Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1206: Take a pair of 500,000!

Then comes trouble!

On the second day after these merchants died, Three Cities sent three captains to negotiate with Qin Fei.

Qin Fei met the three monsters, sneered in his heart, and looked at them blankly. He had already seen the other party's conspiracy very clearly, and it was up to him what he wanted to do.

"My lord, we heard that the merchant in our city died in your city, so we specially came to investigate, and I also ask the adults to do it for your convenience!" said the captain of Weilai City, who introduced himself as Team One of the Weilai Army.

"Yes, our merchant in Chishui City also died here. The commander of the legion asked me to come here to learn more about the situation! I also hope that the adults will allow us to investigate. Our commander feels that you have just taken office. Some things are definitely not clear!" Chishui The army team said it.

When the demon in Lincheng wanted to speak, Qin Fei said impatiently: "What's the fuss about the dead merchants? Could it be that nothing like this happened in your city?"

"My lord, you can't say that. These businessmen are very powerful people in Weilai City. The chamber of commerce they established is the largest chamber of commerce in Weilai City, and it has a very large influence. , Will surely arouse people’s discussion. At that time, if the merchants in Weilai City feel that Hanlin City is not safe and dare not come to do business, this is the loss of Hanlin City. My adults also think about you, for Hanlin City. The people of Lincheng are thinking about it!" The Weilai Army team said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, my adults think so too!" The Chi Shui Army team also nodded in a hurry.

The Admiral Army team also wanted to follow along, and just about to open their mouths, they were interrupted indifferently by Qin Fei: "You mean that this matter is not handled well, will it affect the communication between Hanlin City and your cities? Hmph! Have you had a history? There are many conflicts between the cities. If it weren't for the peak, the sky would have been shaken. You come to talk to me at this time, do you think it makes sense?"

"You..." The three demon heads were shocked, never expecting Qin Fei to be so direct.

According to the instructions above, they just came to fight for one stop, and look at Qin Fei’s attitude. If he cooperates with the investigation, it shows that this guy is a strong foreigner and easy to deal with, but I didn’t expect this guy to be so tough and would not give them a chance. !

"What am I? Get out of here! Go back and tell your master, even if you want to do what you want to do, even if you want to do it at Lao Tzu, but first weigh and weigh yourself, do you have that ability!" Qin Fei coldly sipped.

"Okay! Remember what you said today! I will regret it!" The three demon stood up arrogantly, threatening Qin Fei before leaving.

Qin Fei sneered: "Dare to speak to Lao Tzu, you only go one!"

When the words fell, he grabbed it with one hand, and the team of the pool water regiment and the general regiment fell to the ground with a groan, and died in anger.

The Weilai Army team turned pale in fright and fled in panic.

Half a day later, at the Military Headquarters of Weilai City, Army 482 heard the report of Team One, with a hint of joy in his eyes, and ordered the whole army to prepare to go to Hanlin City.

"Army, 480, you were so impulsive. When you were stimulated by a few guys, you dared to kill them. The death of the merchant was just a prelude. The death of the two captains was the real reason. We have one reason to send troops to defeat you!" Jun 482 coldly hummed triumphantly.

This was all discussed jointly by him and the Army 484 and Army 487. The first team sent was to ask them to speak rudely to Qin Fei. Anyone threatened by someone below their own status would react drastically. Qin Fei did this, in fact, they expected him to kill people, so that they would have a solid reason to send troops.

Two days later, the three-way army besieged the city, and Hanlin City was panicked and plunged into fear.

Qin Fei sneered when he heard the report from his hand, and ordered the captains: "You send troops to appease the citizens, I will solve the outside affairs alone!"

When the words fell, he flashed and disappeared, and appeared at the head of the city in the next instant, looking at the darkened demon army, and said loudly: "The army is four or eighty-two, show up when you come! If you have any purpose, just draw it out!"

