Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1064: Dragon frame!

"It's simple! Because my own vitality is extremely strong! If I change to another person, I may be blown up, but now it is me, and another ten flat peaches will not work, but will only increase my strength!" Qin Fei relaxed Smiled.

The vitality of this flat peach not only didn't hurt him, but it made him progress in cultivation, and it was a sign that he would break through the double perfection.

Mother Yaochi was silent, she never expected that Qin Fei would be so perverted.

"Now, it's time to collect the Vermillion Bird Ling!" Qin Fei whispered, splitting the flat peach with a palm, and saw ten Vermillion Bird Ling flying out suddenly and falling into his palm. The other Vermillion Bird Ling appeared and released instantly. The Suzaku opened fire, and the terrifying heat wave scared the face of the mother of Yaochi drastically, for fear of being burned to ashes.

"Mr. Yaochi, go back and tell the person in charge of the immortal world that I only take Suzaku Ling and I have no intention of being an enemy of you! Everyone has nothing to do with each other, don't you all rejoice?" Qin Fei put the Zhu Que Ling away, and smiled at Mt. Move, put away the starry sky bound **** chain, and walk away.

A gloomy color flashed in the eyes of Our Lady of Yaochi, and after a sigh, a beam of light appeared, bringing her back to the fairy world.

Since then, all the Vermillion Bird Ling of the Three Immortal Lands has been obtained.

Now the next destination should be the fairy world!

When Qin Fei left Yaochi, the Yaochi disciples in the main hall were still guarding the portal nervously, but they didn't know that the contents had already disappeared.

"Master, let's go to the fairy world?" said gluttonously anxiously on the top of a mountain thousands of miles away from the Yaochi Immortal Mountain.

"Wait for a day! I just got Suzaku Ling, and I still have time to absorb the energy in the future, you first go around and protect me!" Qin Fei said.

After the five people left, he sacrificed the Suzaku Ling and began to gain powerful power in the Suzaku flame.

An hour later, he gathered everyone over, and everyone was surprised to see him.

Taotie looked excited and said, "Master, you have broken through!"

"Of course the young master has broken through, do you need to ask?" Shengchi God Venerable gave a gluttonous look.

"You want to control?" Taotie glared at him, and the two liked to quarrel together.

Qin Fei smiled, and said, "Don't say anything, now I am the second layer of Xiaoyuan, it's time to go to the immortal world!"

Taotie patted his chest and said, "Master, when you are in the immortal world, you let me be the pioneer. I haven't done a good fight for a long time, and my hands are itchy!"

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "Don't hurt the people in the immortal realm. They are the guardians of Hua and Xia. It's okay to hurt them!"

Taotie scratched his head, his expression depressed and unhappy.

At this moment Jiang Tian suddenly said, "Brother Qin, it's better not to underestimate the enemy! To be honest, the fairy world is not very strong. The strongest Sanqing is at the same level as us, but you know why I and Satan are not Do you dare to aggressively attack China and Xia for the real reason?"

"What's the reason?" Qin Fei raised his brow.

"Above the Immortal Realm, there is Chaos Thirty Third Heaven! There is the strongest existence. With the strength of me and Satan, in the hands of anyone in Chaos Thirty Third Heaven, they are all defeated. There is no power! That is the existence of horror. If the immortal world invites the powerful inside to make a move, I am afraid that we are not its opponents! So I suggest that we should proceed in secret in this immortal world, and don't be too arrogant. So as not to cause unnecessary trouble!" Jiang Tian said solemnly, and when he mentioned the 33rd Heaven, a frightened color flashed in his eyes, a look of extreme fear.

"Chaos Thirty-Three Heavens? The legendary Nu Wa lives there!" Qin Fei said softly.

"Afraid of a bird? I will beat anyone who comes, what are you afraid of?" Glutton fisted each other, shouting fearlessly.

"Jiang Tian is right, we must act cautiously!" Shengchi Shenzun said.

"You coward!" Gourmet stared at him dissatisfied.

Qin Fei frowned and said, "Well, let's go to the immortal world quietly. It would be best if we can not disturb anyone. If there is really no way, we can't take care of that much, Zhu Que Ling, I must get it!"

