Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1214: Benefactor!

Jun Shiba returned to Fucheng, while Qin Fei returned to Hanlin City. He took all the necessary demons, and then joined Jun Shiba three hours later.

There were still eight palace cities left, Qin Fei and four of him, and immediately led the demon.

Of course there were obstacles at the beginning. Many captains and third-class army captains were not convinced and ignored Qin Fei at all. But when they saw the token, they were obedient and obedient. Seeing the order is like seeing the fourth army. If you don’t listen, the waiting officer It is the curse of genocide.

Qin Fei inserted the demon he had brought into the cities. This kind of thing was very easy to handle. Whoever opposed it would be killed. Of course, his methods were better, and he forced all the important demon to swallow the beans. No one dared to oppose him with the Blood Profound Contract.

In this way, he has mastered all the third-class army captains of the four major cities and the captains of all levels below, and has complete control. Once he needs it, he can order these demon heads to work hard for him at any time.

Speaking of which, the tactics of the Army's 48th are not as powerful as his. If he intervenes and enters the various city departments, at most, a small number of demon leaders will listen to his orders. If they are faced with life and death decisions, they will not be so obedient.

This time, Qin Fei took a huge advantage!

Then, in accordance with the command of the Fourth Army, the army was gathered to support the county city against the beasts.

Of course, Qin Fei would not drag his wealth to the battlefield. He kept all the elites, selected 200,000 insignificant most common demon soldiers, and took them to the county city to die.

Army 48 was very serious, and brought all the elite, because he couldn't control, so he brought all these elites to the war, hoping to die as much as possible, so that his placed men can climb to high positions as soon as possible.

When they came to the county city, the beasts had already occupied most of the city. Tens of millions of demons had died. There were collapsed houses and **** corpses. The blood flowed into a river. The city walls collapsed on three sides, thick smoke billowing, and miserable. The cry came from everywhere, and the roar of the fierce beasts shook the sky like a thunder. The luxurious and magnificent palace complex in the center of the city has now been filled with smoke, and the broken ruins will never be seen again. Prosperous and sacred.

Death is happening everywhere in the prosperous city. Life becomes fragile in the giant hooves and big mouth of the beast. The **** and brutal nature of the devil becomes vulnerable before the powerful beast frenzy, like tofu. Crash at the touch.

When the army arrived, Fengjun Fourth also moved the rescuers back. The rescuers he moved were a little pitiful. There were only more than a hundred demon heads, but all of them had reached the spiritual body state, and ten of them were even smaller. Master.

These ten masters were very proud. They squinted at the chaos in the city for a while, and said to the army four times: "Order your army to enter the city, and first attract the beast to the east, we will take action to deal with the small perfect beast. Kill these leaders, and the other fierce beasts will be easily solved!"

"Master obey your orders!" Junsi was very respectful to them, and hurriedly ordered Qin Fei and Junsi: "You hurry up!"

Qin Fei kept his lips secretly. These rescuers were also afraid of death, and if ordinary magic soldiers were to attract the attention of a large number of beasts, they would surely die by 70% to 80%. He really treated the weak as ants!

Of course he didn't care. He seriously implemented the order and sent his 200,000 demon soldiers to the city to die, and the Army 48 hurriedly followed suit.

"Okay, you two will come with us!" The headed Xiaoyuan master pointed at Qin Fei and Jun Shiba.

"My lord, what can we do to help?" Jun said in a daze. He never thought about going with these guys to deal with the most powerful beast.

"Who asked you to help? You should feel honored to be able to help us! Now you go to the palace in the center of the city, and lead away those small perfection beasts first. We are responsible for killing the beasts in the spirit state first, and then If you can concentrate on dealing with the Xiaoyuan Manchu state, you must hold them for a quarter of an hour!" Xiaoyuan Man said.

Army Four or Eight was so scared that his face turned blue, and said anxiously: "My lord, isn't this asking us to die? Army Four, you have to help us!"

Junsi glared at him: "What is it wordy? It's time for you to be loyal to me. Do you want to be a deserter? Do it now, otherwise military law will deal with it!"

Speaking of the military method, the army forty-eight was silent, and he glanced at Qin Fei with a bitter expression: "The army forty-seven, we are over this time!"

