Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1094: Ready to leave!

There are tens of thousands of tribes in the barren hills, and all the tribes surrounding the barren tribes add up, and there is not necessarily any one of the top three tribes. According to the big sacrifice, the masters of the first three tribes are like clouds. People can easily defeat the nine layers of Nirvana Realm like Yu Tu.

When Zhenzheng and others heard such words from the great sacrifice, their faces turned pale in fright. How strong is that?

"The Beishan self-righteous thinks that by practicing'Beast Soul Call', he can unify the barren mountains. In fact, this only shows how ignorant he is. Here, we are located in the depths of the barren mountains and have no understanding of the outside world. A strength like Nirvana is just an unremarkable **** outside! Qin Fei, if you really want to go to the outside world, your old body will support you! If you want to become stronger, you must move higher. The world moves forward! But the old man has a request, can you take Zhou Ying with her? She is still young, she should go to see the outside world, not like the old man, be an ignorant sacrifice!" Tao, the old eyes are full of expectation and pleading.

Qin Fei had a headache, and she took Zhou Ying with her, not on vacation!

"Yes, I have the same idea, Brother Qin, take a few young people from the tribe. They will follow you and take care of each other on the road. By the way, I will also show them what the world is like outside!" Shi also said.

Qin Fei's head hurts even more, he wants to bring more people?

God, he didn't want to bring a Zhou Ying, let alone bring other people.

However, both the Great Sacrifice and Yu Tu looked at him hopefully, full of expectations, and he couldn't bear to refuse.

Forget it, both the Great Sacrifice and Yu Tu are kind-hearted people. Since they have both pleaded, he has no courage to refuse.

Seeing him nodding, the Great Sacrifice and Yu Tu both laughed. They actually thought about sending young people like Zhou Ying to experience the vast world, but they still dare not make up their minds because there is no strong one. The protection of them, I am afraid that they will be torn apart by the ubiquitous beasts if they can't walk thousands of miles away.

Back then, the great sacrifice went to the edge of the wild mountain, and it took nine deaths before reaching it.

Zhen Wen and others were so envious that they jumped up, looking at Qin Fei excitedly, thinking that if Qin Fei could also take the younger generation from their clan, how good would it be?

Qin Fei would not give them a chance, and said to Zhen Zhen: "You remember the vow of alliance! We are gone!"

When the words fell, he waved a golden light, directly wrapped around Zhou Ying's three people, and disappeared without a trace.

"True patriarch, the desert tribe has met nobles this time!" a tribe patriarch said sourly.

Zhen Yi sighed and said with envy: "We are now assured that the desert tribe is the leader. They will soon send the younger generation to the wild mountains. After they come back, they will be stronger, and they will not follow them. Lost!"

"The true patriarch was right, it can only be the case now! But how should I explain all this to the people after returning? The young people in the clan are young and aggressive, I am afraid it will be very troublesome!" A tribe patriarch sighed Tao.

Zhen Wei's eyes lit up, he groaned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "You reminded me that young people in our clan can also go outside the wild mountains to try their luck. If one or two of the clan can join the big forces, they It will also be extremely helpful in the future. You can't let the tribe be called upon for generations to come!"

They vowed that they would align the tribes with the deserted tribes under their leadership, but they did not say that this is the case for generations. If there are people in the tribe who can contend with the deserted tribes, the alliance will naturally not need to continue.

Of course, this is in the case of strong men in the tribe, and vice versa, they can only live under the hood of the desert tribe for generations.

The patriarchs of all tribes agreed with his idea, so everyone got together and discussed what should be done.

This is not a violation of the oath, so everyone does it with peace of mind. After all, no one wants to be called upon by others. Only becoming stronger is the way out.

Deserted tribe, Yu Tu's home.

As soon as Yu Tu returned home, he negotiated with the great sacrifice and decided on who would follow Qin Feishan.

