The deep blue space is full of spirit strength.

Many inexplicable shells lay on the ground like this, one after another, with different postures and countless sea corals.

It’s very quiet here, without any creatures and no sound.

On the ground, there is a man and a woman, and a black Fat Cat.

“Is this the Tomb of Sea God?”

Yang Yu frowns, it took a long time to stand up, at this time he had a headache and was extremely uncomfortable.

Divine Soul spread, but as if hindered, it could barely detect the existence of Fangyuan Sanli.

You know, if he goes all out, he can directly sense the life of thousands of miles.

“Ding dong, the player enters the tomb of Sea God, and the status of continuous guardian is temporarily invalid.”

“Ding dong, players are affected by the Sea God field, and their own strength drops by 30%.”

“Ding dong, can’t go out until it is approved by Sea God.”

Yang Yu frowned, hurried to wake up Hai Lingyu and Fat Cat.

Fortunately, they are still together. In this case, anyway, there is still a way, at least there is no need to worry about security issues.

“This…what is this place?”

Hai Lingyu frowned. “Can this be the tomb of Sea God?”


Fat Cat’s gaze-like eyes kept glancing, and a little impatiently cursed: “motherfucker, why is it so quiet here. Grandpa Meow remembers that many people all came in, so why are there only three of us?”

“It should be the power of Sea God.”

Yang Yu thought about it, “After we came in, the power of Sea God emerged, so we randomly allocated us elsewhere.”

“The rest, I’m afraid it’s also here.”

“It’s just that we are not in the same place.”

Fat Cat thoughtfully nodded, “This tomb of Sea God has its own space, with its unique power of law, and our strength has been weakened. However, this is good news.”

“Why do you say that?”

And Yang Yu laughed, “You are all top-level beings, suppressed by 30%, and weakened more than I, the Martial Saint. In this way, we deal with Demon Fiend Clan them, not many Is there a chance? “


The three stood up, felt each other, and when they were sure they were all right, they all moved towards looking in one direction.

“Assuming that the tomb of Sea God we are in today has a regular shape, then the tomb of Sea God is most likely in the middle.”

“The rest of us, like us, were randomly thrown in one direction. So, as long as we moved towards the middle, there would be no problem.

After Yang Yu said it, Fat Cat laughed, “Oh, it’s rare that you think so clearly, it’s incredible.”

“Haha, I don’t ask you any questions now.”

Yang Yu also laughed and whispered: “Even if we can’t win the Magical Treasure in the Tomb of Sea God, we definitely can’t get it to Demon Fiend Clan and the ghosts!”



The three of them unfolded at high speed and flew towards the middle.

But at this time, weird things happened, and the space seemed to move. No matter how they moved, the scenery around the space would move because of this, and they would always be trapped in place.

“Motherfucker, what the hell is this?”

Fat Cat was always irritable, and suddenly he couldn’t bear the anger in his heart and yelled.

And Yang Yu also stopped, he could feel the strangeness in it.

“Wait a second, I’m just afraid that there is an Array here, so we will suffer this way.”

“This is the Tomb of Sea God, how could it be so easy for us to go in?”

Hai Lingyu thought about it and moved a few steps forward, and was surprised to find that the surrounding scenery had not changed at all.

“I move alone, there will be no change in this space, Fat Cat, you try it.”

“it is good!”

Fat Cat was also unambiguous, and immediately took a cat step, but it was not fast and a bit of thought.

And Yang Yu has been observing the changes of the surrounding scenery, and he was surprised to find that there was no change!

“You two move together, try it?”

Fat Cat and Hai Lingyu glanced at each other and moved at the same time, and they saw that the scenery remained unchanged.

Yang Yu sighed in relief, whispering: “If I didn’t guess wrong, I should not be able to move, otherwise the space would move and let us return to the origin.”

“is it?”

Fat Cat was a little unconvinced and waved his hand. “Then you take a step and try it?”

Yang Yu frowned and immediately took a step forward, but the next scene shocked them!

The two of them immediately returned to the origin, including Yang Yu himself.

“Fuck? What’s going on?”

Yang Yu puzzled shook the head, so strange, how could he know what was going on.

“Try it out, what happens if you move in another direction?”

The three tried again, but the results did not change, and they returned to the original point.

At this time, everyone was stunned, and they did not expect such a strange thing to happen.

“This time, what should I do?”

