Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1092: That's not right!

The words of the patriarch of the Liu tribe immediately caused 90% of the people present to nod their heads in recognition.

The priest smiled, the wrinkles on the old face wrinkled like old tree bark, she said loudly: "True patriarch, you don't agree with the old man when you say that. As you said, the wild tribe is very powerful. This belongs to everyone. Consensus, you are not willing to form an alliance against the wild tribe without evidence. The old man can understand here and understand your considerations. Indeed, for the safety of the tribe, you should not be an enemy of the wild tribe, but have you thought about it? What kind of person is Shan? He is brutal and domineering, and he has always been extremely aggressive. Today, maybe he is just going to fight our desert tribe, but when our desert tribe is defeated? Do you think Beishan will stop its expansion? You are too naive to think! Beishan is a hegemon. He is arrogant and arrogant. He once said arrogantly that he wants to become the first tribe of the wild mountain. Do you think that a single wild tribe can make him the first tribe? This is not empty talk, but it needs to be able to do it with a suitable territory and strength!"

Having said that, she paused and found that everyone’s eyes were sharpened, and then she continued: “So, this is not just a feuding battle between our wild tribes and wild tribes, but it’s about the entire wild mountain. Whether all the tribes can survive the war! After the desert tribe, the Liu tribe will bear the brunt, followed by the rain tribe, the fog tribe and other tribes. If you are not willing to form an alliance, you will be defeated by the wild tribes one by one. It's too late!"

Everyone was silent, whispering whispers, and turning over the words of the great sacrifice aroused everyone's reaction.

The patriarch of the Liu tribe said loudly: "The Great Sacrifice, what you said is alarming! Although Beishan is strong, the wild tribes are very powerful, but they dare not take this risk to offend all the tribes, right? They should not be so stupid. people!"

The high priest looked at him, shook his head, and said, "Do you still think he won't do anything to you? Maybe it was like this before. The wild tribe didn't dare to move you without the Beast Soul Call, but now the situation is very different. Now! With the help of the endless beasts in the wild mountains, all the tribes are as unremitting as earth tiles in front of them!"

"Everyone, listen to me! Has the wild tribe practiced this spell or is it just the words of the wild tribe's family? We don't need to take unnecessary risks. Once the wild tribe learns about our alliance, we must regard us as enemies, and Non-alignment, the wild tribe must put us in the goal of destruction. I have the best of both worlds. That is to put aside the alliance beforehand and discuss it later. Since the wild tribe says that the wild tribe has practiced this Spells, then show it to us. If one day the wild tribes really attack the wild tribe, you will do everything possible to let them use the "Beast Soul Call". When we see it, we will naturally form an alliance. , What do you think?" The Liu tribe patriarch proposed.

The Great Sacrifice and Yu Tu were both angry when they heard the words. This guy was so shameless that he actually asked the Wild Tribe to test the strength of the Wild Tribe.

"Really, what do you mean by this? Let the Wild Tribe take the lead, right? The Wild Tribe is absolutely unable to withstand the attack of the Wild Tribe! Without everyone's alliance, we will be defeated! What else is there to form an alliance at that time? Use it?" Yu Tu said angrily.

Really smiled and said: "Clan Chief Yu, don't get upset. If the Wild Tribe is really defeated, there is no way, unless you show evidence that the Wild Tribe has been trained as a'Beast Soul Call' before the war occurs, otherwise We will never take this risk!"

"Huh! Do you mean the same thing with him?" Yu Tu looked at people from other tribes.

Everyone nodded in unison, saying that they would just do what they didn't say.

"A bunch of cowards! Why do I want to find you to form an alliance? No matter, since we can't agree, then let's not talk about it, let alone the alliance! My desert tribe is already looking for a new place to live. I will leave here immediately, and I will see who the wild tribe will attack first!" Yu Tah was extremely angry. He and the big sacrifice are ready to leave.

"Wait, you said your desert tribe wants to move away from Zhongli?" Zhen Zhen suddenly stopped him.

