Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1172: Identity promotion!

The young man died and was hung up by Xiaobai's pounce.

Everyone looked at Xiaobai in horror, wondering how such a small thing could kill someone?

Xiaobaifei returned to Qin Fei's arms, he looked at the crowd jokingly, and said, "Do you still want to try?"

"Qin Fei, you are dead. If you dare to kill the core disciple at will, no one can save you! You quickly follow us to see the elder!" Someone took the lead and said angrily.

The people around surrounded Qin Fei with their voices.

Killing the core disciple would be a big sin. The Villa attaches great importance to the core disciple, and no one dares to kill him arbitrarily. Before, everyone forced him to kill him, and never thought of killing him, but just wanted to force him to hand over the treasure in the gods.

But now that Qin Fei actually killed someone, people didn't dare to let him go. Whoever saw his disciple was killed without reporting it was also a serious crime.

Seeing the anger of the crowd, Qin Fei didn't leave, and sneered: "This is what you provoked first to kill me. Why should I fight back? Do I have to be obediently killed by you to be innocent? What kind of reason is this? "

"Stop talking nonsense, there is a kind of follow us to see the elders!" one person shouted.

Qin Fei glanced at him. This person was the younger brother of the previously dead youth.

He dismissed a smile and said, "Go and see what the elders do with this matter!"

He is not afraid of anything now, and his strength is firmly in the upper hand. Since these people want to make trouble, why is he afraid?

A group of people surrounded him and went to the elder's office. Soon news was received everywhere in the inner door, and many important figures came here, waiting to see his good show.

The person in charge of the interrogation of Qin Fei was a gloomy old man, known as Elder Xing. As soon as he heard that Qin Fei had killed the core disciple, he was furious and immediately organized the interrogation.

In a hall, hundreds of people gathered together. Qin Fei stood in the hall, accepting everyone’s attention. There were a group of elders sitting in the hall, all of whom were highly powerful. The witnesses were presenting Qin Fei’s crimes. Everyone nearby is testing.

"Qin Fei, are you convicted?" Elder Xing glared at Qin Fei and asked.

Qin Fei smiled faintly, and said, "I'm not guilty! I'm a legitimate defense!"

"Sophistry|! We didn't even think about killing him at that time!" the witness said anxiously.

"Qin Fei, you committed such a serious crime as soon as you entered the core, and you deserve to die! Now this elder has pronounced you guilty! You can abolish yourself! You can still save your life!" Elder Xing said angrily.

"What kind of elder are you? No distinction is made between black and white, it is hard to tell right from wrong, you have no eyes at all! I think you are in the same way!" Qin Fei sneered, he had already watched the witness and Elder Xing secretly eyebrows, how could he not know what they were thinking?

"Huh! I dare to quibble! A newcomer, dare to be so disrespectful to this elder. Everyone tells me, is this son extremely sinful?" Elder Xing looked at the other elders.

Here he has the highest status. He is the first person under the Heavenly Peak of the Inner Sect Great Elder. Who dares to offend him?

All the people followed him, saying that Qin Fei was a heinous sinner, and he was simply charged with more than a dozen crimes, each of which was enough to behead his head.

Elder Xing smiled, looked at Qin Fei disdainfully, and said, "Boy, now you should know how serious you are? It's an extra-legal favor to let you abolish yourself, so why don't you quickly thank you?"

Qin Fei laughed, looked at everyone proudly, and said: "I understand, you are all in the same group, and you are all afraid of this elder Xing, so you framed me like this! Want me to confess, unless the sun comes out from the west, you still Don't worry!"

"Bold! So despise us, you cannot escape death! This elder has changed his mind, and now sentence you to death, come and take him down!" Elder Xing was very angry, and Qin Fei said this to his face, and had already offended his injustice. .


Dozens of warriors suddenly appeared in the hall, surrounded Qin Fei, and his murderous aura rose.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Qin Fei snorted coldly. These people want to kill him, so why should he avoid it?

He took a sudden step, and a monstrous aura swept out. These warriors are no more than Dzogchen, how can they withstand his aura?

Everyone's discoloration changed, and they flew out, causing a flurry of jumps in the hall.