You look at me, I look at you, and once again fell into silence.

“Why not …”

Yang Yu sighed with a bitter smile, “The two of you have a good cultivation base, and they will not be affected here. It is better to go to the front to see if you can let Demon Fiend Clan and the ghosts succeed.

“how about you?”

“I stay here temporarily to see if there is any way to crack it.”

“How about that?”

Hai Lingyu immediately refused, “You have now lost Xuanyuan Divine Sword. If you encounter an unexpected event, I’m afraid it will be because of …”

“I know everything.”

Yang Yu smiled and calmly said, “I don’t need to worry about the safety of I. Even if it is 9 Star Heavenly Immortal, I won’t have anything to do. But I will …”

He was just about to run, but suddenly realized how he was going to run in this place?

“Otherwise, Grandpa Meow will go alone, and she will accompany you?”

Yang Yu is still shook the head, “You don’t need to worry about the safety of I. Since Sea God has given such a restriction to I, I must have his own plan.”

“You stay here and can’t help I. Go there now, and maybe help Heavenly Talisman Emperor them.”


“You Fei, don’t you believe I?”

Hai Lingyu breathed a long sigh of relief, pursed his lips, and whispered, “Your Majesty, Your Concubine’s heart you understand.”

“If you suffer any damage, then Your Concubine will follow you!”

“Come on, it’s not life or death, why are you so nervous?”

Yang Yu laughed, and the two of them were nodded to each other and moved towards the distance.

“Fat Cat, if there is any damage to Feather, you don’t want your dried cod.”


There was a swearing from Fat Cat in the distance, and Yang Yu was sighed.

He didn’t dare to move half a step now, lest Fat Cat come back again.

In this case, it is simply a waste of time, but not a good stay. In this case, there may be some opportunities.

It’s just that it’s quiet and terrifying.

What people are most afraid of is loneliness, the kind of despair left by the world, and only their own feeling of despair. Only by experiencing it in real life can they understand how terrifying it is.

Some people can do the retreat for thousands of years without going out. Comprehend peerless martial arts, in the final analysis, is therefore when the retreat, the time is like flowing water, almost a few flicks, and the millennium time has passed.

Otherwise, no one can stand the loneliness.

Yang Yu reluctantly sighed, sat down with his knees folded, his arms around mysterious hand seal, and began to cultivate.

Although he lost the status of Heavenly Martial Continent Guardian, fortunately there is a spirit strength like seawater, which can timely supplement his spirit strength.

As it happens, his within the body just suffered a very serious injury just now, which can be recovered by the law of regeneration.

Yang Yu frowned, and the spirit strength around him was working. Just as he recovered his injury, the whole space suddenly shook.

“The powerhouse is born, the weak is dead!”

“The weak, do not qualify for God’s blessing!”

“This King gives you a chance, but only one place, the winner can leave. The loser, kill it!”

The sound is like Hong Zhong, only to see that the surrounding space has begun to change from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and it has turned into a pothole full of blood.

Beside him, there are dozens of experts, Demon Fiend Clan, ghosts including Human Race!

However, the worst is also Heavenly Immortal cultivation base.

In contrast, Yang Yu’s cultivation base is really a bit unattainable.

“Damn, what’s going on?”

“Mad Emperor, what should we do?”

“I don’t know.”

Human Race experts are naturally based on Yang Yu, but now Yang Yu doesn’t know what happened.

The terrifying voice just now must be Sea God, but what he said made him feel that he had one’s hair stand on end.

powerhouse lives, the weak die …

Only one person can leave alive, the rest, all wiped out!

“What is this place? Watch me fly out!”

One of the Demon Fiend Clan experts didn’t even think about it, and he was ready to fly away, but was instantly smashed by a mighty divine strength, including Divine Soul instantly burst into a blood mist!

So scary! !! !!

Just spike Heavenly Immortal expert, and even Divine Soul is shattered by shock. How terrifying is this dive strength?

“No one can leave until there is a tie.”

“All of you have 5 minutes of skill preparation. Remember, this King can only allow one person to leave. Whatever you do, you can.”

“Next, the good show begins!”

Immediately afterwards, the blood and water boiled instantly, and it didn’t take long before I saw a wave burst in front of me.

These people look at each other in shock, roaring and killing the aliens.

“Fuck, even if you die, you can’t make aliens succeed!”

“Yes, let’s kill the alien first!”


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