Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1194: Team 929!

Killing three people in a row, all of them the captain, attracted the attention of the squadron captain who was resting far away.

"What are you doing here? Team 920, 930, do you want to rebel or rebel?" Team 929 shouted in surprise.

Although the actual combat training in the army didn't care about lives, but three generals were lost all at once, and one of them was the 92,000 that he valued, which made him a little angry.

Qin Feili said: "Squadron Captain, they are not as skilled as humans. It is not our business if they die?"

"Do you dare to confront me? Come here, put them down and lock them up, I have to interrogate them!" The squadron leader was furious, and Qin Fei dared to confront him in front of so many people, making him feel ashamed.


Immediately, dozens of people gathered around, staring at Qin Fei and the Great Sage.

Qin Fei laughed: "Squadron leader, you are too much. You have no eyes when you practice in actual combat. Death is a very common thing. Why do you go to war? Could it be that you deliberately favor these guys?"

"What an arrogant kid! I am the squadron captain. I said you must be guilty if you are guilty. You only need to obediently catch it!" the squadron leader angered.

Qin Fei sneered: "Very well, you have said so, well, you mean that if I beat you, I am qualified to deal with you at will?"

"Huh! Ignorant Rat! Do you have this ability?" the squadron leader said proudly.

"Then I formally challenge you, can the squadron leader dare to take it?" Qin Fei smiled.

The surrounding crowd suddenly fell silent, and then took a breath of air, right? Team 992930 actually challenged the squadron leader.

"Haha, you are so arrogant! I will teach you a lesson, come on!" The squadron leader laughed angrily, strode to Qin Fei, lifted his foot, and kicked Qin Fei fiercely. , Thousands of leg shadows appeared instantly, magnificent, and perfectly demonstrated his Divine King Realm First Layer's strength.

Many people stepped back involuntarily, couldn't bear the wind in his legs, and sighed too hard.

Qin Fei at the center and at the center was still calm, indifferently watching the other side's thousands of legs sweeping, and when he was about to be kicked, he suddenly flashed, and everyone lost his shape.


The squadron leader suddenly uttered a scream, and the eyes of everyone were in full view, and he saw his body split in two, completely exasperated.

Qin Fei appeared and looked around, everyone involuntarily avoided his eyes, afraid to look directly!

"Now I am your squadron captain, you must respect my orders!" Qin Fei said coldly.


No one dares to disobey his words, no matter where you are, strength is the capital to speak. As long as your fist is hard enough, no one dares not to be obedient.

In this way, Qin Fei's number was changed to Team 929, and Dasheng was Team 929, both advanced.

As the actual combat training continued, Qin Fei increased his intensity and gave a death order. In today's actual combat, which team has no dead is considered a loss.

This sounds like an extremely absurd order, but the military order is like a mountain, no one dares to disobey, so they have to follow it.

Qin Fei wanted to let the demons lose their troops at any time. He didn't order them to commit suicide collectively. It was kind. Of course, it was impossible. It was impossible for everyone to commit suicide. No one was a fool. It would definitely cause a backlash.

The day passed quickly, and the change of the captain of the 929 Squadron was reported to the Ninth Brigade. After dinner, the Ninth Brigade came and asked Qin Fei to go to see the captain of the Ninth Brigade.

As the squadron leader at dinner, of course, he had the best meal. This dinner of Qin Fei was a few dishes made by a dedicated chef using the flesh and blood of the five-fold aboriginal people in a pseudo-sacred realm.

Of course Qin Fei didn't want to eat. He found someone who swung back from the head and hands, and then let these dishes dissipate without a trace, so that the dead aborigines could rest in peace.

As for the aboriginal people he rescued from the restaurant earlier, he is still placed in the profound spirit cauldron for the time being, and he will ask them about the situation when he has time.

The residence of the captain of the ninth brigade is naturally extremely luxurious. In a spacious and bright hall, all the squadron captains of the ninth brigade are all present. As soon as Qin Fei stepped on the threshold of the hall, he felt dozens of sharp eyes shot and concentrated. In him, he seems to want to see through his reality.

