Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1415: Be surrounded!

Zhou different looked at him with a puzzled look, and said, "Brother Li, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Don't understand?" Li Xiangtian said with a dissatisfied face, and said coldly: "Zhou is different, we know that people don't talk secretly, what exactly is your conspiracy? Didn't we just say it before, and lead Qin Fei to the colorful sky cave? Then kill him? Why did you change your mind!"

Zhou different smiled bitterly: "Brother Li, it was not that I wanted to change his mind, but Qin Fei made the decision by himself. It was the devil who exposed everything, which made him change his mind instead of going to the sky cave. Go to the Devil’s Lair, I can’t blame it on me, I’m so wronged!"

"Wrong? Do you still want to lie to me? Then I ask you, if you really want to join forces with me to deal with him, you shouldn't tell the truth when you interrogated the demon. Why did you tell Qin Fei that there are no masters? I don't know if you are hiding it from him? What a good plan to go directly to Tiandong, it was broken for you, are you deliberate or stupid?" Li Xiangtian said angrily.

Zhou Different still smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Li, you have wronged me again. Under the circumstances, if I didn't tell the truth, if Qin Fei asked the demon himself and got different answers, would he doubt me? Can the plan still be successful? So can I not tell the truth? What would you do if it was you?"

Li Xiangtian thought for a while and felt that what he said was not unreasonable, so he stopped struggling with this issue, and continued to say: "Okay, we will not discuss this issue, then you receive his order to investigate the enemy's situation. You can always make a fuss about this, right? Why are you telling the truth? Just say that the demon’s confession is false, and the masters in the city are like clouds. We can’t ask for cheap here, and his plan won’t work. It's over? You foolishly said that there are no masters in demons. We can drive straight ahead. Isn't this an obvious plan of destruction?"

Zhou different smiled even more bitterly, and he looked aggrieved and said: "Brother Li, you blamed me again. I think the same as you. I want to frighten him deliberately, but there is no way, you I also know that there are a few Tianzun who went with me who are not on my side, but yours. If I lie, if they tell me, would I follow your way? Brother Li, of us. Don’t tell lies every time, you guard against me and I guard against you. This is what everyone knows. If I lie, you will definitely take this opportunity to deal with me, right?"

Li Xiangtian didn't hide it, nodded and said: "Of course, we are still rivals in love. Of course, I will not miss any opportunity to deal with you. If you lie about this matter, I will naturally write an article."

Zhoudi spread his palms and said, "Look, I'm right? So I can't make mistakes in this kind of thing. To be honest, I won't be calculated by you. You have to understand me!" Li Xiangtian thought for a while, his face relaxed a little, and said: "It seems that I didn't consider so many issues, so I blamed you!"

"Isn't it? You really blamed me. The agreement between us is valid. We will join hands to deal with Qin Fei. Then Xue Ji will see that we have our own abilities. Don't suspect me anymore, I All this is done for the agreement between us!" Zhou said differently.

"Well, I believe in you, then what should we do next? If the demons are destroyed, even if the cloud addicted demon clan is really finished, this kid Qin Fei deserves to be the reincarnation of Emperor Qin, his brain is too flexible, knowing that they will be destroyed first The old lair, and then surround the peak of the moon, and completely wipe out the Demon Race. This kind of wisdom is really rare, but once the Demon Race is gone, do we still have a chance to kill him? Wushuang World will be his world by then, and Xue Ji Hui will circle around him every day, we have no chance at all!" Li Xiangtian worried.

Zhou different smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Li, let’s tell you, I am also very confused now. The development of this matter is completely beyond our plan, but we dare not do anything. Xue Ji is coming soon. , We can't do anything in front of her, or you can come up with an idea!"

Li Xiangtian shook his head and said, "I've always been less resourceful than you. You can't think of it. I can't think of it anymore. Forget it, just take it one step at a time. Anyway, I won't give up until the last moment. Yes! I have loved her for millions of years, and I am absolutely unwilling to be taken away by that kid Qin Fei. There used to be Emperor Qin, I have no guilty heart, but since the death of Emperor Qin, I have been Waiting for the opportunity, this opportunity has been waiting for so many years, I can't just give up!"