Among the demons flew out of the three demon heads of the army 482, looked at Qin Fei arrogantly, and said: "Army 486, you dare to kill our people, you must give an explanation today, we see everyone at the same level. For the sake of this, I'll give you a chance. If you are willing to hand over all the mines in Hanlin City to our three cities, then forget it, otherwise today will be your death date!"

"Haha, the dream is beautiful! It's just a pity that you want to threaten me and I am not qualified. If you want a mine, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Qin Fei sneered.

"Crazy! Weilai Legion, come on!" The army screamed coldly, and the legion under him immediately began to attack.

The legions of Chishui City and Jianglin City also started to move. Almost half of the troops in the three cities came, reaching nearly half a million. It was easy to break Hanlin City.

The three army commanders even discussed it. It was noon at this time, and the celebration banquet could be held in the evening. At that time, everyone would talk carefully about how to divide the mine and other resources.

Facing the hundreds of thousands of army, Qin Fei smiled coldly, pointing to the sky, **** sky, endless blood light turned into countless sword lights, falling from the sky, like a rain curtain, flooding the demon army.

A shocking scene happened. Every sword light accurately stabs a demon soldier. It takes less than a hundred breaths to enter 500,000 demon soldiers, and then they fall by 70%. How did the remaining 30% of the demon soldiers fall? I have seen such a horrible scene, watching the pierced companions around me, there is no war intent, and I don’t know who took the lead, hula and fled in all directions, but did not dare to approach the direction of Hanlin City. Qin Fei had become a peerless killer in his heart at this time, and he couldn't provoke him.   "Damn! What kind of cultivation is he? My legion!" The army screamed sorrowfully, his face pale.

Army 482 was also shocked. He never thought that Qin Fei would defeat an army of 500,000 with one person. He did not have this ability.

"Quick! The three of us go up together, we must kill him!" He shouted, and rushed to Qin Fei first, and the Army 480 and Army 480 also rushed up at the same time.

But before approaching the city wall, Jun 482 suddenly turned around and fled. He deliberately asked everyone to go together, but he was actually prepared. Seeing that Jun 482 and Jun 487 had already rushed towards Qin Fei, he fled first. Up.

His purpose, naturally, was to use the army to hold Qin Fei away so that he had time to run away.

"Shameless!" Jun 484 saw him fleeing, cursed, and turned to run, but Qin Fei would let them do as he wished, and he appeared in front of the three with a stride, pointed a finger in the void, and took the lead in taking the insidious army. Four-eight-two volleyed one finger to kill, and then the army was four-eight-four.


When the army saw it in 480, there was no trace of arrogance. He hurried to the ground and knelt on his face with horror. He yelled at Qin Fei, "Sir, don't kill me, the young one is willing to be a bull and a horse for you!"

Qin Feifei came to the sky in front of him and said, "You don't need to kill you, take this bean!"

The army looked at the beans in the palm of his hand hesitantly, gritted his teeth, swallowed the beans and swallowed them in one bite.

This bean must be tricky, and there must be some serious trouble if he eats it, but he has to eat it, and he will die immediately if he doesn't eat it. It's better to live than anything!

"Very good! Remember, now that your life and death are in my hands, you can be wiped out in a single thought, no matter where you are! If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try! You clean the battlefield and go Take control of Weilai City and Jianglin City!" Qin Fei left a word, turned and left for the city.

The army wiped off the cold sweat and let out a long sigh of relief. He finally saved his life. Now Qin Fei's order must be followed.

He immediately gathered the disintegrated demon soldiers, ordered them to clean the battlefield, and then left Hanlin City with the remnants.

In Hanlin City, the whole city was joyous. Countless demons knew Qin Fei’s feat of fighting 500,000 demons alone. Not only did he punish more than 300,000 demons, he also killed the lord of the two cities. Such a bold act was unprecedented. Demon, the strong among the demon men are respected. At this time, all the demon men in the city worship Qin Fei incomparably, and even rise to the point of faith.

This was something Qin Fei hadn't expected. This battle made all the demons in the city convinced him.

Before, there were many dissatisfied voices among the people. How could he be a new official to manage Hanlin City? Now it is very happy to support.

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