Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1054: Zhu Xian Sword Array!

The Guangmu Heavenly King hurriedly ordered all the masters stationed in the holy city to head toward the kingdom of heaven.

Liao Wu and Zhou Lin excitedly led the way and smiled at each other, revealing a tricky smile.

With the Guangmu Heavenly King taking the lead, no matter how powerful Qin Fei and God are, they are definitely not opponents!

Although the strength of Guangmu Tianwang is not as good as God and Satan, the masters of the immortal world brought this time can form the Zhuxian Sword Formation and can definitely deal with God and Satan!

About an hour later, Qin Fei and the others were waiting bored, and they suddenly sensed the fluctuation of the gate of heaven. In the blink of an eye, a mighty team came aggressively.

"He is the King of Broad Eyes! One of the four heavenly kings of the immortal world, and his strength is very ordinary!" Satan said with disdain.

Qin Fei didn't speak. He saw the old man Zhuang next to the Emperor Guangmu, and suddenly remembered seeing him in the library.

No wonder I saw this old man with a different mortal aura. He turned out to be a person from the fairy world. Since there are old acquaintances, this meeting shouldn't be too troublesome.

Wang Guangmu saw Satan and God in the distance, his eyes were red, and he said to Zhuang Lao: "Zhuang Jingxian, do you still say that it is a misunderstanding? Do you still say that the kid is a legendary person? The legendary person will meet Are our enemies together?"

Old Zhuang smiled bitterly. He didn't know this, but he was still sure that Qin Fei was the legendary person.

"King of heaven, you must not be impulsive! Listen to what he says first, and always give a chance to explain!" he said.

Guangmu Tianwang got angry. At this moment, he was blinded by hatred and said angrily: "You are still speaking for him. I think you have been in the mortal world for a long time, and you have long been bewitched by the devil! Come here, take him under custody. stand up!"


Two armored warriors hurriedly arrested Mr. Zhuang so that he could not move.

Boss Zhuang was anxious, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Qin Fei frowned.

"Satan! The king wants to avenge my brother today!" The king of Guangmu is not polite, and he roars when he approaches.

Following his words, a line of masters from the immortal world rushed out, hula, and surrounded Qin Fei four people. There were nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine of these people, all holding a vast three-foot sharp sword. The formations were lined up, and in an instant, a fierce and domineering slaying spirit rose into the sky, surrounding Qin Fei's four.

God lost his voice: "This is the Zhuxian sword formation! The most powerful killing formation in the fairy world! We are in danger!"

Satan's expression was also very anxious, and he shouted in a low voice: "As soon as this burst out, the world is upside down, and the universe is shifted. There is only one word, destroy! With our strength, there is no pressure at all to deal with their individual individuals, but we have to face this Zhu Xian. Sword formation, I'm afraid it's too bad luck!"

"This formation is very powerful?" Qin Fei carefully sensed and found that this formation is similar to some **** formations in the Xiuwu world. It is very profound, but it is not difficult to understand. At least he has encountered a stronger formation. It has no effect on him.

Satan and God glanced at him together, smiled bitterly and said together tacitly: "It's amazing! Exterminate all immortals, wipe out everything! Once this battle comes out, the people in the battle will undoubtedly die! Of course, the cultivation of the four of us is stronger than them. Many, this battle will kill all four of us, it is unlikely, but we lose one or two, there is still no suspense!"

"Isn't it just a broken formation? Let me kill it!" Taotie was not convinced. Under him, no one dared to be so awesome, except for Qin Fei of course.

He couldn't bear it most, and threw a punch.

I thought he would at least break the formation with this punch, but he knew that the place where the force was applied suddenly changed, and the formation changed quickly. His punch actually fell into the dozens of people in the formation without any effect. .

Originally, with his strength, it was nothing to kill these people with a single punch, but at this moment, under the action of the formation, instead of any damage, the momentum of those people suddenly rose, as if the power he smashed was absorbed by them. Up!

Qin Fei saw that it was the Zhuxian Sword Formation that swallowed the gluttonous energy with the mystery of the formation, and transformed it into the energy of the formation itself, and greatly strengthened those who maintained the formation.

