You know, this condition is already after the Monster Sovereign’s sky-breaking compromise, otherwise, it would not be so relaxed.

In the case of someone else, Monster Sovereign will never agree.

This is related to the life and death of the Monster Beast family, and personal honor has been reduced to a minimum.

If Monster Sovereign now cares only about his dignity, he won’t be here.

Now it is under the eaves that people have to bow their heads.

Face this Ghost Demon, True Martial continent.

Even if Monster Sovereign wants to resist, the chances are very slim.

Therefore, if you can use this method to enter the mountain range of the demon god without bloody swords, it will actually be of great benefit to both sides.


The ghost dragon waved the black robe, said with displeasure: “People often say that this Monster Sovereign has great strength and ingenuity. Today, this Emperor can be seen.”


Monster Sovereign frowned, coldly said: “So, does the dragon mean it’s not agreed?”

“You tell this Emperor, your Monster Beast family, 5,000,000 troops, join the demon god mountain range, what good is this Emperor?”

Monster Sovereign split his hands and clenched his hands, while the ghost dragon continued to say with a cold laugh: “Can’t tell? Your 5,000,000 army, humble strength, are all ants. Entering the monster god mountain range, in addition to adding the monster What is the burden of the mountain range? “

“I want you to come in. For this Emperor, there are only disadvantages and no benefits at all. So please go back! This Emperor cannot leave you!”


Yang Yu walked out with a smile on his face.

“You’re not my Monster Beast Race. I’m talking to Monster Sovereign, and it’s not my turn to point you around.”


Yang Yu didn’t care, just coldly smiled, casually said: “Just before, what is the benefit of the magic dragon Sir, isn’t it?”

“Then, let me tell you now, what’s the benefit!”

“It’s true that I’m not from Monster Beast Race. But my brother is my big brother, and his business is my business.”

oh? ”

The ghost dragon looked at Yang Yu with interest, and wanted to see what he was about to say.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s very simple!”

Yang Yu calmly raised his hand, “Sir Sir probably knows that Two Great Dynasties was about to start a war, but at the last moment, the two sides will give up?”

“of course.”

The ghost dragon is nodded. This thing can be said to have caused a sensation in the entire True Martial continent. As the demon god mountain range manager, or the top powerhouse of the True Martial continent, he naturally knew it.

“Then you should know that Ancient Race Old Ancestor put the Monster Beast army in?”

“Crap! Otherwise, how could you be here?”

Yang Yu laughed and calmly said, “So, Sir Dragon knows why this is happening? Why did Two Great Dynasties truce, and why did Ancient Race Old Ancestor let me wait in?”

“I think for these reasons, Ancient Race Old Ancestor hasn’t told you yet?”

The ghost dragon frowned, coldly said: “What if he doesn’t say it? This Emperor doesn’t need to know these things at all, even if he doesn’t know, what can he do?”

“Haha, how? Then I tell you now, you have to listen. Two Great Dynasties are truce because in the near future, there will be a Heaven and Earth catastrophe, and by that time All Heavens and Myriad Realms No soul can escape. “

“Even if it is a peerless powerhouse, it is very likely to die! Two Great Dynasties decided to temporarily suspend the truce, and the two sides ceased the truce, ready to deal with future dangers at all times. They did this to accumulate strength, only then Can cope. “

Yang Yu’s voice dropped, and the ghost dragon frowned suddenly. At this time, he did not expect such a thing to happen, it can be said that it was far beyond his imagination.

At this time, the surrounding immortal strength also began to circle, looking bright.

The terrifying eyes of the ghost dragon staring at Yang Yu seemingly to want to know how the truth of the matter really is.

Yang Yu was not afraid at all, still standing casually, raising his hands slowly, so the surrounding immortal strength began to circle.

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask Ancient Race Old Ancestor. However, he will definitely tell you that he forgot to tell you at that time, so he didn’t say it. What he did was to get you and Monster Sovereign will fight for you and die, and will conquer you completely at the last minute.

Monster Sovereign looked at Yang Yu for a split day, if there is no him at this time, I’m afraid it will be a lot of trouble.

However, Yang Yu didn’t care, just raised his hands indifferently, and slowly said, “What good would you say Tiange stay here? Then, I will tell you now!”

“First of all, according to my observations, the number of troops you have in the mountain range of the demon god is about 8 million to 10,000,000, right?”


