Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1019: All the strong come together!

"Fjork! Do you want to use Master Gasol to crush me?" Alex said with a cold tone, staring at Fjork, and said: "Our Lord Tom tells me to pay attention to promising talents. This kid is very similar to Master Tom. Mind, so I am in Baoding!"

"Huh! Everything has a come first, come first, this kid offends us first, if he doesn't die this time, you come and ask him again!" Feiyoke coldly snorted, and his breath burst out and swept towards Alex.

Naturally, Alex was unwilling to show weakness, and took a violent step forward to fight Fjork’s breath. He only heard an explosion, and a golden wave of air erupted from the center of the two of them, sweeping out, and was shocked below ten. The winged angels stepped back, showing horror on their faces.

The two snorted at the same time, took five steps together, and after standing still, looked at each other solemnly.

A fight, regardless of top and bottom, two people can do nothing.

"Go and kill him, I'll entangle Alex!" Feiyoke said coldly. Since Alex wants to protect Qin Fei, he should be killed even more, and he should not be allowed to join the enemy camp, which will become a major disaster in the future.

When the words fell, he rushed to Alex again and entangled the opponent.

Kerry led the others and rushed towards Qin Fei.

"I'll join in the fun!" A cold voice sounded, and a slender figure appeared in front of Qin Fei and Qin Fei. With a faint wave of his hand, a golden wave fanned towards Kerry and the others. .

When Kerry saw the man, he was shocked and hurriedly backed away, but John and the other boys didn’t have such quick reaction power. They were hit by the golden wave instantly, screamed and flew out, only to see what was on them. The wings shattered one after another, and it was impossible to recover within ten or eight years.

Qin Fei looked at the person in front of him, and saw five pairs of angel wings behind him.

"Alex, you're a waste of time like this!" The man yelled softly and rushed into the battlefield of Alex and Fjork like a ghost. As his palms flew, several golden lights shot out, shocked. Fjork hurriedly parried.

boom! boom! boom!

With three loud noises, Fjork took three steps back, looked at the man in anger, and said, "Harry, are you trying to bully the less?"

Harry smiled faintly, and a lovely smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, causing the female angels around to breathe faster.

"Fjork, you're right, we just want to bully the less, you can call a helper if you are not convinced!" He smiled lightly.

"You..." Feiyoke's eyes were cold, as he was about to call for help, a majestic voice suddenly came from the depths of the holy pond: "Enough, I want to fight outside, don't disturb my practice!"

When these words came, Fjork immediately lost his temper, and even Harry and Alex hurriedly converged, their expressions becoming respectful.

It was the twelve-winged angel who spoke just now, and everyone naturally did not dare to violate it.

Feiyoke gave Harry and Alex a cold glance, then moved to Qin Fei, and said grimly: "See you outside!"

After speaking, he greeted Kerry and the others to leave, Kerry gave Qin Fei angrily, asked people to lift Jack up and leave in embarrassment.

"Big brother, don't let it go?" John was unwilling. He wanted to take revenge, but he knew that his wings were broken and he was seriously injured. He couldn't swallow it.

"Don't worry, Lord Fjork will be the master for us!" Kerry comforted him, pulling him away.

"Thank you two adults for saving lives!" Qin Fei thanked Harry and Alex.

Harry gave him a satisfied look, with a charming smile on his face, and said, "What's your name?"

"Qin Fei!" Qin Fei said.

"Qin Fei? Eastern name?" Harry frowned suddenly.

Yasili hurriedly added: "My lord, his name is Qin Fei. Hemanton!"

Then Qin Fei heard her secretly speaking, explaining the difference between Westerners and Easterners.

Only then did Qin Fei understand, and said hurriedly: "Yes, my name is Qin Fei Humanton!"

"Oh, that's the case." Harry stretched his brows, smiled again, and said, "I wonder if you would like to follow Tom's orders and work for him in the future?"

