Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1012: Yasli!

Qin Fei glanced at the three pairs of wings behind her, and said, "The characteristic you mentioned is the bird wings behind you?"

The female angel smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. Angel wings are the most special ability God has given us to the angel family, enabling us to soar for nine days. The holy power is also obtained by us through angel wings. The glorious door will identify the wings of angels and enter the holy city through this door!"

"Wings like this?" Qin Fei's heart moved, and the profound energy of the stars flowed rapidly, condensing behind him, and three pairs of angel wings appeared in front of the female angel.

"This..." The female angel covered her mouth in surprise. She never expected that Qin Fei would be able to condense the angel wings by herself, and according to her feelings, the angel wings are extremely pure and true. No difference, even the energy contained in it is much stronger than that of a Seraphim like her.

Angel wings, this is a special gift from God to angels. Only God can create it. The holy skills she said are nothing but phantoms and cannot have real effects. They can only be passed through the Gate of Light. Play a role of confusion.

But she really felt that the angel wings behind Qin Fei were real, not the slightest difference from what God created.

How can this be? Does he have the power of God?

This is also incredible. God is the ruler of the angels. He has given the angels everything. Could it be that Qin Fei can do it?

There was a wave of fluctuations in the female angel's heart, and she was full of devotion to God, but at this time she loosened.

"How did you do it?" She looked at the three pairs of wings behind Qin Fei intently, her voice very excited.

"Take me to the holy city, and when you arrive in the holy city, let you go!" Qin Fei did not answer her question. Of course, the secret that angel wings can condense can not be explained to her.

"Yes, I am willing to do anything for adults, but before going to the holy city, I would like to avoid unnecessary troubles, please put on the armor of our angel race. Also, you are an oriental, and our Your appearance is completely different. You still need to change your appearance, so that you won't arouse any suspicion along the way. After all, you are an Eastern monk, and encountering other angels will definitely cause riots!" The female angel nodded.

"You are very careful! Okay, I'll just do what you said!" Qin Fei thought, his body was covered with silver-white armor, just like the angels wore.

The facial features on his face have also been modified to make him look no different from Westerners.

"What's your name?" He looked at the female angel.

"Yasily!" said the female angel.

"Let's go, Yasli!" Qin Fei motioned to her to lead the way.

Yasli put away the shock in her heart, and led the way towards the west.

I met angels from time to time along the way. The two-winged and four-winged angels saw Qin Fei and Yasli saluting. The hierarchy here is very strong, but when they met an angel with eight wings and ten wings, Yasli hurriedly reminded Qin Fei to follow along. salute.

However, eight-winged and ten-winged angels are not common. They traveled thousands of miles and only encountered seven or eight. The most are low-level angels. According to Yasli, eight-winged and ten-winged angels are generally Practicing peacefully in the holy city, rarely seen outside.

After flying for about two hours, Yasili was a little tired, so Qin Fei suggested to stop and rest for a while and stand on top of a mountain.

He found a problem. Although a seraph like Yasli had the strength of a **** king eightfold, but in fact, neither endurance nor combat power was truly strong. Qin Fei was sure if it was a **** among martial artists. Wang Bazhong, singled out a hundred masters of the same realm like her, she will definitely win easily.

"You should also stay in the holy city to practice, why run around?" Qin Fei asked curiously.

"We..." Yasli's eyes darkened when she heard the words, she sighed, and said: "We are not qualified to practice for a long time in the holy city. Angels below the eight wings must practice outside to obtain the corresponding holy power points. Then enter the holy city in exchange for time to practice. Only when the cultivation base reaches the eight wings, can you get the blessing of God and have the right to practice for a long time!"

Qin Fei wondered: "This is the survival of the fittest?"

"My lord is right. This is the survival of the fittest! There are hundreds of millions of angels in heaven. God will create new angels every once in a while. Low-level angels are not qualified to receive God's favor. It needs constant evolution, and only after reaching the Eight Wings can you barely qualify!" Yasili said sadly.

"So how do you experience it?" Qin Fei said.

"Killing, life and death battle! Within the jurisdiction of the eight holy cities, there are countless places of experience. There are all kinds of monsters for us to experience. The angels below the eight wings will go and hunt in groups or groups. The monsters obtained the corresponding sacred power points, and then went to the holy city in exchange for training resources. This time I came back from the place of experience with my companions, but I did not expect to meet you!" Yasili said.

Qin Fei raised his brows, glanced at her, and said, "Aren't you kind enough to avenge those four-winged angels who died?"

"Who would avenge them? We only sensed the battle here from a distance, thinking that we could choose the cheapest, but we met you when we knew it. For the Eastern monks, God instilled an idea into all our angels when they created them. Kill when you see it! The enemy for life!" Yasli smiled bitterly.

"Then why do you obey me again?"

"There is no way. Although we have to fight against the Eastern monks, we still have to watch and fight. You are too strong, and I want to live!"

"It seems that the ideas God instilled in you are not absolutely binding!" Qin Fei smiled.

Yasili shook her head and said, "This is only for people below the eight-winged angel. Once they reach the eight-winged angel, the influence of God will become stronger. It can be said that the higher the level, the deeper the heart is for God. They will be more respectful, and in the end, even if God tells them to commit suicide, they will not hesitate!"

"So abnormal!" Qin Fei looked at her in surprise, and said, "In other words, if my identity is discovered by an angel with Eight Wings or above, I will never die."

"Well, that's the case, but you have such a powerful power, and you can transform into a real angel characteristic, even a twelve-winged angel can't find it!" Yasili looked at Qin Fei with envy.

"I hope so! Let's go, let's continue on our way!" Qin Fei looked to the west, and according to Yasili's words, traveled 20,000 miles in this direction to reach the holy city.

It's just that he has been observing with divine consciousness, and still hasn't discovered the existence of the holy city, thinking to himself that either Yasli is lying to herself, or the holy city is hidden somewhere, even his divine consciousness can't find it.

In the current situation of Yasili, I should not dare to lie to him. Then the only possibility is that the holy city exists in the dark. If that is the case, it would be too powerful. Qin Fei thinks that his spiritual consciousness is comparable to the realm of Xiaozun, even Xiao You can't even sense it at the Consummation Realm, but God's methods are really awesome.

The two left the mountain and continued to march forward. This time Qin Fei was going to quicken his pace, not wanting to delay too much time.

Soon the two have arrived over a valley, and the distance is still more than 13,000 miles. They are about to fly across the valley. Suddenly, there is a soft voice from below, which is full of fear and panic. There was also the sound of fighting.

Qin Fei walked towards the valley, and saw two groups of angels fighting. Among them, there were 18 people on the stronger side, and only 4 people on the weaker side. Behind them, there were a dozen corpses lying down, watching them. The appearance of guarding should belong to the deceased.

The angel fighting has nothing to do with him. She was about to move on. Suddenly Yasli stopped, frowned and said anxiously: "It's the voice of my friend Daisy. She must be in trouble. I'm going to save her. she was!"

While speaking, she didn't care whether Qin Fei agreed, and Fei rushed towards the valley.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly. The Daisy mentioned by Yasli was one of the four female angels. The exclamation was indeed made by her.

No, Yasli went down. He had to stop, and she had to lead the way. She couldn't let her have an accident now. In addition, Yasli knew everything and said everything on the way. Qin Fei told her The performance is still quite satisfactory, and he certainly doesn't want her to be in any danger when he meets someone who is willing to cooperate.

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