He took it indifferently. No one could see through the transformation of the profound energy of the stars, even if it was the Great Sage's nine-fold true perfection, these demons were naturally even more impossible.

"Farewell to the captain! Team 929 is here to report!" Qin Fei stood still in the hall and saluted the first monster with a hideous face.

"No gift! Squadron nine twenty-nine, I know everything that happened to your squadron today! No matter what your status is, the rules in our army are the same. Although you killed the original team ninety-nine, but This position is very important, so now I have to test you again to see if you got it by luck!" The evil demon general said majesticly.

What he meant by Qin Fei's words was very clear, which meant that the position of the squadron leader was still uncertain. He was worried that luck might not be strength, so he had to re-determine.

"Also ask the captain to show me!" Qin Fei said calmly. This is also a normal thing. The position of squadron leader can be said to be the middle-level backbone of the demon army. He leads nearly a thousand demon soldiers under his hand. Take it seriously.

"According to the previous rules, the squadron leader test will be carried out by a higher-level person. You belong to the 29th squadron, then the 19th squadron will do it! The squadron will go out on 919!" The captain swept through the crowd. Glanced.


A sturdy demon came out, covered in heavy armor, walked out of the queue, and saluted the captain, "The subordinate team takes the command on September 19!"

The captain pointed at him and said to Qin Fei: "Team Nine Twenty-Nine, as long as you can resist him with 30 moves, even if you pass the level, you can be competent for the post of Captain of the Twenty-Nine Squadron!"

Qin Fei looked at the nine-nine-nine team. This was a demon with a three-tiered god, the captain of the second-class squadron.

"Haha, the captain is serious. I think he is the highest but the king of the gods. It is only one move to defeat him. How can it take 30 moves?" The team nine nineteen arrogantly looked at Qin Fei, disdainful. Gu.

The other squadron captains all around laughed, and even the squadron captain showed a slight smile. Everyone knows what Qin Fei’s identity was before, 1086, a timid and weak third-class demon soldier. It became a joke of the Ninth Team. Even if he had some adventures during this period, his strength suddenly increased by leaps and bounds. Everyone didn't take him to heart and defeated the original team 929, and it couldn't attract other attention at all.

Qin Fei didn't care about everyone's ridicule, and looked at the team 919 faintly: "Anyone can brag, don't blow the cowhide, you will die if you fall in midair!"

"Boy, do you dare to sarcastic Laozi?" The team was furious.

"Ironic you? Did you see it? Congratulations!" Qin Fei teased.

"Congratulations to me, what?" The other party was shocked, and the topic changed so fast that he couldn't keep up with Qin Fei's rhythm.

"Congratulations, you are not stupid!" Qin Fei curled his lips.

"Grass! Do you dare to entertain Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu swears to defeat you with one move!" The team was angered in the September 19th drama and was entertained by others, which was a shame.

"You say one move, one move? Bragging!" Qin Fei smiled.

"Do you dare to say that I brag? Look at the move!" The team shot angrily on September 19, and the horrible blood rose to the sky, rolling up a whole fishy wind, and bursting out the power of the God King's Triple Layer incisively and vividly.

However, although his aura is strong, who is Qin Fei's opponent, he flashed into his blood, and then everyone heard a muffled groan, and then saw the blood dissipate, the team flew out on September 19, and kept vomiting blood along the way. , And Qin Fei slowly closed his fists, his expression relaxed.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the team was defeated by Qin Fei on September 19th, and was defeated by Qin Fei. Isn't this guy boasting and defeating Qin Fei? How was it defeated by Qin Fei?

"Haha, my ninth team has a genius! Unexpectedly, the former 1086 is now enough to fight against the nine-nine-one and undefeated! No need to continue, I announce the new team 929 The position of the squadron leader is yours! From now on, you should do your best to do things for me!" The squadron leader laughed loudly and announced his approval of Qin Fei.

Team 9-19 got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Captain, I haven't lost yet..."

"If you lose, you have to be upright, what's the sophistry? Let's go, I have decided on this matter, no need to discuss it!" The captain stopped him from speaking, and then quickly came to a conclusion, and disappeared in a flash.

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