Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1471: Han Ye is playing tricks!

The mistress did not understand her approach, and asked why she didn't wait for the finals to go to the end before contacting the best people.

Han Ye glanced at her and said ignorant! At the end, the remaining people will have their confidence swelled. Even if they don’t win the first place, their worth will double. If they can’t be the new emperor, they will be able to have a powerful position in the DPRK. They will definitely pay a higher price. It is better to find them now. Now the result is uncertain, and no one knows who will fight to the end. These people are actually very emboldened.

This is called sending carbon in the snow. They will definitely be very excited about the conditions they offer, and pay a small price to get the most benefit. Waiting until the end is the icing on the cake. People want it or not. Even if they are intentional, the price they pay must be something they cannot bear.

The maiden surrendered her heart, saying that she was still strategizing and no one could reach.

Han Ye smiled triumphantly and told her to go down and prepare.

Shortly after the mistress went down, Han Ye slapped her hands, and a pretty figure walked out of the apse, her clone.

Leaving the avatar staying in the hall, she turned into a light smoke, floated out of the hall door, and disappeared into the world in the blink of an eye.

Inside Qin Fei’s palace, he sneered, Han Ye’s every move and every move couldn’t escape his divine consciousness. This Han Ye really didn’t give up. He wanted to make a fuss about the contestants. It’s a long life, but this Fortunately, he happened to borrow Han Ye to thoroughly understand these contestants.

The divine consciousness continued to follow the light smoke that the cold leaves turned, and saw the light smoke fly out of the palace gate and stopped in an alley where the maiden was already respectfully waiting for her.

Han Ye showed up and asked the wife if she had everything ready?

The wife said that everything was ready, but who should start first?

The people who came to the competition were scattered throughout the imperial capital, and only gathered together in the finals five days later.

Han Ye said to choose the nearest one, who is the nearest?

The wife said that there were three contestants living in the inn three miles away, one named Fangyuan, one named Kuishan, and one named Botian.

Han Ye said to find them first, and then came to the inn with the wife, who knocked on one of the doors.

Soon a deep voice came from the room, asking who was knocking on the door?

The maiden said that the empress empress came to the contestants on the order of the new emperor, and asked if the house lived in Fangyuan?

The room answered yes, and then opened the door. A middle-sized young man stood behind the door and glanced at Han Ye and the maiden, showing a stunning expression. Obviously he did not expect to see such a beautiful woman.

Han Ye Fang Yuan's reaction was very satisfied, peachy eyes smiled, watery as if he could talk.

Fang Yuan reacted after walking for a while, and hurriedly saluted: "In the lower circle, I have seen the queen empress!"

Han Ye was wearing a phoenix robe, and she could confirm her true identity at a glance. Fang Yuan was originally a genius in a small city, had she ever seen such a beautiful woman? Especially the other party's distinguished status, and he was flattered and hurriedly welcomed the cold into the house.

The mistress also followed in and closed the door smoothly.

Han Ye looked at Fangyuan and praised: "What a spiritual talent! I won't go around with you anymore. I think you all know that the reason why the new emperor held this competition is to select the person to succeed to the throne. He attaches great importance to it. Now I am here to understand your situation and see what your thoughts are, whether you are really fighting for the people of the world or for your own selfish desires!"

Fang Yuan immediately replied: "If you return to your mother, I am willing to dedicate everything to the people of the world!"

Han Ye smiled and nodded, saying that it is very good, but this situation is a bit special, because your majesty said that this time only one person can be selected to be the new emperor, but everyone must be the people of the world. They all have such ambitions, and it is really difficult to choose, so you have to make your own decision. Since you say that you are willing to give everything for the people of the world, then you should abandon your cultivation and leave the opportunity to others.

Fang Yuan was shocked and said why?

Han Ye smiled and said, didn't you say for the people of the world? If you don't leave the opportunity to others, how can you be the people of the world? If you can't even do this, how can you serve the people?

