Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1411: Colorful sky hole!

He was so flustered, how could he not arouse Xue Ji’s alertness, when he heard that Liu's eyebrows raised, he let him walk away, and walked straight to the room. After a few steps, he heard the laughter of the girls in the room. This made Xue Ji's face full of anger.

She is not a fool. She immediately understood what was inside. She felt very wronged. She took off all her clothes in the temple. He fled without even looking at it, but he had fun with the girls in different palaces in Zhou. , What do you think of her?

She thought of the long wait and the bitter lovesickness, and finally waited for his return, but she did not expect that he would rather fool around with other women than understand his lovesickness, and her heart became more and more angry, and she speeded up her steps towards the door. Go.

Li Xiangtian and Zhou different from behind looked at each other, showing a tricky smile, quietly waiting for a good show.


Xue Ji kicked the door to pieces without hesitation, and stood angrily at the door, but her expression suddenly changed in the blink of an eye, revealing surprise and doubt.

Li Xiangtian and Zhou behind him were watching her reaction at different times. At this moment, they were all startled when they saw her suddenly change in expression. Why didn't she rush in and have a fight with Qin Fei?

Their purpose is very insidious. As long as Xue Ji and Qin Fei had a big quarrel, they would alienate Xue Ji and even punish her with the character of Emperor Qin before. Then she would be discouraged, and she would break off with Qin. The emperor's feelings, so that the two can take advantage of it.

But the imaginary explosion did not appear. Xue Ji just stood at the door, looking inside in surprise, as if she had seen something incredible.

The two also looked inward subconsciously, and at the same time they were shocked.

I saw Qin Fei in the room? It was those thirty girls who were playing games, laughing very happily.

Attempted arrest and rape!

But where did Qin Fei go? Zhou Different frowned. It was obvious that Qin Fei had been inside. Why did he disappear suddenly?

Xue Ji let out a long sigh of relief. Qin Fei was not inside, and things were not what she had imagined.

She turned her head to look at the stupid Zhou and said, "Where is my emperor?"

Zhou different reacted very quickly and hurriedly replied: "Queen, my subordinates don't know, they all said they are not here anymore."

Xue Ji said: "The guard clearly said he came to your palace, where will he go?"

"Haha, are you looking for the emperor? Oh, it's so lively here?" Qin Fei walked from the other side, smiled comfortably, and glanced at Zhou Different and Li Xiangtian with a smile, don't mean anything.

Seeing him, Xue Ji hurriedly greeted him and said, "The emperor, Commander Li said that there is something important to report, and is looking for you in a hurry. Where have you been?"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "Wandering around, the environment here is pretty good! By the way, what are they doing? Commander Zhou, you are not right! These women are you called to serve the emperor, but they refuse to spray the emperor and go everywhere. Take a look, introduce the local customs here, it really disappoints the emperor!"

When Xue Ji heard this, she immediately glared at Zhou. These girls were actually called by him to Qin Fei. What does it mean?

Zhou didn't sweat his waistcoat, and felt miserable. Seeing Xue Ji glaring at him, knowing that she had angered her, this was incredible. When she got angry, how could he get her love in the future?

He thought about it, got an idea, and hurriedly threw a plop and knelt in front of Qin Fei. Although he hated Qin Fei very much, he had to make a confession on his face, saying: "Your majesty, the queen, the subordinate. There is no way to discipline and teach, and the use of people is improper, so the subordinates will kill them now!"

Qin Fei shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Wouldn't they seem too cruel after cutting them? Let's forget it, let them not appear in front of the emperor in the future, but remember, not appearing does not mean that the emperor wants You killed them. If the emperor hears that they are dead, you should know the consequences?"

Zhou did not hurriedly nodded. These girls were trained by him with a lot of money. They would please men very much in bed. He originally wanted to keep them for himself. Fortunately, when he played with them, he imagined that he was Xue Ji, but these The girl had just passed the training, and before he could enjoy it in the future, Qin Fei suddenly appeared, so he wanted to let these girls serve Qin Fei in order to achieve his own conspiracy.