"How? What do you mean by stopping me?" Yu Tu frowned. Since we can't agree, she still stays here to dry her hair?

"You can't move away! The wild tribe is the nearest to you. If they really want to expand, they must take you first. When you leave, who will test whether they have practiced the Beast Soul Call? Everyone said yes. No? Since this matter was raised by you, it has to have a beginning and an end, and you can't give it up halfway!" Zhen Yi squinted at them with a gloomy tone.

"What do you mean? You want to use our desert tribe to test the falseness and reality of the wild tribe? Our tribe is not fate?" Yu Tu was furious. The meaning of this is very clear. This is to force them to stay where they are. shield.

Simply outrageous!

He flew into a rage, his breath agitated.

"Don't get angry, don't look at what this place is!" Really sneered, and the patriarchs of other tribes stood up and surrounded Yu Tu and the big sacrifice.

"We all agree that it’s up to your wild tribe to fight the wild tribe first and look at the situation. If they really develop the'Beast Soul Call', then we will form an alliance. If not, it has nothing to do with us. After all, you brought up the matter first, so you have to be responsible to the end and figure out the details of the wild tribe!" Zhenren pointed at the crowd and laughed.

"Yes, the wild tribe and the wild tribe have always been at war. You are the best candidate to test!"

"I agree with this method. If the wild tribe dares to move away, we will destroy the wild tribe first, so that we can still get the favor of the wild tribe!"

Everyone spoke out and expressed their attitudes.

Yu Tu and Da Jijie were trembling with anger, glaring at the people, but there was nowhere to spread the anger. These people are not inferior to them, and they definitely cannot take advantage of them.

Now the two of them are in a dilemma. If the tribe does not move away, they will have to withstand the first attack from the wild tribe, and they will suffer a miserable defeat. If they want to move away, these guys will fall into trouble and destroy the wild tribe. , The people will still die.

The second person, these guys are nothing short of a thing. They actually threatened the deserted tribe in turn, really shooting themselves in the foot by lifting a rock.

"Really, you bastards! This is to force us to die!" Yu Tu shouted.

"Hehe, you will all die anyway. Why don't you do a big favor for all of us. The deserted tribe is gone. You and the great priest shouldn't be so stupid as to wait for Beishan to kill you? Then my Liu tribe is willing to take in two of you!" Tao.

"Dreaming! Anyway, it's all death. I'm not as good as your wish. The desert tribe is moved. If you have the ability, you will stop it. When the time comes, you will fight to kill the net!" Yu Tu said angrily, his eyes red, and he clenched her anger. fist.

"The fish die and the net is broken? Do you really think that your desert tribe is very strong? Just my tribe can easily destroy you!" Zhen sneered, "You must give an answer today, otherwise you will stay here forever!"

"Really? Are you really going to keep them?" At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the hall door. Everyone followed the voice, showing a look of surprise, while Yu Tu and the Great Sacrifice looked happy. , Qin Fei is here!

Qin Fei and Zhou Ying stood at the door. They had heard what Zhenneng and others had said before. Qin Fei sneered in his heart. These guys would really pick soft persimmons to start. Seeing the desert tribe is in trouble, not only does it not help, but rather adds A handful of fire, such a despicable and shameless person, even a pig or a dog.

Qin Fei regarded Zhou Ying as a friend, and the deserted tribe she was in was naturally his friend. If anyone wanted to be disadvantageous to the deserted tribe, he could not get past Qin Fei.

"Boy, who are you?" Zhen Yan looked at Qin Fei coldly, scanned Zhou Ying, greedily swept across her tall chest, and sneered: "Are you Zhou girl's man? Are you trying to show off in front of beautiful women? Don’t weigh your own abilities!"

"The dog can't spit out ivory! The patriarch of the Liu tribe, right? Now I'll give you a chance to apologize to the patriarch Yu and the priest immediately, and take back the previous words, otherwise the patriarch of the Liu tribe won't need you!" Qin Fei He walked to Yu Tu faintly, and walked by Zhen Zhen while talking.

Zhen Yan's eyes were cold, and he punched Qin Fei's vest...

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