Qin Fei also smiled bitterly, and in the end he became cannon fodder. These rescuers are here to save people, obviously they are here to make people fill their lives and create fame for them.

No way, just go. He doesn't care about these fierce beasts. He Jun rushed to the palace group forty-eight, and the fierce beasts of Xiao Perfect Realm first spotted them and chased them.

"Brother, what should I do now?" the army asked as they fled, the fierce beasts behind them rushed all the way, getting closer and closer.

Qin Fei curled his lips and said, "Let them go to the east, let them die, let those magic soldiers contain them!"

Jun-48's eyes lit up: "Brother is smart! Why didn't I think of it? Haha, hurry up!"

The fierce beasts of the small perfect realm were led away, and the rescuers finally dared to take action and began to slaughter the beasts of the spiritual realm.

Qin Fei and Jun Shiba were already out of danger at this time, hiding in the dark and observing the battlefield. Jun Shiba was so frightened that his body trembled and he closed his eyes and panted.

Looking at the battle on the other side of the palace, the fierce beasts in the spirit realm can't help those guys. Of course, Qin Fei will not let them do what they want. With a thought, the little round fierce beast on the east side turned back towards those guys. The guy rushed over again.

When the rescuers saw them go and return, they were so frightened that they hurriedly left the other beasts and fled out of the city in a hurry.

Jun Si ran after them, the beasts behind chased him, the demon head Xiao Yuanman turned back and frowned, Xindao how could he escape like this?

He rolled his eyes, discussed secretly with the other Xiaomengs, and did not hesitate to take action, curling up all the demon heads of other spiritual realms to the beast chasing soldiers, including the fourth army, all involuntarily They were used as food for the beasts and given to the beasts.

The fierce beasts saw their prey coming to the door and shouted in excitement. The fourth-class demon of the army were helpless and had no choice but to fight hard and fight with the fierce beasts, while the ten little perfect demon heads accelerated their speed. Rushed into the forest and got rid of the chasing soldiers.

Jun 4, they were the opponents of Xiaoyuan Mang realm fierce beasts, they were all eaten clean in less than a quarter of an hour.

So the county has no owner!

Qin Fei sneered at this scene. With a thought, all the fierce beasts in the city withdrew and rushed towards the mountains and forests. The city was empty, leaving only the boundless ruins and the sky full of blood.

The army brought by him and the Army 48 has been wiped out, and none of them remain.

Jun Shiba was so scared that he fainted. Qin Fei left him, followed closely into the forest, and saw the ten little perfection demon heads hiding on a mountain, panting, his face was full of fear, and he had not rested yet. Okay, I heard the forest trembling, and when I got up, I saw that the mountain was surrounded by various beasts.

"It's over, we're dead this time!" The demon heads were all anxiously spinning around, their faces pale.

In the face of endless beasts, they felt extremely desperate.

"My lord, I'll lead them away, you go first!"

At this moment Qin Fei appeared, roared, followed by a burst of blood, and the smell of blood attracted the beasts, turning their heads upside down and rushing towards him.

"Good boy, you're so brave! If you don't die this time, I will thank you for saving your life!" The leader Xiao Yuanman said loudly. At this time, he was also moved ruthlessly. Qin Fei was weaker than them, but desperately attracted away. The fierce beast saved their lives, and they are not grateful for this, and they are too devilish.

After speaking, he did not hesitate to take the other monsters into the sky, avoiding the beasts, and quickly left the forest.

Qin Fei was sitting on a huge boulder, and all the fierce beasts were lying quietly around him. There was no sign of cannibalism?

"You did a good job!" Qin Fei stroked the head of a small round beast and boasted.

Then he got up and left, pretending to be embarrassed, and rushed out of the forest. He felt that those guys had escaped three thousand miles away.

He made a sound of beast blood on his body, his facial features were unclear, and he rushed towards the place where the demon heads were.

When approaching the ground, the other party first noticed someone approaching and became vigilant. Qin Fei plunged to the ground and pretended to be unconscious. The demons rushed over and saw that it was him. They couldn't help but rejoice. Grateful said: "Little brother, benefactor! We all have to die if it wasn't for you this time!"

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