It took Yang Yu and the others at this time to barely block the other three hours, and relying on Yang Yu’s amazing Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, forcibly severed the ghost-eyed fairy emperor .

Although such an injury, to Emperor Ghost’s Eye, at most, he can recover after a short period of time.

Moreover, these 500,000 troops have basically suffered no loss.

On the contrary, Monster Sovereign is almost the same as Ghost-eyed Fairy Emperor, and has been hit again and again in a short period of time. Monster Sovereign is completely supported by one breath.

Fortunately, their speed is extremely fast, especially under the blessing of the destiny of Saintess. The speed is extremely fast, but only the skill in the blink of an eye has fled.

The three made adjustments, all of them panting and stopped.

After looking at each other, Yang Yu and Monster Sovereign cracked and haha ​​laughed.

“Want to not arrive, Yudi, you can really bombard each other this time, and you haven’t suffered too much injury. As long as time goes by, your achievements will never be below me!”

These words are all the words of Monster Sovereign.

He really didn’t expect that Yang Yu’s strength would be so powerful that he could smash with the ghost-eyed fairy emperor.

It is even more unexpected that it can block the ghost-eye fairy emperor’s 30 three-knife heavenly technique.

You know, even if he goes all out and wants to block this last knife, it’s not that easy.

The most powerful part of the ghost-eyed fairy emperor is the two tricks.

The first trick is to copy the enemy tricks perfectly and without blemish.

Of course, like Yang Yu’s weakness, this trick of copying the enemy also has its own drawbacks.

That is the inability to replicate the unique tricks of Divine Armament Magical Treasure, which is crucial.

Because Yang Yu’s own tricks are actually not strong, what is really powerful is the Xuanyuan three types in Xuanyuan Divine Sword.

And relying on this, it also broke the most quiet copying ability of the ghost-eyed fairy emperor.

As for the 2nd trick, it is naturally the 30 three-knife heavenly technique in this crazy knife.

This is a trick known to Emperor Ghost Eyes.

Sword is fiercer than one!

One knife is more violent than one knife!

Not to mention Yang Yu, a Heavenly Immortal expert, even if it is Xiandi Powerhouse, even if it is Monster Sovereign, you dare not say that you can stop this last sword!

Yang Yu wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, which was quite helplessly said: “God, don’t chill me. If it really hits, I can’t beat this ghost-eyed fairy emperor.”

“Haha, that’s for sure!”

Monster Sovereign suddenly burst into a hearty smile. If Yang Yu can suppress the fairy emperor expert now, then it is true terrifying.

However, being able to fight against the Emperor Powerhouse is very good.

You know, many peerless experts are afraid that they can’t do this.

Saintess stood still, completely motionless, just watching the two quietly.

On the contrary, Monster Sovereign is not good, and whispers: “speaking of which, this Sovereign should apologize to you.”


Saintess was a little puzzled and didn’t understand why Monster Sovereign suddenly said so.

“Although Brother Yu said that you have left the Demon God Temple, this Sovereign was still a bit uneasy before. This time you stay with us to delay time, in fact this Sovereign also thinks you will deliberately do some small moves.”

“But from the time you and the ghost-eyed fairy emperor blasted, and later against the 500,000 army, you can see that you absolutely have no meaning.”

Monster Sovereign with a little apology, “If you really want to hurt me at Monster Beast Race, it was actually a great opportunity just now. As long as you deliberately let the water out and let the ghost-eyed fairy free up, then this Sovereign can’t stop this long time.”

In order to trap 500,000 troops, the Array arranged by Monster Sovereign is extremely large.

But this also weakens the power of Array invisibly. With the power of ghost-eye fairy emperor, focusing on breaking a little, it only takes a moment to open a gap.

And this is deadly for the entire Monster Beast Race!

Fortunately, Saintess not at all does this.

Saintess really let go of his old hatred, otherwise they would not be able to hold on for so long.

Yang Yu laughed beside him, calmly said: “Heaven, that’s your fault. Saintess would say that, so naturally I won’t regret it anymore.”

“not to mention……”

Yang Yu’s voice stopped, and her heart was quite filled with emotion.

Saintess left the Demon God Temple for himself, and let go of everything he possessed, and he remembered this feeling.

At this time, I only saw that the surrounding immortal strength began to burst out, and it was even more surprising that the horrible divine strength surged.

Yang Yu looked pale, and the immortal strength behind him began to circle.

looked towards far away, “Okay, where are you talking about Space Transmission Array, Brother? Let’s go now …”

“it is good!”

