.

“Let’s go, I’ll see what’s weird ahead!”

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