Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1461: Shuifeng!

The Great Sage raised Qin Fei in surprise, and said, "What's the matter?"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "Can't you see it? It's a trick! I didn't expect such a powerful existence behind the Beast King!"

At this time, the woman said, "It seems that there is still a sensible person, monkey head, now I give you two choices, either marry an old lady, then let your friends go, otherwise you will kill them one by one in your presence!

The Great Sage was furious, this woman not only looks ugly, but also has a dark heart. She is so cruel that she has such a difficult problem for him to choose.

The woman saw that he was not talking, she sneered and shot out with a force of strength, and bounced the Great Sage away, then she swept over to Qin Fei, grabbed Qin Fei, and said, "I can see that he is your best friend. , Just start with him!"

She began to count and killed Qin Fei when she said that the ten great sages did not make a choice.

Qin Fei would not wait to be killed, but with a thought, he let out life and death and emptiness, ready to stop the woman.

But a tragic scene appeared, and the influence of living and dying was useless to the woman.

The woman looked at coexistence and death with disdain, and said: "Yo drink, you are lucky, you can get this pet, it's a pity, it's useless to my mother, because my mother is not a human!"

Qin Fei looked at her in surprise, what is it?

The woman seemed to sneer in order to show off in front of everyone, her body was covered by a burst of blue light, and then she turned into a blue phoenix that was about to fly.

Chongshan exclaimed: "She is actually Shuifeng! The legendary Colorful Sky Cave is second only to Shuifeng who is the Lord of Light!"

Shui Feng spit out a human voice, and said, "Stop the ink! I have counted to five, and still haven't made a choice?"

The Great Sage sighed helplessly, asking him to marry this Shuifeng, it was really difficult, but if he didn’t marry Qin Fei, he would have to die first. He had to make a choice against his will and said: "Well, my grandson will Break the ring and marry you!"

Shui Feng smiled triumphantly: "Haha, I don't have to bother to say this earlier! Okay, I know you don't like my ugly appearance, but this is what I really mean!"

When the words fell, Shui Feng's huge body disappeared, and there appeared a young woman who was as beautiful as Xue Ji, dressed in a blue skirt, with a hot body, charming posture, and amorous feelings.

Everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, and was a little attracted by her beauty. They couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and they couldn't help but pounce on Fa-rectification right away.

The great sage obviously couldn't react. The ugly woman who was so ugly just now turned into a beauty that can make thousands of men crazy. The contrast is too sharp.

"How about? I'm pretty? Marrying me won't wrong you, will I?" The woman swayed her charming waist and walked to the Great Sage with a gentle smile.

The Great Sage nodded and said: "Don't be wronged, my grandson said that if I marry you, I will marry you. In fact, even the ugly appearance just now looks good!"

Shui Feng smiled, and the two groups in front of his chest showed nearly half of the snow white and jumped up suddenly, saying: "You can really talk, I believe you! Then let's start the ceremony of husband and wife now!"

This woman can't wait.

The Great Sage said gratifyingly: "Not for the time being. What if you still want to kill my friends if my grandson marries you? So you let them go first, and my grandson will give you a husband and wife gift!"

Shui Feng smiled and said, "No problem, these are all trivial things! But you don't want them to witness your and my grand gift with their own eyes?"


The Great Sage looked at her in surprise, this woman is actually going to salute in front of everyone, is it really absurd?

Seeing that he had misunderstood his meaning, Shui Feng said: "I meant to let them watch us hold the wedding, but I didn't say to do that kind of secretive thing!"

The Great Sage was relieved and said: "No, it will become a reality as soon as the wedding is held. If you kill them again, won't my grandson be too busy?"

Shui Feng said: "It is very difficult for me to do this. If you let them go, but you regret it, what should I do?"

The Great Sage glared, and said, "My old grandson speaks for words, how can I speak without faith?"

Shui Feng sneered: "I don't believe it!"

Dasheng said angrily: "Then my grandson will die with them! I won't marry you!"

After finishing speaking, he walked to Qin Fei's side, Qin Fei was very touched. The Great Sage is really not too beautiful. Facing such a beautiful woman like Shui Feng, it is really rare to be able to be invisible and forget righteousness.


Shui Feng looked embarrassed, and finally chose to compromise, saying: "Okay, I will let them go, you go!"

