Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1103: Pretend to be grandson!

He rolled his eyes, calculated his mind, and said with a dry smile: "Everyone has misunderstood. The meat is actually just when I went back to get the bag. The second conscience found out. He said that you are all handsome and big people, cheating. For your so much meat, he was afraid of your revenge, so he refunded five catties to me and let me bring it to you! If you don’t believe it, we can go to the restaurant to verify it immediately!"

Now that they have been discovered, they simply do nothing, take Qin Fei and the others back, and let Duoye kill them.

This Ai Chitan is very clever and has good eyesight. He has been in this business for so long, and everyone has seen it, knowing that Qin Fei and his party are stronger than him, so he can't try hard to trick them back into the restaurant to clean them up.

Qin Fei smiled and nodded, and said: "Okay, maybe you are right, you will know after you go back and ask!"

Ai Chitan was overjoyed and hurried back to the restaurant.

Zhou Ying and others knew that Qin Fei was very strong, but they didn't care, and they followed into the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, the little second huffed and closed the door, and then the dozen or so pseudo-consummation masters surrounded him aggressively.

Ai Chisao followed Duoye and pointed to Qin Fei and said: "Duoye, that's them, and there is a lingering chick who just warms your bed!"

Duoye's eyes stayed on Zhou Ying, and he said with satisfaction: "It's not bad, it's still a sacrifice, it must be great to play! Xiao Aizi, you have done well, remember your work, then I will have fun and let him You have a good time!"

Ai Chilai danced and said, "Thank you for the reward!"

Qin Fei looked at Master Duo coldly, and said impatiently: "Are you finished? Let's talk, how to solve this matter?"

This man is nothing more than the pseudo-consummation duality. He is a master of sweeping everything in the small tribe, but in this light tribe, it seems to be just a very ordinary member, reduced to the point of opening a black shop to swindler.

"How to solve it? This is my site for Duoqing. You left the chick, and Duoye will let you go. Otherwise, you will be chopped up and sold as beast meat today!" The middle-aged man Duoqing grinned. .

"Haha, a bunch of idiots! Dare to go wild here with Duoye, and don't look at what this place is! Boy, let me tell you the truth, I don't know where Tian Jishi lives, but people are sacrifices. I am such a small person. You know? So that's a lie to you. As for the Tianyuan Competition, it's true, but are you qualified? Really a group of ignorant country guys who don't know what to do!" Ai Chiluo laughed, and the little man on his face was ambitious.

Qin Feixie laughed, glanced at Duoqing and the others faintly, and said to Tuesday: "You can go on your own, just remember not to kill you!"

Tuesday is the fifth stage of pseudo-consummation, and dealing with these people is just a matter of fingertips.

Dancing with the axe, he took two steps excitedly on Tuesday, grinning at Duoqing and the others: "You all let go!"

Wen Hai quit, and hurriedly said: "Leave it to me, this opportunity is rare!"

Yu Ri and Zhuzi are also eager to try.

Qin Fei understood their feelings, since they were promoted to the fifth level of pseudo-consummation, they have never had a chance to do it. The beasts in the mountains are too powerful, and they have no chance to do it, but now is a good time.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance slowly!" Qin Fei smiled.

"Hey, what are you wordy doing? Don't you think we are all persimmons you can squeeze, whoever you want to serve? Nima looks down on us too much! Just this big guy, you should be the best, right? It's okay for you to get rid of the horse! Kill him on Lao Tzu!" Duo Qing was unhappy, and shouted at the surrounding big guys.

The result was very surprising to him. The subordinates he thought were very powerful, had not survived ten rounds under the axe on Tuesday, all fell to the ground and wailed and couldn't get up.

Duoqing roared: "A bunch of trash! Look at Lao Tzu!"

He rushed to Tuesday, but the result was still the same. He was thrown to the ground with an axe on Tuesday. He wanted to get up but his chest hurts and his legs became weak.

He trembled, staring at Tuesday incredibly, then looked at Qin Fei and the others. He didn't expect these foreigners to be so powerful. He thought he would just clean it up like before. How could he know that they were just one person, and they lost All of him.

He was shocked, but Ai Chiluo, who watched this scene, was frightened. He shivered and leaned against the corner of the wall. He never expected Qin Fei's group to be so strong.

