Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1037: Sisters go together!

Nicole looked at Qin Fei with tears in her beautiful eyes, and pleaded: "My lord, it's all Nicole's bad. This is my fault. Nieai is my sister. I am willing to bear the wrong things she did. , You want to kill her, I am willing to trade one life for another! I just ask you to let her go!"

After speaking, she suddenly picked up the dagger on the ground and stabbed it into her chest fiercely.

The blood gushed out like spring water, and instantly dyed her chest red, and her vitality was rapidly eroding.

Qin Fei didn't expect that she would do this, hurriedly let go of Ni Ai, reached out to support her, and a strong vitality poured into her body like a tide.

But it was useless, the dagger contained a mysterious energy that destroyed her body in the blink of an eye, and the angel wings shattered.

Qin Fei was able to save people, but he couldn't save angels like Nicole. The body functions of the angel tribe were completely different from human beings, because they were all created by God. From another aspect, they were not truly human.

Nicole died, and Qin Fei was unable to help.

Ni Ai stared at the dead Nicole blankly with tears in her eyes, then looked at Qin Fei angrily, and said frantically: "It's you, you forced my sister to death, I want to kill you..."

She pounced on Qin Fei and attributed Nicole's death to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei slapped her away impatiently, and said angrily: "Stupid woman, you still don't wake up now! Your sister died for you, for you!"

Niai laughed madly, looked at Qin Fei with a disheveled hair, and said grimly: "You killed her! You killed her!"

"Ignorance!" Qin Fei stood up, looked at her coldly, holding Nicole's body, and didn't plan to talk to her any more.

Although Niai is hateful, but Nicole died for her. Qin Fei agreed to her request and will not kill Niai, let her fend for herself!

"Let go of my sister..." Ni Ai rushed forward frantically, and Qin Fei avoided it.

Without even looking at her, he walked straight out of the dungeon.

Ni Ai watched him go away, closed her eyes in pain, clenched her teeth, a burst of destruction suddenly erupted, followed by a rapid disappearance.

Qin Fei looked back at Ni Ai, and saw that she had fallen soft to the ground, with bloodshot eyes on her mouth, and she was completely dead.

She committed suicide...

"Poor people, there must be something hateful!" Qin Fei muttered softly, looked at Nicole in his arms, turned around and walked back to Nie's side, put Nicole down so that the bodies of the two sisters were next to each other.

"Your sisters are deeply affectionate. Since people are dead and grievances are gone, I will bury you together. I don't know if your angels will have the next life. If so, I hope you will be ordinary sisters in the next life!" He said Chanted at the two bodies.

He walked out of the dungeon, came to the back garden, and patted the rockery.

A fierce energy instantly destroyed the rockery, there was a rumbling underground, and the entire back garden collapsed, completely submerging the dungeon and burying all the dead.

The huge noise alarmed the angels in Tom's mansion. When they saw the collapsed back garden and Qin Fei, everyone was shocked.

Harry and other ten-winged angels all heard the sound and couldn't help being shocked when they saw Qin Fei.

They were surprised that Qin Fei became a twelve-winged angel.

"Tom is dead! Now I am here to call the shots. If any of you want to avenge him, I will take it one by one!" Qin Fei's faint eyes swept across the crowd, with an aura of contemplation.


Harry and the others looked at each other and were shocked that Qin Fei actually seized power and killed Tom.

Facing the Twelve Wings, the Ten Wings couldn't think of resistance at all. After a while, the many angels who belonged to Tom's command swore allegiance to Qin Fei.

At this point, Qin Fei completely mastered the territory that Tom once ruled, and asked Harry to declare the change of ownership to the twelve-winged angels in the holy city. Qin Fei officially became one of the twelve-winged angels in the holy city.

This news spread throughout the city within a day, but it did not cause much reaction. Many of today’s twelve-winged angels have also grown up on the basis of the previous generation. From everyone’s point of view, the struggle for power is nothing strange. of.

