The past scenes are vivid.

Yao Wang Chu Tianyou is not afraid of hard work. After being expelled from Heavenly Talisman Palace, he searched Heavenly Martial Continent only to find the medicine ingredients that can offset the side effects of Feishengdan.

In the end, he finally found the colorful Divine Fruit this medicine ingredient, which originally thought he could get it, but was mixed by Liu Fusheng.

For so many years, he has been searching hard, just for that little hope.

Yaowang knew that the colorful Divine Fruit was almost extinct at Heavenly Martial Continent, but he never gave up hope.

Because he can never swallow that bad breath!

At first, he was a generation of arrogance, and in the Heavenly Martial Continent was in the limelight, enough to rival Heavenly Talisman Emperor.

Medicine pill has a world-class accomplishment and has created countless Good Fortune Pill Recipes.

At that time, thanks to his favor and willingness to work for him, there were countless experts. He was in the Heavenly Martial Continent to show all his fame.

At the age of 30, Supreme Elder, who has been hailed as Heavenly Talisman Palace, is the highest innate talent since the founding of Heavenly Talisman Palace.

But Heavenly Talisman Emperor, because he refining Flying Ascension Dan, he was expelled directly from Heavenly Talisman Palace regardless of the reason, and became the object of countless people’s smirks.

He has never forgotten this deep hatred.

Over the years, Chu Tianyou insisted so hard that one day he could refining the flawless Ascension Dan to prove his theory is correct.

Now he did it.

Even if it is a generation of arrogance, Heavenly Talisman Emperor, who has always been proud and arrogant, bowed in person and apologized in front of everyone.

“Old man succeeded, old man finally succeeded!”

Chu Tianyou laughed at Yang Tian, ​​this crazy look also made everyone stunned.

After a long time, tears filled Chu Tianyou’s eyes.

He persisted for more than 100 years, but he was still able to persist, just for this tone.

“Heavenly Talisman Emperor, old man tells you! When I discovered Fei Sheng Dan, old man never thought of using it for profit or bad things.”

“The old man just wanted to research it and develop the Ascension Dan without any side effects.”

“It was you who could not justify the old man and expelled the old man directly from Heavenly Talisman Palace, and was ridiculed by countless people!”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor looked at him, nodded, “You’re right, this Emperor was really impulsive.”

“Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, let’s forget it.”

Yao Wang Chu Tianyou naturally understands this truth. What he wants is Heavenly Talisman Emperor, who admits in public that he is innocent. “

Now that he has got what he wants, it’s impossible to ask Heavenly Talisman Emperor any more.

Is it possible that he will be defeated?

“From now on, the old man wants to let the world know that this feather dan was refining from the old man himself!”

Seeing Yao Wang so arrogant and unruly, everyone did not at all feel any dissatisfaction.

You know, this medicine pill has spent hundreds of years of effort on Yaowang. What’s the point?

“Well, Yaowang, do you understand what’s wrong with this medicine pill in your hand?”


Chu Tianyou suddenly became furious, regardless of Yang Yu’s status.

He this person has always been so, can insult him, but can never say that there is nothing wrong with the medicine pill he refining.

Yang Yu bitterly said with a smile: “Don’t be excited about the medicine king, I don’t understand the meaning of I. I now ask you, you Huadan, if you refining by yourself, at least how long? How many Spirit Stones will it take? Value of medicine ingredients? “

“If it is old man refining, at least two days and one night of skill. As for the medicine ingredients, in addition to the seven-colored exquisite Divine Fruit, it adds up to about 30,000,000 medicine ingredients, and XNUMX high grade Spirit Stone is enough.”

Hearing this, Yang Yu almost spit out blood.

30,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone?

Taking one by himself, even if he was entangled in the waist, he was afraid that he could not afford it.

Moreover, this problem can be solved, but there is another problem that is extremely critical.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Medicine King, the reason I was willing to let you refining medicine pill unconditionally, the purpose is to refining out the soaring dan. Now you are indeed refining, but you still need two days and one night skills to refining successfully, let alone What about most Talisman Masters? “

“I’m afraid that, at the beginning, without mentioning the failure rate, you can refining immortal grade medicine pill, even if you look at Heavenly Martial Continent, there are very few. Second, the refining time will exceed all of our budgets. Excuse me, you What value is medicine pill? “

“If only a few people can achieve the Martial God Position, then your medicine pill has no effect on the situation at Heavenly Martial Continent today.”

Yang Yu’s words can be described as words and words, which instantly made Yao Wang dumb.

He is not a pedantic, and understands the true meaning of Yang Yu.

“I is not your medicinal king. You are indeed the top medicine pill with an epoch-making significance.”

“But it was born in the wrong time. If it appeared hundreds of years ago, it must be possible to advance Heavenly Martial Continent’s strength by advanced and leaps and bounds. But now …”

Everyone is silent and knows it.

immortal grade medicine pill, the drug king said that two days and one night was not bragging.

