Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1364: Reunion!

Celebrating the great joy together, patted his chest and said thank you, he will cover the firm in the future, and he will have to help everyone for the sake of everyone.

Qin Fei secretly took a look at him, thinking that there is another reason why you are a bar?

After parting with Gongqing, Qin Fei left the waiting city and was about to go to other waiting cities. There were 36 waiting cities under one king's capital, and there were 18 kings in total, so it seemed that he was busy.

It took a lot of time to walk through so many places. He returned to the county seat and Qian Wancai talked to them. After staying for a few days, they left.

Time passed in a hurry, and early autumn arrived in a blink of an eye. It has been three months since Qin Fei left Anbang Hou City. During this period, Tongque Commercial Bank has been built very quickly, and it will be opened throughout Anbang Hou. Money will never be lacking. Yinzi, when he went down to the town and up to the county, he opened a house in every place. With the help of the government, he was doing well, business was very good, and money was coming in.

The sales of green fruit wine have also been fully expanded. Tongque Trading Co., Ltd. now mainly deals in fur and green fruit wine. As for the leather armor, it is currently not daring to sell it because the amount requested by Ampang has not yet been completed. This has to be completed here. It just started selling around the clock.

Tongque's business directly affects the interests of the Tigers Auction. The auctions sell everything. The highly acclaimed green fruit wine on the market has also attracted the temptation of the Tigers Auctions. They come to find money and wealth. This is the second time, Qian Wancai has always refused to agree to distribute some green fruit wine to Huxiao Auction for auction.

What Huxiao Auctions hates most is Qian Wancai’s limited and monopoly selling of green fruit wine. Isn’t this his auction expertise? I feel that Tongjak is clearly competing with the auction.

The business method of Qingguo Wine is indeed very similar to the auction format, but there is the most fundamental difference. However, the auction will be unhappy. How can the Tongque firm make money after such a good deal?

In the end, Qian Wancai resolutely told the visitors that he would not use it for talks in the future, and it is absolutely impossible for the green fruit wine to be spread.

The Tigers Auction held a grudge and prepared to retaliate.

There is also a Tongque commercial firm in Qingyan Mansion in Fengdu County under the jurisdiction of Anbanghou. The new store just opened last month, but the business is booming, which made the original wish to work hard and make good achievements. Wenqing, who was promoted to work in the royal city, was very upset.

The reason for the unhappiness is of course that this Tongque firm has a close relationship with his big enemy, Qin Fei, so he has been thinking about how to make this firm completely since the Qingyan branch of Tongque firm opened for more than a month. Solved.

Because the firm is now blocking his way.

Wen Qing is sitting in a study room of the auction, and there are other key members of the auction in the room. He is now calling everyone to have a meeting every day to come up with ideas on how to deal with Tongque, but after so many days, No one came up with an opinion that could be adopted, which made him very annoyed. He glanced at everyone coldly and asked everyone to express their opinions quickly. If you don’t come up with a feasible way today, just drag two people. Go out to kill.

This scared everyone enough, this time it's killing people, but what should I do?

Everyone was silent and dare not speak, for fear that they would be dragged out and killed if they said something wrong.

Wen Qing waited for a long time. Seeing no one was talking, his eyes glared, and he said angrily: "I'm dragged out and killed, right? I don't believe it today!"

This panicked the crowd. With Wen Qing’s voice, several black-clad men appeared out of thin air in the study, exuding the aura of a pseudo-celestial god, suppressing everyone and making everyone feel at risk. They faced these black people. People A don't have hands-on capital. People want to kill and kill them without hesitation. These black people are the protectors around the president, and they belong to the auction's strongest combat power.

Seeing that their lives were in danger, some people were finally not afraid. Anyway, it was a death anyway, and they simply tried hard, so he stood up and bust the president to calm his anger. He came up with an idea and waited for Wen Qing to decide his own destiny.

Wen Qing frowned after listening, and pointed to the other party and said that she had dragged it out and killed it.

The man's legs softened with fright, his face was pale, and he couldn't even speak. He was pulled out by a black man, and soon there was a scream, and then there was no sound.

