Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1198: Cup broke the army!

Qin Fei witnessed this scene, glanced at the Great Sage, showing a knowing smile, the more stiff the two sides became, the better to take advantage of this contradiction!

The next step is the specific arrangement of the joint operation. In fact, it is very simple. Each squadron of the two sides is mixed together, divided into 30 joint squadrons, and they will immediately enter the mountain.

Qin Fei's third squadron and the third squadron that broke the city in a joint operation, were assigned the first search location to the east, a place called Gourd Valley, which is likely to hide the aborigines.

After the task is completed, go back to the original place one day later, wait for the task to be re-assigned, or make a task report.

The captain of the third squadron of the Cup Breaking Corps was very arrogant. He stopped halfway and looked at Qin Fei proudly: "This operation, I hope you Hanlin No. 3 Squadron will obey my command!"

Qin Fei was too lazy to tell him, nodding silently, in his eyes, these guys were dead.

The Gourd Valley arrived soon, and Qin Fei had already sensed it when he was far away. There were indeed aboriginal people in the valley. There were about fifty people in the valley. There were men and women of all ages, and they didn't know that the disaster was about to come.

When they arrived at the mouth of the gourd valley, the captain of the broken cup called the demons to stop, and said to Qin Fei: "You first enter the valley to investigate the situation!"

The captain of Qin Fei's first team was dissatisfied: "Why do we get in first to investigate the situation? It stands to reason that we should send several people to investigate together!"

"Huh! What are you? Looking for a fight!" Cup Pojun team leader said angrily, raising his hand to slap in the face.

Qin Fei stretched out his hand to stop him, and said coldly: "He is my person, can you fight as long as you want?"

"Huh! I don't care about you! Go in and investigate immediately, otherwise I will tell you not to defend the military order!" The team leader of the Cup Po Army retracted his hand.

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "Well, we listen to you!"

He immediately selected the three hundred recruits, leaving behind the other demon, and entered the Gourd Valley.

The depth of the Gourd Valley was very long. He asked these recruits to stop at one place first, and went deep into the valley alone, and found the aboriginal people.

The aboriginal people were shocked when they saw him, and immediately wanted to rush to him. He hurriedly called to a halt, and then shook his body, returning to human appearance, shocking the aboriginal people.

"Everyone, I am not a demon, so don't worry! I'm here to save everyone!" Qin Fei smiled.

The natives looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.

A middle-aged Shenzong came forward, looked at him carefully, and said in a deep voice: ‘You really are a human being, but why do you pretend to be a demon? "

"It's a long story, but please believe me. I'm here to rescue everyone. By the way, I have saved a group of people. You can talk to them and you will know what I'm here for!" Qin Fei released the mysterious spirit cauldron. People.

When the two sides met, they became excited.

"Brother Zhou!"

"Big Brother Xu!"

The middle-aged Shenzong recognized Qin Fei alone and rushed to embrace him excitedly.

It turned out that both of them were brothers who worshipped brothers. Now I don’t need Qin Fei’s explanation. The man surnamed Zhou was one of the people he saved in the restaurant’s cage. He explained in detail how Qin Fei rescued them, the aboriginals in the valley. Looking at him excitedly.

"Sir, I'm sorry!" Xu Duo, the middle-aged Shenzong, apologized.

"It's okay, your reaction is normal! Nothing! Do you know where else there are people in this mountain range?" Qin Fei smiled.

"There are more than a dozen places with other people alive, I can lead the way to find them!" Xu Duo said.

"Well, I will ask you when I need it. There are many demon soldiers out there who are ready to attack here. Everyone hides in my cauldron first. When the time is right, I will enlarge my home. You can practice inside. You can try to subvert the demon in the future. Rule." Qin Fei said.

Everyone had no opinion, and entered the profound spirit cauldron one after another.

Qin flew back, met with the recruits, and led them out of the valley.

Outside Gourd Valley, the Cup Breaking Army Team Seven and Three kept staring at Taniguchi, and when Qin Fei and others came out, he arrogantly said: "How? Can I find it out inside?"

"There are dozens of aboriginal people in it, and the highest cultivation base is in the Eighth Layer of Shenzong. There is no problem with them!" Qin Fei smiled.