However, this is because he has been studying Pill Recipe for more than 100 years.

Instead, he played with Heavenly Talisman Emperor, luckily, once it was successful, time could not have been so fast.

If you fail, you may not be able to achieve it for a month.

Not to mention, those who are not as good as their Pill Refining Master, I am afraid that it is impossible to refining such a high quality medicine pill.


“Mad Emperor is absolutely right.”

“If so, I’m afraid the plan will change.”

Bai Liu Mr. frowned, just heard that Yang Yu said that he became the master of Yilintian World, plus the medicine pill of Yaowang, it is indeed a capital against the foreign race.

But now…

“It’s better than that.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor consciously stood out, “From this Emperor and all Supreme Elder in Heavenly Talisman Palace, modify Pill Recipe together with Yaowang. Weakening the chemical properties of Yuhua Dan, you don’t need to directly fly to Martial God cultivation base, Martial Saint, Martial Venerable will do, right? “


The medicine king’s eyes lighted up immediately and he said immediately: “The reason why Yuhua Dan is so difficult to refining is because there are too many medicine ingredients, otherwise it would not be able to enter the Martial God cultivation base.”

“But now, everyone does not need to reach the Martial God cultivation base at all. It is completely possible to refining some defective products to get them to the Martial Saint or Martial Venerable cultivation base.”

“Heavenly Talisman Emperor is really smart!”

Yang Yu nodded, he means the same.

However, it is better to leave it to Heavenly Talisman Emperor.

“After the Pill Recipe was developed, you can lead everyone to refining medicine pill. Medicine King, I will give you a task. Within one month, I need 30 feather buds. How is it?”

“it is good!”

Chu Tianyou was able to achieve his wish, and it was also thanks to Yang Yu’s countless medicine ingredients that he succeeded.

Although it may say that the time may be very fast, but now he has succeeded once, and will naturally save a lot of time in the future.

“That being the case, it is up to Heavenly Talisman Emperor to do this, and Yao Wang Chu Tianyou is in charge of the assistant. Missing any medicine pill, there is any need, despite speaking.”

“it is good!”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor nodded, and Yang Yu looked towards the crowd, “In addition, Wen Yuan, you choose the right person for I, i will 30 innate talent amazing Martial Artist! Age must not be more than XNUMX years old, but yourself The strength has reached above Martial King cultivation base. “

“Obey the Emperor’s Decree!”

Feather Dan is vital to being able to cultivate 30 top Martial God powerhouses for him.

At that time, if you throw it into the cultivation world, you will be able to achieve Loose Immortal and even Heavenly Immortal cultivation base!

What Yang Yu has to do is to make Heavenly Martial Continent countless experts in the shortest time.

In the eyes of others, you may feel that with the help of Martial Artist spawned by medicine pill, the battle strength will definitely be very weak.

In fact, it does.

Even if it’s a cult boy who can’t cultivate, Martial God cultivation base will fail when facing Martial King powerhouse.

Because he didn’t know how to use his power.

Yang Yu understands this reason, so he will send these people to the front-line world. As long as he goes through the test of life and death, he will naturally grow into a top powerhouse step by step.

And in the first-line sky world, time is 100 times faster than here!

Heavenly Martial Continent One day, 100 days over there!

Is it equivalent to driving acceleration in the game, or is it 100 times faster and still not taking off?

“Heavenly Talisman Emperor, I will see XNUMX modified medicine pills after one month. Is there a problem?”

“no problem.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor agreed without a second thought, not because he was arrogant.

If Pill Recipe is created out of thin air, the energy required is very large, and it may not be successful for a century.

However, if it is based on the existing Pill Recipe and then changed to refining a similar medicine pill, it will not take much time.

For up to ten days, you can determine the final Pill Recipe based on all the current medicine ingredients.

And if today ’s forces are unified, not to mention there are countless pill refining Grandmasters in Heavenly Talisman Palace, as well as pill refining sect headed by Hidden Clouds Sect.

Ten thousand medicine pill, enough to complete in ten days!

And Yang Yu gave a month, which is naturally not a problem for them.

Yang Yu laughed. Without their help, it would not be easy to solve it perfectly.

Now with the help of these experts, Yang Yu is not required to do many things himself, and can be left to them.

Now his only role is to issue orders and make decisions.

Unless a strong enemy is needed, he is required to help, otherwise he does not need to do anything at all.

Everything was on track, and at this time he really relaxed.

On the Heavenly Martial Continent, nowadays everything is dominated by the Great Xia Dynasty. Although the alien glare like a tiger watching his prey, as long as he gives him some time, then there is a chance!

“Okay, that’s all for today, rest early and start tomorrow!”

“it is good!”

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