The people in the study were so scared that their faces were earthy, and each one shivered. They looked at each other, and they all showed fear.

Wen Qing has now practiced it. Killing individuals doesn’t matter to him at all, because he is the president and has absolute power over these people. The majesty has been established. In addition to unhappy, he is also unhappy. The thing is that no one has come up with a feasible way to deal with Tongque, but what is cool is that the taste of life and death at will is really cool.

He glanced over the crowd one by one, and said that no one came up with a feasible method, and they all dragged it out to kill.

The black-clad man wanted to do it as soon as he took the order, and immediately someone knelt to the ground, trembling that there was a way.

No matter what, let's talk about it first, it's a moment to live longer.

Wen Qing motioned to the black man to stop, and looked at the man and asked him to speak quickly.

The man thought for a while, his mouth opened for a long time without making a sound. At this time, there is no idea in this man's heart. He was scared and silly. Just now, he called out just to delay time. Call him now. , What are you talking about? 》

The only way he can now is to delay, until someone else is willing to stand up and speak, maybe the method is adopted and he doesn't have to die.

He just stammered like that, his mouth was barely moving, just silent.

Wen Qing was so clever, she sneered and waved softly.

"No, President..."

The man yelled when he was dragged down by the black armored man, but no one could save him. He ended his life with a scream outside.

"Are you all thinking about delaying time? Very good, you all go to death, the president will find someone again!" Wen Qing lost his patience and prepared to kill them all.

Suddenly a guard came in outside and said that someone wanted to see the chairman.

Wen Qing frowned, said coldly, who will meet the president?

As soon as his voice fell, a pretty figure appeared at the door of his room. He looked up, his eyes stunned, and ecstasy appeared on his face, and then he slapped himself severely with a loud slap. .

The people in the study also looked at the woman who appeared at the door, and they all froze together, exclaiming how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

When everyone was awakened by Wen Qing's slap in the face, they all felt that the president must have seen the beauty stupid.

The woman at the door walked into the room, walked to Wen Qing who was shocked, stroked his handsome cheek like a lover, and said softly that I finally found you!

Wen Qing hugged the woman abruptly, and said infatuated that it was so hard for you to think about it. There have been thousands of times in dreams like this, but she didn't expect it to come true.

This woman was Liu Ziyan, who had been awake at night and thought he had died on the lonely grave slope. He never thought that she would suddenly appear in front of him, and she was still alive.

Liu Ziyan looked at him tenderly and said that he would never be separated again and be together forever.

Wen Qing was in a good mood. He had forgotten the matter of dealing with Tongque Trading Company long ago, and waved his hand to tell the Hei Jiaren and the others to leave, leaving them alone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully glanced at Liu Ziyan. Fortunately, this beauty appeared, otherwise he would be dead today.

In the study, Wen Qing couldn't bear it anymore. The monkey anxiously began to tear Liu Ziyan's white dress. Liu Ziyan cooperated with him, and soon the two of them hugged each other. The reunion after a long absence was so difficult that both of them were crazy. , Asking for each other, exploring the mystery of the familiar but unfamiliar body.

After half an hour, the two of them calmed down their lovesickness and cuddled together neatly. Wen Qing looked at the picturesque Liu Ziyan and asked her how she spent this time and why didn’t she go to Wen’s house to find herself. But I know how hard it is to think, and I want to commit suicide several times.

Liu Ziyan smiled softly, saying that too many things had happened during this period and that she would never be separated anymore. She said that she had been rescued after the accident in Gufenpo, and that she had gained a great deal in the past six months. Qi Yu is now the ninth emperor of God, and will find Qin Fei to take revenge.

Wen Qing looked at her in surprise, Shenhuang Jiuzhong, what concept is this? It was so shocked, he felt incredible.

Seeing that he didn't believe him, Liu Ziyan smiled softly and gently released a trace of breath. Wen Qing rolled her eyes and died soon after the suppression on the spot, she quickly put it away, Wen Qing was dripping with cold sweat, and only then believed her words.

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