Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1075: The best alchemy!

After Dao Tong left, Taotie looked at his back curiously, and asked Fuxi: "Could this guy also be a 100,000-year-old monster?"

Fuxi nodded and said, "You guessed it right!"

Taotie spit out his tongue and exclaimed with a look of exclamation: "It's very well maintained. A 100,000-year-old monster actually lives like a child, and his skin is so tender that it can pinch out water!"

The holy pond deity teased: "What? Do you still want to have a good skin? Don't forget what your body is like, it will never be possible to pinch water!"

Taotie stared: "What are you messing around? I can't just can't, are you okay? Don't look in the mirror by yourself, we are half a cat, we are almost the same!"

"Okay, don't make trouble, just be quiet!" Qin Fei scolded, causing the two to shut up immediately.

He walked to the alchemy furnace, looked carefully for a while, then turned his head to look at Fuxi, and said, "Senior, what's the matter with this furnace?"

He had to understand the ins and outs of the alchemy furnace thoroughly before proceeding.

"This is Master's Universe Alchemy Furnace, and he is the only person in the entire Immortal Realm who can use it. Almost all the immortal pills in the Immortal Realm come from his hands. My master's alchemy technique is unparalleled in the world! In my opinion, his old man stayed here. Here, I am afraid that you are going to test your alchemy!" Fu Xi said solemnly.

Try alchemy?

Qin Fei smiled, isn't it easy?

It is possible that there are other mountains that have a higher mountain, but when it comes to alchemy, he thinks he is the only one, and there is no alchemy problem that can make him difficult.

He strode to the front of the furnace, and as soon as he approached, a golden light flashed on the furnace body, and an old man with white hair and white chest and beard appeared on the furnace body.

"You are here, if you want to get Suzaku Ling, you need to understand all the alchemy on the furnace body, and then use the Suzaku open fire to refine the magic pill, then you can open the furnace cover and get what you want!" Opened the mouth.

Qin Fei said with a solemn expression: "Thank you seniors for your accomplishment, juniors will do their best to do it.

The old man nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared.

Qin Fei knew very well that this should be a trace of information left by the moral god.

He carefully observed the furnace body, and saw that there were hundreds of alchemy techniques on the surface of the entire alchemy furnace. It would take a lot of time to master them all.

"You said he can succeed?" Shennong whispered to Fuxi.

Fuxi pondered for a moment, and said, "It's hard to tell. As far as I know, no one except Master and us can open this furnace cover. Of course, everyone except the Great Sage! The Great Sage opened the furnace cover and ate the original desire. The golden pill dedicated to the Great God Nuwa. At that time, the master went to the hut. After returning, the pill was gone. The time difference between this is only a quarter of an hour. It is really fast!"

"Half...half a quarter of an hour..." Shennong was extremely surprised, but there would be no harm without comparison. He curiously said: "The Heavenly Master of Virtue did not say what the secret of this stove is?"

"The mystery is that you must master the alchemy above, and you must fully master it before you can open this furnace! We disciples are ignorant, and at most we have mastered 60% of them, and we can't open it at all!" Fuxi said lost.

"The great saint is also an alchemist? But I haven't heard of it!" Shennong doubted.

"Yes, I haven't heard that the Great Sage can make alchemy, but he did open it at that time. This cannot be denied! The master said at the time that the Great Sage is an anomaly and cannot be regarded as a normal person!" Fuxi Tao.

Shennong nodded in agreement, because the original Tianzun also relied on Qitian.

But can Qin Fei do it now?

"By the way, how long did you spend learning these alchemy techniques back then?" Shennong whispered.

Fuxi showed the color of memories, and then a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, as if hurt by the previous experience of learning this alchemy: "I remember at the time I was a group of brothers with better talents, and it took three hundred years to get there. Successfully cultivated to 50%! Later, I really couldn't study it thoroughly, so I didn't learn it. How could it be better than Master? So I just gave up!"

"Three hundred years! Say long is not long, say short is not short? Although Qin Fei may have better talents than you, it will probably take more than three hundred years to successfully practice all alchemy! Of course I mean It's all done!" Shennong stretched out three fingers solemnly.

