Within Wind God vestige, there was silence.

Inside the palace, what should have been recorded, but obviously all traces have been erased, and nothing can be seen.

Yang Yu took the Xuanyuan Dragon Soul sword and walked in step by step.

Evil God, right here!

According to the village chief, only Evil God should live there.

However, Yang Yu thought it was strange. This is obviously Wind God vestige. Why was it occupied by this so-called Evil God?

or is, what happened to it before?

All this, Yang Yu is not clear now, can only go one step at a time.

Yang Yu walked forward slowly, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

“Sacrifice, is it here?”

Soon, as he was about to reach the final spot, he heard an extremely weird sound.

The sound was cold and bitter, just like frost.

Moreover, all around the black mist of terrifying, accompanied by the roar of black wind, only a woman with a black biplane was seen in front of her eyes.

The woman was not ugly, exuding an evil spirit everywhere.

The main thing is that she didn’t wear clothes, only countless black spells were painted on her body.

And there are bursts of cold glow all around, only people have one’s hair stand on end.

“Aren’t you a sacrifice?”

Yang Yu imagined Evil God, either the ugly eight-claw monster or the kind of existence similar to the Scarab King.

But a woman came out?

And, still naked, charming, sexy bearing and charming temperament woman?

“Are you Evil God?”

The two stared at each other calmly, not knowing how long it had passed before Evil God sneered.

“It turns out, God’s Envoy?”

“you know?”

Yang Yu was surprised at this time, always felt that the Evil God in front of him was very simple.

“hehe ……”

Evil God didn’t answer. My hands began to twitch mysterious hand seal, and there were countless streamers in the back.

At this moment of skill, Yang Yu really realized what is terror.

Under this power, he seemed so weak.

“Weak God’s Envoy, you are in front of me, only dead end!”

Hearing this, Yang Yu also knew that a war would be inevitable.

Without thinking about it, the Xuanyuan Dragon Soul sword burst out from behind.

Numerous terrifying demon lights have covered this place directly, and Yang Yu is even more ruthless and punched in the past.


The ground trembled as a result, but it had no effect at all.

He and Xuanyuan Dragon Soul swords flew out at the same time, and the right hand shattered into a blood mist.

The law of regeneration emerged in an instant, but it recovered directly, but he was completely trapped in it and could no longer go out.

“I devoured you, my divine strength, you can recover, hahaha!”

“hehe ……”

Yang Yu didn’t mind, but sneered, “It’s useless.”

“what did you say?”

“I’m not the real God’s Envoy, I’m just a common person. Even if you swallow me, the strength of the divine that can be recovered is minimal!”


Evil God screamed as if he had been trampled on his tail, his face full of panic.

“No way, you must be God’s Envoy!”

“The prophecy said, you are God’s Envoy!”

Yang Yu shook the head with a wry smile, and said indifferently: “So, when have you met, God’s Envoy without Divinity strength?”

God, above Immortal.

If the fairy can control the world, then God can create the world!

All Heavens and Myriad Realms, including Human Race Monster Beast, are all created by God.

However, God has good and bad.

“Actually, you are not God. Rather, a thief who stole the strength of divide!”

Yang Yu didn’t care, his eyes glowed with cold glow, staring at each other deadly.

“Your divine strength comes from the wind, but it is full of evil. And you have not reached the level of God, you are just a sad thief.”

“Do not……”

Evil God roared to the sky and swiftly gestured, and the entire Array suddenly became extremely surging. The next second, Yang Yu was lifted out by fiercely.

Looking at her terrifying appearance, Yang Yu laughed.

“You have the power of God, but you are not worthy of God!”

The voice was low, and the other party’s eyes were emitting cold light at this time.

“You don’t need to anger me.”

Was discovered…

What Yang Yu said was not groundless.

He could feel that this power came from Wind God, and she called it Evil God, but had some of the Divine strength of Wind God.

The only explanation is to steal the power of Wind God.

“You’re right, my power is indeed given by Wind God. But that is her own willingness! Because, she violated God World’s rules, to protect her followers!”

“and so……”

Yang Yu seemed to think of something like that, with frost on his face.

“God World, all her followers are being held here, Eternal Undying, but suffering?”

“of course!”

Evil God sneered, “And, Wind God is among these people, haven’t you found out yet?”

“what did you say?”