"Bold! Do you dare to resist! The elders obey the order and take him down! Kill him on the spot!" Elder Xing shouted angrily.

The elders violently rushed towards Qin Fei, with savage expressions one by one, wanting to kill him.


At this moment, an angry shout came from outside the hall, followed by a monstrous breath that swept the elders back.

Elder Xing stood up and looked at the door, only to see Tianfeng coming in from the outside, his expression was full of anger: "Xing Shan, what are you doing?"

"Elder, you came just right, and you have the courage to kill the core disciple under your sect. The crime deserves a million!" Elder Xing hurriedly said, seeing Tianfeng, he did not dare to be arrogant, so he hurried to explain clearly.

"Elder, this son, as soon as he became a core disciple, would dare to commit such a crime. It is indeed a sin worthy of death!"

"Please be fair to the elder! Kill him!"

All the elders are heading towards Tianfeng.

Xing Shan watched Qin Fei's constant sneer. From Qin Fei's counterattack just now, he could see that this kid was better off, so he asked all the elders to come together and prepare to jointly kill Qin Fei.

As for why he wanted to kill Qin Fei, the first is because Qin Fei killed the core disciple, which is one of the big crimes, and the second is that Qin Fei dare to despise his majesty in front of so many people. Why should he not kill him? Why don't you keep your face?

So he wanted to kill Qin Fei, extremely strong.

Seeing the arrival of Tianfeng, he felt that Qin Fei was dead, and even if Qin Fei was strong, he would definitely not be Tianfeng's opponent.

"Huh! You are so bold! Qin Fei has just done a great job for the villa. What is it to kill a core disciple? Listen well. As a core elder, Qin Fei is within his duty to kill a core disciple who does not listen to orders. , There is no fault!" Tianfeng suddenly angered.

"Huh? Core Elder?"

"When did he become an elder?"

"No, didn't he just become a core disciple?"

Everyone was shocked. Tianfeng's words were a blow to the head, knocking everyone's minds dizzy.

Qin Fei also looked at Tianfeng in surprise, and said in doubt: "Elder, what does this mean?"

Tianfeng walked up to him and said: "Elder Qin, I am back from the owner. He has officially appointed you as the elder of the core disciple area and will replace me! You will be the elder of the core area in the future! I have been transferred to another post by the owner. This is the identity token of the great elder, so take it away!"

As he said, he took off his token and gave it to Qin Fei, then turned to look at Xing Shan and others, and said coldly: "Now Qin Fei is your elder, so be it yourself!"

After speaking, he left directly.

Qin Fei looked at the Great Elder token in the palm of his hand inexplicably, as if dreaming, Nima had also risen too fast, and in the blink of an eye she became the Great Elder, far above Xing Shan and others.

"Meet the great elder! I am guilty of death if I have eyes and no beads!"

Everyone saluted him, their tone became very respectful, and the previous hostility was wiped out.

Xing Shan's face was green, and his heart was overwhelmed at this time, and all kinds of dissatisfaction filled his body.

The position of the great elder was given to Qin Fei for no reason, and to this newcomer, he refused to accept it!

He has always been under the peak of heaven, and he has been working hard, thinking that one day, after Tianfeng is promoted, he will become the great elder. This is the goal of his hard work and struggle.

But now, the goal is forever indefinite, and the position of the great elder has changed, and it was given to Qin Fei.

He was not convinced, how could this kind of thing happen to him?

"Qin Fei, what demon technique did you use to steal the position of the great elder that should have belonged to me! I want to challenge you! No matter who is alive, whoever is alive is qualified to be a great elder!" He was crazy. He glared at Qin Fei with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Elder Xing, what are you talking about? Elder Qin isn't something you can offend now, so don't you have to apologize?" An elder who was closest to him hurriedly reminded him in a low voice, thinking that he had not yet clearly distinguished the situation.

"Don’t remind me, I’ve made up my mind! Either he died or I died today! The position of the great elder was supposed to belong to me, but was robbed by him. My goals and wishes in this life were taken away by him. Take it back, I would rather die!" Xing Shan said angrily.

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