Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1308: Very dangerous!

In a mountain forest outside Swimming Town, the devilish energy was soaring. Yin Yong and Yang Mu appeared in the forest, kneeling before a three-meter-high demon head. The demon head could not see clearly its appearance and was hidden in the dense demon energy.

"You are so courageous. The deity said that no one should take Qin Fei's life. It's better for you to take the deity's words as the wind and want to avenge him. Do you want to kill him?" The demon's voice is as harsh as metal rubbing. Ugly.

Yin Yong's body trembled and said, "My lord, forgive me, we know we were wrong, and we will not dare to dare next time!"

"Don't dare or not reconciled? Let's forget it this time, the deity is miscalculated, without knowing his strength in advance, it almost made you bad! Now he is the first class of the martial arts, you need to be stronger than his strength to have a sense of faith , The deity will help you improve your strength now, but remember, no matter how high your strength is, the deity can be recovered at any time, leaving you dead without a place to die! Your task is to always be the invincible enemy in Qin Fei’s eyes, Inspire him to grow, not kill him! Go and kill everyone in Digou Village. Remember, you only have one purpose for doing anything, and make him angry!" The demon said in a deep voice.

Yang Mu and Yin Yong were overjoyed when they heard this. Not only did the demon not punish them, but also to increase their strength. This is a great thing.

The demon head waved two demon qi into their bodies, and immediately felt the energy rise rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it became the fifth level of the earth martial arts, far surpassing Qin Fei.

Then the demon asked them to go to Digou Village and kill all the people in the village.

As for the gossip array, Demon Yaokong waved his hand in the direction of Digou Village, saying that the gossip array had been eliminated, they could let go and do it, but remember, you can run as far as you meet Qin Fei, and don't get hurt. he.

The two dared not ask who the demon Qin Fei was and why he couldn't kill them. They rushed to Digou Village to prepare for a massacre.

Qin Fei was discussing with the people in the town at this time. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind. The way was bad. Yin Yong and Yang Mu were very likely to go to Digou Village when they left, and the gossip array could not stop the owner of the Phantom.

He hurriedly bid farewell to everyone, returned to the courtyard, stepped into the teleportation formation, and appeared in Digou Village.

As soon as I came back, I felt that the gossip array outside Digou Village had been broken, and it was fragmented, but the villagers in Digou Village were fine.

Seeing Qin Fei suddenly returned, everyone came out of the house to see him. Qin Fei explained the seriousness of the situation. San Mangzi said that he had personally visited Qiufeng Village. There was no one in the village, but he was behind the village. In a mountain depression not far away, the mummified corpses of Qiufeng villagers were found, all of which had their blood drained. This must have been done by Yang Mu.

These two beasts, even the people in their own village, are not as good as beasts.

There is even worse news. After Qin Fei left, San Mangzi sent people to other villages after seeing Qiufeng Village. They found that the villages within a hundred miles nearby had the same result. All the villagers were Dead.

At this moment, Yin Yong's arrogant and unpleasant voice sounded outside the village, asking all the villagers in Digou Village to go out and die.

Qin Fei's eyes were cold, leaving the villagers to stay in the village, he walked out alone, looking at the two people coldly.

Yang Mu didn't expect that he would run into Qin Fei again so soon. Good fellow, if this kid is a human being, he actually knew his plan, so he came back early to stop him.

"Why are you stunned? I forgot your orders? Let's go!" Yin Yong slapped him on the forehead, pulling him to turn around and leaving. The Digou Village can't be destroyed. Let's go back and return to life. What do you say?

Qin Fei was astonished. These two guys were arrogant just now. Why did they slip away when they saw him? Are you so scared?

However, if the other party wanted to leave, he had to ask him before. He wanted to chase after him, but when the magic wind rose again, the phantom appeared again.

"Good job!"

Qin Fei suddenly yelled. Suddenly, two people appeared beside him, Zhu Li and Tie Zhangke, and they all rushed towards the phantom.

Phantom obviously didn't expect that there were two such awesome thugs beside Qin Fei, who were instantly broken up. Yin Yong and Yang Mu met, frightened and hurried to flee.

come back! Tie Zhangke disdainfully said, he reached out his hand to grab the collars of the two of them, and when he brought them back, he looked very embarrassed, his expression changed greatly in anxiousness.