So of course he won't kill them, he will punish them severely in the future, so that they will not complete the task well.

He did not know that it was not that these girls did not follow his orders, but that his conspiracy was seen through by Qin Fei. As soon as Qin Fei saw these girls, he knew that things were definitely not easy, so he was not fooled at all, but I followed behind with my spiritual sense and heard the conversation between him and Li Xiangtian, so I used tricks to fascinate the girls with illusions, illusions, and tricks, so that they did not know that he had left, and then this scene appeared. .

Xue Ji is very dissatisfied with Zhou Dian now. This guy actually found a woman for His Majesty the Emperor. This matter must be investigated.

Li Xiangtian stayed motionless behind, and his attitude was nothing to do with him. He was happy in his heart. Although he and Zhou did not discuss the conspiracy, he could not blame himself. Seeing Xue Ji staring at Zhou Different from the fierce look in his eyes, he was very happy in his heart. The rivals seemed to be eliminated soon. Thinking about it, he felt very beautiful.

He was thinking very well. Xue Ji looked at him and said solemnly: "Commander Li, don't you have something to report to the emperor?"

He withdrew from the gods, hurriedly saw the gift, and then said: "Your Majesty, the subordinates do have important reports to report. According to reliable information, the Demon Race has recently sent the strongest master to enter Lengyue Peak in advance in seven days. If we don't If they decide whether to go or not, they will miss a good opportunity. Once they get the treasures in the colorful sky cave, their strength will increase greatly, which will be greatly detrimental to my human race."

Upon hearing this, Xue Ji stopped worrying about the previous things, and hurriedly looked at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei joked, knowing that this was a different conspiracy between Li Xiangtian and Zhou, and he didn't click to break it. After all, it was useless to break it. The news that Li Xiangtian said was indeed true.

He did not speak, but looked at Zhou differently.

According to the previous plan, Zhou Different hurriedly stated his position, saying: "Your Majesty, Queen, your subordinates have already decided to fully support going to the Colorful Sky Cave. You can't wait any longer!"

Xue Ji looked at him and said coldly, "Commander Zhou, haven't you been opposed to it before?"

"Your Majesty used to be afraid of my human danger, but now your Majesty, under His Majesty's mighty majesty, everything is no longer a problem! His Majesty is convinced that anything will be done with your Majesty!" Zhou said loudly. The appearance of following orders completely.

Seeing that he was so loyal to Qin Fei, Xue Ji's unhappiness faded a lot, nodded in satisfaction, looked at Qin Fei, and said, "My emperor, what do you think?"

Qin Fei had already thought about it. No matter what specific plans Zhou and Li Xiangtian had, they must go to this place. The purpose of this trip is to completely wipe out the demons. If the other party really gets it. The treasure inside and the strength increase greatly, that is a big trouble and must be prevented.

So he nodded in agreement on the spot.

Zhou different and Li Xiangtian hurried down to gather everyone to reconvene the meeting.

Those girls were still playing games in the room very happily. This illusion would last for a day, and Qin Fei didn’t bother to release it. He believed that they were happy. Xue Ji glanced in disgust, and returned to her palace with him, waiting for everyone. 's arrival

Half a quarter of an hour later, everyone arrived, and Qin Fei was not wordy, asking everyone to prepare to go to Leng Yuefeng.

This trip to Lengyue Peak will be a battle of life and death, so the most valuable is the essence and not too much. It is the best to be able to enter the colorful sky cave quietly, so I chose five hundred masters, except for all the gods in the temple. In addition, more than four hundred masters of Jiuzhong from Earth Zun were selected.

Seven days later, the Mozu entered the colorful sky cave, and now it is just right to set off in time.

In order to prevent the demons from invading the human world, Li Xiangtian and Zhou both suggested that Qin Fei and Xue Ji should go to only one person, and one should be left to guard Wushuang City.

Xue Ji naturally refused to let Qin Fei go on an adventure, and she had to do everything herself, but in the end, under the persuasion of everyone and Qin Fei's persistence, she stayed.

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