Glutton didn't believe in evil, and he swung his fists one after another, but the result was exactly the same. Not only did he not hurt the other person, the formation did not stop because of his attack, but burst out even more terrifying power.

Soon, the formation seems to have reached a critical point. When the strength of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people who maintained the formation has reached the same realm-the fifth level of the illusion, the people in the Zhu Xianjian formation shouted together. : "One sword destroys the world!"

As soon as the tactics came out, the formation swiftly began to circulate, gathering a blast of energy that ruined the world, and nearly 10,000 people raised the sword in their hands at the same time and slammed them down towards the gluttonous food.


Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine sword auras spit out from the long sword in the hands of the people, reaching a hundred feet long, and quickly merged into a huge sword in mid-air that stretched across the world, like the sword of an ancient giant. , Suddenly fell on Taotie.

With his gluttonous character, he certainly wouldn't shrink back. He didn't retreat but moved forward, slamming a punch against the giant sword.


The sword fell apart, and the gluttonous fell on the ground, panting, his fist withdrawn was covered with blood!

The power of a sword wounded the mighty Gourmet!

Observing his breath, his body seemed to have been injured, and he was adjusting his breath quickly.

At this time, the Zhuxian Sword Array displayed the real horror of the World Destruction Array, and did not give the glutton a chance to breathe. In an instant, nearly 10,000 people shouted again: "Two swords destroy the boundless!"


The body of the two giant swords of the same huge size came crashing down, gluttonous eyes bursting with rage, gritted teeth, and fists greeted him.


The sword scattered and flew. This time, he didn't touch the ground safely, but flew out embarrassedly and landed a kilometer away. The formation changed and enveloped him again.

Qin Fei's eyelids jumped sharply when he saw it, his domineering and aggressive formation, gluttonous, but Xiaoyuan's fourfold! After changing the usual, nearly ten thousand illusions, he could be wiped out in minutes, but with the help of the formation, he failed! The other party was unscathed.

Satan and God glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

God bitterly said: "This Zhuxian Sword Formation has been strengthened again. When I faced it before, it hadn't been so powerful! It seems that they have made improvements over the years!"

Satan also looked horrified and said: "It's more than simply strengthening and improving? I have a hunch that the guess just now is probably wrong!"

"What can you have a hunch? What is it not to strengthen?" God glared at him. At this time, the two of them did not forget their grudge, and looked at each other uncomfortably.

Qin Fei glanced at God, motioned him not to quarrel, then looked at Satan, and said, "What do you see?"

"The power of this formation has greatly increased. Brother Taotie is stronger than ours, making this formation stronger. I now doubt whether the four of us can escape!" Satan said.

God didn't interrupt at this time, but nodded in deep conviction. At this moment, he also agreed with Satan's words.

Qin Fei's eyes dazzled, and he whispered: "You guys go up together!"

Satan and God looked at each other, and suddenly they became very tacit, and said in unison: "You have a way to deal with it?"

They saw confidence in Qin Fei's eyes, and that's why they asked.

"It shouldn't be difficult! Understand 90%! You go together and cooperate with the gluttonous food. Be sure to stimulate the greatest power of this formation, so I am sure if I can handle it!" Qin Fei nodded.

Satan and God both showed joy at once. Since Qin Fei said that there is a way, let's try it out. The three of them will inevitably increase the attack power of the formation to the apex. They are confident about this.

This is not their willingness to be Qin Fei’s pawn, but a last resort. According to the current momentum, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is indeed not something they can handle. If it drags on, it will definitely be dead. Now Qin Fei says there is a way to break the formation, they naturally Will make the right choice.

With the addition of Satan and God, the Zhuxian Sword Array immediately began to operate. And Taotie quickly recovered with the help of the two. The three fought together, and the battle situation reached a white-hot stage.

In the distance, Guangmu Tianwang, Liao Wu and others watched this scene indifferently. Even with the addition of Satan and God, they did not feel that this would put any burden on Zhuxian Sword Formation.

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