Nether Demon Dragon is nodded, and my heart is a little surprised. The total number is only about 9 million, which is less than the point. How did Yang Yu know?

“I do n’t list the number of experts after one after another. If we really go to war with Tiange, then there is no doubt that we will lose.”

In terms of the number of top powerhouses, Monster Sovereign does not occupy any advantage.

“However, there is a problem now. The mountain range of the demon god is tens of thousands of 10,000 li. Can you really guard it?

Yang Yu looked at each other indifferently, “The demon god mountain range has been able to live in peace for years, it is because your strength of the ghost dragon is here. But I want to tell you that in the future wars, you will It ’s so easy. There may be a fairy powerhouse, do you think, is your demon god mountain range protected? “

The Ghost Demon didn’t say a word, with cold glow in his eyes, staring at Yang Yu intently, trying to deduce only a message from his expression.

“Although these 5,000,000 troops are not powerful, you can imagine. If all Monster Beasts knew that the most powerful ghost dragon among Monster Beasts and the loudest Monster Sovereign would join forces, how many Monster Beasts would rush Where is it? “

“By that time, the added power was very good.”

“Does this need me to continue?”

The corner of Yang Yu’s mouth was raised, so he looked at the Nether Demon Dragon so calmly, and slowly raised his hand, “You say it’s useless? Hehe, I think your vision is short-sighted.”


The Ghost Demon was clearly angry, and immediately raised his hand and said coldly: “You are a very good lobbyist, this Emperor admits that you really have such a reason. However, you want to be like this It is not impossible to enter the demon god mountain range. “

“My Monster Beast Race is different from Human Race. We have always believed in powerhouse. If you can show absolute strength in Monster Sovereign, enough to make this Emperor face up, then rest assured, this Emperor will also believe in your ability and allow you Into the demon god mountain range. “

Monster Sovereign was nodded, with determination in his eyes, and walked out slowly.

In the end, we still need to use such means.

It is not easy to defeat the ghost dragon.

If it fails, then it is easy to cause a lot of trouble.


“I have a fight with him.”

Monster Sovereign looked at the scene calmly and raised his hands slowly, “This battle, if this Sovereign loses, then this Sovereign will leave with the army. If this Sovereign wins, please ask the magic dragon You keep your promise! “


The ghost dragon laughed instantly, and his eyes were even more crazy, saying mercilessly: “Monster Sovereign, the ghost ghost has always said it. If this Emperor loses, you The 5,000,000 Monster Beast army can successfully enter the mountain range of the demon god. If anyone has a complaint, kill without mercy! “

His words have absolute right to speak in the mountain range of the demon god, and no one dares to refuse.


The ghost dragon raised his hand, and the incomparable gigantic wings behind him spread out instantly, and the speed reached Peak at this instant, and began to turn into a dazzling rays of light moved towards the distance.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Yu didn’t have the slightest fear at this time. In his eyes, these people are not at all worried.

The terrifying battle strength sent by the two immortal emperors is undoubted.

Moreover, this time Monster Sovereign was able to get the opportunity to fight against the ghost dragon, in fact, all rely on Yang Yu.

If Yang Yu hadn’t said that, how could the ghost dragon of proud and arrogant have shot?

He also knew in his heart that once Two Great Dynasties went to war, it must be an irreconcilable situation, but in the end, it was a weird truce.

If nothing happened, who would believe it?

The Ghost Demon also knows, don’t look at his own strength so terrifying, the rest of Monster Beast’s strength is also very good for you.

However, if the top Xianzun powerhouse really appears, and there are many, then what should he do?

The Nether Demon Dragon was actually quite skeptical. He didn’t know what to do.

If they can join the Monster Sovereign army, it will be harmless to them.

So after thinking about it, the ghost dragon will agree to fight with Monster Sovereign.

Regardless of the result, he will never regret it, and he has the upper hand.

Soon, everyone came to the Foreign Domain starry sky, and even thirteen Celestial Demon had already arrived at this time.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start fighting, the corners of Yang Yu’s mouth were suddenly raised, and he suddenly called out, “Slow!”

“Brat, what are you going to do?”

Seeing the anger of the Nether Demon Dragon, Yang Yu didn’t care, and said very indifferently: “If we say that Tiange lost, we leave. If we win, Monster Beast will stay. But, but also Add a condition! “


“If Brother Tian defeats you, according to Monster Beast’s rules, do you want to obey Brother Tian?”

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