How to get to the immortal world, Mr. Zhuang is very clear about this. Mr. Zhuang is now a little hard to ride a tiger. Originally, he was very supportive of Qin Fei, but now that the entire immortal world is looking for himself and Qin Fei, he feels a little bad, and he feels very depressed. , Qin Fei is clearly the person predicted by the **** Nuwa, why does the fairy world do this?

Forget it, he didn't think too much, he felt that his choice was right, no matter how difficult it was, he had to stick to it.

If you want to think of the fairy world, you have to receive the light of welcome, otherwise you will not be able to enter the fairy world. The fairy world is not in this space, it is a unique world, and there is no entrance.

And the light of welcome is actually very simple, as long as the mortal monk has cultivated to a certain level, the immortal world will automatically find that monk, and then send out the light of welcome to let the other person enter the immortal world.

The so-called one person gains the Tao, the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, this light of reception will not exclude anyone except monks, and they will all access it, but what people don’t know is that there are chickens and dogs ascending to heaven. Once you reach the fairyland, you will find everything Those who don't have enough conditions will be exiled to the barren sea of ​​the immortal world, fend for themselves, and there will be no chance of becoming immortal together.

If Qin Fei and others want to enter the immortal realm, they must look for the monks who have just broken through, and then enter the immortal realm together with the light of the welcome. Of course, the exile after reaching the immortal realm will definitely not happen to them. When the time comes, Based on their ability, it is easy for the fairy world not to be found out, so don't care.

"The monks who are about to become immortals will choose a secluded place for the final breakthrough! We can search among the famous mountains of China and Xia, and we will find it!" Old Zhuang suggested.

It was so decided, and the six came to the sky above the famous mountain and dragon, which the monks like to choose most, waiting for the monks to become immortals.

For a month without a fart, becoming a fairy is not so easy.

Qin Fei really can’t afford to spend time. It’s been too long since coming to Azure Continent, especially for the hundred years of being in a coma. He doesn’t know what’s going on in the Profound Spirit Continent now. It is cut off by radar signals, making him have a long time. Time has not established contact with Xuanling Continent. He is worried about the situation there. Although there is a blue dragon guarding him, even if the tomb guard returns to Xuanling Continent, he will not be his opponent, but he is afraid that there will be an accident and it will be troublesome.

So he must finish things here as soon as possible and go home earlier.

"No, you can't wait any longer. Although there are nearly five hundred cultivators in this Shenlongjia Mountain, none of them can reach the qualifications of becoming immortals. It's not a problem to wait like this. We just pick a guy to help him succeed. Fairy!" He thought of a good way.

Since no one is qualified to become an immortal, then he will help a person become an immortal and wait for the light of welcome.

The eyes of the gluttonous people brightened, and they praised Qin Fei's aura of brains. This can be imagined, and it is really wonderful.

Qin Fei curled his lips and said that it was not the spirit of the brother, but that you don't use your brains. To be precise, the fat man named Lao Huo arranged a few people who don't need brains to be by his side, causing him to follow him stupidly.

He just thought about it, and Lao Huo's wretched voice sounded in his mind: "Hey, do you dare to blame Brother? Believe it or not, I'm driving you crazy?"

Qin Fei hurriedly conceded, "I dare not dare, you have a large number of elders, but I am actually praising you!"

"It's almost the same! Alright, just do what you want. Brother is not literate anyway. I really can't think of someone to be by your side. I'll just live with you, wait for you to do something for my brother. This book is really popular, and you will become famous. Then I will have to rely on you to eat!" Old Huo said, and then there was no sound.

Qin Fei wiped his cold sweat, Nima's old fire popped out from time to time to scare himself, still thinking about it? Just because you are messy, can this be hot? That's irrational.

"Brother Qin, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Tian's voice awakened him. Everyone looked at him in a puzzled manner. They calmed down and said with a smile: "It's all right, let's find someone to help him become a fairy!"

Everyone has no other solution, but his solution is feasible, and they can't help but support it.

As a result, a lucky guy appeared, and Qin Fei designated this person as a middle-aged man practicing in a mountain nest ten miles ahead as the candidate to help.

He appeared in the sky above the mountain nest, deliberately releasing a powerful aura, and was so alarmed that the middle-aged man flew up in a hurry, shouting: "Friends, here I come first, you can find another nest!"

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