Yang Yu forcibly operated his immortal strength, Divine Soul burst out, and poured directly into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Saintess.

In the eyes, there are golden rays of light.

At this time, he appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Saintess, and can clearly understand the past of Saintess, because Yang Yu can get Saintess’ memory.

Immediately afterwards, pictures appeared before my eyes.

Only three demon wolves appeared in a small village, while Saintess was still a girl, up to five years old.

Three demon wolves spit flames, Cold Ice and lightning, raging inside the village.

Even those Martial Dao experts died in the hands of the three demon wolves.

Because this Monster Beast is a Heavenly Immortal cultivation base, and it is terrifying that all the people in this village can’t beat.

“ao wu !”

The three demon wolves roared to the sky, three pairs of blood-eyed eyes staring at Saintess with a sky of murderous aura, and stepped over.

Compared with the three devil wolves the size of a small hill, Human Race is like a maggot, and it can only be slaughtered by three devil wolves!

This is a massacre without a doubt.

Whoever stands in front of the three devil wolves will die!

“Nova, run away!”


Yang Yu frowned. It turned out that Saintess’s name was Nova.

I saw only a couple and a young man standing in front of the three devil wolves, killing them with a weapon in their hands.

“Nova, run away!”



Saintess stared blankly at the scene, but couldn’t help it.

“Daddy, mother! Big brother!”

The three demon wolves roared to the sky, seeming to be very displeased at the ants who dared to look at themselves, followed by the numerous terrifying flames that swallowed the three directly.

In particular, the big brother of Saintess was cruelly bitten in half by three demon wolves!

Ka-cha ……

Blood splashed, Saintess stared blankly at this scene, and the smirks of the three devil wolves, and the last voice of his big brother.

“Nova, run, run …”

Within this village, Saintess’ life was actually very good.

Although there is no connection with the outside world, all the villagers live in harmony and live a self-sufficient life.

Such a pure land was completely destroyed by the three demon wolves in front …

Yang Yu looked at this beating picture and knew it was Saintess’ memory.

Due to the curse effect of the Dragon Sword, Saintess’ memory at this time was very disordered, and she recalled the past, so Yang Yu could only see it.

At this time, the picture is completely changed into blood red, watching his loved ones die in front of himself, at this time Saintess can imagine how angry he is.

The whole sky was red with blood.

Everyone in the whole village is dead, blood flowing into a river, and blood is dripping, letting one have one’s hair stand on end.

“jié jié !”

The three devil wolves laughed high in the sky, and the people in this village actually didn’t have any increase effect for him.

He killed them just because he wanted to kill them, that’s all.

It’s not just Heavenly Martial Continent that happens, even if it’s on top of True Martial Continent.

Where is the pure land under the whole world?

Like the people in this village, their strength is very weak, and once they are discovered by Monster Beast, they will almost all die tragically!

Monster Beast and Human Race are always opposites and cannot live in harmony.

Human Race wants to improve the cultivation base, then Monster Beast’s inner core is an excellent medicine.

And if Monster Beast wants to raise the cultivation base quickly, it also needs the human race’s blood irrigation.

Only then can you quickly improve the cultivation base.

The hatred on both sides cannot be resolved by ordinary people.

Although these three demon wolves are cruel, some Human Races will do these things in order to satisfy their own personal interests.

In order to get Monster Beast’s inner core, Monster Beast’s sons and daughters will even be used to threaten Monster Beast’s appearance, and then besiege in one fell swoop.

Such a thing is very common. If you look at Monster Beast from the perspective of the three demon wolves, he hasn’t done anything wrong.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Yu was still a little stunned at this time.

He did not expect that Saintess would have had such an experience in his childhood.

After a while, I saw that the ground began to shake slightly because of that. The terrifying divide strength made people feel have one’s hair stand on end.

Childhood Saintess raised his head, his clear eyes turned into blood red, and then slowly turned into golden.

“Dad, mother, big brother, all are dead …”

“Everyone in the village is dead …”

“Including you, you have to die!”

The three demon wolves roared out of the sky, and the terrifying divinity strength began to tremble. The surging demon strength burst out suddenly, and a flame spit out instantly.


However, the three devil wolves suddenly realized that the breath of childhood Saintess was still soaring!

Seeing only a circle of golden rays of light emerged, the immature voice of his childhood Saintess seemed cold and ruthless at this moment.

