Yang Yu frowned, and it felt a little weird to hear that.

God and Demon battlefield?

Undying Daoist once told him personally that Mad Emperor is 8th and XNUMXth, and is in this God and Demon battlefield!

However, when Undying Daoist took him over to watch, not at all saw anything, but now …

Yang Yu sucked in a cold breath, with an incredible, whispered, “Wait, you mean, can you send us into the battlefield of God and Demon?”

“of course!”

The demon god is nodded, and the surrounding immortal strength begins to condense, “Under the world, now only I can open it, and the rest cannot do it at all.”

The surrounding immortal strength began to condense, and it looked bright and colorful.

“Even Ancient God cannot open the battlefield of God and Demon.”

Saintess looked puzzled, looking at him, “Go there and do something?”

The demon god glanced at her, and it took a long time before he slowly raised his hand. “The inheritance of God has all remained in the God and Demon battlefield. Including mine, but also all the gods at the time.”

“So, you mean, Monster Sovereign is on the battlefield of God and Demon?”

“of course.”

The demon god indifferently smiled and continued: “You are all my former comrades-in-arms, but I haven’t gotten my own memory, and you will naturally know when your strength recovers in the future.”

Hearing this, Yang Yu frowned, and the immortal strength around him began to condense. Looking at the demon god, his heart raised the overflowing heaven stormy seas.

His previous life was the god of Primal Chaos, which he already knew.

So what happened to Saintess?

According to the power of destiny possessed by Saintess, could it be that her previous life was destiny Goddess failed?

However, he did not expect that the other party would have such strength, it can be said that he was extremely surprised.

But for now, if he wants, he can easily beat him.

At this time, the surrounding immortal strength began to arouse.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the demon god also slowly raised his hands. The immortal strength around him burst out instantly. Under the countless streamers, a burst of mysterious divine strength erupted. It looked brilliant and extremely dazzling. .

Immediately afterwards, terrifying’s divine strength surged out, the mysterious rune was shrouded, and the space was directly torn, sucking them all in.

At this time, Yang Yu also felt a little incredible, but never expected that such a thing would happen.

When they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared in a thick fog, all around was surging with terrifying restriction.

Here, it’s exactly the same place they encountered before.

But the power of terrifying made it difficult for them to breathe.

If nothing else, this place has great strength.

Thinking of this, the immortal strength around him began to arouse, and a burst of mysterious immortal strength burst out, which made him extremely surprised.

But for now, he has no fear at this time, and the displayed strength of the divine strength has burst into a divine strength.

“Here is the battlefield of God and Demon?”

“Well, exactly the same as we just saw.”

Thinking of the immortal strength around here again, and the ground was bursting with dazzling rays of light.

“What does the demon god just mean?”

Hearing this, Yang Yu had to smile and shook the head, whispering: “If you ask me what I mean, I don’t know. But I can feel it, it should not be as simple as we think.”

“Did I say that my past life was God? Was it just a loss of memory?”

Yang Yu waved his hands, looked at the front, and said indifferently, “I don’t know, as long as I continue to move towards the front, I can definitely know what is going on, right?”

Nowadays, True Martial continent can be said to be in hot water, even Yang Yu dare not say that he can be all right.

But for now, if they want, they can easily beat them.

The immediate immortal strength burst out instantly, and the displayed divinity strength brought an unbeatable impact.

If they can really get the inheritance here, then in the face of this terrifying Heaven and Earth catastrophe, not only can they have enough self-protection power, but they can also have power that rivals Immortal World.

Yang Yu mentioned Xuanyuan Divine Sword, knowing that it can be said to be very dangerous, so he moved forward towards cautiously, for fear of encountering any danger.

In fact, Yang Yu knew in his heart that if he really started, even if he was afraid that he would not be able to defeat the other party, but for now, if he can really fight, then the strength he possesses is definitely not too bad.

The surrounding immortal strength also started to agitate at this time, and the terrifying battle strength full of it was even more incredible.

Immediately after that, the violent divine strength surged out. Under the shimmering divine strength, a burst of terrifying rays of light burst out.