Yu Ri, Tuesday, Zhu Zi, Wen Hai and Zhou Ying.

According to Yu Tu's explanation, the five of them are the most talented people among the young generation in the tribe. They carry the future of the tribe. They cooperate with each other very well on weekdays. They are the best candidates to go together.

Qin Fei had nothing to say about this. Anyway, he had agreed, so he chose whoever he wanted. On the contrary, it would be better for these five people to go together. After all, everyone is more familiar with it, and getting along will not be too troublesome.

Before leaving, Yu Tuqian urged Wan that the rest of the five people must listen to Qin Fei's words, and everything must be done according to his wishes, and there should be no slightest defiance.

The five naturally nodded their heads. Qin Fei was the strongest among them, of course he had to listen to him.

Everyone was holding large and small bags of luggage. Qin Fei looked straight at it, and it was really troublesome. He simply gave a storage ring to them and asked them to put everything in, not too lazy to take up space.

The people of the tribe were surprised to see that they put their luggage into the ring on their hands, and felt it was incredible. How could such a small thing hold so many things?

Qin Fei explained the principle, and all the five people looked at Zhou Ying with envy.

Yu Tu chuckled, her eyes burning when she looked at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei didn’t know what he meant, and took out two to give him and the big sacrifice, and said: “These two storage rings can store a lot of things. Even if the entire village is installed, it’s not a problem. It’s enough for the tribe. Up!"

Yu Tu and the big sacrifice hurriedly thanked.

"Okay, take care, we're going now!" Qin Fei greeted, waved, a burst of golden light enveloped everyone, and disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

According to the introduction of the Great Sacrifice, the three tribes in front of the Barren Mountain are the Heaven Tribe, the Earth Tribe, the Guang Tribe, the Big Sacrificial and the Guang Tribe. , I hope the priest of the Guang tribe can help.

To go to the big forces, you must pass through the first three tribes, so this trip must first go to the light tribe.

Qin Fei didn’t know the situation of that great power and didn’t dare to act rashly. At the beginning, Kuafu had said that he had to reach the peak of this heaven to open the gate of the second heaven. Kuafu’s strength lies in him. Above, he must be very clear about his power. Since he is tender enough to speak this story, he is also suggesting Qin Fei that he is not the strongest in the first heaven, and he has seen it in the desert tribe. People here are born in the spiritual realm. After cultivating for 20 to 30 years, they can basically reach the strength of the Nirvana Realm. This makes him feel very strange. In the Profound Spirit Continent, if you want to cultivate to the Nirvana Realm, How many people can't do it for ten thousand years, but the people here can succeed in a short period of time, which makes him want to figure out what is going on.

He basically understands one thing now, that is, this Chaos Thirty-third Heaven is a higher interface than the Profound Spirit Continent, and the profound energy of the heavens and the earth has reached the point of abnormality. It is more taboo than the dragon world. It is much more advanced.

So it is conceivable that such a situation can occur here.

Beishan said that he was only the lowest level of slavery among the big forces outside the mountain. When he was in that power, he was in Nirvana, where he was just slavery, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be a formal disciple. Later, he reached the stage of Pseudo Consummation and became a disciple formally, but he was only the lowest-level outer disciple. It is conceivable that there must be a stronger existence above, and there should be not a few in the Small Perfection stage, so Qin Fei didn't dare to forcibly enter, he still followed other people's rules.

He is now running the sea of ​​stars in his body to absorb the profound energy between heaven and earth to improve his strength. There must be a stronger existence here. He must grow up as soon as possible, otherwise how can he become the strongest existence in this great heaven? ?

Going to the light tribe, the big sacrifice is given to the map, but it is easy to find. It is about 35,000 miles away from the desert tribe. It will pass through the mountains, rivers, forests and waterfalls in the middle. This is not a pleasant trip, because there will be beasts charging at every moment. It is not absolutely safe to come out to kill people, even if it is flying.

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