Saintess not at all, but nodded, followed.

Their speed can be said to be extremely fast, but just in the blink of an eye, the skill has already been killed.

There is no way, although they have successfully delayed Hukouguan 500,000 Army for three hours, they may not be able to escape successfully.

The three were able to chat freely on the road, while Yang Yu looked dignified and looked around.

He could smell it sharply, it was afraid that it was not really over yet!

Not to mention whether the Ancient Races can be allowed to leave, the key question is whether they can go out is a fatal problem!

“My brother, I have something to tell you clearly.”

The speed of Monster Sovereign’s cracking sky slowed down a little, with a little puzzlement in his eyes, “how, what?”

“We know the expert who is procrastinating. Do you think Old Ancestor, the heavenly man of the imperial wing dynasty, would you consider it?”

Hearing this, Monster Sovereign suddenly stunned, with a strange face, “What do you mean by that?”

Saintess waved and said calmly: “I know the nature of the Old Man Ancestor. I once followed the Master and met him a few times. This man is very suspicious. No matter what he does, he strives to be perfect and without blemish. No leaks. “

“Also, he has a think tank named Mei Pofeng. I think you should know?”

Monster Sovereign was so solemnly nodded in the sky, only to feel the pain from the rushing wind.

“This man’s ingenuity is extremely inscrutable and can be described as a real plan.”

Yang Yu nodded, who also heard of this person, immediately lowered his voice and said softly: “Tiange, you can think about it. If you say that the other party is the person who sent this Hukou Pass intentionally, let’s deal with it?”

“In this way, they can completely ambush a surprise soldier, prepare ahead of them, wait for the rabbit, and wait for us to rush through.”

After hearing Yang Yu’s analysis, Monster Sovereign suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

“Do you mean, they deliberately made us deal with that 500,000 army?”

Yang Yu shook the head, whispering: “My brother you misunderstand me. The real purpose of this 500,000 army is definitely to delay the footsteps of Monster Beast. However, they can also have other uses.”

“If we don’t care, then this 500,000 army can completely block the Monster Beast army. If we manage it, then we can let that strange soldier ambush in advance. It is a one move, two gains method, let us control it, no matter Neither. “

Yang Yu’s heart is also very admired. The opponent’s ability to use 500,000 troops to this point is enough to prove the opponent’s ingenuity.

“In other words, are they likely to ambush the curious soldier?”

Yang Yu solemnly solemn, saying one word at a time: “As long as the Old Man Ancestor is not stupid, he will never let go of such a great opportunity.”

“What’s more, there is such a smart army officer beside him, and he will definitely arrange it.”

Looking at the monster Sovereign’s shocking appearance, Saintess apparently intends to continue, “This time, the wing dynasty combined will be afraid to send out ten million troops. You know, the imperial powerhouse that the wing dynasty accumulated. How many are there? “

Monster Sovereign shook the head blankly. He has wanted revenge all these years, but in fact he did n’t have all the useful information he had.

After all, many things are secrets of the imperial wing dynasty, how could it be so easy to let others know?

Saintess is indifferent, slowly speaking, “300 years ago, the Master secretly investigated. According to the information held by the Demon God Hall, the Emperor Emperor Powerhouse conservatively estimates that it is more than XNUMX. This is just an expert known to the Master There are many hidden experts that Master not at all counts. “

“Now, you probably understand?”

As the power of the Jiuyou dynasty, the Demon God Palace can be regarded as such. The most important thing is that the Demon God Palace can be said to be the intelligence organization of the Jiuyou dynasty.

Basically, everything that has been done is related to the large sect intelligence of all forces, All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

As the enemy of the empire, naturally, they will learn more.

These things, Monster Sovereign naturally understands, will not doubt the words of Saintess.

“So, you mean, it is very likely that the other party will send a large number of immortal powerhouses. Just as we blocked the 500,000 army, stop us. Then, after the tens of millions of army arrived, completely destroy us?”

“of course.”

Yang Yu is also nodded, “but how many immortal powerhouses will there be, it is unknown for the time being. According to the map, the place where they are most likely to ambush is necessarily the Tianyuan mountain range!”

“Tianyuan mountain range Yokohama 10,000 li, but if you want to pass, you have to pass through a narrow pass. If you arrange a surprise soldier here in advance, you will definitely get unexpected results.”


Monster Sovereign nodded, “in that case, should we choose to take a detour now?”

“No, it’s too late!”

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