At most, there were other twelve-winged angels who began to ponder, taking advantage of Qin Fei's fledgling, sending people to grab the territory.

For five days in a row, Qin Fei dealt with the infringements from all sides, and repelled the invading enemies, so that he was finally recognized by all the twelve-winged angels, and no one dared to invade easily.

After Qin Fei settled the foreign enemy, he began to investigate Yasli's disappearance.

"My lord, Qin Fei has sent people to investigate Yasli's disappearance!" In a very ordinary courtyard to the west of the holy city, Gasol was listening carefully to the reports of his followers.

Gasol squinted and said with a smile: "He finally acted! Very good! I thought he didn't care about Yaslie's life or death! Now that he cares, then our chance is here! But we have to wait a while , Let him find it anxious, and let me see how much he values ​​this woman! You immediately arrange it and release the news that Yasli is showing up to Jobs and see how he reacts!"

"My lord is wise! Let him eradicate the twelve-winged angels in the city first, and then we take the opportunity to take it!" A ten-winged angel slapped a flat ass.

The power of every twelve-winged angel cannot be underestimated. Although Qin Fei killed many of Gasol's ten-winged angels at the beginning, this cunning Gasol is different from others. He hides all the real masters. It won’t be exposed if it is less than absolutely necessary.

"Okay, go down and do it! Our victory will come soon, tell everyone to seize the time to break through, Twelve Winged Angels? Humph, I will soon have an army of Twelve Winged Angels! I see Who would dare to confront me then? The position of the Holy Lord is just around the corner!" Gasol smiled smartly, fingers wrapped in golden hair, and his handsome face was filled with the gesture of a winner.

"My lord, everything is under your control now, and soon, Qin Fei will become your dog!" Another ten-winged angel flattered.

"Haha, a dog? It's a good description, Qin Fei will become a vicious dog under my hand to help me kill the enemy!" Gasol laughed...

Two days later, Qin Fei's mansion, after Tom died, this place became his residence.

"My lord, my people have been investigating in West City for two days and two nights and have not got a clue." Harry respectfully reported the situation to Qin Fei.

"My lord, there is no news from Dongcheng!" Alex said.

Heward took a look at Qin Fei and said, "There is no news from Nancheng either."

Markas and Ralph also said in unison: "Xicheng has also checked it out, and there is no news!"

Qin Fei frowned, and said: "I have been investigating with divine consciousness, and I have not found anything. I have also searched thousands of miles outside the city, and there is no clue. It seems that either Yasili was taken away from the holy Cheng, or someone deliberately covered up her breath, so that we can't find out!"

"Then what happens next?" Alex said.

Qin Fei's gaze was cold, and said, "Now there is only one way to go. We have other twelve-winged angel houses that have not been checked. Then no matter what method you use, send someone to sneak into everyone's house and search for me. all over!"

"My lord, this is very troublesome! The residences of the Twelve Winged Angels are heavily guarded, and our people are easy to find when they enter!" Heward said.

"It's important to find someone! If it is discovered, I will take care of it myself!" Qin Fei said coldly.

Everyone glanced at each other, and they were all a little worried. Once they were discovered by the twelve-winged angel, they might be worried about their lives.

"My lord, there's news!" At this moment, a ten-winged angel rushed in from the door, looking very bright.

Qin Fei looked at this person. This person was one of Tom's ten-winged angels named Curry.

"What news?" he asked urgently.

Curry respectfully said: "My lord, you arranged for me to take someone to the busy place in the city to inquire about the news. Half an hour ago, my people heard someone talk about it in a restaurant in the north of the city. The Twelve Winged Angel of Jobs in the north of the city In his mansion, someone saw a golden light entering Jobs's mansion fourteen days ago, and saw a woman in the golden light."

Qin Fei stood up abruptly and said, "It must be her! The time is right! I'll go to Jobs' mansion immediately!"

After speaking, he just disappeared.

Harry and the others laughed bitterly, and then immediately chased them out and drove all of them towards Jobs' mansion.

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