“in danger!”

The two looked at each other and backed away at the same time.

And the voice of the demon god also rang at this time, “You need to be careful. This place is not as simple as you think. Even if the old gods died and their souls disappeared, their fleshhy body also has immortality Divinity strength, you want to defeat them, it is not difficult. “

“Now, the other two are in front. As for Myriad Beast, the immortal behind …”

The demon god coldly smiled, the dark green rays of light flashed through the cold Murderous intention, “Leave it to me!”


Yang Yu frowned, puzzled, and asked, “Why do you help us now? Why didn’t you kill him before?”

“It’s very simple!”

The voice of the demon god was indifferent. “Before, I did n’t do it because it was my test for you. If you ca n’t improve under this pressure, then there is no need to enter it . “

“And you, did not disappoint me, successfully entered it, and performed very well. I am very satisfied!”

The sound fell, and the surrounding immortal strength began to envelope it, and it seemed to be extremely mysterious.

Immediately after that, the dazzling rays of light burst out instantly, and the divine strength displayed was even more incredible.

Yang Yu and Saintess look at each other in shock, they also smiled, so it would be good for them …

At this moment, the demon god outside hovered proudly in nothingness.

As a former relying on his own divine strength, he has reached the terrifying existence of the god, although he has already died endless years.

However, he has saved a part of his Divine Soul. Although these years have not reached the glory of the past, his strength is not to be underestimated.

If you really fight, I’m afraid that ordinary people can’t match it.

At this time, I only saw Myriad Beast Xianzun came in, and there were dozens of Xiandi Powerhouse behind him.

They also want to take a share of this demon god site, it is best to be able to kill them all.

And this time the mission of Immortal World is like this. His first task is to kill the two powerhouses of Monster Beast Race, Monster Sovereign and the Ghost Demon Dragon.

Unfortunately, at the most critical time, the two fled directly to the site of the demon god, leaving them helpless, and they could only choose to follow in.

The surrounding immortal strength has begun to arouse, it looks colorful and extremely dazzling, and the possessed diversity strength is full of mysterious power.

At this time, the demon god did not have the slightest fear, raised his hands violently, and all the surrounding strength of the divine was blown away directly by you. The power that burst out was filled with terrifying divine strength, which made people feel extremely incredible .

“Meet the demon god!”

And Myriad Beast Xianzun was also extremely interested, and quickly bowed deeply, “I don’t know, what is the next test?”

After he came in, the demon god appeared once and let them continue to deepen. Only those who have passed all his trials can get inheritance.

Immediately afterwards, I only saw the demon god showing a cold smile, and the dark green eyes stared at Myriad Beast immortal, calmly opened the mouth and said: “The last test is very simple.”

oh? ”

“If you all go together, if you can beat me, you can get my inheritance!”

Myriad Beast was suddenly shocked, with deep magic in her eyes.

Fight against the demon god?

Don’t look at him as another powerhouse of Fairy Venerable Level, but if you want to compete with God, it is simply striking a stone with an egg.

You know, the power of God is not something ordinary people can guess.

The power they have is far beyond anyone’s imagination.

“Senior, aren’t you embarrassing us?”

Myriad Beast Xianzhuang frowned, seeing that the rest were not here, and instantly understood.

“Senior, does it mean that I don’t want to give inheritance to me at all, so I use this method?”

“If that’s the case, then this inheritance, I choose to give up!”

However, who knows that the demon god suddenly raised his hand, and the surrounding immortal strength began to explode. The divine strength that filled it was even more incredible, making people feel extremely incredible.

“Give up? Hehe, do you think you can stand it now?”

There is cold glow in the eyes of the demon god, ice-cold saying: “If you shot, there are still some opportunities. But if you give up like this, then you only have one dead end!”

Suddenly, terrifying’s divine strength burst out, blocking the surrounding space directly.

Even though their strength is extremely good, it is almost impossible to leave now.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they also felt extremely incredible at this time, how could they never expect such a thing to happen …

Now, there is only one battle!

And they are facing a demon god!

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