Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1353: Die together!

When his death was approaching, this guy was so arrogant that made the Sect Master and others who knew him very sad.

Sect Master and Xiongba are close friends of life and death. They were like brothers before the Sect Master. Watching Xiongbin grow up, they looked at him distressedly, and said why they have become like this in a hundred years?

Xiong Bin grinned and said that if you didn't force me to go out and practice, how could it become like this in the end?

After experiencing and practicing outside, he knew that he was the pride of heaven in the clan, and he was nothing outside. There are too many powerful people. In order to complete the task assigned by the dominant tyrant, he became stronger and stronger, so he ate a lot. Suffering, once faced with a powerful enemy, he failed and almost died for it. When his life was hanging by a thread, he got a magic power. After practicing, his strength greatly increased. This made him addicted, looking for magic power to practice. In the end, it was completely controlled by the demon, and later joined the demon clan and was reused.

He was very painful at the beginning to become a demon, but then he figured out that this was all forced by the sect. If his father and the elders in the sect forced him to be the future successor of the sect, why would he go abroad for practice He won't practice magic skills anymore, so he wants to retaliate, and take the initiative to report to the demons, saying that he can help control Feilingzong.

The Demon Race naturally couldn't ask for it, and immediately sent him back, ready to seize the Feiling Sect, take control of the Feiling Sect, and then cannibalize other sects step by step to establish a strong base and ground for the Demon Race.

However, all this has failed. What he hates most now is Qin Fei, who undermined his plan.

He hates everyone here and makes others not ghosts or ghosts.

The suzerain was extremely angry, and Xiongbin didn't know how to repent until now, and he was heartbroken and told everyone how to deal with Xiongbin.

Everyone said in unison that they were executed on the spot.

Xiong Bin grinned and spit at the crowd fiercely, his expression was very arrogant.

At this moment, the guards shouted loudly outside the hall, and it seemed that someone had entered the hall.

Everyone was shocked. Whoever had such courage dared to enter Feiling Hall, except for the elders and worship, no one else was allowed to enter.

The person who came was Ziluo. She knelt at the door of the temple and kept kowtow, begging the guards to let her into the temple.

Sect Master frowned, thinking of her relationship with Xiongbin a hundred years ago, his expression was a bit sad, and then he asked the guard to make an exception and let her enter the hall.

As soon as Zi Luo entered the door, she looked at Xiong Bin who was kneeling and grinning with tears in her eyes, and the sadness spread through the hall.

She walked to the hall with difficulty step by step, first bowed to the crowd, and then looked at Xiong Bin obsessively, biting her fragrant lips, with a look of distress.

Seeing that she was no longer ferocious, Xiong Bin calmed down. Although he became a demon and changed his temperament, he still felt a little guilt in the face of the woman he once loved so much. Even the stone man would be moved when he saw Zi Luo sad at this time, let alone a human?

Zi Luo walked to Xiong Bin step by step, stretched out his hand to touch his handsome face, and said foolishly: "I have been waiting for you for a hundred years, and my dreams are endless. I thought that when you came back, it was the beginning of my happiness. I longed for it. After thousands of years of cultivating ties with you, the heaven and the earth are happy. Jin Lang is already a demon and suffering from the sect. My heart only wants a beginning and an end. Life cannot last, and death must be with you!"

Having said this, her eyes suddenly showed resoluteness, and her sad face showed a smile of relief. Qin Fei secretly said that it was not good. Just about to stop, Zi Luo had already slapped Xiongbin's Tianling Gai with a slap. Qi Jue died. When he fell, Zi Luo held him tightly in his arms, wept softly, looked at the crowd with tears, and finally looked at Qin Fei and said that Zi Lan asked him to take care of him.

Qin Fei flew up to her and said not to be impulsive, but it was too late. Zi Luo opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, his body softened, and he sat on the ground holding Xiongbin, and followed him.

This woman killed the beloved man. Even though this man was already a big wicked person, she resolutely chose to die together. Although she was stupid in love, she was in true love.

Everyone was silent, and never thought that it would be Zi Luo who killed Xiongbin with his own hands. The woman who loved him the most, at this time showed the greatest courage and chose to die together.