At this time, Xiaoyu slowly walked in as if she had changed her appearance.

The green talisman seal at the center of the eyebrow is as dazzling as a gem.

Although the body is so small, the divinity strength makes one have one’s hair stand on end.

“hehe ……”

“Elder sister, can you finally make it?”

Elder sister ?

Yang Yu was surprised and didn’t understand what the relationship between the two was.

“Looking at your followers, constantly dying and resurrecting, you can still endure, elder sister, you are truly amazing!”

“You don’t need to stimulate me.”

But who knows Xiaoyu … No, it should be said that Wind God doesn’t care.

Green eyes, looked at Yang Yu, slowly shook his head, “I thought you were him, but … but not.”

“Haha, elder sister, are you still waiting for your mad god?”

“Don’t wait, he has long been in reincarnation and has completely lost Divine Spark, haha!”

Mad God?

Yang Yu doesn’t know what these two people are talking about now, but it can be felt faintly that this thing, even the entire Ghost Domain space, hides the secret of the sky!

“Let him go, he’s not God’s Envoy, you leave him, and it has no effect.”

“hehe ……”

Evil God just sneered at it, calmly said: “elder sister, don’t you think it’s heaven and earth?”

“Do you think that you were the Supreme Wind God that was invincible?”

“None of you, Divine Spark, how do you fight me?”

Wind God shook the head, sighed, “Why, you are my biological younger sister, but you want to help them and harm me?”

As if remembering the past, the smile on Evil God’s face disappeared instantly, and it became completely cold.

“Elder sister, don’t you know yet?”

“You and I are both a breeze born in Primal Chaos, but you are loved by the Father and become the Wind God. And I can only be your shadow and send a wisp to countless worlds Breeze. “

“You have harvested countless believers. They will only remember you, but no one will ever remember me.”


Evil God’s eyes have a Murderous intention, saying one word at a time: “Mad God, I only like you! Never look at me straight, why?”

“Why elder sister you can get so much, but I have nothing?”

“This is not fair!”

Wind God stunned and smiled bitterly. “It turned out that you took all the trouble to take away Divine Spark from me, in order to take everything away from me?”

“Yes, you’re right! Your followers are all kindhearted people. It’s harder to make them disrespectful to God than heavenly ascension.”

“So, I deceived them, let them kill each other, and let them use the blood dyed Red Temple to offend the Father!”

Evil God laughed to heaven, his face even more crazy.

“Because, elder sister, you are the believer who protects you the most. So, you hit God the Father, and you were punished. Of course, all this can not be hidden from the Father God. The Father God also punished me, let me think behind closed doors And then responsible for devouring the souls of these believers. “

“Let them resurrect an unlimited number of times and experience that pain an infinite number of times.”

Yang Yu shook the head, all this, to put it plainly, is because of jealousy that’s all.

From this perspective, is there any difference between the so-called God and man?

Even with Seven Emotions and Six Desires, they will die.

At most, it ’s all who are very difficult to deal with

Originally, he always felt that God is aloof and remote, and Supreme exists.

They don’t have any feelings, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now.

They are also jealous, jealous, and greedy!

“Have you regretted it?”

Evil God stunned, then laughed frantically, “Why regret it? Although you are one of these people, elder sister, I can devour you after all. It is you who experience the pain of death The happiest thing in my life. “

“Moreover, you have to look at your followers and experience this almost desperate pain, I am really happy!”

Somehow, Wind God just shook his head and sighed, and didn’t want to argue.

“Let him down, our matter, we will solve it ourselves.”

“After so many years of grievances, it’s time to understand them today.”


Evil God laughed to the sky, he didn’t care: “If you have the ability, elder sister, then come to help!”

Yang Yu immediately shot, and the rays of light around him flickered, urging Destiny Imperial Order directly.

But the dazzling amulet shattered instantly when it touched Evil God’s body, and Yang Yu almost spit it out.

“Ding dong, the Destiny Imperial Order is invalid. The opponent has the protection of God, and is immune to any rules.”

Evil God turned around, his eyes burning, “Sure enough, it’s God’s Envoy, who has mastered the preliminary destiny. Fortunately, it is still weak, otherwise, it is not easy for me to kill you.”

Suddenly, I saw that Evil God grabbed his hands, and the space was directly broken, so he moved to Yang Yu.

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