At the center of the eyebrow, there is a bright golden talisman seal.

Power of Destiny!

Saintess does not rely on the power of destiny obtained by cultivation, but her innate ability!

Thinking of this, Yang Yu has his eyes widened. Who has such ability?

Looking at the world, very few people can grasp the power of destiny.

And if you are born with the power of destiny, then there is only one possibility!

Saintess’s previous life must be the top powerhouse that controls the power of destiny, so it is able to have this ability.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu also drooled.

Immediately afterwards, Saintess raised her hand, and in her eyes she saw the Murderous aura of overflowing heaven.

“Now, you can die!”

The power of golden fate is full of endless power. Although childhood Saintess did not have any battle strength, at this moment, her power of fate is enough to kill the three demon wolves.

“Life … the power of fate ?!”

“How can this be?”

The three devil wolves’ eyes widened, as if they had realized something, and hurried away, but it had no effect at all.

With the power of fate, the three demon wolves were instantly divided!

The three skulls burst into countless blood mists in the void, their bodies were disappeared, and they fell into blood on the ground.

After doing all this, Saintess was obviously exhausted, watching the scene in front of him, his body fell down as soon as he was soft.

After she woke up, she appeared in the Demon God Temple and became the Demon God Temple Saintess!

Because Palace Lord in the Demon God Temple sensed the emergence of the power of fate, and the Sect brought her back.

It’s just that Saintess’s memory doesn’t have much relevant information about Palace Lord of Demon God.

She hasn’t even seen Palace Lord in the Temple of Demon God.

Just a few moments later, there was a surge of divine strength, seemingly brilliant and terrifying.

Everything that follows is how Saintess grew up.

She accepted her identity and started to be in the Demon God Temple Saintess.

Through the teachings of Palace Lord in the Temple of Demon God, her strength also began to be advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, every time she was thrown into the jungle by Palace Lord in the Demon God Palace, facing tens of thousands of times more powerful attacks than hers.

If you are not careful, it is likely to die.

Every time, she will become scarred, even to survive, drink the blood of Monster Beast, eat the meat of Monster Beast!

When she fully grasped the power of destiny and became the Golden Immortal cultivation base, Palace Lord of the Demon God Temple closed completely and told her to give her all the Demon God Temple.

And for this reason, she has become the master of the Demon God Temple, and Saintess is admired by countless Demon Races.

The picture slowly disappeared. Yang Yu looked at the cracks that appeared slowly, knowing that it was the curse of the dragon dagger, and quickly urged the law of regeneration to swallow all the black cracks.

And at this time, all these cracks began to be made up directly.

The law of regeneration is the first law under Heavenly Dao, and it corresponds to the law of destruction. The most powerful convenience is that it can repair everything in the world.

The Immortal War Emperor revived 100,000 people in one move!

Today’s Yang Yu is still unable to achieve the level of immortal war emperor.

Not because he is not strong enough, but because he does not have enough understanding of the law of regeneration.

Otherwise, Saintess’ injuries will be easier to repair.

After a long time, the curse of the dragon dagger completely dissipated, and Divine Soul, which was on the verge of being broken, began to slowly repair it.

Yang Yu suddenly let out a long relaxed breath, jumped out abruptly, and returned to his own body.

However, because his injuries were too serious, and Yang Yu helped Saintess regardless of the consequences, a spit of blood spurted again.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Yu frowned instantly, and the surrounding immortal strength began to shake, and it looked very dull and extremely dazzling.

Saintess knew that Yang Yu was just fine for her, so she didn’t hesitate at all. She immediately actuated the strength of divine strength, and a dazzling rays of light emerged, directly covering Yang Yu.

“Now it’s time I save you.”

Saintess also knows that Yang Yu must have seen her memory, but she did not at all care.

Immediately after that, a circle of spirit light emerged, which looked unusually dazzling. Yang Yu only felt that his injuries had recovered quickly in the power of fate.

But just in the blink of an eye, his injury completely recovered.

This recovery speed is faster than your own regeneration rules.

However, this does not mean that the power of destiny is better than the other. It can only be said that the other party’s mastery of the power of fate is several times stronger than him.

That’s why we have such power at this time.

Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, slowly got up, and laughed, “So, don’t we owe each other?”

“Don’t waste time, it’s time to kill back!”

“I can’t ask for it!”

Yang Yu nodded, the two speeded up at the same time, and disappeared into the air instantly.

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