Zhou different said with a depressed look: "Brother Li, I understand your feelings, so why am I not? Xue Ji is so beautiful, and getting her is a lifelong pursuit, and I will not give up, but you must remember, I will compete fairly with you and will not let you!"

"Okay! Let's do our best!" Li Xiangtian nodded and turned away.

After he left, Zhou did not move on the spot. After a while, a figure appeared beside him, a Seventh Heavenly Respect, saluting him respectfully, saying: "Commander, what should I do next?"

Zhou Different sneered, his eyes showed a cruel color, and he said coldly: "First, stop moving. I will tell you what to do when I get to the capital. This time I want to catch it all. Not only do I have to get Xue Ji, but also Wushuang World All rights!"

In the camp, Qin Fei withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and Li Xiangtian just walked from a distance. Seeing him proactively salute, Qin Fei and him exchanged a few words and left.

Looking at Li Xiangtian's back, Qin Fei showed a playful look on his face.

Ten days later, Xue Ji led an army of human races to arrive, with a full army of five million. After meeting with everyone, she marched towards the magic capital.

Stepping up the march along the way, when encountering the demons, they wiped them out with the power of destroying the dead. Five days later, they arrived outside the demons and surrounded the whole city.

A stern horn sounded on the city wall and spread throughout the city. News of the human attack spread throughout the city. The demons were shocked. A dense army of demons appeared on the wall. Qin Fei swept toward the city and found that there was no respect. There are only a few masters of font size, and even the Demon of the Real Consummation Realm, which is not a threat at all.

In this case, Xue Ji and other strong men also discovered at the same time, and immediately launched a general offensive, rushed into the city, and started a battle with the demons.

Under the huge disparity in power, the demons were no opponents at all. The demons were nearly ten million demons. They were wiped out in less than two days, and the human race achieved a huge victory.

The plan went smoothly. After a three-day rest, scouts were sent to Jingyue Peak to check. The news was that the Colorful Sky Hole was open. Most of the main forces of the Demon Race had already entered, and it was the Siege of Jingyue Peak. , The best time to catch turtles in the urn!

So the army pulled out and headed towards Jingyue Peak. The demons outside the peak fled around in panic. The human army soldiers approached the peak and saw the mysterious sky hole on the top of the peak with colorful rays of light.

"Destroy the entrance!" Xue Ji gave the order, and millions of troops swarmed towards the sky hole.

At this moment, suddenly countless demon shadows appeared from all directions of Jingyue Peak, and quickly encircled them, trapping the human army outside the colorful sky cave.

Qin Fei's eyes suddenly chilled, the demon army that appeared was powerful, and the lowest was the true perfection state. There were countless jewels of the heavens, all kinds of precious lights soaring into the sky, and the atmosphere of killing and killing filled the world.

The blood was overwhelming, and the murderous spirit went straight into the sky.

Xue Ji was shocked and said: "Oops, it's a trick! These demons didn't enter the sky cave, they are all here waiting to surround us!"

"Haha, smart humans, you guessed it so quickly, it's really good!" A demon stepped out of the crowd with a triumphant smile on his face, but this guy's appearance was not flattering, and he was headed down by four hands. Clamped, legs dangling straight up, how awkward it looks.

However, Qin Fei did not underestimate the other party, because the aura on the other party's body was very strong, reaching the eighth level of Heavenly Sovereign.

Looking around, the demon army is densely packed, the Tianzun master and the human race are about the same, the total number of the demon army is no less than five million, and it can completely compete with the human army.

It was in the plan. This demons clearly should have entered the Colorful Sky Hole at this time, but they all stayed outside, as if they were waiting for humans to enter the net.

It stands to reason that this shouldn't be. The Mozu attaches great importance to the Colorful Sky Hole. They should have gone into the treasure hunt a few days ago. Why did they stay here?

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