The other party's eyes lit up, and it was Shenzong. It was very simple, and there was no danger at all. This was an opportunity to make great achievements.

"Well, you guys from the Hanlin Legion lie in ambush outside the valley, just in case someone escapes. Our smashed legion goes in and catches people. We divide the work and cooperate, is it okay?" He said proudly.

Qin Fei nodded, approving his thoughts.

The opponent was overjoyed and immediately rushed inward with the third squadron of the Cup-breaking Legion.

"Squadron Captain, we have lost. Isn't this letting them do meritorious service? We can't get anything out of them!" Squadron 9331 said unwillingly.

Qin Fei glanced at him and said with a smile: "There are no indigenous people in the valley at all. What merit do they go in?"

Team Nine-three couldn't help but stunned, "What do you mean, captain?"

"Huh! These guys who broke the cup dared to call me, didn't they look for death? They are now in the Gourd Valley, we surrounded the outside, came out to kill one by one, and finally we said they were greedy and entered. Gourd Valley disappeared." Qin Fei said coldly.

All the demon heads were overjoyed when they heard the words. They had seen the other party displeased for a long time, and wanted to kill the other party. At this time, seeing Qin Feibu had a plan, they all agreed.

"Remember, we must not keep one, leaving one to live is not good for us! This time, we must die without evidence so that everyone will not be punished by the above!" Qin Fei warned.

"No problem! We know this. We haven't dared to have fun with them before. This time is the best opportunity!" The captains nodded one after another.   Qin Fei set it down, and the teams lay in wait to surround the Gourd Valley, just waiting for the opponent to come out.

Soon, Qisan, the first cup-breaking team to rush out, appeared in Taniguchi, yelling at Qin Fei who was standing at Taniguchi smiling and looking at him: "Grass! What about the indigenous people you are talking about? There is no fart..."


Before he spoke, Qin Fei spit out coldly, kicked him to the ground with one kick, and squashed his head severely.


There was a roar from the third squadron of the Cup-Breaking Legion from Yanai. They could not bear it when they saw the captain being killed. There was resentment on both sides, and they had been pretending to be too tired. Anything not to do?

It's just that their group of demons had no leader, and there was no way of doing things. The third squadron led by Qin Fei was completely destroyed in half an hour, and none of them escaped.

Of course, the corpse was destroyed and the scene was restored to its original state.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Team 931 looked at him.

Qin Fei thought for a while, and said, "Our assigned task is over. We will wait until the agreed time before going back. You all know what to say then?"

"Understand!" The captains nodded one after another.

Qin Fei turned around and sneered. This hunt is simply to create a chance for him to kill the demons. If done well, it can also cause a fierce battle between the two cities and take the opportunity to eradicate these demons.

Of course, this time there is another main purpose, to get Team Nine and replace it!

There is no sympathy for the current demon. The demon race is immortal, and the final threat will be human beings. He must do this!

The next day, when we returned to the original place, some squadrons had already returned and some indigenous people were captured. The winners were all motivated and felt that there was no pressure on this hunt.

Qin Fei watched the aboriginal people endure hardships, and his heart was very angry, holding on and holding it patiently.

Soon, the demon of the two brigade returned to their place. When I saw that the third squadron in charge of Gourd Valley only Qin Fei came back, and the team that broke the cup did not return, the team of the cup broke Qi suddenly changed color and rushed towards Qin Fei. Drink: "Where is my third squadron?"

Qin Fei was already ready to speak, and said, "They disappeared, and they haven't come out after entering the Gourd Valley for a long time. We went in and took a look. There was no shadow!"

"What? Disappeared?" The Cup Breaking Army team roared, glaring at Qin Fei: "Could it be that you killed them?"

Qin Fei said: "You spit people, what do we kill them for? They enter the Gourd Valley alone, like a monopoly of merit, and disappear. You rely on us? It's not fair!"

"Huh! Do you dare to quibble?" Qi Anger of the Cup Breaking Army team asked.

"Don't worry, maybe they didn't disappear, they just tracked the aboriginal people. It's normal if my people didn't see them!" Qin Fei's team nine said at this time.

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