Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1058: Nuwa patch up the sky!

In Kunlun Immortal Land, Western monks are never allowed to set foot, and once discovered, they must be severely punished.

Now, including Qin Fei, Zhuang Lao, etc., are treated equally and cannot leave one person.

Qin Fei frowned. He wanted to take Suzaku Ling quietly, but now he couldn't make the movement too loud!

"Do it!" He sighed, then added: "Don't hurt their lives!"

Satan was the first to move, and Liao Lin discriminated against him so much and made him very upset. He immediately burst into horror and engulfed Liao Lin and others.

Facing the monstrous blood, Liao Lin yelled even more: "Bold thief! It turned out to be a Western blood!"

For a time, various lights flickered and rushed straight into the sky, and a drum sound rippled in Kunlun Immortal Mountain, alarming everyone, and countless figures came from all directions.

Qin Fei's eyes flashed and said, "You deal with them, don't take their lives, I'll get Vermillion Bird Ling!"

He flashed and shot towards the main peak of Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, tens of thousands of disciples in Kunlun Immortal Mountain had surrounded Satan and others, shouting and killing, Qin Fei didn't worry about their safety, just one person was enough to deal with these opponents who were less than the fifth level of Nirvana.

"Stop!" Qin Fei just flew to the main peak, shot ten old men from the peak, and stopped him horizontally. Everyone exuded the aura of Nirvana.

"You get out of the way, I only take Suzaku Ling, and I have no hostility to Kunlun Mountain!" Qin Fei stopped in the air to persuade people, not wanting to hurt people.

"Huh! Zhuqueling is the treasure of my fairy mountain town! Provides a steady stream of true energy for cultivation! If you take it away, it will break the foundation of my fairy mountain, and say there is no hostility. It's really nonsense with your eyes open!" The old man said angrily. As he spoke, he raised his hand, and a cold light shot towards Qin Fei's face.

At the same time, the other nine people also used their magic weapons one after another to envelope Qin Fei.

Qin Fei sighed helplessly, his body flashed, disappeared in the eyes of everyone, the attack lost the target, and each flew back.

The ten elders looked at each other and all showed horror.


At this time, a blue light descended from the void, covering the ten people, making them immobile, as if they were stuck in the mud.

Qin Fei's figure appeared behind them, approached the main peak, looked for a palace, and flew into it.

This palace directly leads to the hinterland of the mountain. As soon as Qin Fei stepped into the palace, a strong wind blew his face, with a very fierce momentum.

Qin Fei turned sideways to avoid him, only to see an old man with white eyebrows and chest down standing in the hall, looking like a fairy-style bone, carrying a dust in his hand, looking at him calmly.

"The old man is the master of Kunlun Immortal Mountain, you didn't move Zhuqueling, leave quickly!" The old man looked at him plainly, looking like a worldly expert.

Qin Fei looked at him, his strength was comparable to Nirvana Six. If it were placed elsewhere, he might still be able to stand a bit, but facing him, it was not enough.

"Old gentleman, I took Suzaku Ling for the entire land, please don't block it, otherwise it won't be good to hurt you!" He persuaded him kindly.

The old man shook his head silently, pondered for a while, his eyes flashed, and the sound was like Hong Zhong said: "If you want to take the treasure of my mountain town, catch the old man's reception!"

When the words fell, he stretched out his hand and shook, and the dust was rolled in the void, turning into a Tai Chi pattern, rotating and lasing towards Qin Fei.

It was an illusory image, but it turned into a substance in front of Qin Fei's eyes, carrying a terrifying lethality and a compelling breath.

I saw the Tai Chi Pisces spinning faster and faster, and finally turned into a cloud of phantoms, vaguely heard from dragons.


The entire hall was trembling fiercely, as if it was about to rise to the ground.

Qin Fei's eyes dazzled, and he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, with a soft bang, the trembling stopped, the hall was quiet, the Tai Chi pattern suddenly stopped, and the old man's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Immediately following the Taiji diagram, the old man stepped back three steps, revealing a dry color, and a trace of dust in his hand broke. There was blood red from the corner of his mouth. He sat on the floor and sighed: "Thank you, Mr., for mercy and let me go. But if you want Suzaku Ling, unless you kill me!"

Qin Fei took a deep look at the stone slab under him, and said with a smile: "You think you can't get in if you sit on it?"