Fuxi smiled and said, "This is impossible! If you want to complete the practice for more than five hundred years, you must know that the following alchemy becomes more and more complicated, and it will take longer..."

He just said this when he suddenly heard a rumbling, staring at the alchemy furnace in surprise, and suddenly he couldn't speak.

I saw that the stove lid had been opened, and bursts of fairy mist appeared inside.

"This... did it succeed?" He stammered, his eyes popping out.

Shennong was also stupid with dementia.

The dignified three emperors actually experienced so many surprises and stupidities in one day, and no one would believe it, but the facts are in front of them. Qin Fei's performance moved them. Who would have thought that being among the three emperors What happened to Shennong and Fuxi?

According to common sense, in their position, what big storms have not been seen?

But now, facing the miracle that Qin Fei had created, they couldn't maintain a normal mind.

"More... how long?" Shennong asked in surprise.

Fuxi smiled bitterly: "In one hour, he did it so soon!"

At this time, Qin Fei had reached out into the furnace, and 30 Suzaku Ling came out in his palm. Counting it down now, he already had one hundred and thirty-six Vermillion Bird Ling in his hand. Among the immortal realms, only the Vermillion Bird Ling from Lingbao Tianzun had not been obtained.

Faced with the gaffe of Shennong and Fuxi, Qin Fei didn't see it, and began to wonder how to get the remaining Suzaku Ling from Lingbao Tianzun's hands.

Lingbao Tianzun would definitely not hand it over willingly. Less than ten hours have passed since the conflict with the other party, and the other party must hate him now. If he wants to hand it over, it is absolutely difficult.

"This is a trouble! Yi Lingbao Tianzun's temper will definitely make a fuss about this matter!" Fuxi frowned.

Qin Fei thought for a while, decided to take a risk, go to Lingbao Tianzun in stealth to see the situation.

He talked about this idea. Everyone has no other way. That's all. Shennongdao: "This method can be tried, but for safety, Fuxi and I will visit Lingbao Tianzun to attract his attention, and then You do what you want!"

This is a good way to draw away Lingbao Tianzun. Qin Fei nodded and agreed, so he was ready to go to Lingbao Tianzun to watch. In order to avoid attracting people's attention, Qin Fei decided to act alone and put the gluttonous and others into the profound spirit cauldron. Go alone, while Shennong and Fuxi rushed to Lingbao Tianzun Temple first.

View of Lingbao Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Huangdi in the main hall are discussing things, and the Huangdi is delighted.

"Master, the Monkey King, Great Sage Qitian, has been suppressed?"

Lingbao Tianzun nodded and said, "Yes! As soon as the bald donkey heard him interfere in the internal affairs of the immortal realm, he called him to question on the spot. You also know the character of the prowling monkey, stubborn and stubborn, and dare to confront the Tathagata. , Tathagata is so angry, he will be directly suppressed under the Pagoda of Seven Orifices for a hundred years!"

"Master, then our opportunity is here. This century is the best time for us to do it!" Huang Di urged.

A cold light flashed in Lingbao Tianzun’s eyes and stood up, saying: "You are right, this is the best time! Can't wait any longer, once Qin Fei gathers Suzaku Ling, it will alarm the **** Nuwa. There is no chance for us to have revenge! You immediately go down and gather everyone to attack the Taoist temples of primitive old men and moral old men! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

"Report Tianzun, Fuxi and Shennong please see you!" At this moment, a Taoist boy walked in outside.

Huangdi's eyes lit up, and he praised: "It's just right, so let's take them first!"

Lingbao Tianzun sneered: "Let them come in!"

Soon, Fuxi and Shennong walked in and saw the Yellow Emperor smirking, not surprising, and respectfully saluting Lingbao Tianzun.

When Lingbao Tianzun was saluting them, he suddenly threw out a cloth bag, hulled into the wind, and a terrifying force instantly attracted Fuxi and Shennong to the cloth bag.

Shennong was shocked and resisted desperately, shouting: "Qiankun Bag..."

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