He wanted to run away, but when he turned around, he was stopped by the expressionless pillar, knelt down with a thump, and quickly climbed up to Qin Fei, confessing with tears and tears.

"Go away!" Yu Ri kicked him away.

Qin Fei walked to Duo Qing and said coldly, "Do you still want to continue fighting?"

"Don't fight, I'm not your opponent, count me planted, Xiao Er, what are you doing stupidly? Hurry up and take out the beast meat of these friends, and take another fifty catties!" Duo Qing is an old Jianghu , Know when to be hard-hearted and when to be a grandson.

Xiao Er woke up from the silly shock and hurriedly fetched the meat.

Qin Fei continued to look at him, and said, "Where is Tian Sacrificial Offering, do you know?"

"Tian Jiji? You mean Tianye sacrifice, right?" Duoqing said in a low voice, behaving very docilely at this time, how can there be the previous evil spirit?

"Yes, it's him!" Qin Fei nodded.

"His residence is easy to find. Tian Jiji is the person in charge of the Waizhai. He is in charge of all the affairs of this foreigner coming to the tribe. It is in the tallest stone building at the east end of the Zhai!" Duo Qing answered honestly. Tao.

Qin Fei glanced at him and said, "I hope you haven't lied! Otherwise we will come back again!"

"Don't dare, you can rest assured, the little ones are telling the truth!" Duo Qing hurriedly said.

"Okay, let's forget about this thing! I hope we don't run into it again!" Qin Fei stopped looking at him again, then turned and walked to the shivering Ai Chi Lo, and said, "Don't you like to be a guide? Will you continue to take us there?"

Ai Chilai cried: "Handsome, you can do it, just let me as a fart? I will pay you back the guide's compensation immediately, and I will pay an extra 20 kilograms of meat. I hope you will spare the little one!

He didn't dare to fight against Qin Fei anymore. Now seeing Qin Fei and his party was like seeing the **** of death, terribly scared.

Qin Fei was not prepared to ask him to really lead the way again, and Duo Qing definitely didn't dare to lie. Now that he had explained the direction and location, it was easy to find.

Soon Xiao Er took out all the lean meat, Wen Hai grabbed it and put it away, grinning openly.

Ai Chiluo also took out the remuneration he had previously received from Wen Hai, and kept his promise and gave him an extra 20 kilograms, which made him feel distressed. These lean meats were all lost today.

Qin Fei didn't make it difficult for them, and left with Yu Ri and others.

Xiao Er hurried to help Duoqing, Duoqing gritted his teeth, his eyes stared out in anger, and said angrily: "Why, what a bad luck today! How come you met such a group of murderers? Xiao Aizi, You bastard, don't you have eyes? Why did you bring them? Are you deliberately having trouble with Lao Tzu?"

He sprinkled his anger on Ai Chitan, the boss, he had to find a punching bag, otherwise he would be too shameless. He has always been the only one who bullies people, and I haven't thought of being so unlucky today.

Ai Chisao saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to be a punching bag, his eyes turned straight, he thought about it, and said happily, "Master, calm down, it's not over! Actually, it's very simple to get revenge. You can try it soon. The smell of that girl!"

Duo Qing knows that he is a person with a lot of ghosts, otherwise he won't cooperate with him for so long. He was overjoyed when he heard that, and said, "Quickly, what method? That girl is really good, I must get it. By the way revenge!"

"Master, I mentioned the Tianyuan Competition to them earlier and saw that they were very interested. I think they must have gone to Tian Jisi to sign up for the preliminary competition. Your eldest brother Duo Jishi is the referee of this preliminary competition. It's the best time for us to take revenge!" Ai Chilu smiled.

Duoqing's eyes brightened, yes, his eldest brother will host this preliminary contest. If these guys really go to the preliminary contest by then, it will be a simple matter for the eldest brother to do something, and everything will be easy by then!

"Haha, your kid is really smart, I want to get this too! Just listen to you, I will go to Neizhai to find my eldest brother, now I hope that those guys will participate in the preliminary round! But Tian Jiji is not so easy, after all There are not one thousand and eight hundred people who participate in the preliminary rounds a year. They have to be screened by Tian Ji to qualify. It takes a little bit to get them into the preliminary round!" He thought more, and then took the small The second called over and said: "You go to the Tianji sacrifice, do you know what to do?"

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