“The Capricorn Destiny Stone is the one of the 12 Destiny Stones refining by Heavenly Talisman Emperor in the past. As long as you own it, you can passively improve your destiny.”

“Also, you can urge Secondary Divine Ability to fortunetelling. Being able to choose something and fortunetelling is enough to be good.”

Ding Sheng’s voice was paused, “If 12 Destiny Stones merge, it will have a more mysterious effect.”

Yang Yu frowned, and instantly understood, Ding Sheng said nothing more than to tell him that this thing was prepared for him.

If you want, buy it with Spirit Stone.

12 Destiny Stones: Heavenly Burial, Heaven and Earth, Space-Time, Yin-Yang, Myriad Beast, reincarnation, Godsend, Black Tortoise, Undefeated, Eternal, Primal Chaos, Capricorn Destiny Stone.

Each one plays an important role and is a great help for Yang Yu nowadays.

Especially the horrible Destiny Imperial Order is enough to make him defeat the Heavenly Immortal expert.

If you get all that, just Destiny Imperial Order is enough to make Heavenly Immortal powerhouse weaken the sixth-order cultivation base!

“The role of this one is also made clear by the palace, and anyone who wants it will naturally shoot. The reserve price: 1,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone!”

If only this one had no other effect, 1,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone would be too expensive.

But now it’s different. For Yang Yu, let alone 1,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone, even if it is 10,000,000,000, 100,000,000,000 he will take it down.

Because, only the last one is left.

“1.5 billion!”

Yang Yu raised his hand and opened his mouth.

The whole audience was uproar, because most of the experts were hidden, so I didn’t know Yang Yu.

For them, 1.5 billion to buy such a Talisman Stone is not a good choice.

Heavenly Talisman Emperor nodded, and laughed, “If you buy it, it is good, it will greatly improve you.”

“I understand.”

For a long time, the others did not speak.

Yang Yu is their own, and they are too lazy to speak, not to mention not wanting to waste Spirit Stone and buy a Talisman Stone that is not very useful.

Just before this Talisman Stone was about to become Yang Yu’s bag, the former Doosan man sneered again and raised his hand directly, “10,000,000,000!”


Yang Yu stood up, his eyes were cold light, and diffuse aura diffused.

Everyone can see that this fighting man is clearly making trouble for Yang Yu.

To him, a demon Destiny Stone had no effect.

However, he deliberately coaxed the price and did not reassure Yang Yu.


“This one should be Mad Emperor, right?”

Under the fighting, the two cold lights kept flashing, calmly said: “Others often say that Mad Emperor has a wealth of money, a nickname, and a wealthy boy. Wherever you go, there are many Spirit Stones, I do n’t know, this time you still Are there so many Spirit Stones? “

“20,000,000,000 !”

“30,000,000,000 !”

Prices soared all the way, and Yang Yu’s eyes were flushed. Under the eyes of everyone’s stunning eyes, the price was directly raised to 100,000,000,000!

“100,000,000,000 !”

Yang Yu gasped. These are all his Spirit Stones. If this guy continues to raise prices, then he really can’t help it.

“1000 five 10,000,000,000!”

The sound dropped, even Heavenly Talisman Emperor’s eyes widened.

Although this fighting man is said to be Demon Fiend Clan, the number of Spirit Stones he owns is too terrifying.

“you you……”

“Hehe, why, Mad Emperor doesn’t have Spirit Stone anymore?”

“Yes! 1000 80,000,000,000!”

Hai Lingyu took Yang Yu’s hand, stood up, then looked at him, and whispered, “This Talisman Stone is very important to you, and it must not fall on his hand.”

“Hehe, 200,000,000,000.”

Dounan didn’t care, and said again a number that choked everyone!

“You just auctioned the Ancient World Destroying Scroll, 200,000,000,000! Now, you want to auction this Talisman Stone again, 200,000,000,000? Add up, a full 400 billion! Do you have so many Spirit Stones?”

Ding Sheng also thought about it, so many Spirit Stones piled up enough to shake the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

“Hehe, you can rest assured.”

The Doo man laughed coldly, “I Demon Fiend Clan and the ghost clan do not want to oppose Nine Heavens Palace. Your rules, we also understand. I can make an oath here, if I can not pay for the Spirit Stone , Then just kill me Divine Soul! “

The voice fell, Ding Sheng naturally relieved.

Nowadays, it is really difficult to deal with the two aliens joining hands.

But Nine Heavens Palace is not weak. Once offended by Nine Heavens Palace, they can help Yang Yu and the others. By that time, Demon Fiend Clan and aliens can be dangerous.

It’s not wise to offend Nine Heavens Palace for Spirit Stone.

These hidden experts also know the power of Demon Fiend Clan.

In one breath, he mentioned the price directly to 200,000,000,000. Yang Yu didn’t have much to do if he wanted it again.

“250,000,000,000 !”