Fang Yuan was completely confused. What kind of contest is this? He actually asked himself to abolish his cultivation, but he couldn't do it.

Han Ye's face turned gloomy and his tone was very unhappy, saying that you seem to be talking gibberish, and you have no intention of making sacrifices for the people of the world, then you have been eliminated!

Fang Yuan was anxious, the secret path was not good, and he was about to intercede, suddenly Han Ye’s words changed. Actually, I also understand your difficulties. I also argued with your majesty about self-defeating cultivation. It’s too unreasonable, but your majesty just doesn’t. Listen, just insist on it, so, anyway, he has the full power to handle this matter to me, and it is not without a turn. If I say, he will still listen.

When Fang Yuan heard it, she suddenly felt that there was a play, and hurriedly asked her for advice.

Han Ye smiled and said that it was okay to teach, but he would only help his own people, unless Fang Yuan swore allegiance to him, he would also listen to himself as an emperor in the future.

Fang Yuan hesitated, he understood, this Han Ye was clearly here to threaten him, and what he said just now was to blame himself.

He suddenly remembered something. The rumors about the new emperor's ascension to the throne had long been circulated in the world. This Hanye Queen was already an empty frame and had no real power at all. How could she have said these words by the new emperor's will? She must have made it up randomly.

Thinking of this, he looked cold, no longer respectful, and said coldly that the empress was kindly accepted, but please come back, I will stick to the finals.

Han Ye had long guessed that Fang Yuan would react like this, and sneered: "Do you think you are qualified to reject me? Your little earthly dare to disobey my meaning, if you swear allegiance to me today, be forgiving. If you don’t die, today next year will be your anniversary!"

Fang Yuan proudly said: "If the empress wants to kill me, just do it. Although Fang is not talented, she is not a person who is waiting to be killed! But although I am the respected earth, although it is impossible to hurt you, if I call for help, you Even if you kill me, it's not easy to explain to the new emperor, right?"

Seeing him so stubborn, Han Ye rolled his eyebrows, his face was instantly filled with a coquettish smile, and said: "I am teasing you, so why am I willing to kill you? Well, we know that people don't talk secretly, if you agree Loyal to me, I will find a way to get you the throne, then I can also be your queen, what do you think?"

Fang Yuan had a meal, looked at her doubtfully, and said: "Do you have a way to make me succeed in winning the throne?"

Han Ye smiled confidently and said: "Of course! You know that the previous new emperor was the throne with my help. The situation at that time was much more complicated than it is now. I can do it easily, and this This time was just a martial arts competition, and it was no difficulty at that time! If you refuse, I will not force it. I will find someone else now, but don’t blame me for not giving you a chance then!”

After speaking, she greeted the mistress to go out.

Fang Yuan's heart moved. He can win both the throne and the charming woman in front of him. It is Hongfu Qitian. He should accept this condition because he knows very well that with his own strength, I am afraid that the first chance is It's extremely slim, it's better to give it a try, maybe there is a chance, anyway, even if you promise her, you won't suffer.

Thinking of this, he immediately said, "Niang Niang, please stay for a while, I promise you that!"

Han Yejiao laughed: "Haha, you are welcome to join! Let's take the oath now!"

Fang Yuan had already made a decision and would not hesitate anymore. He immediately swore allegiance to him. Han Ye waited for him to take the oath and winked at the lady envoy. She took out an elixir from the ring, Han Ye took it, and passed it. To Fangyuan, said: "This is a five-fold pill of respect for the earth, which can help you break through to the five-fold!"

Fang Yuan glanced at the pill, showing hesitation, and finally gritted his teeth and took it and swallowed it. Han Yejiao smiled and said, "You are very sensible, and I am very satisfied. This pill shows the blood mystery contract of the Qin family. Now that you have accepted it, you should know the consequences of betraying me?"

Fang Yuan has no way to go back at this time, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I understand completely!"

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