The two thought the mission was easy, but they didn't expect Qin Fei to come back suddenly, and then released two terrifying helpers to disperse the demon's phantom. This was not fun, and their legs trembled with fright.

The Tiezhangke was about to throw the two to Qin Fei, when suddenly a blast sounded in the void, and the Tiezhangke's expression changed drastically, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. As soon as Zhu Li was about to make a move, he also snorted and fell down with a bang. .

Following a group of magic lights, Yin Yong and Yang Mu were wrapped, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhu Li and Tie Zhangke were seriously injured in the blink of an eye, and their cultivation was instantly restrained, and they could no longer help Qin Fei.

Qin Fei hurriedly asked them to enter the profound spirit cauldron, his expression a little worried, Nima, what the **** was that demon, it was so terrifying, but he didn't kill himself, what was this going to do?

There were too many doubts, and Qin Fei couldn't figure out his clues, and once again set up a gossip array outside the village. Whether it was useful or not, there was always an extra guarantee.

Back in the village, the villagers asked what happened.

Qin Fei didn't say much, only that he might not stay in the village for a long time. The ghost knew that Yang Mu would make a comeback? I can't stay here every day.

He wants everyone to move to Swimming Town, but after thinking about it, Swimming Town is not safe. This thing is really tricky, and the original plan was all disrupted.

Just let go of the people in Digou Village. Qin Fei couldn't do it, but it was very troublesome to take care of them and complete his own affairs. He found that he had entered a dead end and had no choice between left and right.

The appearance of the demons disrupted the steps, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

At night, he lived in a new house in the village. He thought hard about countermeasures until dawn, but he could not think of a solution.

At this moment, the devilish spirit suddenly became strong outside the village. Qin Fei was startled and rushed out to tell the villagers not to come out.

A huge magic cloud appeared in the sky outside the village, and a burly shadow was faintly visible in the cloud.

"Qin Fei, you can rest assured that Digou Village is not interested, believe it or not!"

After all, the devil cloud floated away and disappeared, leaving Qin Fei in a daze. What the hell? Is it just to spread the word?

Is what the other party said believable?

He pondered for a long time, and felt that the other party might really not move the Digou Village, otherwise there is no need to make a special trip to send a message.

This is too self-contradictory. Yesterday Yang Mu and Yin Yong came here to find something, but today they said they were all right. Isn't this just for fun?

Self-contradiction is not because he felt that in the mountains and forests a hundred miles away from Digou Village, Yang Mu and Yin Yong also felt contradictory. Didn't the demon tell them to kill the people in Digou Village to anger Qin Fei? Why did you change your mind again today? Is the brain kicked by the donkey?

Of course, they can only think about this issue in their hearts, and they absolutely dare not say it in person.

The demon is actually very contradictory at this time, but there is no way. The ancestor of the stars has already spoken. This is not a problem. If Qin Fei has been staying in Digou Village to protect the villagers, he will not do anything in the future, and he will be able to enjoy the retirement , But the purpose of You Demon Emperor was not to let Qin Fei come to the Four Saint Continents to provide for the elderly, but to let him complete the final step, so as to break the shackles of the prehistoric universe and restore freedom.

Therefore, the ancestor of the stars sent a message to the demon to let him abandon Digou Village, and don't delay Qin Fei's growth.

The demon can only take the lead, and he didn't tell Yin Yong the reason, but told them to continue to harass Qin Fei now, and find something to play with, don't play with fire.

After the demon left, Yang Mu and Yin Yong smiled bitterly, and they didn't know how to play.

Suddenly, Yang Mu's eyes lit up. He heard that Liu Yuanming in Digou Village had a conflict with the Liu family in Shuangfeng County. Why not go to the Liu family?

Yin Yong was overjoyed when he heard this, and finally found something to do. The two quickly left the forest and headed towards the county seat.

Qin Fei didn’t really believe in the words of the demon. After staying in Digou Village for three more days, he saw that the other party had indeed not come, so he believed the other party’s words a little bit. Although he still didn’t understand what the other party thought, but no more. After thinking about it, let's go back to Swimming Town first.

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