Sword God gave Yang Yu a space ring and said with a smile: “There are seven 10,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stones in it, which is also a bit of old man’s heart.”


“You get this Talisman Stone, and it’s also great for the Human Race league!”

“haha ……”

But who knows that this person laughed on the sky and didn’t care: “Why, if you can’t buy one, you want another one?”

Gu Sanchi sneered, saying indifferently: “Perhaps Demon Fiend Clan is indeed strong, and the strength is above the Human Race. But as long as the Human Race unites, it can defeat you at the beginning, and it will be the same in the future!”

This remark was something in the words, which deliberately stimulated the fighting man.

“You guys, are you too happy?”

The Doosan sneered, and then slowly spoke, “Is 250,000,000,000 very high?”

“300,000,000,000 !”

The sound dropped, and even Sword God was a bit shocked. Why didn’t he expect that this guy would make such a high price.

What does 300,000,000,000 mean?

For the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, there are almost as many Spirit Stones that can be mined in a year.

And he was just for a Talisman Stone!

“Now, don’t you want to increase the price?”


Yang Yu stood up abruptly, looked at Ding Sheng calmly, and said, “Ding Palace Lord, I need this Capricorn Destiny Stone very much. I also brought some Magical Treasure on my body, if you need it, you can Speak! “

However, the other party was obviously able to see through him and laughed.

“Mad Emperor said, that’s true. The treasures you have on your body are all heaven defying things, but …”

“If you really want it, you can exchange it with Xuanyuan Divine Sword. This palace can sell 10,000,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone and buy your Xuanyuan Divine Sword!”

The audience is stunned!

No one knows what Xuanyuan Divine Sword means.

This is a tale between Sovereign and Xia Wushuang.

Those who win Xuanyuan will win the world!

Now, in Yang Yu’s hands?


Yang Yu directly refused, let alone say that this guy issued 10,000,000,000,000, even if it is a trillion, he will never agree.

“That’s fine, your Human Sovereign Heaven and Earth pen is also a good Divine Object. This palace can open 5 trillion Spirit Stones.”


The Human Sovereign Heaven and Earth pen is a legacy of Emperor Gu San. The formidable strength is amazing. Yang Yu retains its usefulness for himself. If it is auctioned, it will not be good for himself.

“Neither this nor that. Mad Emperor, don’t waste each other’s time. Treasure on your body is the highest price I can afford.”

“What about this?”

Yang Yu right hand waved violently, only to see a mighty force radiate instantly.

I only saw a stone platform emerge slowly, and the surrounding immortal strength surged, directly turning the space into Primal Chaos.

“Supreme Immortal Artifact, Heaven and Earth reincarnation station!”

Yang Yu said, “This Magical Treasure is made by stealing Heaven and Earth good luck and stealing the power of reincarnation. It has infinite magical effects! How much do you bid?”

“The most common Supreme Immortal Artifact is enough to be worth 300,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.”

“For your stone platform, this palace can open 500 billion high grade Spirit Stone.”

“it is good!”

Yang Yu right hand waved sharply, closing up the stone platform, while staring at Douyin male, his voice sounded like a ghost.

“250,000,000,000 plus this 500 billion, 10,000,000,000 million XNUMX, do you still add?”

10,000,000,000 thousand XNUMX. Buying this Capricorn Destiny Stone is a blood loss!

Even the Divine Object fused into Supreme has no effect.

With so many Spirit Stones, if you are fighting, you can buy a lot of things.

But Capricorn Destiny Stone was very important to him and had to make such a high price.

“10,000,000,000 thousand XNUMX, take down Capricorn Destiny Stone, hehe …”

The dipper sneered, with a cold glow on his face, “No, of course not. Since Mad Emperor wants it so, then I let you do it. However, take out these 10,000,000,000 million XNUMX, tsk tsk, no You know, how do you auction the next thing? “

Yang Yu clasped his hands tightly, with cold glow in his eyes, he knew that he must have done a good job!

For Doosan, there are two benefits to auctioning Devil Stone.

First, if it is not auctioned, but the price is also soared up, the last Spatial Teleportation scroll, Yang Yu will retire from the stage and cannot compete.

Second, if it is auctioned, it will be destroyed directly.

Then 12 Destiny Stones will never be able to merge, and Yang Yu’s strength will be weakened a lot.

Therefore, no matter how much the Doosan man drives up the price, he will never suffer.

Whether you get Destiny Stone or not, it’s very helpful!

Yang Yu sat down again, and the coldness in his eyes slowly disappeared.

“Well, in this case, the Destiny Stone will be auctioned off by Mad Emperor. Please bring your things and come back later.”


Yang Yu nodded, and Heavenly Talisman Emperor is sighed, “brat, it’s not a good thing that you spend so much Spirit Stone to buy …”

“I know all the pros and cons. But I can’t help but buy.”

“Well, after you get it and fuse it, you will naturally understand. I do n’t know how many Spirit Stones the Dowboy brought with me, I hope there will be no accidents in the final scroll.

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