Immediately she relieved her restraint on Qin Fei and others. Qin Fei stood up and said to the Great Sage: "Great Sage, I will wrong you this time!"

The Great Sage split his mouth and said, "Brother, it's okay!"

Shui Feng seemed to be unable to wait, and urged: "Don't be wordy, go quickly, otherwise I will change my mind!"

Qin Fei smiled and looked at her, and said, "There is still one thing to do, I have to take away the broken stone!"

He pointed to the stone road not far behind Shui Feng.

Shui Feng glanced at him and said, "How can I give you the last half of the Shan Hai Jing? Hurry up!"

Qin Fei curled his lips, looked at the Great Sage, and said, "The Great Sage, if she doesn't give me the slate, I will not leave. I won't bother you to marry her, right?"

The Great Sage said: "Don't bother, because you haven't left, I won't marry her!"

When Shuifeng saw them singing and singing together, wouldn't he understand what it meant, didn't he just want to use it as a threat?

She gave the Great Sage a helpless look, waved her hand, and the slate flew to Qin Fei. She said, "Take it! Let's go!"

Qin Fei took the slate and quickly merged the words. All the words of the mountain and sea scriptures in his body were immediately combined to form a exercise method that automatically operated in Qin Fei. Qin Fei's eyes were bright and he split his mouth and said, "We still No longer, Shuifeng, right? Do you think you can still threaten the Great Sage now?"

Shui Feng was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"It means we are not afraid of you anymore!" Qin Fei split his mouth and smiled, his aura suddenly climbed, and a gust of weather swept through the world, shocking the sky to change, his realm was rapidly breaking through, and he reached the Supreme Realm Triple Level in the blink of an eye. The Shan Hai Jing formed a terrifying coercion, and when he came to this world, Shui Feng's expression was startled, and he paled in shock and said: "Damn, I have been fooled by you, and you have gathered Shan Hai Jing!"

When the words were over, she turned around and fled, turned into a water phoenix, stirred up the water peaks all over the sky, and rushed away with her wings spread out in the distance, looking very embarrassed.

At the same time, the strange beast king rushed to Qin Fei, intending to delay time.

Qin Fei was about to launch a counterattack. Suddenly, a brilliant masterpiece, the water phoenix in the distance was illuminated by a golden light, and fell to the ground with a pale face. There was a pleasing piano sound in the sky, like beads falling on a jade plate, clear and beautiful, accompanied by bursts of singing. , There were boundless spots of light in the sky, gathered in one place, and a group of golden light like the scorching sun appeared. A stalwart figure was looming in it, and a vast and sacred breath radiated out, like the **** of creation. Coming to the world.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror. The coercion emitted by the figure in the light group, even a master like Chongshan, gave birth to the impulse to surrender and worship from the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Fei looked at the figure, secretly saying that this person must be the master of the colorful sky cave, the light master!

"Your performance is very good! Especially you, Qin Fei, completed my test of you so quickly. It seems that you are indeed the person who has the most hope to break the imprisonment of the prehistoric world. Everyone else will return to their original positions! Qin Fei Stay with the Great Sage!" Guangzhu uttered, and as soon as his voice fell, Chongshan and others disappeared, while Shuifeng knelt on the ground and shivered.

Qin Fei and Dasheng's bodies flew automatically, surrounded by golden light, and flew to the side of the light group. The Lord Guangzhu looked at the kneeling Shuifeng on the ground, sighed, and said: "You are my pet, but you are thinking If you want to get rid of my control, you are smart, and you know the way to get rid of me, but do you really think that you can get out of it successfully by paying the gift of husband and wife? Here is my world, everything is up to me, I have There are thousands of ways you can stay here forever!"

Shuifeng tremblingly said, "Master, Xiaofeng dare not!"

"If you dare not, I will spare you this time, and manage the alien beast forest. Don't think about crooked ways! When I return to the original world, I will release you back to the Seven Phoenix Heaven Realm! Give you freedom. Body!" Guangzhu Road.

Shui Feng showed ecstasy when he heard the words, and hurriedly kowtowed his head and thanked him: "Thank you Guangzhu for your great kindness!"

As soon as Guangzhu waved, Qin Fei and Dasheng only felt a flower in front of them, and then they appeared in a huge space full of golden light.

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