Watching Fat Cat leave, Yang Yu’s mouth was also raised.

He explained to Fat Cat a very unique task, and only he could complete.

If he can do it, it will be a good thing for the entire Heavenly Martial Continent for countless people.

“Your Majesty ……”

Ying Luo walked over carefully, politely, “Yi Master, invite you to see an Array.”

oh? ”

Yang Yu nodded, even if moved towards the front.

Inside the palace, it was extremely lively at this time, and countless Array Masters gathered here.

Even Heavenly Talisman Emperor, who was pill refining, was there at this time, and Yi Master was sitting beside him without saying a word.

“You guys, what’s wrong?”

“Meet Mad Emperor.”

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu knew that it must be because of Array that he had a dispute. He immediately came over with a smile, helplessly said: “What’s going on?”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor is also sighed, “Easy Master wants to build an Array and trap the entire Royal Capital. As long as you enter the Martial Artist, all the cultivation base will be reduced by 30%. It is called the heaven array great array!”

oh? ”

Yang Yu frowned, with a little puzzlement, “What’s wrong, is there any problem with this?”

“Mad Emperor, if this Array is built, the strength of our generals will also be weakened.”

“And, to build this Array, you need to consume a lot of ore.

“How useful is this Array for the battle?”

Hearing these people’s fierce remarks, Yang Yu also laughed and instantly understood what was going on.

“Heavenly Talisman Emperor, what do you think?”

“This Emperor thinks this great array can be built.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor looked towards them, slowly said: “If Heavenly Martial Continent is comparable to alien powers, then this Array is really not necessary.”

“If you have more strength than the other races, it is more like a cocoon. But today, Heavenly Martial Continent stands on the whole, far less than the other races, and the top powerhouse is even worse than them.”

“Therefore, if this heavenly great array is established, the benefits to Heavenly Martial Continent outweigh the disadvantages. It is also a 30% reduction in strength, and the aliens who are stronger than us are naturally more than us.”

This is very clear, in fact, it really means that.

In the simplest case, Demon Fiend Clan has a Loose Immortal Level 9 expert, and Great Xia has a Martial God Level 9 expert.

At the same time, if the strength is weakened by 30%, then the Demon Fiend Clan must be stronger, but the weakened strength of 30% will make the gap between the two sides smaller.

In addition, the soldiers here at Great Xia have almost countless medicine pills on them, while the other races are few.

After taking medicine pill, the strength will increase again, and the gap will naturally narrow again.

This is also the meaning of Yi Master, Yang Yu naturally knows.

“Although Heavenly Talisman Emperor is not mistaken, if the Great Heaven Great Array is to be established, at least it will take us XNUMX days to put it down. If any step in the middle is wrong, it needs to be repeated. . “

“Furthermore, the ore treasure consumed is too much.

“Although we understand this, if we put down the rest of the igreat array, the formidable strength will naturally be stronger!”

Seeing these people arguing again, Yang Yu had to look towards Ibbtian and asked: “Master Yi, what do you think?”

“Heaven’s great array is the best way to fight against aliens. And even if they have a Divine Object that cracks the Array, as long as the core of the Array cannot be found, it is impossible to crack the Array!”

Ibn’s words are still not very much. He is not good at arguing with people because of his habit over the years.

Moreover, at the first under the heavens villa, only he knew Array, and naturally no one would resist, all arranged according to his will.

“Well, I probably understand.”

Yang Yu thoughtfully nodded, “You guys, how sure are you to put this Array down?”

“If Heavenly Talisman Emperor and Yi Master are willing to take a shot, at least 40% can be sure. If it is given for sixty days, then it can be set down!”

“Then, let’s set it down.”

Yang Yu waved his hand, “My Heavenly Martial Continent wants to compete with other races, even without a chance. Now, you have a 50% chance, why not try it?”

“However, Mad Emperor, this worn gem is countless!”


Yang Yu laughed. The Great Xia Country library now has Sea Clan, the original Great Xia and Heavenly Monster Dynasty, and countless sect treasures.

How could you care about the loss of these gems?

“Even though you put down the Array, I’m not afraid of consumption. I’m afraid you can’t run out of it.”

The sound dropped, these people also look at each other in shock, and dare not refute.

In the end, I had nodded, “Since Mad Emperor said so, I must wait and put my heart into laying this Array for Your Majesty!”

“So great!”

Yang Yu smiled, in fact he didn’t care about the consumption of gemstones.

As Chu Tianyou said, “medicine ingredients can only be of value if they are used. Otherwise, they are worthless!”

The same is true of gems.