Qin Fei nodded hurriedly, expressing his willingness to obey all orders.

"Since you and Qin Fei are together, then join Master Tom together!" Harry glanced at Yasli indifferently. He might not care about her. What he valued was Qin Fei's ability.

A seraph has actually forced out a ten-winged angel. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of ability.

Yasili listens to Qin Fei now, and has made up her mind to follow him at all times, so she immediately agreed.

"Harry, that **** Fjork must be waiting for us outside the temple now. With his little belly, he must have called a helper. Should we also be called a helper?" Alex seemed to be under Harry, speaking. The tone was inquiring.

"Don’t worry, I’ve long wanted to fight against Master Gasol’s people! Let everyone know that our Master Tom’s people are not vegetarian! Today we will let go, and all the consequences will be Tom. Your lord comes out to solve it! We just need to defeat the enemy for him!" Harry said lightly, although he was very relaxed, but Qin Fei found that his eyes flashed fiercely, secretly saying that this person is definitely not what he looks like on the surface. Easy-going and cruel in his heart, he is a tough guy. On the contrary, although Alex looks fierce and rough on the surface, he has no scheming. Such a person is best dealt with and best used.

He didn't say anything. The more lively the two sides played, the better, and it would be better to turn things upside down in the end and lead the twenty-four-winged angel out, so that he could save his troubles.

There is a huge square outside the sanctuary, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Because the holy pool’s sacred power was consumed for a while, the cultivating angels all walked out, but everyone did not leave, but stood in the square and surrounded Feiyoke and Kerry and the others looked at the temple gate from time to time, expecting Harry, Qin Fei and others to come out and stage a battle.

Fjork didn't care about it. As soon as he left the temple, he immediately spoke to his comrades, calling them to come here quickly.

In less than a minute, I saw a group of people walking in the distance, a total of twenty-six people, twenty-four of them were eight-winged, and the other two men and women walking in the front with their heads and chests upright were born with their backs. Ten wings, the momentum is extremely extraordinary.

"Look, it's the ten-winged angel Hyman and Ali, they are here!"

"It's rare to see Shiyi on weekdays, but today is an eye-opener!"

People exclaimed one after another, looking excitedly at the group of people coming.

Fjork saw Hyman and Ellie and hurriedly greeted them.

"What's the matter? Why did 100,000 call us in a hurry?" Heyman looked at Feyoke questioningly.

Fjork solemnly said: "A Seraphim appeared and almost defeated Kerry. Harry and Alex wanted to stand for him. I am not the opponent of the two of them, so I called you here. This battle is not just for That seraph is even more fighting for the Master Gasol, whom we all admire!"

Hyman looked at him in surprise, and said, "What? A Six Wing almost defeated Kerry?"

Then he looked cold and sullenly said: "Fjork, you are doing the right thing. Such a genius will be either acquired by us or destroyed. He must not be our enemy!"

Fjork nodded and said, "What about the others? It should be here now too!"

"We have arrived!"

As soon as his voice fell, several groups of people came from outside the square. All the leaders were ten-winged angels, followed by a large group of eight-winged angels.

"Who the **** is that Six Wings? The Ten Winged Angels under Master Gasol are here!"

"Yes, those are Newlander, Sam, and Barron, they are all ten-winged angels!"

"What a sensation! That six-winged background is not small, and it has shocked so many ten-winged angels!"

The people on the square exclaimed. Seeing those ten-winged angels and Fjork meet together, they all felt very surprised. They were all wondering who the Six Wings Fjord was talking about.

The angels who came out of the holy pond were busy telling people who didn't know what happened in the holy pond.

"Oh my God! A Kerry who almost defeated Eight Wings by Six Wings! It's really amazing!"

"So, it's no wonder that it will alarm the so many ten-winged angels under Lord Gasol. If the six-winged angels are really under the command of Lord Tom, then add another hero!"

After everyone knew the ins and outs of the matter, they suddenly realized.

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