Maybe this was her best choice. The man who had loved her for a lifetime became a sinner. She couldn't accept it, but she didn't want to give up this man, so she chose to send him on the road with her own hands, and died with her.

At this moment, there is only one blessing in everyone's hearts. I hope she and him can be together in the next life, truly without disaster, and love each other in a normal life.

Regarding Zi Luo's final entrustment, Qin Fei was a little bit dumbfounded, and had to take care of Zi Lan by himself.

He knew Zi Lan's mind, this girl was interesting to herself, and Zi Luo's entrustment also contained hints.

But he didn't know how to face it.

Sect Master said at this moment that they would deal with Xiongbin's corpse, what should Ziluo's corpse do?

I should have asked Zilan about this matter. Qin Fei picked up Ziluo’s body, left Feiling Hall, and headed to Feiling Valley. When Zilan saw her sister’s body, she cried so hard that she could not live, Qin Fei silently accompanied her. No words of comfort were said, at this time only company is the only comfort.

About half a day later, Zilan stopped crying, looked at Qin Fei sadly, and said that when her sister said that she was going out, she actually felt something was wrong. Before she left, she said that love makes life unforgettable. , Some people have to hurry up if they like it, don't wait for the loss to know how to cherish it.

Zi Luo's death had a great impact on her. She stared at Qin Fei and said straightforwardly that I like you. Are you willing to accept me?

Qin Fei didn't know how to answer, and was silent, Zi Lan smiled bitterly and said that I understand that we have no fate.

Do not!

Qin Fei hurriedly said, it’s not a question of fate, but I can’t promise you, because some people can only be a passer-by in life, for me and you, it may be a storm, and there will only be a trace after time passes. , But I promised Ziluo that I would take care of you, so how about everything?

Zilan's expression is miserable, is Youyou Dao just because of her sister's entrustment?

Qin Fei did not speak, she smiled bitterly and said okay, then follow you, don't leave without saying goodbye!

After speaking, she looked at Ziluo and said that she had an idea. Although Xiongbin is a very heinous person, the deceased is the greatest. My sister's wish was to be with him forever. Can we bury the two together? One last wish.

Qin Fei nodded. This request was easy to accomplish. After talking to the Sect Master, the Sect Master naturally agreed and chose a place where the two of them were buried together.

This catastrophe of the Feiling Sect caused great damage to his vitality, and the sect ordered the sect to regain its vitality during this period of time. The news must not be spread to avoid being attacked by other enemy sects.

After handling all the matters, the Sovereign convened a meeting, and important people in the clan gathered to prepare Qin Fei for his due reward.

Sect Master said that after everyone's unanimous decision, although Qin Fei was not strong enough for God King, he had enough prestige, so he elected him as Deputy Sect Master. Everyone fully supported this decision.

Qin Fei didn't refuse this reward either, the deputy sect master should be the deputy sect master, which is one step closer to his goal.

The deputy sect master is only one of the rewards. The sect master asks what he wants, as long as the sect has it, he can discuss it.

Then Qin Fei wouldn't be polite, saying that he wanted Drunk Fruit Mountain, he only needs Drunk Fruit, and the profound beasts inside can be kept in captivity using formations, so that there is no loss to the sect.

Everyone asked him what is the use of drunk fruit, he smiled, and simply handed over his own secrets. Now that the sect is very sincere to him, he feels that there is no need to hide it.

When everyone saw that he could combine the earth and gold profound energy, they were all surprised.

Sovereign said excitedly: "Dual-line fellow practitioners! Everyone, are dual-line fellow practitioners! Is the legend true! Someone can really do dual-line fellow practitioners!"

Others were also surprised. This result was beyond Qin Fei’s expectations. He originally thought that showing the dual element profound energy would make everyone feel dissatisfied. After all, it is a fact that the two domains are competing. It has been said that people from all domains are fighting to death when they see each other, but now everyone's reaction is surprising. What is going on?

He looked at everyone inexplicably, feeling very puzzled. This is completely different from what he expected!

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