If they don’t use it, they can only rot inside the Great Xia Country library.

Rather than letting them all put it under the Array and sheltering the Great Xia Imperial Capital, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?

Yang Yu laughed and didn’t care too much at this time.

It is a good thing that these people can express their own opinions and don’t care about Ibtian’s identity.

Only in this way, these talents can truly contribute to the Heavenly Martial Continent.

If it’s just flattery, what’s the use of coming?

“That being the case, then I will leave first without disturbing you.”

To build a large Array, Ibbat alone is not enough.

How to characterize the Array rune and what materials need to be used must be determined.

And Heavenly Talisman Emperor also came out with him, with a bit of grin, “This Emperor is really unwilling to go down this muddy water again. If these old friends called this Emperor, this Emperor would not want to come. “

“Haha, Heavenly Talisman Emperor smiled.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor was bitterly faced and helplessly sighed, “This Emperor hasn’t joked with you. Fortunately, all Pill Refining Masters have finally been familiar with the refining flying Dan for the past two days, and some medicine pill came out.”

“You have worked hard.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor waved his hand, “What’s the hard work? Now Heavenly Martial Continent is at the critical moment of Life and Death. Everyone should contribute their own power. Those Martial Artists can throw their heads and blood on Heavenly Martial Continent. , Not afraid of Life and Death. “

“These Talisman Masters, of course, can also be used for medicine pill, at all costs!”

“it is good!”

Yang Yu nodded, also quite agree at this time.

looked towards the countless soldiers patrolling outside, slowly speaking, “It’s like these soldiers, in order to prevent people from mixing in Imperial Capital, etc., they patrol day and night.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor nodded, scorching eyes, “Only all creatures of Heavenly Martial Continent, together, can fight the aliens to death!”

The Great Xia Dynasty was actually not favored. After all, the Demon Fiend Clan led by Demon Venerable was too terrifying in battle strength.

But with all their hearts, they still defeated them.

Yang Yu glanced at him, thinking of the past, and couldn’t help laughing at himself.

“What, what are you laughing at?”

“Speaking of which, I also thought that you were a running dog of Immortal World, and stole the Heaven and Earth Investiture of the Gods, for your own sake.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor stunned and waved, “It’s not just you. In fact, countless people think so.”

“This Emperor did not deny that this Emperor did think so at the time.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor laughed, “Because at that time, this Emperor was thinking of using Heaven and Earth Investiture of the Gods, sacrificing countless powerhouses, and entering Immortal World!”

Seeing him admit it, Yang Yu seemed a little embarrassed and overwhelmed.

“Wrong is wrong, this Emperor does not deny it. But when I met you later, this Emperor understood something and gave up this immature idea.”

“Heavenly Talisman Emperor is a prodigal son. He will not change his money. For the Heavenly Martial Continent, it is not easy.”

“Haha, you don’t have to praise this Emperor.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor laughed and waved his hand and said, “Speaking of which, now your cultivation base is not easy, and you should know something.”

oh? ”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor’s eyes suddenly froze, said resolutely: “This thing, this Emperor has never spoken to others, just some emulations of this Emperor. You can have the right to listen to it as a joke, without going to your heart.”

Yang Yu nodded, and Heavenly Talisman Emperor raised his hand, saying one line at a time: “You should know, in fact, the Heavenly Martial Continent has been destroyed several times. Since the Three Sovereigns period, Immortal World will be in a certain degree At that time, lower heaven punishment, right? “

“indeed so.”

“But then, the Dragon Sovereign period was over. Dragon Sovereign ran out of its strength of Divine Soul. With Dragon Race’s Divine Soul, it completely sealed off Immortal World, so that Immortal World can no longer intervene in Heavenly Martial Continent, you know.”

Yang Yu didn’t just know that when he entered the dragon’s blood Divine Pool, he saw it with his own eyes.

“I don’t know, what does Heavenly Talisman Emperor mean?”

“Don’t you think that Immortal World is a little too quiet now?”

“What does this mean?”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor sighed, coldly said: “If this Emperor didn’t guess wrong, then Demon Fiend Clan is likely to be the means of Immortal World and was directed by Immortal World!”

“Is this true?”

“It’s just the guess of this Emperor, and I’m not sure. Because these things are too complicated, this Emperor is not sure.”

Heavenly Talisman Emperor brows tightly frowns, one sentence at a time: “But this Emperor can be sure that there is definitely a collusion between Immortal World and Demon Fiend Clan. You can think of the Nine Heavens Palace betraying its position and helping Two Great Dynasties attack Great Xia, is it really that simple? “

“Ding Sheng is by no means an emotional person!”

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