The old man nodded and smiled bitterly: "Of course I can go in if you kill me. Although I know it is not your opponent, it is the responsibility of every generation of mountain masters to protect Vermillion Bird Ling with life! This is the account of the **** Nuwa back then! Except for the legendary person , No entry!"

Legendary man!

Qin Fei had a good impression of the old man and couldn't bear to kill him. This legend has heard the old man Zhuang said that he is the person predicted by the **** Nuwa.

"Who said I am not?" Qin Fei smiled, and a bright starlight burst out of his body. The stars above his head hovered, and the star knife in his hand clenched tightly.

The old man's eyes widened, and he said inconceivably: "The stars accompany, the starry sky is like a shadow, and the star knife is a tool, disregarding the sky, changing heaven and earth, the avenue is one..."

He stood up suddenly, stopped insisting, and said to Qin Fei: "That's it! You can go in! The responsibility of Kunlun Fairy Mountain that has been guarding for countless years is finally completed!"

When he talked about the last two lines of tears, he seemed very excited.

He bent down and lifted the slab in person, pointing to the passage and said, "Follow down to the end, where Suzaku Ling is located. There is a restriction left by the Great God Nuwa back then. Be careful!"

"Thank you!" Qin Fei walked into the passage, remembering something, and turned back: "Go and persuade your people to come back. One of the people I brought is God, one is Satan, and two are stronger than them. The presence!"

After speaking, he went straight, the old man was dumbfounded for a while, and rushed to the outside of the hall in a hurry...

Qin Fei walked down the stone ladder in the passage.

Soon a fiery red light appeared in front, and a huge stone chamber appeared. The floor of the stone chamber was full of boiling magma. In the center of the magma, there was a fiery red stone platform on which a cloud of fiery red was suspended in the void. The light group, the light group is constantly rotating, releasing a sacred and vast breath.

Qin Fei walked to the stone room, and suddenly stopped when he was about to approach, looking at the stone room door vault with a serious expression.

He flicked his fingers, and a golden light shot towards the door.


As soon as Jin Guanggang touched the edge of the door, a curtain of Hua was sprinkled on the dome of the door, covering the stone room, and a line of Hua and Xia appeared on the curtain of the door: "He who holds the book from the sky enter the room, otherwise the mountain will collapse and the ground will be buried permanently. Things!"

Holy Book?

Qin Fei was shocked, where did the heavenly book come from? Who is this **** Nuwa? Actually leave such a line.

Holy Book?

A move in his heart, is it a wordless heavenly book?

Time is urgent, and he can't tolerate him to think about it. Although the wordless heavenly book has turned into a clue map of the original Qinglong, the essence has not changed. He condenses in front of him, and the wordless heavenly book appears, floating towards the curtain.

As soon as Hua Mu came into contact with the wordless heavenly book, it flashed suddenly, swallowing the whole wordless heavenly book.

Qin Fei watched the changes quietly, waiting about three breaths of time, the curtain disappeared, and the wordless heavenly book reappeared in front of him, but it has changed. There is no word on the cover of the heavenly book, but now there are several It looks very beautiful in Chinese and Xia characters.

"Nu Wa Patching the Sky"

These five words appeared on the cover, and Qin Fei couldn't help but curl his lips.

This matter must have been caused by the so-called Nuwa God. This guy is really narcissistic. He actually turned the heavenly book into this look and made a Nuwa patch up the sky.

He knows that Nuwa patching the sky, but in the legend, I don’t know how many years ago. Anyway, in ancient or ancient times, there was a big hole in the sky, and the fire of the sky poured out into the world. If you don’t fill this hole, no matter it’s mortal. People or gods in the world of cultivating immortals will die in the sky fire.

It was Nuwa who made up the sky with colorful stones and filled the holes, which saved the Azure Continent from death.

He opened the Nüwa Patching the Sky, and the original scripture completely changed its appearance, becoming pages of pictures. The specific content is how Nvwa patching the sky.

The Nuwa in the portrait looks like a woman, but her face is not very real, she is all turned sideways or facing her back, and she can't see the front at all.

Qin Fei turned a few pages and felt doubts arose. Although this Nu Wa's face was unclear, it gave him a feeling that he had seen before.

He laughed self-deprecatingly, and after receiving Nuwa Patching the Sky, how could he have seen Nu Wa? It's impossible, I'm too lazy to think, he walked towards the stone room...

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